Side Effects (33 page)

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Authors: Michael Palmer

Tags: #Fiction, #Suspense, #Mystery, #Mystery & Detective - General, #Fiction - Espionage, #Thriller, #Medical

BOOK: Side Effects
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"Sounds fine. I'll make certain the side door to the Omnicenter is left open."

"That won't be necessary, Dr. Zimmermann. Paquette has keys."

"All right, then, seven o'clock ... Was there something else?"

"As a matter of fact, Dr. Zimmermann, there is. It's this whole business with the Omnicenter and that pathologist.


"You mean Bennett?"

"She has proven a very resilient young woman. Do you believe she was convinced by her conversation with our man at the Ashburton Foundation?"

"No. Not completely. She said she was going to continue investigating. The woman currently hospitalized here with complications from Estronate treatment is a close friend of hers."

"I see. You know, Doctor, none of this would have happened if you and your father hadn't conducted your work so recklessly and independently." His voice had a chilling edge. "Don't you feel a responsibility to this company for what you have done?"


"If we are to have a partnership, I should like to know that the millions I have spent on the Omnicenter will not be lost because we were unable to neutralize one woman."

"But she has been neutralized. A serious mistake on a pathology specimen. She's been put on leave by her department head. Isn't that enough to discredit her?"

"I am no longer speaking of discrediting her, my friend. I am speaking of stopping her. You heard my conversation with your father. You know the importance of keeping Estronate a secret. It has been bad enough that Dr. Bennett is threatening, by her doggedness, to bring the Omnicenter tumbling down about our ears. If she uncovers Estronate, we stand to lose much, much more."

"I'll see to it that won't happen."

"Excellent. But remember, I don't handle disappointment well. Until tomorrow, then, Doctor."

"Yes, tomorrow."

William Zimmermann made a final inspection of the house, taking pains to wipe off anything he had
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The precaution was, in all likelihood, unnecessary. The houseboy was due in at eight in the morning, and the death he would discover upstairs would certainly appear due to natural causes. As he slipped out the back door of his father's house, a fortune in notebooks and computer printouts under his arm, Zimmermann was thinking about Kate Bennett.

The nightmare was a juggernaut, more pervasive, more oppressive it seemed with each passing hour. Its setting had changed from the clutter of her office to the deep-piled, fire-warmed opulence of Win Samuels's study, but for Kate Bennett, the change meant only more confusion, more humiliation, more doubt.

/ know what it looks like. I know what it sounds like.

Knt it isn't true ... I don't know who did it ... I don't know ... Dammit all, I just don't know. Jared's return earlier in the evening had started on a positive note--an emotional hug and their first kiss in nearly a week. For a time, as they weaved their way through the crowds to the baggage area, he seemed unable to keep his hands or his lips off her. It seemed he was reveling in the freedom of at last truly acknowledging his love for her. / accept you, regardless of what you are involved in, regardless of what the impact might be on me.

I accept you because I believe in you. I accept you because I love you. But as she shared her nightmare with him, she could feel him pulling back, sense his enthusiasm erode. It showed first in his eyes, then in his voice, and finally in his touch. He was trying, Kate knew, perhaps even trying his best. But she also knew that confusion and doubt were taking their toll. Why would a company as large as Redding Pharmaceuticals do the things of which she was accusing them? The Ashburton Foundation had an impeccable reputation. What evidence was there that they were frauds?

Why would anyone do something as horrible as switching biopsies? How did they do it? Weren't there any records of the tests she had run at the state lab? How did the letter about Bobby Geary fit in with all this?

/ know what it looks like. I know what it sounds like.

But it isn't true.

With each why, with each / don't know, Kate felt Jared drifting farther and farther into her nightmare. By the time the subject of his father and sister came up, she was feeling isolated, as stifled as before, perhaps more so.

They were nearly halfway home to Essex.

"That is absolutely incredible," Jared had said, swinging sharply into the breakdown lane and jamming to a stop. "I ... I don't believe it." It was the first time since his return that he had said those words. "After all these years, why wouldn't he tell me my sister was alive?"

"I don't know." The phrase reverberated in her mind.

"Perhaps he was trying to spare you the ugliness."

"That makes no sense. You say he took you to this institution to convince you to turn down the position at Metro and concentrate on having babies?" "That's what he said." Jared shook his head. "Let me be sure I have this straight. My father, who has never communicated all that well with my wife to begin with, sends me out of town so that he can take her to an institution in the middle of nowhere and introduce her to the sister he had led me to believe died thirty-odd years ago. Does that make sense to you?" "Jared," she said, her voice beginning to quaver, "nothing has made sense to me for days. All I can do is tell the truth." "Well, if that's the case," he said finally, "I think I'd like to find out first hand why my father has been holding out on me."

"Couldn't we at least wait until--"

"No! I can't think of a damn thing to do about Bobby Geary or the Omnicenter or the Ashburton Foundation or the runaway technician or the goddamn breast biopsies, but I sure as hell can do something about my father."

Without waiting for a reply, he had swung off and under the highway and had screeched back onto the southbound lane, headed for Boston.

Now, in the uncomfortably warm study, Kate sat by a hundred-and-thirty-year-old leaded glass window,
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watching the fairyland Christmas lights of Louisburg Square and listening to her husband and her father-in-law argue over whether she was a liar, a woman in desperate need of professional help, or some combination of the two. Jared, in all fairness, was doing his best to give her the benefit of the doubt, but it had, purely and simply, come down to her word against his father's. When taken with the other issues, the other confusions she had regaled him with since his landing at Logan, it was not hard to understand why he was having difficulty taking her side.

"Once again, Jared," Win Samuels said with authoritative calm, "we dined together--Jocelyn's special duck.

After dinner we talked. Then we went for a long drive in the country. I hadn't been out of the house all day and was getting a severe case of cabin fever. We did stop at the Stonefield School; I'm on the board of trustees there. But I assure you, Son, our visit was quite spur of the moment. We were only a few miles from the school when I remembered a set of papers in the back seat that I was planning on mailing off tomorrow to Gus Leggatt, the school administrator. While we were there, we did look in on some of the children. Largely because of our visit, on the way home I was able to share my fears with Kate about what happens to the rate of birth defects in children of older mothers. Kate explained the advances in amniocente sis to me; facts, I mi ght add, that I found quite reassuring. I mentioned your sister, certainly, but I never implied she was alive. I'm sorry, Jared. And I am sorry for you, too, Kate." He looked at her levelly. "You've been under a great deal of pressure. Perhaps ... a rest, some time off." Time off. Kate sighed. Winfield had no way of knowing Stan Willoughby had already seen to that. She rose slowly, and crossed to Jared. "Stonefield School is listed in information," she said wearily. "Broderick, Massachusetts.

If the snow doesn't get any worse, I can drive us there in forty-five minutes to an hour. That should settle this once and for all."

"Do you want to come with us, Dad?" Jared asked.

"There is no reason to go anyplace," Win Samuels said simply. "Kate, Jared's sister had severe birth defects and died exactly when he thinks she did, thirty years ago.

Perhaps you had a dream of some sort. Strands of fantasy woven into reality. It happens, especially when one has been under an inordinate amount of stress such as you--"

"It is not stress! It is not stress, it is not a dream, it is not the desperate lie of a desperate woman, it is not

... insanity." She confronted him, her eyes locked on his.

Samuels held his ground, his face an expressionless mask. "It is the truth. The truth! I don't know why you are doing this, I don't know what you hope to accomplish. But I do know one thing. I'm not going to break. You manipulate the people in your life like they were pieces on some some enormous game board. Jocelyn to king's knight four, Jared to queen three. Not your turn? Well you'll just throw in a few thousand dollars and make it your turn."

Samuels moved to speak, but Kate stopped him with raised hands. "I'm not through. I want to tell you something, Win. You've underestimated me. Badly. I've made it through a childhood of total loneliness, an education of total aimlessness, and a marriage to an alcoholic madman who insisted on picking out my pantyhose for me. I've survived and grown in a profession where I am patronized, and discriminated against. I've dealt with men who couldn't bring their eyes, let along their minds, above my breasts. I've dealt with them and I've succeeded.

"It's been hard. At times, it's been downright horrible.

But for the last five years, I've had a secret weapon. He's right there, Win. Right over there." She nodded toward Jared. "When I forget that I'm okay, he reminds me.

When I have to face the Norton Reeses and the Arlen Paquettes and, yes, the Winfield Samuelses of this world, he gives me strength. I love him and I have faith in him.

Sooner or later, he's going to see the way you toy with the lives of those around you. Sooner or later, you'll go to move him, and he won't be there." "Are you done?" Samuels said.

"Yes, I'm done. And I don't want to hear any more from you unless it's an apology and the truth about the other night. How could you think I wouldn't tell Jared?

How could you think I wouldn't remember where we went, what we did? Please, Jared, let's get going.
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It's late, and we have quite a drive ahead of us."

At that moment, there was a noise, the clearing of a throat, from the doorway. The three of them turned to the sound. Jocelyn Trent stood holding a silver tray with coffee and tea.

"How long have you been there?" Samuels demanded.

The woman did not answer. "Well?"

She hesitated; then she set the tray on the nearest table and ran from the room.

"Stonefield School," Kate said. "See, I told you I could find it. Only two wrong turns." She swung into the driveway, past the small sign, and up to the front door.

"This is almost the exact hour we were here the other night. With any luck, the nurse who was on duty then will be on again. Her name was Bicknell, Sally Bicknell; something like that. I'll recognize her. She wore about eighty gold bracelets and had rings on three or four fingers of each hand. What a character!" Her chatter was, she knew, somewhat nervous. Jared y ". 4%

had said little during their drive. His pensiveness was certainly understandable, but she found herself wishing he could recapture at least some of the emotion he had shown at the airport. No matter, she consoled herself. Two minutes at Stonehill, and he would know that, in this arena, at least, she was telling the truth. How foolish of Win to think things would not develop the way they had. How unlike the man to miss predicting a person's actions as badly as he had missed hers.

The nurse, Bicknell, was working at her desk in a small office just off the lobby. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, and she was wearing only a single gold chain on one wrist. Hardly the flamboyant eccentric Kate had depicted. It was an observation, Kate noted uneasily, that was not overlooked by her husband.

"Are you sure it's the same woman?" he whispered, as they crossed the lobby.

"It's her. Hi, Miss. Bicknell. Remember me?"

The woman took only a second. "Of course. You were with Mr. Samuels four--no, no,--three nights ago. Right?"

"Exactly. You have an excellent memory." "An elephant," Sally Bicknell said, tapping one finger against her temple.

"This is my husband, Jared, Miss. Bicknell. Mr. Samuels's son."

"Pleased to meet you." The woman took the hand Jared offered. "We don't get too many evening visitors here at Stonefield. In fact, we don't get too many visitors at other times, either." She looked around.

"Sort of a forgotten land, I guess."

"Miss. Bicknell, we came to see my husband's sister."

The woman's expression clouded. "I ... I'm afraid I don't understand." Kate felt an ugly apprehension set in. "Lindsey Samuels," she said, a note of irritation--or was it panic?--in her voice, "the girl we saw Monday night right over there." She pointed to the blue velvet curtain.

Sally Bicknell looked at her queerly and then ushered them over and drew back the curtain. "Her?" The girl was there, lumbering about exactly as she had been before.

"Yes, exactly," Kate said. "That's her, Jared. That's Lindsey."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Samuels, but you're mistaken. That girl's name is Rochelle Coombs. She is sixteen years old and has a genetic disease called Hunter's Syndrome."

Kate stopped herself at the last possible moment from calling the woman a liar. "Could I see her medical records, please?"

The nurse snapped the curtain shut. "Her medical records are confidential. But I assure you, her name is Rochelle Coombs, not--what did you say?" "Lindsey," Jared said, "Lindsey Samuels." It was, Kate realized, the first time he had spoken since just after their arrival.

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