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Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Detective and mystery stories, #Action & Adventure, #Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945), #Fiction, #Fiction - General, #Thrillers, #Lesbians, #General & Literary Fiction, #Lesbian

She Waits (29 page)

BOOK: She Waits
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A few minutes later, lying there in my bed, staring at the ceiling, I felt relieved. I also felt a bittersweet happiness. Sarah was the cause of all of this, true, but she was still someone's wife, someone else's mother, and now she was dead.

So many lives involved, so many people hurt. I put my hands over my face and started to cry; Christ I was emotionally drained. I lay there alone, crying like a fool.

Chance, apparently feeling my sorrow, jumped up on the bed and laid next to me, putting her head on my chest. I looked down at her.

"Well, Chance," I sniffed, "it's just you and me, mutt."

I took a deep breath and realized I had a tremendous headache to match everything else. Well, Maggie was finally over this mess. She could now finish her internship and continue her life. I was glad for that. She loved Allison I could see that. I only hoped it would be good for her.

I thought about Miranda, and smiled. Now, perhaps she could rest. Perhaps now all of them could be at peace.

It was my last thought, as I faded off to sleep.

I was half-asleep when I thought I heard my door open. Then I felt a hand on my forehead and I leapt up.

"Sorry," Maggie whispered, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Geez, you scared the hell out of me," I whispered then got panicky. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Everything is fine, now. Go back to sleep. I was just checking in," she said softly.

I closed my eyes and sighed openly as I felt her warm hand on my brow.

"What time is it?"

"It's very early, four-thirty," she whispered as her fingers lightly caressed my forehead.

I blinked, trying to open my eyes. "In the morning? Why are you dressed?" Then I realized she had been with Allison. "Oh, never mind," I said and closed my eyes.

"Go back to sleep. I'll tell you all about it in the morning," she whispered and left the room.

I woke up tired and achy. Mac and Teri were in the kitchen with Hannah, who was, of course, cooking. I smelled bacon and coffee and was ravenous. Hannah greeted me when I walked into the kitchen.

"Well sleepy head. How do you feel?" She kissed my cheek.

"Fine, thanks." I looked at the clock, nine-thirty. Christ, I slept for almost eleven hours.

"You still looked pooped," Mac said affectionately and Teri concurred.

I sat down and Hannah put a cup of coffee in front of me and patted my shoulder.

"Thanks, Hannah," I said quietly.
I'm going to miss her.

Maggie came into the kitchen. She looked rested but still had tiny circles under her eyes.

"Good morning," she said smiling and kissed Hannah on the cheek. She poured herself a cup of coffee and asked if anyone needed a refill, then sat down next to Mac. He nudged her playfully.

"How're ya feeling?"

"Actually, I feel pretty good." She looked at me. "How do you feel this morning?"

"Fine, I slept like a rock."

"You still look exhausted," she said, frowning.

"Well, I guess I need a north woods fix. A month of solitude at my cabin should do me just fine," I said a little coolly. Maggie stopped drinking her coffee and looked at me.

"Oh, please, you spend too much time up there alone as it is," Teri said.

"It's where I belong," I said, drinking my coffee.

"Well, Maggie, have you talked to your uncle?" Mac asked, and realized what he said.

Maggie patted his arm. "It's okay. This will take some getting used to. I'm not sure I can call him Father yet, but yes, I talked to him. Charlie flew in as soon as he got Aunt Hannah's call. He and I talked about with Doc and Aunt Hannah. Poor Uncle Nathan was as devastated as Charlie. God, he's my brother. Now
will take some getting used to," she said sarcastically and laughed. "It was sad to see them so brokenhearted, but is does make sense now--how I've always felt closer to Uncle Nathan than to my father."

I got up to get the coffeepot, Maggie offered to get it and I waved off her help.

"I can get it," I said. She gave me a troubled look and didn't argue. I came back to the table and poured myself a cup.

Maggie continued. "Uncle Nathan was shocked as I was. He suspected I was his daughter, but when Mother never admitted it, he never questioned her again, out of respect for her. He loved her. He knew Aunt Sarah was sick, but never expected anything like this. We stayed up till four talking about it all."

As I poured Mac a cup of coffee, I looked at her. "Is that where you were all night?" I asked.

I missed Mac's cup entirely and poured the coffee all over the table.

"Jesus, Katie!" Mac yelped and jumped up, wiping his pants.

"Christ, Mac. I'm so sorry," I said, putting the pot down and handing him a napkin. He left the kitchen, mumbling to himself.

"Yes. Where did you think I was?" she asked, apparently confused.

I turned a little red. "I thought perhaps you were with..." I couldn't finish my statement.

She gave me a shocked look. "You thought I was with Allison?"

Hannah and Teri bumped into each other trying to hurry out of the kitchen. I watched their bumbling retreat.

"Well, it's not that far fetched," I said in an irritated tone and not knowing why.

"Kate," she started. "I can't believe how much you've done. I will never be able to repay you."

Repay me, so that's what she feels.

"Look, you owe me nothing. I will not have you feeling obligated to me," I said as I tripped over my pride.

"Obligated? What in the...?" she started and stopped. "Christ you're infuriating."

"Me?" I said and leaned forward. "Me?" I repeated.

"Yes, you!" She stormed out of the kitchen.

I'd had it. I struggled trying to get out the chair while holding my side.
Christ what an ordeal.

I followed her into the living room. Mac, Teri and Hannah were sitting by the fire. They all turned to us when we made our noisy entrance. I grabbed Maggie's arm and turned her around.

"Talk about infuriating. You go running off again with that woman, right in the midst of all this, and you call me infuriating? You're lucky Hannah was listening on the extension, or you'd be dead right now. You stubborn, little..." I raised my voice. "If I had half a brain, I would have yanked you right out of that car!"

"Why didn't you?" she asked. "And keep your voice down!" she said just as loud.

"Why shouldn't everyone hear me? Arguing is what you and I seem to do best," I said angrily then stopped. "Why didn't I what?" I asked stupidly.

She took a deep breath. "Why didn't you stop me?" she asked and looked right at me. Then she turned and went out onto the deck.

I stood there gaping at her.

Hannah got up, walked past me, came back with our jackets and helped me into mine before handing me the other.

"Good heavens, get this straightened out," she ordered affectionately as she pushed me toward the door.



took a deep breath and walked onto the deck. It was a cold, dark November day and the sun was trying its best to peek through the clouds. Maggie was standing with her arms folded across her chest, shivering.

"You'd stand out here and freeze, wouldn't you?" I declared as I held her jacket for her.

"Well, so would you." She slid into it and avoided looking at me. Then she turned and faced me, I took an instinctive step back. "I was with Allison last night, but only to take her home and explain how I felt," she started. I opened my mouth to say something, but she said, "Will you please keep quiet and let me finish?"

I closed my mouth and leaned against the railing.

"She didn't need much of an explanation. She knew there wasn't much left between us. She is however, someone I will always care about," she finished and looked out at the woods. "For the first time since my mother died, I really feel happy and content. I know she was here this weekend and I know she helped. I feel so at peace now and I know she is, too. I have you to thank for that, Kate. You came into my life and I don't think I'll ever be the same," she said with tears in her eyes.

I pulled out a hanky and handed it to her.

She laughed quietly and took it from me. "You and your hankies."

I held her hand and studied it for a moment. Such small hands, I thought stupidly.

"Maggie, you've been through so much. I'm glad I was able to help and I think I can speak for Mac and Teri, that they feel the same way." I smiled and held her at arm's length. "This is a great time for you, Maggie. You can concentrate on finishing your internship, become a good doctor and be happy. That will be a wonderful testament to your mother." I took the hanky out of her hand and gently wiped her cheeks. "So enough tears. Honestly, I've never seen a woman cry as much as you."

She took my hand away and held it. "Thank you, Kate Ryan. I don't know what I would have done without you. Once I finish my internship, I have a feeling you'll be a steady patient of mine," she said and I couldn't help but notice her blue eyes dancing wickedly.

"Possibly, but you won't charge me," I said and felt myself grinning wildly.
How long has that been?

"We'll just have to see. I think there should be some type of payment plan," she countered with a wicked grin.

Then something caught my eye behind her in the garden next to the deck. I strained to see what it was.

Maggie followed my curious look and turned around to the garden. I stood behind her, with my hands on her shoulders. She reached back and put her hand on mine.

"Oh, Mom," she sighed and took a deep quivering breath.

We looked in quiet amazement at the end of the deck at the small garden--the garden that she and Miranda planted so many years ago.

Amid the scattered, lifeless autumn leaves, there was a sign of life, of hope.

A small purple hyacinth stood blooming alone. Although it was a cold dreary November day, a warm summer-like breeze softly blew and the hyacinth danced and joyfully gave up its heavenly fragrance.

I felt Maggie lean into me as she let out a contented, quivering sigh. I couldn't help but think about Miranda.

She waits all these years. Waits and protects her daughter as best she can. And now she waits no longer.

As I held tightly onto Maggie's hand, I could almost hear Miranda's lilting laughter fading with the warm, gentle breeze.

-The End -

About The Author

In her debut novel,
She Waits
, Kate Sweeney introduces Kate Ryan, the reluctant heroine of the Kate Ryan Mysteries series. Kate also has a collection of short stories and novellas that run the gamut from funny to sad, erotic to romantic, and anything else in between. She invites you to read them on her website at and drop a line at [email protected]. Born in Chicago, Kate currently resides in Villa Park, Illinois.

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