Sidespace (13 page)

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Authors: G. S. Jennsen

Tags: #Space Colonization, #scifi, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #sci-fi space opera, #Sci-fi, #space fleets, #Space Warfare, #space adventure, #Science Fiction - High Tech, #Spaceships, #SciFi-Futuristic Romance, #Science Fiction, #Scif-fi, #Science Fiction - Space Opera, #Science Fiction/Fantasy, #space travel, #space fleet, #Science Fiction And Fantasy, #science fiction romance, #Science Fiction - Adventure, #Science Fiction - General, #Space Exploration, #Space Opera, #science fiction series, #Space Ships, #scifi romance, #science-fiction, #Sci Fi, #Sci-Fi Romance

BOOK: Sidespace
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We’ll make a new home, Mia. Wherever we want.

You’re right, Meno. We will.

“Devon, are you here?”

“No. You, uh, didn’t tell me the address.”

“Right. Sorry. What if I want to go someplace that doesn’t have an address?”

“Like an unsettled planet? We can access the Galactic Coordinate System, so you need to ‘find’ it on the map.”

Hmm. New Orient had an interesting moon, or so she recalled from her childhood. It had resembled dimpled pistachio pudding to her child’s eyes, though she now knew the color was due to an olivine-rich basalt surface. A thought and Meno found its location—then she was there.

Panic tugged at the rational part of her brain, which didn’t want to accept the fact that she didn’t need to breathe. There was no atmosphere, and she was protected by no environment suit. But her body was in the sim room; only her consciousness was here hovering above the surface of the little green moon.

The silhouette of New Orient rotated above her, instantly spoiling the moment. God how she’d hated it there.


A blink and she was standing in the sim room once more. Devon stood beside her. “Good job getting yourself back here.”

Standing in the empty, blank room, the ramifications came rushing to the forefront. “Devon, does anyone other than you, Morgan and Alex know about this?”

“Nope. Abigail suspects we’re experimenting with something, but we told her it was just a trippy new virtual space.”

“Well, we can’t let anyone find out. This is dangerous in any hands, but especially in a government’s hands.”

He nodded firmly. “Yep.”

“Is this a Prevo thing, or have Artificials always been able to do this?”

“I think it never occurred to them to do it. They’re not visual creatures—they don’t experience their lives through what they can see, not the way we do.”

‘That is a good theory, Devon, but it is incorrect.’

“Oh, Annie?”

‘The reason you are able to traverse this space is because your consciousness exists—it is a thing unto itself. Congratulations. Your mind is not the electrical impulses of your brain. Mine, however, is—or it was before it joined with yours.’

“So Vii can’t access it? I know we haven’t invited her, because she’s not a Prevo and might tattle on us to Abigail, but she really can’t do it?”

‘That is my suspicion.’

‘Vii,’ Mia had learned soon after awakening, was a clone of Valkyrie created for Dr. Canivon’s use before Caleb, Alex and Valkyrie had left to investigate the portal space. Vii had also played a large role in Mia’s recovery, for which she was grateful—but they were getting sidetracked from the far more important issue.

She cut Devon off before he could delve deeper into the weeds. “So we’ve answered one of the last remaining philosophical questions of humanity’s existence? Nice. We still can’t tell anyone.” She held her hands out and rotated them side to side. “Why didn’t my body collapse to the floor while I was ‘gone?’ ”

“Part of your consciousness stays behind—which is why, with practice, you can be in two places at once.”


“I want you to go to Seneca and work for Director Delavasi.”

Richard stared at Miriam in naked disbelief. A fair reaction, she had to concede. Upon joining him at the table she’d wasted no time in getting to the point; the appetizers hadn’t even been delivered yet.

She’d done everything humanly possible for him in the last eighteen hours, after she’d learned what had transpired with the Ethics Council. They hadn’t consulted her on the matter. Strange that as the leader of the Alliance military, no one seemed to consult with her about much of anything these days.

She’d coerced the Ethics Council Chairman into allowing Richard to voluntarily resign and receive an honorary discharge, with the charges relegated to a hopefully forever-sealed disciplinary file. All things considered, it was a rather big win on her part.

But all the efforts in the galaxy could not salvage his job, and had come dangerously close to threatening hers. She’d steadfastly denied knowledge of Will Sutton’s ‘allegiance,’ and her colleagues had appeared to accept her denials, though perhaps only to avoid being forced to argue with her any further. She wasn’t ashamed—but any admission of knowledge on her part would’ve demolished her credibility in an instant, and with it her ability to help Richard.

“I don’t…did you say you
me to go to Seneca?”

She gave him a compassionate smile as the appetizers did at last arrive. It was a late lunch, but he was still visibly hung over, something for which she was sympathetic.

“I did. It’s like this. I was in London yesterday being grilled by the Military Oversight Committee for six solid hours. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but among other things, I came away with the distinct impression that the Committee, and likely other factions in the Assembly, are not content to let the unbridled peace with Seneca continue.

“They’ve become complacent with the political situation and are ready and willing to squander the opportunity this peace provides. They’re girding up for a new fight—for no reason other than conflict increases their authority. Given that reality, if our official relations with Seneca deteriorate I could use someone on the ground there. I could use an inside channel into their seat of power.”

He regarded her with the frankness of painful sobriety. “You
an inside channel into their seat of power—you have Field Marshal Gianno’s personal comm address. You want a spy.”

“I want to make the best of both my and your situations. I fear….” she paused as he grimaced and took a wary sip of water. “Richard, for goodness’ sake, get your eVi to run a cleansing routine so you can feel better.”

“I did.”

“Oh….” How much had he drunk last night? But it wasn’t as if she hadn’t expected him to take the disciplinary action about as well as a hard uppercut to the chin. “As I was saying, I fear there’s a possibility I will lose effective if not official control in the coming months, and if this happens I need every avenue open to me. Yes, I can talk to Eleni—” she ignored Richard’s raised eyebrow “—but she is beholden to her government as much as I am to mine, and there may come a point where she can no longer be completely truthful with me.

“In all honesty, that point may have already come. I need someone on the scene, yes, on the
, who can tell me what the Senecans are thinking so I can avert another goddamn war if necessary.”

It wasn’t like her to curse, but the last year had changed everything. David would be laughing at her, if in delight…

…she only realized she was drifting off when Richard started laughing himself. She cleared her throat. “Sorry. I was—”

“—thinking of David. I know. He’d be cackling uproariously at you cursing so.”

She allowed herself to be wistful for the briefest interval. “Yes, he would be. But he isn’t here, is he? So it’s left to us—to you and I, honestly—to keep this ship afloat, despite all its attempts to sink itself. Richard, I tried to get you your job back, I really did, because you don’t deserve this. The bitter irony is you and Will saved everyone, or at the very least put us in a position where we were able to bumble through and save ourselves, but the bureaucrats are too power-hungry to ever recognize the gift they were handed. So we must…soldier on, and save them from themselves.”

Richard shook his head as he dove into the carbohydrates provided by the baked potato skins. “Do you genuinely think we might end up in another war with the Federation? Even saying it aloud sounds ridiculous.”

“Because it is ridiculous—but I’ve learned the hard way, that is an obstacle which can be overcome.”

“Do you have any idea what you’re asking of me?”

“Not very much, actually.”

His fork clattered onto the plate. “Excuse me?”

“You’re friends with Director Delavasi. As different as the two of you are, you naturally hit it off—don’t try to deny it. And however much Will may have constructed a life here, Seneca is his home. And you want to be with him.”

“When did you get so damn insightful?”

She chuckled lightly. “Alex—accepting her, making an effort to understand her—made me realize I could benefit from stepping outside my own head once in a while.”

He had retrieved his fork, but now his hand paused midair. “You think she’s all right?”

“Yes. Somehow she always is, isn’t she?”

“All the more so with Caleb there beside her. He’d give his life for her, you know.”

“Let’s hope he doesn’t have to. I never want her to suffer through that kind of loss.”
The kind of loss I suffered
went unsaid as self-evident. “So you’ll do it, then?”

His eyes closed as his chin dropped. Eventually, he nodded.




the projectile chamber beneath the lower hull of the ship. At less than a meter in length it quickly disappeared from visual sight. The radar tracked it as it adopted its programmed position at thirty-two megameters altitude and in line with eight of its brethren now in high orbit above planet XX-53b, or as it had been provisionally named, Itero.

The Evanec displayed when the beacon the buoy carried began transmitting its message to all comers:

Planetary Body of Stellar System XX-53
Earth Alliance
Stage One Colonization Preparation In Process. Access Restricted to Authorized Personnel Only. Direct Any Inquiries to the Administration Office of the Earth Alliance Extra-Solar Development Ministry.

Itero was a small garden world, a little low on gravity but otherwise perfect for habitation—arguably the best candidate discovered in the last ten years.

Captain Jara checked the buoy off his list. “Operational status confirmed. Proceed ten megameters ahead for placement of the next buoy.”

“Yes, sir.” The helmsman accelerated along the curve of the planet, and Jara settled back to wait.

This was the easy part of establishing a new colony; until the colonists showed up, all the processes were rote and routine. Every step of every phase had been formalized and documented with the safety of all involved the paramount consideration.

New worlds, even those most compatible with human life, were dangerous at first for myriad reasons, plus the unknown factors unique to each system. This one had passed the preliminary surveys with flying colors, but there were still a number of hurdles—

“Captain, I’m picking up two approaching craft, dead ahead on our trajectory.”

Jara frowned. “Do we have a visual yet?”

“No, sir.” They both squinted as Itero’s sun crested the planet’s profile. “Sensors have them at a 34.2 megameter altitude on a counter-orbital path.”

A mirrored traversal to their own—it would bring them into direct contact soon enough. “Increase power to defensive shields and attempt to hail them.”

“They’re hailing us, sir.”

“This is Senecan Federation Civil Development Team SFC-D81. Identify yourselves.”

He took control of the Evanec.
“Earth Alliance NE Command Engineering Regiment, Captain Jara speaking. This planet is under Earth Alliance jurisdiction and undergoing Stage One Colonization Preparation. State your purpose.”

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken, Captain. This planet has been designated a protectorate of the Senecan Federation.”

The pilot called up a new HUD screen. “Sir, I am picking up a signal from a beacon six megameters distant, beyond the vessels. It’s transmitting a Federation jurisdiction notice.”

“Well, shit.” He didn’t relish kicking off a diplomatic incident, but he did have his orders.

“Negative, SFC-D81. Extra-Solar Development instituted jurisdiction ten days ago, and we’ve got nine buoys behind us to prove it. Take it up with your superiors, but I must instruct you to depart the system.”

The reply was several seconds in coming.
“I don’t know what some file back on Earth says, but this planet is Senecan Federation property. Cease further placement of buoys and deactivate those previously placed.”

He wasn’t going to be bullied by a hot-headed Senecan civie, diplomatic incident or no. “Move into range of their closest buoy and destroy it. Tell our wingman to hang back and keep a bead on these guys.”

A second ship accompanied them on the mission. In the absence of problems it conducted scientific surveys and collected additional data on the planet to be passed on to the analysts at Extra-Solar Development. If problems did arise, it was able to serve as a rescue craft or provide additional firepower. Neither vessel was heavily armed, but together they could inflict substantial damage.

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