Shattered Heart (Z series) (10 page)

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Authors: Jerri Drennen

Tags: #Z Series

BOOK: Shattered Heart (Z series)
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Forever and Always,


Raw emotion clogged Charlotte’s throat. She hated William. More than anyone. And, what about this woman who was following her husband? Who was she? Did she have anything to do with his death? The mere thought had Charlotte wanting to tear every brunette from here to Portland apart.

A banging at the door jarred her back to the present.

It was probably Cara, afraid she’d do something stupid.

Charlotte placed the letter down onto the bed and headed toward the living room. She’d tell her best friend to go home and finish her tryst with whomever she’d been with before she and JT interrupted her.

As she turned the doorknob, she took in a cleansing breath, ready to have it out with her best friend when the door came barreling forward. Susan Emerson, William’s personal assistant rushed inside, pointing a large handgun at Charlotte’s chest.

Charlotte’s heart missed a beat.

“What is going on?”

“You’re coming with me.” The woman’s tone of voice said that Charlotte better not argue. She’d need to do what she was told or she’d kill her.

Charlotte stared at the woman’s hair. She was a brunette.

In Susan’s free hand, she held out a long strip of plastic with a barb on one end.
A zip-tie
. The kind the police used when they had a crowd of people to arrest. “Put this on. I’m not going to have you trying anything on the drive to Portland.”

Why was this woman taking her there? And, if she did, would Charlotte ever return home?


* * *


JT rubbed at his eyes as he filled the tank in the truck. Zack had gone inside the twenty-four-hour cafe to get coffee. He seriously wanted to call Charlotte—let her know everything would be all right but he knew it’d just make it harder on her—and him. For some reason he couldn’t get her out of his mind and right now he needed to. What happened in the next twenty-four hours could change so many people’s lives if he couldn’t stop Terran from setting those charges.

The nozzle clicked, letting him know the tank was full.

JT returned it to the gas pump and screwed on the cap.

Keep your mind clear, JT. Right now is not th
time for scattered thoughts

He jumped back into the cab of the truck, happy to see Zack coming from the building. Hopefully a cup of coffee would recharge him and get him back on track.

Goal one: Find Terran.

Zack handed him a cup and fastened his seatbelt. “Dalton called. That SUV came to a stop at some cafe off of Highway 26. We need to get there and see if Terran shows up.”

JT nodded and started the engine, pulling away from the station. “Where on 26 is this restaurant?”

“On the outskirts of Portland.” He turned his phone toward JT to show him the destination on the map.

“So, maybe an hour from here?”

“At least. What are we going to do if Terran shows up?”

“I don’t know yet. Are state patrol still watching that SUV?”

Zack nodded. “Yeah. Dalton said they’re staying at a distance so as not to alert them.”

“You know, now that I’ve had time to think about it, the guy driving that SUV sounded foreign. Maybe it’s Samir. And, if that’s the case then he might be going to meet Terran. This could be where we could put an end to this whole thing. No one would get hurt.”

Zack grinned. “Exactly.”

With that thought as focus, JT stomped on the gas. He needed to get there as soon as he could. Hopefully, before Terran had a chance to make further plans.






Charlotte was relieved to see Susan turn on her signal light and then take the exit that led to a roadside cafe. Somehow, they’d made it to Portland in record time. Now that they were close to the city, Charlotte was going to have to find a way to escape. Then try and contact JT. He had to be close. That much she knew.

Susan parked the car on the right side of the building and turned to her. “You try anything, and I’ll make sure your new man dies like your old one. You understand? The look in her dark eyes bordered on evil. She wouldn’t think twice about following through on the threat.

She left Charlotte in the car and came around the front, the woman’s eyes trained on her the whole time. Charlotte was going to have a hell of a time trying to get away. And, if she did, something might happen to JT. No way could she allow that.

Susan opened the door and leaned down and cut Charlotte’s restraints with a blade of some kind. Unfortunately, she sliced into Charlotte’s wrist at the same time.

She winced and put pressure on the wound.

When she looked up at Susan, she looked annoyed.

“Come on. Now we’re going to have to get you cleaned up before William arrives.”

“William is coming?” The news shocked Charlotte. She never dreamed that they came to Portland to meet with him.

“He insisted that I bring you. Something about tying up loose-ends.”

Charlotte gulped. What exactly did that mean?

Susan pulled her none-too-gently from the car and shoved her toward the entrance. “Remember what I said earlier. I do have to say your taste in men is getting better.”

Charlotte wanted to haul off and bust her in the nose, but thought better of it. She was already in deep shit. Then again, what did it matter? Either she died now or later. But, maybe she could somehow get William to see what he was doing was crazy and that he needed to rethink his plans.

Susan manhandled her to the restroom and locked the door.

“Clean yourself up. And hurry. William will be here any minute.”

Charlotte walked to the sink and ran her wrist under the water, blood swirling around in the sink.

Anger and regret taking hold, Charlotte grabbed a paper towel and covered the cut.

“Let’s go.” Again, Susan dug into her arm.

Bide your time. You have to use your head to get out of this

William was the key. Somehow she needed to made him see reason.

Susan led them to a booth central to both exits, no doubt wanting them to be easily seen.

What did this woman have to gain by all this? Was it loyalty to her boss? Or was there something more?

A heavyset waitress in a brown uniform came to the table. “Can I get you two some coffee?”

“Yes, thank you.” Susan glared at Charlotte.

Charlotte twisted her hands under the table, more nervous than she had ever been in her life. What happened in the next hour could mean life or death for more people than just herself. Somehow she had to make William see that what he intended was not something he seriously wanted to do.

The waitress placed two steaming mugs in front of them. “Are you ready to order?”

“No. We are waiting for someone else.” Susan turned at stern eye on Charlotte, almost challenging her to say something. Charlotte could see the woman hated her. But why? What had she ever done besides cook her breakfast almost every day for the past seven years.

The waitress nodded and walked away.

Charlotte wanted to ask Susan questions that ran rampant in her mind, but was afraid of the answers.

Off to her right, she saw the door open. William walked in, his gaze darting around until his eyes fell on them.

Charlotte held her breath as he started toward the booth, looking as tired as she felt. He clearly hadn’t had much rest either.

Good to know he wasn’t sleeping like a baby with what he was planning. That might help with talking him out of it.

He reached the table and leaned down and whispered something into Susan’s ear. The woman’s eyes widened, but she nodded and rose from the table. Before leaving, she gave Charlotte a look that could have frozen Hell over.

Charlotte swallowed hard. Even if William changed her mind about letting her live, Susan would probably kill her.

William waited until she exited the cafe, then slid in the booth across from Charlotte. He signaled to the waitress for coffee, then he gave her his full attention.

“I know you’re surprised by this little impromptu meeting, but I needed to see you.”

The waitress brought his coffee and left.

“It wasn’t like I was given a choice. So, what couldn’t wait for you to come back to Freemont to tell me? Or were you even planning to return?”

His eyes narrowed, and he peered around the cafe, then returned his focus to Charlotte. “Why would you ask that?”

The tension between them was palpable. Charlotte wondered if she should wait to see what he wanted to tell her first before she said any more.

“Well?” he prompted, his voice an octave higher.

“I know everything, William.”

“Everything, what? I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

“Let’s start with why you wanted to marry me.”

“Wow, Charlotte. You really do have a low opinion of yourself. Look in a fucking mirror for the answer to that question.”

Charlotte cowered, pushing unconsciously against her seat.

William closed his eyes for a moment, then reopened them. “I remember the very first time I saw you. You were around ten. This little blonde haired, blue-eyed girl that stood out in a town as dreary as the days were long. A brilliant light in the dark recesses of my mind. I watched you grow into the most enchanting creature I’d ever seen. When you became of age, I thought maybe I’d make my move. Then Shaun Delaney came along and ruined everything.”

Charlotte’s jaw slacked, unable to believe what she’d just heard.

“I hired him, so I could stay close to you.”

She never would have fathomed what he was saying. It was all too unbelievable.

“I waited all those months after Shaun was gone. I let you grieve for him, then I hear a man was with you a few nights ago. Who, Charlotte? Better yet, why?”

She swallowed hard. This was the last thing she expected to hear. No way did she ever thing William was in love with her.

“Tell me.” He reached out and grabbed her hand.

She tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip, refusing to let go.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He shook his head. “You’re such a pretty little liar. I can see it on your face, Charlotte. You’re in love, but, yet again, it’s not with me.”

“Is that why you killed Shaun?”

His eyes widened. “I didn’t kill Shaun. He died in a car accident.”

“Really?” Charlotte said sharply. “Then why was someone following him?”

“I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about, Charlotte. I would have never harmed Shaun. You loved him, and I could’ve never intentionally hurt you. That’s why I offered to help you keep Lettie’s. I know how much that place means to you. I’d do anything for you.”

“All right. So why are you here in Portland? Why do you have blueprints to the Exchange here in town?”

His eyes widened for a moment, then he smiled. “So, I take it that Shaun was snooping around my office before he died—I wasn’t sure. As far as that building goes, I have nothing to do with it. I just did what I was asked to.”

“And what was that?”

“Receive shipments and gather supplies. That’s it.”

“And your compensation for this was...?”

“What do you think? Money, of course. I lost everything in the downturn. My business was going under. I needed money, and Oman Samir offered a lot to help with his plan.”

“But this is terrorism, William. Don’t you get that?”

“What do I have to lose? Especially now when you’re screwing another guy.”

Charlotte flinched at his words.

“I should have claimed you when you were young. When I wanted to. I have loved you forever and you didn’t care.”

“I didn’t know,” she shot back. “I had no idea. I thought you felt bad for me because Shaun was on his way to one of your sites when he was killed. You have to stop this mess, William. You can’t let them destroy that building.”

He snorted. “You want to tell
that?” William glanced at his watch. “He’ll be showing up in about five minutes.”

Charlotte gasped. She had to get out of there to call the police. If William wasn’t going to stop this lunatic from blowing up that building, she would.

She attempted to rise but the pressure he placed on her hand stopped her. “Let me go.”

He shook his head. “You’re not going anywhere but with me. That’s why I had Susan bring you here. See, I never was going to be involved in setting any charges on that building. I’m here to get my money. That’s it. Then I’m leaving the country and you’re coming with me. I don’t care if you want to or not.”

A sharp gasp had them both turning to find Susan standing off to the side, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

She shook her head. “How could you do this to me?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” William asked, the lines around his eyes extremely pronounced.

“I’ve had your back for over twenty years, William. I watched as your business crumbled around you and took a huge pay cut to help. I protected you from Shaun. He was going to see that you went to prison. I made sure that didn’t happen. I brought her to you.” She pointed a finger at Charlotte. “Because you said she was a loose end. I thought you planned to kill her. Instead, you want to take her with you to Yemen. How could you do this to me, William?”

“You’re coming, too.” William glanced at Charlotte for a brief moment, then returned his attention to Susan. “Once we get there though, you’re on your own.”


* * *


JT smiled when he spotted Terran entering the Traveler’s Cafe. Whoever was in that SUV clearly was there to meet with William and this was Z’s opportunity to put a stop to their plans before they even got near the building in peril.

“How are we going to do this?” he asked Zack, who sat next to him, watching the restaurant.

He turned to JT. “We go inside and someone might get hurt. I think we should wait until they come back out.”

JT nodded. “I think you’re right. While we wait, let’s see if we can’t get a look inside Terran’s Suburban. Maybe we can see what was in those shipments. I’m sure they plan to either hand them over here, or this was a meeting point for them to drive to the building together.”

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