She Left Me Breathless (26 page)

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Authors: Trin Denise

BOOK: She Left Me Breathless
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“I asked you what you’ve been thinking about,” Rachel grinned.

“I owe you an apology, Rache,” Sydney said, clasping her fingers together in front of her.

Rachel pushed her chair back away from the table and stood up. She slowly walked over to Sydney. She pulled Sydney’s hands apart and took both of them in hers. She laughed at the shocked expression on Sydney’s face when she brought them to her mouth and gently kissed, first one palm and then the other.

“I’m the one who owes you the apology, Sydney. What you said to me was the truth. Every single word you spoke was dead-on.”

Sydney felt a lump rise in her throat. She shook her head back and forth adamantly. “No, Rache, I was so out of line and I had no right to be that rude to you and I’m so sorry.” Sydney looked down at the floor. She was afraid that if she looked at Rachel, she would lose it and make an even bigger fool of herself.

“Sydney, please look at me,” Rachel said softly. When Sydney made no move to comply, Rachel gently touched her cheek. She used her hand to force Sydney to meet her gaze. What she saw in Sydney’s eyes made her heart skip a beat. It wasn’t anger, lust or desire, what she saw were years of hurt and anguish but most of all she saw love. She knew what it was because she was sure that Sydney could see the same thing when she looked in her eyes. She felt her heart ache as a lone tear fell from Sydney’s eye and ran down her cheek. She smiled as she used her thumb to wipe it off.

“For so many years, I have denied who I was as a person. I lived my life according to how everyone else thought I should live and because of that, I missed out on you and what could have been but more importantly, I missed out on what it meant to truly be in love and to have that love returned ten-fold.”

Sydney took a deep breath. Her mind was racing in so many directions that she felt dizzy. She had waited so many years to hear these words from Rachel. “I don’t understand.”

“I was so angry at you when I left here. I was angry because you were right about everything,” Rachel said, caressing Sydney’s cheek with her thumb.

“But ... but what changed your mind? What happened?” Sydney asked. Her mind was still having a hard time digesting what Rachel was saying to her. She wanted to believe her but her mind warned her to be careful.

Rachel laughed. “I went to church.”

Sydney’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Did you have a spiritual awakening or something?”

“More like a ‘Come to Jesus’ meeting,” Rachel chuckled.

Sydney grinned at her. “Well, that must have been some kind of a meeting.”

“It was ... very eye opening,” Rachel said, nodding her head.

“What does it have to do with us, though?” Sydney asked.

“I’m not really sure but I do know this,” Rachel said as she cupped Sydney’s face with both of her hands. Before Sydney could say anything, Rachel pulled Sydney’s face toward her and then their lips met with the sweetest abandon.

The soft sensation coming from Rachel’s lips, rocked Sydney to the core. She felt the tip of Rachel’s tongue push forward and was helpless to do anything but allow her entry. She groaned as she gently caressed and sucked and massaged Rachel’s tongue with her own. She felt her knees weaken as her hands moved up and down Rachel’s sides as if they had a mind of their own.

Rachel’s deep intake of breath was almost her undoing as her hands found their way beneath Rachel’s t-shirt, sliding over silky soft skin as they searched for their desired goal, covering her breasts. She squeezed gently, her thumbs making circular motions over Rachel’s nipples. She moaned into Rachel’s mouth as she felt them grow harder with each stroke.

Sydney shivered when Rachel’s fingers and hands did a tap dance across her stomach. “You’re killing me,” Sydney groaned as Rachel traced kisses up and down the side of her neck. The tingling sensation ran from the tip of Sydney’s head all the way down to her groin. She felt the wetness gather between her legs when Rachel ran her tongue along the outside edge of her ear.

“Do you have any idea how bad I want you right now?” Sydney growled as her lips made their way back to Rachel’s mouth.

“Probably as much as I want you to want me right now,” Rachel whispered. She slowly traced the outline of Sydney’s lips with the tip of her tongue.

 The clearing of a throat caused both women to jump apart as if they had been burnt by fire. Rachel felt her cheeks redden as she jerked her shirt down.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Edna chuckled, “but there is a delivery man out front. He says you ordered some car parts and he says he won’t leave until you’ve had a chance to inspect them.”

“Thanks, Edna,” Sydney said as she tucked her shirt back into her pants.

“Don’t mention it,” Edna laughed as she turned and walked away.

Sydney turned to Rachel, pulled her into her arms, and cupped her face with her hand. “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” she said and then kissed Rachel softly on the lips. She looked at her one last time and then left the room.


Chapter 11

Rachel tapped her pencil on the desk. She hadn’t seen or talked to Sydney since ...  since their what? She laughed out loud. She didn’t even know what to call what they had done yesterday. She hadn’t planned on kissing Sydney. It just happened in the heat of the moment.

“Oh my gosh,” she whispered. “You felt her up, that’s what you did.” She felt the color rise in her cheeks at the thought of what she had done. She had no idea on where they stood or where they would go from here.

All she knew for sure was that she had been unable to get it out of her mind and  Sydney had been the last thing she thought about when she went to sleep and she had been the first thing she thought of when she had awoken that morning.

“I think these two belong to you,” Edna said, poking her head through the doorway.

“Hey, Mom, what’s up?” Caitlyn asked as she came into the room with Alyssa following behind her.

Rachel frowned at the sight of her daughters. “What are you two doing here?”

“Sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do with her,” Caitlyn said, nodding at her little sister. “Christy’s mom called my cell. Seems Christy has some kind of flu bug so I went over and picked her up. I figured Sydney wouldn’t mind if I brought Mini-me over here.”

“You’re right. Sydney doesn’t mind at all,” Sydney said from the doorway. She walked up to Alyssa and held out her hand. “Hi, Alyssa, I’m Sydney.”

“Hello, Sydney. I’m pleased to meet you,” Alyssa said in response and shook Sydney’s hand.

“Well, I guess it’s settled then,” Rachel laughed.

“I guess so,” Caitlyn chuckled. “I got a lot of work to do so I will talk to you ladies later.”

“I will touch base with you in a little while,” Sydney said to Caitlyn.

“Sounds good because I think I may have solved one of our little puzzles concerning a certain exec that we both know,” Caitlyn said with a wink.

“Now you’ve got my curiosity aroused,” Sydney said.

“I need to re-check and verify a few things but once I’m done, I’ll buzz you on your cell,” Caitlyn said.

Sydney smiled at her and said, “Can’t wait.”

Once Caitlyn was gone, Sydney turned her attention to Alyssa. “So, Alyssa, Caitlyn tells me that she calls you Mini-me. Why is that?” she asked.

“She says it’s because she and are just alike,” Alyssa answered.

“Is that true?” Sydney asked.

“Yeah in most ways, I suppose. Only she likes computers and I like cars.”

Sydney’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Well, if you like cars, then you might like me a little bit, too.” She glanced at Rachel and flashed her a broad smile that made Rachel’s heart skip a beat.

“You like cars?” Alyssa asked excitedly. Sydney’s revelation had obviously pleased her.

“I love, love, love cars,” Sydney said and then winked at Rachel.

The small gesture caused Rachel’s breath to catch in her throat. She couldn’t take her eyes off of Sydney as she watched her interact with her youngest daughter.

“You should see the shelves in my room, shouldn’t she, Mom?” Alyssa asked, looking at her mom for confirmation.

“Yes, she should, baby. I think Sydney would be impressed by your model collection,” Rachel said and nodded her head for emphasis, much to Alyssa’s delight.

“You build models?” Sydney asked, her eyebrows rising in surprise.

“At least two a week,” Alyssa answered proudly.

Sydney smiled at the young girl who looked so much like her mother. “I’ll tell you what, how about I take you around and show you the rest of the house so your mom can get back to work.”

“Sweet,” Alyssa said, her face lighting up with the thought. “Is it okay?” she asked, looking at Rachel.

“Yes, baby, it’s more than okay,” Rachel answered with a smile. She looked at Sydney and silently mouthed a
thank you

 Sydney grinned at Rachel and then wrapped her arm around Alyssa shoulders. “Do you like video games?” she asked.

“I love video games,” Alyssa replied.

“What about Donkey Kong?” Sydney asked.

“I will kick your butt,” Rachel heard Alyssa tell Sydney as the two of them headed down the hallway. She laughed and shook her head. Alyssa definitely marched to the beat of a different drummer just like her older sister.

Hearing Sydney and Alyssa laughing warmed Rachel’s heart. “I’m like an emotional basket case,” she whispered as her eyes unexpectedly welled up with tears.



Meredith lay down on the couch. She kicked her panties off to the side. She motioned to the little petite, hot looking blonde-haired woman who had accompanied her to Sydney’s Christmas party.

“What do you want, sweets?” the blonde asked in a seductive voice.

“You know what I want, Brandy, honey,” Meredith purred as she spread her legs open wide, revealing her completely shaven self.

Brandy smiled as she pulled off her top and unhooked her bra. By the time she made it over to the couch, she was completely naked, having shed all of her clothes along the way.

She licked her lips as she settled between Meredith’s legs. “Mmm, you’re so damn wet,” Brandy whispered as she slid her fingers through the wetness. She lowered her head and simultaneously entered Meredith with two fingers as she ran her tongue across her swollen clit.

“Oh shit,” Meredith moaned as her hips began to thrust hard against Brandy’s fingers. “I need more,” she begged.

“You taste so good,” Brandy groaned as she slid another finger inside.

Meredith reached down, pushing Brandy’s face into her harder. “Yes, yes, right there,” Meredith panted. “Whatever you do, don’t fucking stop,” she growled. Her hips bucked wildly as the orgasm screamed through her body. She tossed her head back against the arm of the couch and pushed hard against Brandy’s mouth. She cried out as the last sensations of the of the orgasm subsided. “No more,” she said, pushing Brandy’s head away.

“But I was just getting started, sweets,” Brandy whined.

Meredith looked at Brandy as if she were something she had picked up off the street. “You know how I hate when you talk like that,” she said in a snotty voice. “Hand me my cell off the coffee table.”

Brandy did what she was told and tossed Meredith her cell phone. She leaned back on the couch with a pouty look on her face as she looked at her lover.

Meredith glanced at Brandy with what could only be described as indifference as she punched a number into her cell. She smiled as she waited for the phone to be answered on the other end.

“Hello, Edward,” she said, grinning from ear to ear. “It’s not important who I am. What matters is that I know who you are and I know who your wife is. Would you be interested in knowing just what that wife of yours has been up to lately?” Meredith laughed. “If you aren’t sitting down you might want to think about it but I suggest before you do that you fix yourself a long hard drink.”


Chapter 12

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