Authors: Kia DuPree
What made you write another book about sexual abuse?
One in four women have been sexually abused in their lifetime. That simple fact says a lot. It’s affected people who are very close to me, both friends and family members. I see how their early loss of innocence made them doubt their own self-worth and how it still continues to impact them today. This sort of victimization has long-lasting effects on people and can even impact extended family members. Writing this story made me feel like I’m bringing awareness and compassion to the struggles of the victims.
How did you do your research for this novel?
I am a news lover. Almost every story idea that I have has its roots in a news interview or a documentary. The truth can be so much stranger than fiction. Discussions with friends lead to interviews and more research, including watching documentaries and scouring the Internet for articles.
Who are some of your favorite authors, and what are some of your favorite books?
When I was young I read books by Terry McMillan, Alice Walker, and Omar Tyree.
by Terry McMillan reminded me so much of my life. I loved
The Women of Brewster Place
because of the many different characters and interconnecting story lines. It was something about the inner struggle of the characters that gave me hope. I was also happy to read books about African Americans where the story didn’t involve slavery or oppression. As I got older my range evolved, and I fell in love with contemporary writers who wrote stories about survival in the inner city. Again, these were stories that spoke to me.
When did you realize you wanted to write?
I realized it when I helped write a play about drug prevention when I was in the eighth grade and everybody loved it. After that, I wrote a novel called
Fast Times
about a girl who dropped out of college to live with her boyfriend. What did I know about college? [smile.] I won a twenty-five dollar award for honorable mention from author Marita Golden.
What would you tell aspiring authors?
Someone told me once to first stop calling myself an “aspiring author” and write. Once you write, you’re an author. Keep honing your craft, read other people’s work, and stay inspired.
![]() | In the style of urban literary greats Teri Woods and Sister Souljah, Kia DuPree weaves a heart-wrenching story of a young woman living on the streets. |
“A knockout of a story…raw, gritty, uncompromising realism, telling like it is honestly and well. DuPree is an author to watch.”
Library Journal
“DuPree displays an excellent ear for the dialogue, thinking, music and world views of her young characters and a talent for setting…far above standard street lit…”
Publishers Weekly
![]() | A woman must deal with the trials and tribulations of urban life and protect her children from the tough streets of Washington, D.C. |
“DuPree’s knack for dialogue and her insight and compassion for her characters inspire the reader’s empathy—an outstanding achievement.”
Publishers Weekly
“This novel is the real deal. Folks seeking a title for an urban book club need look no further. Its inner city realism compares favorably with Sister Souljah’s
The Coldest Winter
and Sapphire’s
. This is easily one of my top-five fiction books of 2011. Buy it…promote it.”
“Its inner city realism compares favorably with Sister Souljah’s
The Coldest Winter Ever
and Sapphire’s
. This is easily one of my top-five fiction books of the year.”
Library Journal
(starred review)
“DuPree’s knack for dialogue and her insight and compassion for her characters inspire the reader’s empathy—an outstanding achievement.”
Publishers Weekly
“Shockingly provocative and earnestly raw…DuPree holds nothing back, but explores the poverty, pain, and hopelessness of the slums with absolute openness…Her writing is vibrant, descriptive, and full of flavor.”
Decatur Daily
“Powerful…emotionally wringing…a raw deep look at surviving the mean streets…provides profound insight into the other side of living in D.C.”
Midwest Book Review
“Honest and heartbreakingly intense…DuPree scores another win in the urban realism department…Every page of this novel is intriguing and entertaining…It has the ability to make us look at one another similarly, and maybe, even for a brief amount of time, allow us to see past cultural differences and try to understand and change the flaws that plague our society…together.”
“A knockout of a story…raw, gritty, uncompromising realism, telling like it is honestly and well. DuPree is an author to watch.”
Library Journal
“An unvarnished look at the troubled, violence-filled lives of inner-city youth in Washington, D.C.…DuPree displays an excellent ear for the dialogue, thinking, music, and worldviews of her young characters and a talent for setting: The grimy streets, rundown hotels, beat-up houses, sweaty house parties, and clubs feel real and far above standard street lit.”
Publishers Weekly
“Kia DuPree’s literary voice sings in this beautifully written story of a young lady’s tumultuous life. Easily the best book I’ve read this year!”
—Tracy Brown,
bestselling author of
“DuPree enters the literary game with her pen blazing in this unforgettable tale of a woman’s determination to overcome her obstacles and not become damaged.”
—Joy Deja King, national bestselling
author of
Queen Bitch
“Kia DuPree has created a page-turner, with characters so real, so vivid, they literally jump off the page. As you read, you feel every struggle, every emotion, the joy, pain, happiness, and sorrow. I had to keep reminding myself that I was reading a work of fiction!”
—Mari Walker,
author of
Not Quite What It Seems
“Kia DuPree hits the ground running with this one. Readers will be drawn into the drama of Camille’s young life, anxious to see what happens next. A page-turner and intense read, this dramatic story will keep you guessing.”
—J. D. Mason, national bestselling author
That Devil’s No Friend of Mine
“In Kia DuPree’s
, she really showed readers what she could do with a pen. I’m proud of you, kid!”
—K’wan, #1
bestselling author of
, and
Section 8
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“Madness to magnet keeps attracting me”
“…It’s when you’re in that valley / You can see both sides more clearly”
Praise for Kia DuPree’s Novels
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2012 by Kia DuPree
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at
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Grand Central Publishing
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First e-book edition: October 2012
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ISBN 978-1-4555-1817-3