Shifters on Fire: A BBW Shifter Romance Boxed Set (63 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee,Lynn Red,Kate Richards,Dominique Eastwick,Ever Coming,Lila Felix,Dara Fraser,Becca Vincenza,Skye Jones,Marissa Farrar,Lisbeth Frost

BOOK: Shifters on Fire: A BBW Shifter Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter Six


Cole watched her lick a smear of chocolate from her full lips, which now appeared even fuller, swollen and plump, after they’d shared the kiss.

Wow, she had fire in her, and even though she must know he spoke the truth, she was still going to fight him every step of the way.

“I have other options,” she said. “Certainly better ones than some guy who snatcn hed me off the side of the road.”

Damn, she was a stubborn one. He’d never met someone who was capable of actually lying to themselves.

“You felt what there is between us,” he said. “I know you did.”

“I felt nothing,” she replied, twisting her face from him. “You’re a kidnapper who forces himself on women. You leave me cold.”

He resisted the urge to growl at her and shove his hand between her thighs, and push his fingers inside her. The musky scent of her cream drifted up to his sensitive nostrils, and he knew she couldn’t fool her body, even if she was trying to fool her brain. But though he was desperate to give her the release her body ached for so badly, he swore he wouldn’t do it until she submitted to him.

He’d known she would fight him. Of course she would. She’d spent eighteen years conditioned to the way she should think by her pack. Why would a few hours, or even days, in his company make her think any differently? Only he
differently. Despite all their conditioning to behave like a pack, there was one urge that ran stronger, more deeply, and that was to find a mate. He’d found his mate. He knew it the first moment he’d scented her. All he had to do was convince her he was right.

“I don’t force myself on women,” he said, reaching out to touch her jaw and realign her gaze with his. She jerked her chin away, but still their eyes met, her gaze burning. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever done this to.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel special?” she snapped.

“It should. You are special. I know you felt what I did. I made you feel things no man has ever made you feel.”

“Yeah, disgust and revulsion!”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. You want this. The way you kissed me wasn’t the kiss of some sweet girl who doesn’t want my hands on her body. When are you going to admit it to yourself, Alyssa?”

She was trembling now.

He continued. “Are you going to allow yourself to be repressed by your pack for the rest of your life? You’ll never get to experience this again—this intense desire I know is rolling through your body. If you go back to your pack and your alpha mates with you, that will be it. You’ll spend the rest of your life with his stumpy body and probably stumpy little cock pounding you while you lie there wishing you’d made a different choice.”

To his horror, a tear spilled from her eye and rolled down her creamy cheek.
He’d never been any good with a crying woman.

“I don’t have any choice!” she cried.

“Yes,” he said, slamming his hand back down on the seat of the chair beside her thigh. “Yes, you do. You choose me.”

“Choose you? I don’t even know you.”

“Perhaps our physical selves have only just met, but your wolf instincts know me. Our blood and hormones are speaking to each other without us even being conscious of it, telling us this is the person we are supposed to mate with.”

“You’re crazy” she said, though her voice was weaker, a little less self-assured.

He was wearing her down, but he didn’t just want her to give in. He wanted her to choose him with every fiber of her soul. He wanted her to believe there was no other future for her than the one he was offering.

“You think I’m just going to agree to run away with you?” she said.

He reached out and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Not run, but leave with me. We can start our own pack. You’ll make an amazing alpha female, I know you will.”

She sniffed. “You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know enough.”

“So I’m supposed to choose between a man who abducts women and an alpha I hate? How fucked up is my life?”

“I’m not a man who abducts women,” he growled. “I already told you that.”

“Yeah, just me. I remember. How lucky I am.”

He exhaled a sigh of exasperation. He needed her to forget about the expectations her pack had put on her, and listen to herself for a change. “I want you to do something,” he said. “I want you to go inside yourself and find your wolf. Forget about what’s happening right here, and focus on the most primitive instinct inside of you—to mate and reproduce. Ask that instinct what is right.”

She lifted her dark eyes to his and for the first time he saw a softness, and something else—hope.

“Reproduce? You want to have children?”

“I told you. I want to start a new pack, a fresh start, our own wolf-pups. Now just close your eyes.”

This time she did as he asked, her eyelids slipping shut, and he reached out and placed his hand on her naked leg. She jerked slightly at the contact, but didn’t open her eyes. He needed to take her back to her most primal state, to make her understand what her body was trying to tell her.

Softly, he stroked the inside of her thigh, each caress taking his fingers closer and closer to where her panties clung to her folds.

Alyssa let out a whimper and squirmed in the chair.

He leaned in and kissed her again, gentle but commanding. She didn’t bite him this time, but instead parted her lips, her tongue sneaking out eagerly to find his. She might be saying she didn’t want him, but her body language told him otherwise.

He broke the kiss, but didn’t pull away from her, instead speaking softly so his words whispered against her lips. “My hand is moving higher, and it will continue to move higher until I reach your panties. Then I will pull them to one side and slip my fingers into the hot wetness I know is waiting for me. I’m going to make you feel so good you’re going to want to cry, but if at any moment you tell me to stop, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

He kissed her again and she moaned against his tongue.

Just as he’d promised, he moved his hand higher. Even though she was bound, she slid down on the chair, pushing down on him in her eagerness, and his hand moved higher still. Now his fingers were barely an inch from her pussy, and she hadn’t told him no. Taking the risk, he grazed his fingertips over the top of her panties, applying gentle pressure to her mound below. Alyssa let out a groan and wriggled even lower, lifting her gorgeous round bottom from the seat.

That was all the answer he needed.

He pushed his fingers against the outside of her underwear, directly above her clit, and the moan became a cry, her head tilting back to expose the creamy, smooth skin of her throat. He loved the idea of pushing the material inside her, to finger her still with the thin layer between them, as though it somehow both protected her and defiled her. But more than that, he wanted to feel her hot, wet channel clamp around his digits. He knew she would be tight. Maybe one of her pack members had fingered her before, or perhaps she’d played with herself, but she’d never had anything larger pushed inside her.

His cock grew painfully hard inside his jeans. Fuck, he wanted her so badly. What would she do if he pulled out his massive dick and fed its length between her plump, beautiful lips? Still bound to the chair, with her hands behind her back, would she take him into her mouth and be a natural, allowing him to fuck her face. Or would she gag and choke, drool running down her chin, and her eyes bulging.

How he longed to see that happen.




Chapter Seven


The material of her panties was pushed to one side and Alyssa’s eyes flew open.

Cole stared at her with such intense darkness she thought she might wither in his gaze. She didn’t know what he was thinking. She could imagine, only her brain didn’t seem to be functioning at the moment. He was right. Her body did want him with every single cell and there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop herself reacting to him.

His fingers made contact with the soft, wet skin of her pussy, stroking up and down her slit. She let out a whine and pushed down on his hand, wanting more. Her breath left her body in frantic gasps, and, behind her back, she curled her fingers together, wishing she could touch him. She wished she could lace her fingers in that soft, black hair and pull his face in for another kiss.

The stroking of his fingers made her squirm in the chair, but then he changed the angle of his hand and his index finger moved past her inner folds and penetrated her. Alyssa gave a gasp of shock. Though she’d played with herself often enough, no one else had ever been inside her. Her channel clamped down on his finger, her muscles tightening.

He continued to look at her in that intense way, his teeth digging into the fullness of his lip. Using his other hand, he pushed the thin material of her skirt higher up her thighs, so she was utterly exposed, and then he lowered his face to her lap.

“Oh!” His hot, wet tongue made contact with her clit, and her hips bucked involuntarily, forcing herself deeper onto his finger. She couldn’t believe he was licking her there. She’d read about such things, and knew it happened, but she hadn’t expected him to do so. How she tasted worried her, but Cole didn’t seem to mind. If anything, from the moan he gave which vibrated against her little bundle of nerves, he was enjoying himself.

He began a slow rhythm, slipping his finger in and out as he continued to lick her. The tension that had been residing at her core since he’d first cupped her pussy steadily began to mount. She’d never experienced anything like it before, her nipples tightening to sensitized peaks which grazed against the cotton of her bra. The pleasurable pressure spread, causing the muscles in her stomach and thighs to tighten. She didn’t want to not be able to take in the sight of Cole between her thighs, but involuntarily her eyes squeezed shut and her head fell back. Her breath came in short gasps, and a high pitched ‘ah’ burst from her lips. The sound embarrassed her, but she was too far gone to prevent it happening again. Cole’s momentum built, forcing her arousal higher and higher. She was right on the brink, her toes curling, and she simultaneously fought to reach her peak, while terrified of bringing this feeling to an end. She wished again that her hands weren’t bound, so she could lace her fingers in his hair and force his mouth harder onto her. She wanted him to consume every last piece of her until she was nothing more than a puddle on the ground.

But just as she thought she’d reached the point of no return, he pulled away from her, his mouth from her clit, his finger from her cunt.

“What are you doing?” she moaned.

“Not yet,” he said. “Remember, I want you begging for it.”

He’d left her hovering on the brink, desperate for release. She tried to press her thighs together, to create the pressure she needed, but her ankles tied to the chair legs didn’t allow her enough movement. Arching her back, she attempted to grind herself against the seat of the chair, but the angle was nowhere near right.

“Finish what you started, you bastard,” she cried.

He stood back, brought his fingers to his mouth, and, never breaking eye contact, licked them off, one by one.

She watched him, panting, her pussy clenching against a memory of penetration. She’d never needed anything like this before. It was like an intense hunger or thirst, a physical need that had to be sated, or she was sure she’d lose her mind.

“This is fucking torture,” she spat. Her gaze drifted to the large bulge in Cole’s jeans, at the way it ran across his thigh. Did that mean he wasn’t wearing any underwear? Was his cock only a mere zipper away?

Infuriatingly, he gave a laugh. “Remember what I said, Alyssa? How I would only take you if you were begging for it.” His head tilted to one side. “So, is this you begging?”

“Yes!” she cried. “Fuck me, Cole. Mate me. I want you more than I’ve wanted anything in my life.”

A slow smile spread across his face, and he moved to step forward, but suddenly drew to a stop.

From outside of the barn, the grumble of a car engine pulled up. It wasn’t right outside, she could tell, but must have been left somewhere at the end of the lane. Only her shifter hearing allowed her to pick up on the distant sound. She glanced up at Cole. His head was turned toward the barn doors, the muscles of his shoulders tense, and she knew he had heard it, too.

“Who—” she started, but he lifted a hand to silence her.


Was the owner of the vehicle also whoever owned the barn and the surrounding land, or did she dare to hope someone had come looking for her. Her brothers, perhaps? They would be the only thing she would miss if she were never to go back to her pack.

The thought surprised her. She wasn’t actually considering such a thing, was she? Yes, she’d been begging Cole to mate her only moments ago, but he’d put her in a position where she hadn’t been able to think clearly. Her lust ebbed away as her trepidation built, though she could still feel how wet she was between her thighs, how her underwear clung to her folds and the air was filled with her own pungent tang.

“Wait here,” Cole told her as he ran almost silently toward the barn door.

She scowled. “It’s not like I can go anywhere.”

“Shut up, or they’ll hear you.”


Her ears picked up the footfalls of two people, one lighter than the other. Cole was right, two people were here.

Cole put his finger to his lips to tell her to be quiet. She was a sitting duck, here in the middle of the barn with a spotlight above her head. What was the point in being quiet? She was the first thing they would see. Then she realized that was exactly what Cole was hoping for. He wanted whoever the new arrivals were to walk through the door, catch sight of her, and rush to her rescue without checking who might be hiding in the sidelines.

Why didn’t she shout? She could open her mouth and scream, but her heart hammered, and this time it was more due to her apprehension of who was about to walk through the door than it was fear of what Cole might do to her. Who was coming, and did she even want to be rescued?

Cole pressed his lean back against the inside of the wall beside the barn door. His whole body was taut with tension, and he focused on the door and the approaching footsteps.

Cole allowed the first of the new arrivals to set a foot through the door.

He was a big man, bull-like, with a thick neck and a body that was almost as wide as it was tall. When he’d been younger he’d been thick with muscle, but now some of that muscle was turning to fat, enhancing his stocky appearance. His nose was flattened at the bridge, as though it had been broken one too many times. Despite his rough appearance, he was strong, and had a mean streak that ran deeper than the lines in his forehead.


Cole was about to launch himself at Gregory’s torso, but she saw the weapon first.

She screamed the warning from the top of her lungs. “He’s got a gun!”

Gregory swung the barrel to point at Cole, and Cole raised his hands in a show of surrender Alyssa felt sure wasn’t real.

Alyssa stared at the gun in alarm. Where the hell did Gregory get a gun from?  They lived a relatively peaceful existence in their pack. Everyone knew their place, and because of that there were no fights, or thievery, or anything else someone might need protecting from. Any challenges were always done in wolf form on a full moon, and tonight definitely wasn’t one of those nights.

She saw he wasn’t alone. Valerie, with her skinny limbs and sallow face slipped into the barn behind him. Her heart sank. The other woman was also armed.

“Well, well, well,” chuckled Gregory. “What the hell do we have here?”

Alyssa stared between them in bewilderment. She’d imagined at this point she’d be crying out for help and begging her alpha to release her, but now she was faced with the reality of being taken into Gregory’s possession rather than Cole’s, she wasn’t sure she wanted to go.

Gregory moved forward and Valerie stepped into his place, training her gun at Cole’s head.

“I was expecting to find you broken down on the side of the road, Alyssa. Instead, I find your car and signs of a struggle. There were more tire marks, and the scent was pretty easy to follow here. What sort of situation have you gotten yourself into?”

He sounded more amused than concerned for her safety.

“He took me,” she admitted. “And tied me up here.”

Cole took a step forward. “It was for your own good,” he told her.

“Keep your hands in the air,” Gregory motioned to Cole with the weapon.

A smile spread across Cole’s face, but he kept his hands raised. “I won’t just let you take her,” he said. “Alyssa is mine now.”

Gregory’s jaw clenched. “No fucking way. I’ve had my eye on this girl since she first started getting breast buds, and look at the size of those juicy tits now. I can’t wait to get my teeth into them. She’s mine to mate and I intend on doing so.”

Valerie kept the weapon pointed at Cole, and gave a high pitched giggle. “Yeah, you fuck her good and hard Greg-baby. I can’t wait to watch.”

“In fact,” said Gregory. “Seeing her all tied up like this is already getting me hard. Thanks for doing my job for me. I think I’ll take her now.”

“No!” Alyssa cried, yanking at her bonds. “I don’t want you! You make me sick.”

“Whether you want me or not makes no difference to me,” he said. “I’ll mate you and you’ll be mine. I’m your alpha and you have to do as I say.”

“Not if I leave the pack,” she said. “You won’t be my alpha then.”

He laughed. “You’ll never leave, we all know that. Not prim and proper Alyssa who always does what she’s asked.”

He approached with slow, determined steps. Where Cole approaching her had given her a thrill of excitement and the look in his eyes had conjured a surge of lust, all Gregory did was fill her with horror and panic. She couldn’t do this. Cole had been right. She wanted a mate who would fill her with all the emotions Cole had created in her. Being mated with Gregory was a fate worse than death.

Hell, she would rather be dead.

Gregory grinned, revealing his crooked teeth. “That’s it, baby, you keep squirming like that. It makes me hard.”

He moved even closer, his hand at his belt, whipping it undone, and then starting on his zipper. “Aww, hell,” he said, noticing how her ankles were tied to the chair legs. “I ain’t gonna be able to fuck you like that.”

He got to one knee, just as Cole had done not long before, and started working on the knots. Within seconds, her left leg was freed. She wanted to kick out, to hit him in the face just as she’d done to Cole, but Gregory had been her alpha almost the whole of her life, and a lifetime worth of training wasn’t broken in a day.

Gregory untied her right ankle and looked up at her with a salacious grin.

Alyssa choked back a sob.

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