Read Shifters of Grrr 2 Online

Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Wednesday Raven,Terra Wolf,Alannah Blacke,Christy Rivers,Steffanie Holmes,Cara Wylde,Ever Coming,Annora Soule,Crystal Dawn

Shifters of Grrr 2 (82 page)

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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By the goddess it felt so good to have her channel clenching and clutching at him. He was still until she calmed, then he began to thrust into her picking up speed as he went. He groaned in enjoyment and his mate whimpered in need. He would give her everything she asked for and more. He pounded into her his cock feeling as if it would explode if he didn't cum soon. He pressed in harder, reaching for the pleasure only she could give him. His body tensed ready to explode. He drove in harder and deeper than ever before. He felt her womb as he released his seed and his release triggered hers. Her channel grasped and squeezed sucking out every drop of his cum. It was the strongest release he'd ever felt. Sweat dropped off him from all the effort he'd expended and his mate was sweaty too though whether it was her own or his was hard to say.

He waited for them both to calm before suggesting a bath. He led her to the room next door with a built in sunken bathing area. The colorful tiles had an Egyptian feel with scenes of lovers and exotic plants, animals, jewels, and vases. She stared wide eyed at the exotic scene. He knew she would love it.

"This is gorgeous," she said looking around. She walked down the steps slowly until she was submerged in the scented waters. She turned to look at him expectantly and he smile. She was beautiful and she wanted him. He stepped down into the water and moved to her pulling her into his arms.

"We need to talk," he said. She looked stunned. Whatever she had expected, talking had little to do with it.

"Talk?" she squeaked.

"There are some things I must tell you, should have told you sooner but I wanted us to enjoy some time together first."

"You're leaving me?"

"No, Sweetheart. Never that, we received a threat against you. It was anonymous but its intent was vicious. I'm sure it originates in some way from Chief, but I doubt he's carrying it out personally. He wants to sidetrack us, but we can't allow it. I wanted to take you to my world, we'll complete our mating, and try to outwait Chief. It's just a matter of time and I don't believe it will be much longer before he's taken down and made to pay for his crimes."

"Why didn't you want to just tell me and get it over with?"

"I was worried that you'd be stubborn and refuse to come with me."

"Here? Is this your world?"

"Yes, this is one of the demon levels of what humans call Hell. There are fifteen levels though the bottom five are barely habitable and only the devils live there."

"I've heard of six hells or even nine, but fifteen?"

"There are hundreds of layers of existence and yours is but one even in its own section. It's complicated but if you stay here for a while, you can learn more about that and your personal gifts. If you choose to go back, I would asked that you change. Your life is just too important to me."

He saw her eyes grow bright with tears. Was she already missing her home? "Sh, don't cry. I'd do anything to make you happy except let you risk yourself. You are too precious to me."

"Having you in my life, telling me how you feel, it's just so beautiful." It was then he knew these were what are called happy tears. It lightened his heart to know his love made her happy. It was also good that she wasn't resisting his plans to keep her safe.

"Let's relax and enjoy our time alone. It will become a precious thing once my family descends upon us for the ceremony."

"Is your family large?"

He smiled and he suspected she would be overwhelmed. "You know how Ariel has the family reunions were all the distant cousins attend?"

"Oh, no. Tell me it won't be like that. It's completely crazy and people are everywhere. I had guests in all my rooms including the living room because I live near Ariel. It was insane."

"Exactly. I'm glad you understand. Demons track family out to fifth and sixth degrees. They are all at least part incubus or succubus and that makes it even more interesting. I'll be at your side the whole time until we're joined so don't worry."

"Tell me you don't mean they'd hit on me?"

"They'd do more than that, Sweetheart. It's hard to resist an incubus if they use their magic. Once we're mated, you'll be immune to it."

"Have you used your magic in me?" her voice quivered as she asked.

"Only the first time and only at the start. As soon as I realized you were special, I stopped. I wanted you to want me without the magic."

"You're more than just your allure. You're a handsome and wonderful man that I love."

Now it was his turn to get sentimental. Had she ever told him she loved him before? He didn't think so but even though he'd known it, he liked the sound of it on her lips. He kissed her putting his feelings into it so she would never doubt it. He pulled back and said, "You are everything to me."

It was time now to relax and enjoy this last time before the invitations went out and Lilith came to them. He wasn't sure if he would help with the hunt for Chief anymore, but he would make sure Lilith and Arabella stayed here where it was safe. The only thing he had to fear here were his lusty relatives who would see his mate and immediately want her. What could he say? It was the nature of their kind of demon and he would stick to her like glue.

Once the mating bond was sealed, he would have no worries there. It excited him when he thought about the ceremony and claiming his female in front of family and friends. What came after excited him too because everyone in the know said the night of the claiming would be the most exciting night of their lives and they would be as close as two halves of a whole. He couldn't wait but because of his position he had to have all the pomp and pageantry like it or not.

He wanted to lose himself and all his worries between her legs and never have to think about anything again. He lined up their bodies and slid into her welcoming thighs. It felt so good to be where he belonged. He rolled them over letting her ride him. He held her by her sweet ass cheeks and moved her up and down as he thrust into her. He felt the tension in both of them as sexual need took over and their bodies strove towards the release they wanted. Faster and harder he thrust upward as he guided her hips down onto him. Her slick heat felt incredible and it got better and better. Heat began to spread outward and he knew he was balanced on the razor's edge of one hell of an orgasm. He wanted it and he stretched for it.

He rolled his hips slightly so it would send her over knowing he'd follow her down the trail to bliss. He rolled the other way and pleasure burst inside him as her muscles massaged him milking his essence from him. She didn't leave a drop behind and he was dry by the time he stopped jerking. He felt a sweet calm fall over them as they just clung to each other in the aftermath of pure bliss. After a few minutes, he knew it was time to move on. He carried her out of the bath and to a bench. He grabbed a towel and dried her first then himself. He felt so relaxed that he couldn't stop smiling at his mate. She must be relaxed too because she kept smiling back.

He carried her out of the bathing room and into his bedroom. He put her to bed and waited until she fell asleep. Now it was time to notify his family and make preparations for their upcoming nuptials. He dressed, not that demons usually worried about clothing but he'd been with mortals too long and it had made an impression. He wore something comfortable because what he had to do was uncomfortable enough. He didn't want to share her with his family but he had to if he wanted to claim her as his mate.

He had a mirror on his desk but they used it to communicate. He waved his hand over it and waited. If his brother was there, he would answer. He didn't wait for long. "Zorth, it's been a while. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

He looked at his brother, so like him and yet so different. "Jarnel, I've called to invite you to a mating ceremony."

"Anyone I know?" he asked with a smirk.

"Only the groom."


"Yes, me my dear brother."

"I can't say I didn't see this day coming, but it is sooner than expected. Father is in one of the other realms and I have no idea how to reach him. Smoke signals maybe," he said with a laugh.

It was an old joke dating back to when they'd been toddlers and had set a large table on fire. Their father had been in another realm yet he'd somehow known to return and put out the fire. The story was one told often at family gathering and when they were older, they had said he's seen the smoke signals and had returned. In truth, they'd never known why he'd returned or even if he'd known what had happened. Their father kept his secrets to himself where they were concerned. He thought it was because he wanted them wary and uncertain in their dealings with him.

"If he's not here, so be it," he said.

"You've gotten either brave or foolish during your absence or even a bit of both. If he misses it, he'll not give your mating his approval."

"You'll figure something out big brother," he said. He sincerely hoped it was true to.

"I'll see what I can do. Are you going to issue the invitations?"

"Should I wait until you tell father?"

"No, go ahead and send them out. We'll figure this thing out one way or the other."

"Thanks Bro."

He hung up and got ready to send out the spell that would notify every family member down to six degrees of relation. In the human world, magic was used only when needed. Down here, magic was what made the world go around. Everyone had some level of magical talent. It was used to cook, to clean, to produce whatever was needed. Bakers used baking spells, tailors used spells first to make the material and then to fashion it into whatever was needed. It was the specialization that helped magic not be wasted and the very air recycled the magic back to its user. In many ways it was an easier world to live in than the human's world. It was until it came to the matter of personal freedom. Here there was no such thing.

Jarnel was acting king but only because Father was tired and wanted a break. Yes, it might seem a break of a thousand years was a bit long, but when you considered that his father had been around since nearly the dawn of time, well that changed the perspective. His problem was that he and his father hadn't parted on the best of terms. It helped to understand that his father had multiple wives. He had many children and most of them were half siblings. He'd never found his soul mate and he didn't think it would have mattered if he had.

He would have just added her to the long line of political matches he'd made for himself and for most of his older children. It was the path he'd planned to send all his children down. Even though he wasn't the oldest unmated child, an older female of some influence had wanted him as a mate. His father had not understood his reluctance to go along with the agreement and had made plans to force the match. He had left and never looked back. It had only been a hundred or so years ago, but the time away had made him only more certain that he'd made the right choice.

It had also probably made his father even more unpleasant to be around. This family reunion would not be a joyous one. He had thought about coming back home before but he'd put it off over and over. He hadn't seen any of his brothers but he did stay in touch with them through the mirror com. That was his little nickname for the gadget and it worked in the human world too, it just took more magic to use it there. He intended to mate Arabella regardless of what his father said, but life would be easier of the old man approved.

He sent the invitation spell and all the guests would have their invites in seconds. It was much easier on than in the human world where even on the computer there would be problems and lost emails. Here, it went from his hand straight to theirs. Thousands of demons invited in seconds. Two weeks until the special day and somehow he knew Jarnel would find their father no matter how difficult it was.

He went back to find his mate and lay down in bed with her. He felt tired but with a sense of accomplishment. Once they were mated, Arabella would have another level of protection. She wouldn't have his magic, but she would have his health and his long life. It would be harder to harm her and easier for him to protect her. He snuggled up against her and she moved closer to him in her sleep. She sought his warmth and that made him feel so good. He drifted off to sleep with sweet thoughts of his beautiful mate.

He woke up even though it wasn't morning. He sensed a presence and he looked around seeing the big bastard standing just inside the door. He got up and went to the parlor knowing he was following without even looking.

"What the hell brings you here?" he asked.

"I would think after a hundred years you'd be glad to see me."

He grabbed him and roughed his hair raking his scalp with his knuckles. "What the hell Zorth? I'm not a little boy anymore!"

"Aw, you'll always be a little boy to me, Bardus," he replied.

Bardus shook his head and looked mournful. "It just isn't fair that I was the youngest. Everyone treats me like a baby."

"Preferable to being treated like a pariah."

"Only Father treats you that way and that's only because you didn't do as you were told. You're lucky you know. That Lady demon who wanted your ass found her soul mate. She sent father a thank you for denying her petition."

"Is that what he told her?"

"Would you expect any less? He told her he'd given it some thought and you weren't ready for mated bliss. Maybe in a couple hundred years."

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 2
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