Shifters' Storm (18 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Shifters' Storm
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Right now at least, they were content to share her.

Drive her insane.

Songan pressed into her. She felt truly trapped between him and Ber. The elk shifter’s hand remained on her throat while the other reached around her and began a maddening and exciting journey toward her breast. Crazed, she struggled to offer it to him. Her lips started to slide off Ber’s mouth.

Muttering something she couldn’t understand, Ber caught her lower lip with his teeth. His hold on her wrists tightened, and his cock pressed against her middle.

This wasn’t happening! Two men at once was beyond anything she’d ever imagined, and yet, oh God, and yet—

Her mind whirling, she relaxed. A moment later, Ber’s hold relaxed, and her lip slid out. Before she could comprehend the loss, Songan found her breast. A hand made for wielding logging equipment swallowed her mound. Opening her eyes again, she tried to blink her world into focus. Ber’s form dominated.

All except for Songan behind her.

Flesh against flesh, not just hers against male, but male touching male. Those realities and more separated themselves out in her mind then fell apart. In contrast to the shifters, she was small and slight, her strength laughable. Yet these naked giants couldn’t get enough of her. Wanted her. Owned her.

The heated blanket of Songan’s other hand now covered the breast that had brushed against Ber. No longer having fingers against her throat should allow her to relax, shouldn’t it?

Didn’t matter.

“Me first,” she heard Ber say. “Then you.”


“What about me?” she demanded. “Don’t I get a say?”

Ber answered, if that was his intention, by crossing one of her wrists over the other and pressing them against the base of her spine so he could effortlessly keep her in place. That done, he gathered up her left ass cheek and squeezed it.

Startled, she tried to pull free. “Oh that’s funny! Think you’re a comedian do you?”

His hold on her buttock increased. She imagined his knuckles sliding over Songan’s cock.

“What about this?” Songan roughly massaged her breasts. “Is it something you like?”

Truth was she loved everything they were doing to her; she just wasn’t ready to admit it. Maybe she would once she didn’t feel so overwhelmed or possessed.


“No major complaints,” she belatedly came up with. “But Ber, an ass isn’t the erotic equivalent to a breast.” Hoping to prove her point, she gave it as much of a shake as she could. “Grab and grope is juvenile.”

He didn’t say anything, not this man who hadn’t shaved for the better part of a week and had traveled hundreds of miles to reach this part of the country. Freeing her buttock, he began stroking it with calloused fingertips. She melted a little.

“Your turn,” Songan said. “For now.”

Chapter Sixteen

Just like that, the elk shifter was gone, taking his life-warmth with him and leaving Rane’s breasts exposed and lonely. When her arms dropped to her sides, she dimly realized Ber had let go of them as well. She now stood before the bear shifter with the tip of his cock kissing her belly every time she exhaled and his breath showering heat over her.

She wanted to know what Ber had in mind, and yet she didn’t. Needed to anticipate and lived for every breath the two of them took. This wasn’t about shared or not shared bondage dreams, the past or future. Everything was now. Him. Her.

Taking her hand, Ber walked her over to the bed. Instead of climbing onto it and telling or asking her to join him as she thought he would, he turned her so her back was to him and her knees against the mattress. She hadn’t noted where Songan was but felt his eyes on her. Watching. An audience of one. Next in line.

Ber ran something, a knuckle maybe, up from the base of her spine to her nape. Gripping the bedspread so hard she risked bending her short nails, she stared up at where wall and ceiling met. Ber’s touch was so light, an exploration maybe, a half man testing both their boundaries.

Another knuckle joined the first. The second journey was firmer, slower, deeper, touching her core and making her shudder. Looking down, she fixed on her loose breasts and whitened fingers half buried in the spread. His fingers slid over each vertebra, caressing them. Outside, wind and rain slapped at the cabin, but it didn’t matter.

“You’d make a good deer,” he muttered. “You’re sleek and beautiful.”

“I’m not prey.”

“Aren’t you?”

He should have given her time to answer, not that she had any idea what her response would be. But suddenly she was on her stomach on the bed, and she realized he’d effortlessly lifted her. Positioned her for sex?

“How do you want it?” he asked, joining her.

He was on his knees beside her, prompting her to roll onto her side so she could study him. Weighing twice as much as she did, he flat out dominated her world, and yet she didn’t feel intimidated. Much.

Risking losing her balance, she cupped a hand around his cock and absorbed heat and strength. His eyes took on the look of a man on alert. Thank goodness he and Songan hadn’t found anything to concern them during their study of the area. If they had, they wouldn’t be here with her.
wouldn’t be about to begin.

Studying his cock and her hold on it, Ber drew back a little. As she increased her hold, it occurred to her that the shifters might not have had their full attention on what they should have been doing outside, but it was too late for that to matter.

The three of them were here.

“How do I want it?” She repeated his question. “Deep. As deep as you can go.”

He frowned. “I might be too much for you.”

“Let me make that decision,” she said, instead of reminding him of the times she’d welcomed Songan into her.

“I might lose control. You need to know that.”

“I do.”

Despite his warning, she trusted him not to forget his length and breadth or the strength difference between them. Letting him go, she rolled over onto her back and bent her knees, opening her legs as she did. So much for self-restraint and decorum. She needed it all, now!

Songan stood at the foot of the bed. Cradling his cock, his gaze burning into her. She sensed the man was reaching his own limits.

Both at once?

Satisfying and being satisfied by two at the same time?

Too much to think about.

Instead of accepting the invitation she’d offered Ber with her
take me, big boy
position, Ber slipped his hands under her buttocks and lifted her lower body. Once her ass was off the mattress and the back of her shoulders pressed into it, he repositioned himself between her legs and pulled her toward him. She had no leverage, could barely move on her own.

Bottom line, Ber could do anything he wanted to her.

His cock touched her entrance. Grabbing his forearms and straightening her knees, she let her feet reach for the ceiling. Opened herself to him. Turned her body over to this man. Needing to simply experience the ultimate loss of control, she once more closed her eyes.

There, his tip pressing against her wet, swollen and sensitive labia. She could barely think how to swallow. Gripping her by her waist, Ber drew her even closer and brought her into his space. His cock slipped into her. Claimed her. Limp with anticipation, she rested the backs of her calves against his shoulders and willed herself to relax.

“All right?” he asked.

“All right.” Her mouth felt dry.


Breathing fast and deep, he continued to pull until her ass jammed against his knees. Instead of leaving her there, he guided her up and closer yet so her buttocks rested on his thighs. His cock dove deeper, filled her. Laid claim to her stretched channel.

Opening her eyes, she tried to study his expression, but damn it, having him inside her felt so good! Her recently freed breasts splayed outward. When he lightly squeezed them, she thanked him by closing her thighs and gripping his cock.

Satisfying! Her pussy weeping.

“Don’t need to ask, do I?” he said. His palms pressed against her nipples. “It’s still good for you.”

“Don’t talk. Just, please, do.”

Between the storm sounds and her heart hammering in her temples, she lost touch with everything except fucking and being fucked. The bear shifter’s expression said everything and nothing. One moment she caught flashes of pleasure and determination in him. The next, a guarded shadow slipped over his features. Should she try to do the same instead of letting him know how ripped and raw she’d become?

Too late. Nothing mattered except this complex man looming over her with his hands once more against her ribs and their bodies locked together. She was helpless, couldn’t escape!

Didn’t want to.

Ber’s hip bones ground against her ass as he worked her lower body even higher until her back arched and her fingers dug into his forearms. When he pulled back, she struggled to find a way to join him in the coupling, to be his partner, his equal, but maybe she existed simply to pleasure him—and be pleasured.

Ber hadn’t lost any strength during his journey from Alaska to Oregon, as witnessed by thundering thrust after thundering thrust. Her channel stretched and stretched again. With each
she felt as if she was racing down a mountain, falling out of an airplane, running class five rapids.

Heat bloomed everywhere on her. Her lungs strained to bring in enough air, and she could no longer see. Years ago she’d left these mountains because their hold on her had frightened her. Now she was back and lost. Lost and dying. Being reborn.

No matter that her only anchor came from her hold on Ber’s forearms. No matter that he’d found a way to reduce her strength to nothing. She’d get back in touch with herself, ride the storm. Mouth open and eyes still unfocused, she chewed on the insides of her cheeks. The pain barely registered. Her head thrashed. Leaning down and over her, Ber pushed. Relaxed. Pushed again.

“Can’t—” she started. What had she been going to say?

“Yes, you can!”

Distracted by Songan’s unexpected voice, she tried to look back at the elk shifter. Just then Ber hammered himself at and into her. Branded her. Even with him anchoring her, she slid about a little. If she continued to move like this, he might lose his tempo and desperate strength.

Before she could think what to do, something clamped down on her shoulders and held her in place.

Songan’s hands! Songan helping Ber fuck her!

She even more trapped and helpless.

Was that an earthquake, maybe a hurricane, perhaps a blizzard? No matter. She’d become a feather tossed about by nature’s strength.

No, not tossed. Barely moving now. A home for Ber’s cock. Receiving his gift. Every time the man threw himself at her, a little more sanity bled from her. Trusting Songan to keep her in place, she repeatedly clamped her inner muscles around the life pulsing inside her.

Pressure here. And here. Her nipples knotted, and the blood drained from her uplifted legs. Feeling foolish and wonderful. Sensation increased, screamed at her. Something both familiar and overwhelming hurried her to the edge.

“Oh God! God oh God!” Gripping her breasts, she held on to herself with all her strength.

Ber let go, flooding her. His cock jerked again inside her while his fingers ran hard and fast over her thighs.

The bear shifter grunted and then snarled. Rising up off his haunches, he took her with him. Filled her until she swore she could taste him.

A threatened cramp in her left calf distanced her from her own nearly there release. Ber was leaning away from her and allowing her heels to slide off his shoulders. He was done, no longer needed her. Had better things to do.

Before she could accuse him of being more animal than human, he planted a hand over her mons and pressed down, massaging her there at the same time. Rough yet magical fingers glided over her clit. They retreated, then returned. Toyed. Rotated.

Screaming her delight, she climaxed. Ber kept after her with his all-knowing hands. Under his tutelage, her body jolted, spasmed.

At length, when there was nothing left of her except the need to breathe, she struggled to face the overwhelming task of trying to put herself back together. Ber’s now diminished cock remained in her. Their sweat-sticky bodies had fused, and her fingers pressed against his thighs. Songan had taken hold of her breasts while she was otherwise occupied. Massaging them, the elk shifter kept the nipples hard.

She looked up at Songan, stared out at Ber.

“Don’t talk,” Ber told her. “Just be.”


Songan hadn’t thought he’d ever envy the bear shifter, but that was before he compared Ber’s limp cock with his own aching one. He’d been able to ignore his painful erection while Rane and Ber had had sex. Anchoring Rane in place had made him feel as if he was a participant, but no matter how much he’d loved studying her writhing body and hearing her cries, those things were only substitutes for the act itself.

“So fast,” Ber muttered from where he lay on his side. Rane too was still on the bed but sitting with her knees folded in front of her while she lightly touched her reddened sex. “I didn’t think I’d come that fast,” Ber admitted.

“It usually takes you longer?” Rane asked.

“There hasn’t been a
for months.” Ber rubbed his hand over his face. “All that need built up.”

“And soon you’ll be hibernating?” Leaving off with what she’d been doing, Rane studied Ber. She seemed to have forgotten Songan’s presence.

“Maybe,” Ber answered. “Maybe not. I haven’t decided.”

Moments ago Songan had acknowledged his resentment because Ber and not he had been the first to mount Rane. Now envy reared its head, because the bear shifter could make a decision that had never been his. Like it or not, his existence was dictated by the elk half of his nature. These days the need to pack back on the weight he’d lost during rut nagged at him. The herd had headed for lower elevations. He should be with them.

No! He couldn’t.

“Songan, you’re quiet,” Rane whispered. “What do you want me to say? Do?”

Studying her, he remembered the hours and nights they’d spent together. He hadn’t taken those nights—and occasional days—for granted, and yet he’d always felt as if he’d been standing back a bit, not quite connecting with her.

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