Read Shifting the Night Away Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Cynthia Fox,Terra Wolf,Lucy Auburn,Wednesday Raven,Jami Brumfield,Lyn Brittan,Rachael Slate,Claire Ryann

Shifting the Night Away (25 page)

BOOK: Shifting the Night Away
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“You should go.” Riker’s voice was low as he muttered at me. “Just go, now.”

Frowning, I let his hand go and stared at his inscrutable expression. “Why?”

“Because all I want to do is kiss you.”

A long moment passed as I let his words sink in. In truth, I wanted nothing more than to press myself against Riker and feel him inside me once more. It was foolish; it wasn’t what I wanted, in the long term.
You should go
, I repeated his words to myself, a thousand reasons why circling in my head. Instead I reached out and touched his cheek.

His skin was warm and rough, stubble pressing against my fingertips. The feeling of my hand against his face seemed to ignite something in him, and before I knew it he’d pulled me between his legs without leaving the chair. Lips pressed against mine, Riker showed me a little glimpse of the lust he had inside.


Abruptly, he pulled away. “Like I said,” he murmured, his eyes still a glowing yellow, “you should go.”

“No.” I traced the line of his jaw with my fingertips, our mouths so close that our breaths were one. There was no way I could tear myself away from him again. This thing between us—it had to play out one more time. “I want to stay. But it’s just physical—this one last time.”

“To get it out of our system,” he said, supplying a reason to give in to this fiery passion between us.

“Like a smoker with a nicotine patch.”

“We can keep it separate from class entirely.” Standing up, Riker brought me with him, his legs braced around mine. We kissed as we backed up towards the desk, our tongues dancing in each other’s mouths.

“Strictly physical,” I said, leaning back and bracing my hands against the heavy wood desk.

“Just fucking.”

He pushed all his papers off to the floor with one outstretched hand. I watched them swirl towards the carpet, a smile tugging on my lips. “So you think I’m going to have sex with you on a

“I know you are,” Riker growled, pushing me roughly up and onto the hard surface. “This is what you came back for.”

I held onto his shoulders, my knees open wide as he stood between them. He wasted no time taking off my clothes, his hands slipping off my shirt and practically tearing off my bra. I gasped as he kissed my neck, my shoulder, and finally my breast. The feeling of his mouth on my nipple—especially without any alcohol in my body—was visceral and heated.

“Fuck,” I cursed, pulling his head down with my hands in his hair. “Keep going.”

“Take your pants off.”

I bit my lip at the tough, commanding tone of his voice. Grasping my hands in his good one, he pushed my fingers towards the waistline of my jeans. I unbuttoned them, his eyes staring at me intensely.

“You too,” I said, pushing him back a step. “Get naked. We don’t have much time before your office hours are over. We could get caught.”

He smiled, his teeth sharp and predatory. “Exciting, isn’t it.” It was a statement, not a question—and he was right. I
excited at the thought that we could get caught.

Riker didn’t bother with his shirt, simply pushing his jeans open and pulling down his boxers. His pants pooled at his knees, his cock hanging out in the open air. Stepping forward, he pulled my jeans down roughly, his good hand probing between my legs.

I gasped and groaned as his fingers entered me all at once. “Uhh—that feels good.”

Pushing me back onto the desk, Riker stood between my thighs, his cock rubbing up against my bare skin. “You’re wet for me already. I can feel it.”

Biting my lips, I pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt. “You’re so hot. I could barely take it, watching you strip yesterday.”

He grinned. “I knew that turned you on.”

“Stop teasing and get down to business.”

In response, he growled that growl again—a sound that was starting to turn me on like nothing else could. His lips met mine, consuming and not at all gentle in their passion. As he kissed me roughly, Riker pulled his fingers out and teased me with the head of his cock. His member was wide and warm, bare skin pressing against bare skin. I thanked every god in the universe that I’d taken the pill this morning, because I knew there was no way we were fumbling around for a condom—again.

“What do you want?” he asked, pulling back from the kiss, his cock in his hand as he made little circles around my pussy.

“I want you to fuck me,” I said, pressing closer to him. “I want you to push me down on this desk, thrust your big hard cock inside me and fuck me until I can’t see straight.”

“Good girl,” he purred, and then he grabbed me with both hands and
me down onto the desk. He climbed up after me, his hips spreading my legs open, his hands braced against the wood. “Your wish is my command, princess.”

His cock was wide and hard as he
it inside me, pushing me back on the smooth surface. Moaning, I threw my legs around his waist and held on as our bodies met. He wasted no time, fucking his cock deep inside me until his full balls were pressed against my skin.

“Aahhh, fuck,” I cried out, burying my face against his neck. “Yes, yes! Keep going.”

Riker pulled me to him with his hands, his fingers bruisingly hard against my rib cage. He worked his hips and moved inside me, pulling his cock out and thrusting it again
I gasped as he hit just the right angle to brush against my G-spot.
God, he feels so good,
I thought, warm feelings moving through my whole body.

Fingers curling, I met the rhythm of his thrusts with my hips. Our bodies slipped and slid across the surface of the professor’s desk as Riker fucked me harder and faster. He wasted no time, and soon enough I was whimpering and writhing beneath him.

“Oh god.” Panting, I twisted up towards him, my body trembling as I clenched down on his cock. “I’m going to come.”

“Then do it.” His voice was low, primal even, a strange sound rumbling in his chest. He aimed his thrusts in just the right places, rubbing up against me with precision. “Come for me, baby.”

I obeyed, gasping and bucking beneath him as hot, fiery pleasure descended on me. My toes curled, my fingers dug into his skin, and my pussy contracted again and again around his hard cock. He continued to fuck me through it, his thrusts so deep he pushed us half off the desk.

“Ugh, fuck.” His mouth was warm against me as he buried his face in my neck, his hips working double time. “Ah, princess. So warm and wet. Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

“Do it.”

Then he
inside me and came, spilling hot wetness into my unprotected body. Sighing, I came down from my own orgasm slowly, every muscle in my body content, every nerve pleased. Riker trembled and twisted in my arms as he pumped his load deep inside me, his cock spurting again and again. Every inch of his skin was pressed against mine, my insides trembling at the feeling of him filling me up.

I could almost swear I heard him

We panted together for a few long moments, relaxing inch by inch. He kissed my shoulder, then swung his legs off the desk, his member falling out of me. I felt contented, if a little embarrassed by what we’d just done.

Pulling me up, he stared deep into my eyes. Puzzled, I observed that his irises were no longer yellow, but somewhere between amber and green once more. It didn’t seem possible, but I filed that fact away to contemplate later.

“You’re beautiful, you know that?”

Standing on my tip toes, I kissed his mouth, our lips suddenly chaste, even after what we’d just done—again. “I had an idea,” I said, “but thanks for reminding me.”

Awkwardly, Riker pulled up his pants and belted them, and I got dressed as well. We were more relaxed than last time, neither of us hurrying, even though we could get caught at any moment.

“Nicotine patch, hmmm?” Riker mused aloud.

“One last time to get it out of our system,” I reminded him as I pulled on my shirt. “But this can’t happen again.”

Amusement glimmered in his eyes. “Of course. We’ll be strictly professional from now on.”

Prowling towards me, he swept an arm around my waist and kissed me passionately. His lips worked mine, his arm bending me back at the waist, my hands braced against his chest. I tried to push him off, but half-heartedly—and he pulled back slowly, a soft smirk on his lips.

“Just one last kiss,” he said, letting me go and leaving me feeling cold, “ma’am.”

“I didn’t mean
professional. I’m not old.”

“Mademoiselle,” he corrected. “Now get out of my office. I need to clean up.”

Reluctantly, I walked out the door for the second time—but part of me stayed behind with him.

Chapter Twelve

Hot and Cold

I didn’t know how to feel anymore. I spent the rest of the afternoon holed up in my room, writing and rewriting my homework assignments until my eyes were crossed. Eventually I couldn’t even think up words anymore, so I returned to that drawing of Riker that remained unfinished.

There’s still something wrong with it,
I thought, staring at the piece from every angle.
I should just start over at the beginning.

Nothing compared to the potential of a blank page.

Turning on my music, I sat in front of my drafting desk and let the inspiration take me. With all the sketches I’d made of Riker during class—combined with my
encounters—I was starting to feel like I knew every nook and cranny of his body. His tattoos were the hardest to shade, since they wrapped around living, breathing flesh, but with enough patience on my part, the panther eventually seemed to prowl across his skin.

An hour and a half later, I lifted my pencil from the paper to give my hand a break.
Almost there,
I thought, finally satisfied with the lines and shading I’d eked out this time.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re obsessed.”

I jumped at the sound of Nora’s voice. “I didn’t hear you come in over my music.” Reaching over, I turned the speakers on my music player down. “How long have you been standing there, creeping on me?”

“I don’t creep.” Nora motioned towards my drawing of a nearly nude Riker. “You seem to do a lot of creeping, though. That your boy toy?”

“It’s a homework assignment,” I defended, “and he’s not my boy toy. Although…” I trailed off, not sure how to tell her about our encounter earlier, or even if I
tell her.

“Oh my god. What happened?” Nora was giddy, her face lit up with expectation. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

I laughed at her enthusiasm. “Okay, fine, but it doesn’t mean what you think it means, it was just physical—”

with him again?” Gasping, Nora laid down on the couch and fanned herself like a fainting Victorian lady. “When? How? Was it good?”

“I didn’t actually say that I slept with him,” I pointed out.

“Oh, please. No one says ‘it was just physical’ about a little flirting or a peck on the cheek. You totally banged that bad, bad boy.”

Sighing, I sat down across from her on the couch. “I did, I really did. And even though it’s a huge mistake, I can’t bring myself to regret it.”

“Because it was
that hot.”

Rolling my eyes, I swatted her. “Not just that, although it
pretty hot. But there was something about him. Something… tender. And we weren’t drunk this time.”

Nora raised her eyebrows at me. “Wait, are you saying you might actually want to date him?”

The idea sent me spinning. Some part of me wanted to say yes, but the rest screamed caution. This was a guy who thought nothing of a one-night stand, who inked his body with dangerous predators, who looked at me with something unnatural in his eyes. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t forget the feeling of his skin against mine as I pulled glass out of his hand, or as he stroked my waist and pulled me close.

“I’m not sure. I mean, we said it would be strictly physical. I can’t exactly expect him to pick me up in a limousine and take me to prom.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “You know that’s not what I meant. And did you
say it was strictly physical, or was that just you pushing him away? Because you’ve gotten pretty good at that in the last year.”

BOOK: Shifting the Night Away
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