Sheikh's Pregnant Lover (4 page)

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Authors: Sophia Lynn,Jessica Brooke

BOOK: Sheikh's Pregnant Lover
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The trouble was, she didn’t know what to do about it.

What’s the harm?
she thought to herself as she eyed him from behind the safety of her glass.
He’s the one-night stand type, that’s clear enough. It’s not like you’d be risking your heart if you allowed him to make the next move.

Before Madeline had fallen for Jason, she’d been the queen of casual dating. She always had a new guy every Friday night, maybe every two Friday nights if the gentleman in question was lucky enough to hold her attention that long, or if she just didn’t feel like looking for someone new. Maybe it was time to fall back into old habits, at least until she was confident enough about herself to reach for love again. And Zayid looked like the perfect person to fall back into, she admitted to herself as she gave him a once-over. The collar of his pristine white shirt was open, revealing just a hint of the bronzed skin that stretched across his expansive chest. From what she could tell, he was very well-built beneath that suit of his.

Raising her eyes to his gorgeous face, she noticed that one of his eyebrows had quirked, and her cheeks heated a little as he winked at her. He’d caught her staring.

So what?

Tossing her head a little, she gave him a slow smile, then took another sip from her drink and turned her attention back to Vanessa.

“Well I don’t know about you, but I’m pooped.” Vanessa sighed as she leaned back into her chair. “I’ve been on my feet all day, and all this food is making me sleepy.”

Adir’s expression shifted to one of concern. “We should get you home, then. You should be well rested for your day tomorrow.” A scowl pulled his brows together. “I hear stress and lack of sleep can make it hard to conceive. Maybe you should consider shortening your hours.”

Vanessa rolled her eyes with a smile. “I’m not a child, Adir, and it would be extremely unprofessional for me to request time off so early in my residency. There are plenty of other women trying to have babies, and they don’t take time off from their jobs to do so.”

“You’re my wife, and you’re going to be carrying my heir. I think they can make an exception.”

Vanessa smiled softly as she reached for Adir’s hand and squeezed. “So then take me home so I can rest.”

Madeline watched the exchange with something like envy. She wished Jason had shown half that level of concern for her. As they all stood up from the table and gathered their belongings, she averted her gaze as Adir fussed around Vanessa, helping her stand and ensuring she had everything with her. It was almost funny the way Vanessa tried to swat him away impatiently, but Madeline couldn’t help feeling jealous.

“Do you need a ride back to your apartment?”

Madeline jerked her head up to see Zayid standing directly in front of her. He smiled down at her, and damned if there wasn’t a knowing look in those gorgeous silver eyes of his.

“I remember you saying that you took a cab to get here. I thought you could use a lift.” He held out a hand to her, and as Madeline looked down at it, she knew that if she accepted it she would be accepting a lot more than just a simple car ride.

She hadn’t intended to bring a man home tonight, but the excellent food and company had revitalized her.

“Sure,” she said with an easy smile, setting her hand in his. “I’d love a ride home.”


Chapter Five



As Zayid curled his fingers around Madeline’s pale, slender hand, a strange thrill rippled through him, stoking the fire that had lit inside him as soon as Madeline had walked into the restaurant. He’d been looking forward to seeing her all afternoon, as soon as he’d heard from Vanessa that they were going out to dinner and invited himself along.

He knew Madeline felt it, too, by the way her vivid green eyes widened, the long, spiky lashes fluttering as they looked up at him. She was just as gorgeous as he remembered from the wedding—her honey-brown hair was cut into a wedge so that the curls framed her heart-shaped face while leaving the back of her creamy neck bare, her cupid’s-bow lips were pouty and inviting, and the way her black, sequined dress showed off her curvy figure…it was enough to make him want to take her in the back seat of his car.

But he wasn’t foolish enough to try something like that on a woman like her, or uncouth enough. He saw the fire in her eyes, and knew that she would be a challenge. Maybe that was what called her to him, because she was a far cry from his usual type.

“So,” he said, leading her from the restaurant and out onto the street. Reluctantly, he released her hand as they exited the building—holding hands in Dubai was considered improper, and even though he chaffed against that sort of restriction, he was a relation to the royal family and had to set a good example. “Are you planning on working the entire time that you’re here in Dubai?”

“Most of it, yes,” Madeline said, tucking a curl behind her ear. Zayid’s gaze lingered on how slender her fingers were, and his cock twitched as he wondered how those fingers would feel as they glided over his body. “But I definitely have plans to see the city on my evenings and weekends, once I settle into a routine and recover from my jet lag.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Zayid said as he opened the passenger door to his silver Porsche 911. His lips quirked as he watched Madeline eye the car appreciatively before sliding into it. “Dubai is such a beautiful city. It would be a tragedy for you to stay here for three weeks and not see any of it.”

“Indeed,” Madeline said, eyeing Zayid as he settled into the driver’s seat. “Is this your car or a rental?”

“Mine, of course.” Zayid laughed as he started up the engine, which came to life with a satisfying purr, and shifted into first gear. “I keep several vehicles at the palace for my use while I’m in Dubai. I prefer driving my own cars rather than having to worry about taking care of someone else’s.”

“Good point.” Madeline’s eyes roamed over the interior. “It’s been a while since I’ve been in one of these.”

“Would you like to go for a ride?” Zayid asked, arching a brow. “Surely there’s some place in Dubai you’ve been itching to see first.”

Madeline’s green eyes sparkled as she bit her lip mischievously. “Well, I
want to go to Khalifa Tower—”

Zayid grinned as Madeline cut herself off with a shriek—he’d floored the gas and shot up the drive, shifting rapidly to urge the car from zero to sixty in the two-point-three seconds the Porsche 911 was famous for. As they approached the intersection, he jerked to the left, and Madeline’s high-pitched squeal matched the squeal of his tires as he peeled into traffic.

“Jesus Christ!” she shouted. “You’re a maniac!”

Zayid laughed as he slowed the car down to a more manageable pace. “Adir and I may be very different as far as our lifestyles and responsibility levels are concerned, but we both have one thing in common—we’re adrenaline junkies.”

“No kidding.” Madeline let out a breath as she settled back into her seat. “I don’t think I’ve ever done anything like that in my life! I don’t even own a car.”

“Really?” Zayid’s eyebrows shot up.

“I grew up in New York City,” Madeline said by way of explanation.

“Ah, yes, Manhattan.” Zayid nodded sagely as he pulled up in front of Khalifa Tower. “I’ve been there quite a few times. It’s a fascinating city.”

“I do love it.” A smile bloomed across Madeline’s face that made Zayid’s heart stutter for a moment, and he fought the urge to frown. He wasn’t used to feeling like this around a woman. He was used to being the seducer—confident and in control. And while he wasn’t fumbling like a schoolboy with his first crush, he was certainly coming the closest to it for the first time since he could remember.

Zayid exited the car, then handed his keys to the waiting valet before helping Madeline out of the passenger’s seat. The sensation of her slender hand curling around his sent another current of warmth through him, and he had to resist the urge to keep hold of her hand once she was on her feet.
Damn the stringent laws here
, he thought to himself. If they were in Paris, or even Madeline’s beloved New York City, he would not only be holding her hand, but would have an arm around her waist and her body tucked tight against his.

“Wow,” Madeline murmured as she stared up at the impressive glass edifice of the Burj’s entrance. “Trump Tower’s got nothing on this.”

Zayid laughed. “Trump
he thought of this,” he joked as he led Madeline in through the glass doors and into the lobby. The inside was just as futuristic as the outside, with the glass walls soaring above them on all sides, and a huge sculpture made up of thin rods of metal jutting skyward, each individual rod speared with several brass discs. They jutted out of a sheet of glass placed over the floor, making them appear like reeds clustered together in the center of a pond. It was a strange sculpture, but oddly compelling, or so Zayid had always thought.

“Huh. How interesting,” Madeline murmured as she eyed the statue, and Zayid couldn’t help but smile at her. She noticed, and gave him a strange look. “What are you smiling about?”

“It just struck me that as compelling as this sculpture has always been to me, you are far more compelling than it, or perhaps anything I’ve seen so far in Dubai.”

Madeline’s eyes sparkled as a slow smile spread across her face, one that heated Zayid’s blood. “That was some very smooth flattery, Your Highness.”

Zayid grinned back. “It’s the truth, though.”

He led her over to reception desk, where Zayid paid for two tickets to the observation deck, and then they climbed into the special access-only elevator and rode up to the top. Modern Middle Eastern music played through the speakers, and Zayid quirked as Madeline hummed in time to it, her nose pressed against the glass as she watched them ascend up to the top. The urge to press her back against that glass and kiss her washed over him, but he refrained—they would get to the top soon enough and he didn’t want to be discovered in a compromising position in public.

The elevator doors opened with a
, and Madeline’s eyes sparkled as Zayid led her out into the interior room of the observation deck. It was a large, circular room completely surrounded by glass windows, with two wedge-shaped sofas laid back to back in the center where guests could sit and enjoy the panoramic view. Doors led to the outside, where guests could enjoy the view from behind thirty-foot panels of reinforced glass.

“Holy cow,” Madeline breathed as she took in the view. Darkness had completely descended upon the city now, but the twinkling lights and the hazy cloud formations that hovered eye level with them were stunning nonetheless. “This is amazing, Zayid.”

“It is.” Warmth spread through Zayid’s chest at the awe in Madeline’s voice. “Would you like to go outside?”


He led her to one of the doors that led to the outside decks, and felt the urge to wrap a protective arm around Madeline’s waist as she went right up against the glass to look out at Dubai. It was silly, of course—she was perfectly safe behind the glass, and it bothered him a little that he felt so protective.

She’s your cousin’s wife’s best friend. Of course you don’t want anything bad to happen to her.

Right. In a way, Madeline Anthony was like family. It was perfectly natural for him to be concerned about her safety.

“Brr,” Madeline shivered a little as she hugged herself. “I didn’t realize it would be so cold up here.”

“We are twenty-seven thousand feet above sea level,” Zayid said, humor in his voice as he shrugged off his jacket. “The temperature drop is inevitable. But I should have thought to warn you first.” He draped the jacket across her shoulders from behind.

Madeline let out a contented sigh, leaning back into the jacket, and Zayid couldn’t resist the urge to stand behind her and let her lean against his chest. There were other visitors up here, but they were off to the middle or the left side of the deck, whereas Zayid and Madeline were to the far right. Nobody would see them, not unless they were looking this way from the inside, and besides, so many of them were tourists from western countries that Zayid knew none of them would care.

Even so, he glanced over his shoulder briefly before he wrapped his arms around Madeline’s waist from behind and drew her flush against him.

Madeline grew very still as her curves molded against him, and he fought back a hiss as his body responded to her touch. “Are we allowed to do this?” she murmured as one of her hands closed over his.

“Perhaps not, but we’re doing it anyway.” Zayid leaned down to speak in her ear, allowing his hot breath to float across the back of her neck. “I got tired of resisting the urge to touch you.”

“Well I can’t complain about the warmth,” Madeline said lightly, but the shiver that rippled through her body told another story—she was affected by his presence. Another smile curved his lips, and though he straightened his head, putting distance between his lips and her skin, he began tracing her lower belly with his fingers, drawing slow circles across her abdomen while slowly heading downward. His eyes remained fixed on the twinkling city lights, so a casual observer might think his smile was for the view rather than the sharp intake of breath he heard when his fingers danced across her pelvic bone.

“Zayid…” She shifted and then stilled when her ass brushed up against his growing erection.

“We can stay out here as long as you want to,” he murmured, still idly tracing her hip bone. The roundness of her ass pressed up against his dick set his blood aflame, and if he were anywhere else he would have pressed her up against the glass and rocked against her. He was barely able to stop himself from doing it now.

“I...” Madeline’s voice trailed off as his fingers brushed against the top of her right thigh, perilously close to the
between her legs.

“Yes?” he murmured, amused.

“You’re such a tease.” Her tone turned impish, and she pressed her hips back, grinding her ass against his hard-on. Zayid bit back a groan at the pleasurable sensation, and his fingers dug into her thigh unconsciously, pressing her more firmly into him.

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