Shifters on Fire: A BBW Shifter Romance Boxed Set (14 page)

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Authors: Marian Tee,Lynn Red,Kate Richards,Dominique Eastwick,Ever Coming,Lila Felix,Dara Fraser,Becca Vincenza,Skye Jones,Marissa Farrar,Lisbeth Frost

BOOK: Shifters on Fire: A BBW Shifter Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter Four


The name resonated inside him as if he’d been waiting to hear it all his life. Warren’s bear grumbled, anxious to move forward. The woman’s scent filled his senses. Unique and meant just for him. His gaze lit on the monitor covering the section of the main room where a naked, skinny fox shifter was being dragged off a coyote female. The wolves showed no care what they bumped what part of him against as they hauled him out the side door and dropped him there.

He’d track him down and talk to him at some other time, but for now he wanted him out of his club as soon as possible. Like ten minutes ago. He only wished being outside naked in the cold posed more of an issue for the man, but when he switched the camera view to outside, the sly fox darted away, fully dressed in his fur and warm as toast.

Karma stirred next to him. “I didn’t realize there were foxes outside.” She shivered. “I snuck in…that is I used that entrance.” She didn’t make the connection. For the best.

Warren stared down at her flushed cheeks. “You mean you didn’t get past Harvey?”

She shook her head. “No, not exactly.” She launched into a complicated explanation of scrambling up the slope and working her way around the building until she found the door. If she’d managed to do it, a simple human, a shifter could do it in their sleep. Who the hell left the door unlocked?

At least the hare was off the hook. Harvey hadn’t let her past him after all. “Hang on.” Slipping his arm from around her, he went to the door and peered out. There, huddled against the opposite wall, he found the miserable hare. “Harvey, go back to the front door.”

“But, Boss, they said I was in trouble. I don’t know what I did but….” Hope and fear mingled in his eyes. In their world, rabbits and other small shifters faced prejudice, derision, sometimes even violence. By hiring some of them, Warren hoped to help them gain ground in the mainstream shifter community. And he’d just about undone all the good by jumping to conclusions.

“No trouble at all. Good work tonight. Tell whoever’s bouncing to go do something else.” Warren watched Harvey hop down the stairs, his wide bunny feet emerging in his exultation. “Harvey, your feet! Remember, there are some stray humans out there.”

When he turned to go back inside again, Warren faced a woman with wide eyes and open mouth. “What?”

“D-did you say stray humans?” She poised on her toes, looking ready to flee.

Oh shit.
“Let’s just say that not everyone who comes here qualifies as a human being. Clubs attract all kinds.”

She subsided. “Sure, I get that.” But the little crinkle in her forehead expressed her less than complete acceptance of his explanation. The sooner he got her out of there, the better for all concerned. So far, all she knew for certain was that her fiancé was a jackass, not that he turned into a fast furry desert fox with outsized ears and a plumy tail.

Warren took her arm and led her back toward the couch. “Which is why this is not the place for a nice girl.”

Karma pointed to the monitor. “She certainly looks happy to be here.” The naked woman who’d been with her soon-to-be ex had wasted no time finding another partner for the evening. Sluts like her gave her whole clan a bad reputation. Not that coyotes had the best reps anyway, but most of them had a little more class than Akira.

“No doubt she is. But this is her last time visiting us, so she might as well enjoy it.” Banished for life. His brother accused him of doing it often enough soon he’d have an empty club. Oh well. Less paperwork that way.

“Don’t throw her out on my account.” Karma sat on the edge of the cushion and lifted her glass. Unlike her former cautious approach, she tossed back the contents and set the empty on the table with a thud. “I don’t plan to come back here again. It’s not my kind of place, I don’t think.”

“No,” he said, moving his drink out of her reach lest her reckless mood lead to too much of a good thing.

“Although I did enjoy watching your guys throw Theo out on his ass.” She grinned then the smile faded. “I’m mad at him, but I don’t want him to freeze to death or die out here alone.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m sure he’s sly enough to find a way back to the city and something to wear while he does it.” Unfortunately.

Karma slipped her hand toward his glass but he moved it again. “C’mon. I just lost my fiancé at my bachelorette party. Surely I can have two drinks.” She reached across him and her breast brushed his arm.

His cock, which had been at least three-quarters interested the whole time she’d been in his office, went on red alert and his bear roared. Loudly enough that she stared at him. “What did you say?”

He coughed. “Nothing, just a frog in my throat. Sorry.”


Not ours. A human. Our clan doesn’t do mixed marriages.


Karma rested a palm on the back of his hand. “Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should have a sip of your drink?”

“I’m fine,” he insisted, his hand on fire where hers rested. Slowly, he turned it over until their palms met then laced their fingers together. “I’m finer than I should be, but it’s time for you to go home.”

She tilted her face toward his, lips parted, and her little pink tongue darted out to moisten them. “I don’t want to go home.”

“I have work to do.” He moved away from her.

She scooted closer. “Can’t you do it tomorrow?”

His bear rose on its hind legs and sniffed her scent. “Your friends are waiting.”

“Can someone give them a ride?” She traced his lips with one delicate fingertip.

“I suppose.” Her hair hung like a silken cape around her shoulders, ready for him to gather a fistful and drag her to him. “But what would you tell them?”

“I got into the club and lost my way.” Releasing his hand, she glided both arms around his neck, bringing their lips together, sweet, tentative, and maddening.

“W-what do you want to do?” The bear roared again, desperate to get to her.


Shut up!

“This.” He was lost the second her lips parted.


Karma had never been so bold, but the urge to be taken by this man overwhelmed any common sense or false morality. She’d saved herself for a marriage that would have been a lie before it began. She had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Theo lost any rights to her virginity. She could give it to who she chose and this big, strong, muscular man who had thrown the cheating bastard out on his ass, given her her first legal alcoholic drink, and made her heart pound and her knees weak was her choice.

She didn’t care if he was an alien, although the whole concept had begun to seem silly and overly dramatic. It was just a quirky club with quirky, kinky people. Until she saw a spaceship, she’d go with the quirky theory.

His mouth took possession, warm and firm and dizzying. A big hand cupped the back of her head and held her in place while he sought entry into her mouth and, when he received it, he plundered it and left her breathless. No kiss from Theo or anyone else had ever…oh fuck them all!

She couldn’t compare the boys she’d gone out with or the one half-ass man with this real man who wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his hard body then onto his lap, urging her to face him, straddle him. Between her legs, the bulge in his jeans rubbed against her lacy panties until she wanted to tear them off and beg him to take her the rest of the way to womanhood.

But Warren broke their kiss and murmured. “If you’re sure you want this, want me, I’ll have someone take your friends home.”

“Yes, please.”

He searched her face. “Last chance to get out of here, little girl. I don’t know if I can stop if we go much further.”

“I don’t want you to stop.”

He picked up the phone and barked orders into it for someone to take her friends home, stopping long enough to get a description and their names from Karma then when he’d added an order not to be disturbed, he set the receiver down and gathered her close again. “Still sure?”

She tangled her fingers in his hair. “Never surer of anything in my life.”

“Lock the door.”

Karma stood and did as he’d asked then returned to stand in front of him. This was it. Her first time with the most gorgeous man she’d ever met.

“Take off your dress.”

She paused, suddenly reminded of the beautiful thin woman a man who supposedly loved her preferred to make love to. Karma rarely worried about her size, but compared to most of the women she’d seen in the club or in line outside, she was big. Most of them looked like supermodels. The owner of Animals could probably have his pick. She eyed him, lying back against the cushions, his eight pack evident through his fitted T-shirt. “A-are you sure?”

“What?” His wide eyes reflected his confusion at her question.

“Are you sure you want me?”

The light glinted off his teeth when he smiled. She followed his gaze to his lap. “What do you think, little girl?” His button fly strained over his erection and a tiny wet spot darkened the fabric. She might be inexperienced, but she read a lot. Pre-cum. He wanted her.

Drawing a breath for bravery, she grasped her hem and pulled the dress over her head. Eyes closed, she waited for his reaction.

“So beautiful. Turn around.”

Pivoting on one heel, she made a slow rotation until she faced away.


No part of her made her more self-conscious than her generous backside. Standing, staring straight ahead, a tear leaked out of her eyes, her bravery draining away.

A deep groan had her looking over her shoulder just as Warren grabbed her hips and dragged her back toward him. He pressed a kiss into her lower back then one to each cheek. “How did I get so lucky?” he asked, his voice deep, guttural.

“Just live right, I guess.” She laughed but it broke like her courage.

He gave a tug and she landed on the couch next to him. Ruffling her bangs, he offered her a toothy grin. “I hardly call the life I’ve lived right, but whatever, it got me here, tonight, with you.” With a flick, he opened the front clasp of her bra and the two sides parted to bare her breasts. Too big, with their wide, deep-colored nipples. She’d always been a little unhappy with them until that moment when Warren Ursa lifted one toward his mouth and asked, awe in his tone, “If you don’t mind?”

She shook her head, unable to draw breath. “I don’t…don’t mind.”

He closed his lips around the nipple and tickled it with his tongue. A spear of heat flashed from there to her pussy, and she cried out then slapped a hand over her mouth. He lifted his eyes and released her nipple with a pop. “Make all the noise you want, little girl. Soundproofed room.”

Pressing her onto her back, he sucked the other nipple into his mouth and worried it with his teeth, pulling on the other, stretching and lengthening it, then switching off, until she writhed under his touch.

Sitting up, Warren grasped the sides of her lace thong, and she lifted her hips to help him draw them off. He brought them to his face and inhaled. And roared. A little. She didn’t care, just wanted wanted….


“Please what?” he asked, his eyes drowsy but his teeth looking so sharp.

“Please anything.” She didn’t know what to ask for but only that she needed release. Somehow, some way.

“Be careful what you give me permission to do, little girl.”


Parting her legs, he bent to press a kiss on her bare pussy. “Smooth,” he muttered then licked her, long and slow with a flat tongue, drawing it along every inch of sensitive skin. She arched into him and moaned. “That’s it.” He licked her again, circling the tip of his tongue over her clit. Every bit of sensation in her body focused on that spot, and she tangled her hands in his hair and tried to push him closer, to make him speed up, to make him get her where she needed to be. He traced those sharp white teeth over her and pulled her clit into his mouth to softly nibble it.

Her head fell back against the pillows and her eyes closed. Behind her lids, stars flashed and galaxies spun. Must be the alien thing.

Deep inside her, muscles tightened, and she arched her back, lifting her hips to him, wanting, needing…he broke away and sat up, wiping his mouth on his arm. “You’re so wet for me.”

“I’m sorry, I….”

He laughed, but kindly. “It’s a compliment. Your ex must have been a jerk if he never told you that.” Rubbing a finger along her pussy, he pressed it in to the first knuckle and finger fucked her slowly. “Do you want my cock in there, little girl?”

She nodded.

He added a second finger, moving it in and out then brought them back to her bottom and, to her shock, used her own moisture to work the tip of one into her ass. “Do you want it there?”

“H-how could it fit?”

“An anal play virgin. Mmm. We’ll have to work on that. Your ass is irresistible, did you know that?”

No she hadn’t. But what would he think if he knew she was entirely a virgin. He might find that less delicious. Someone so experienced would have no use for a naive girl. “Not tonight, okay?”

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