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Authors: For My Lady's Honor

BOOK: Sharon Schulze
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He couldn’t stop smiling. From the moment he saw her, his heart had raced in anticipation.

Of their life together.

Of learning all the nuances of their love.

They spoke their vows slowly, solemnly, investing the words with meaning.

When the time came for him to kiss his bride, he poured all the love he felt for her into that simple kiss, hoping she’d realize the unspoken promises he made.

He would repeat those promises to her when they were alone, say the words he meant with all his heart.

That night after they’d loved, Alys gazed about the chamber that would be theirs until they left l’Eau Clair for Padrig’s new command. Though ’twas small, it had much to recommend it over the cave where they’d first made love.

Though she missed the hot spring, the bed had been a wonderful luxury, one they’d made good use of, she thought with a smile.

She cuddled close to her husband, savoring his warmth and strength.

“Are you happy,
’m asgre?
” he murmured. He drew her closer still, until her head lay atop his shoulder and she could hear the steady beat of his heart.

“Aye, milord. Are you?” She propped herself up on her elbow and gazed into his eyes.

“Happier than I believed ’twas possible.” His gaze never leaving hers, he smoothed his hand over her shoulder and brought his palm to rest over her heart. “Alys, I swear to you I will cherish you forever, protect you with my strength, worship you with my body and my heart.”

She could find no words, merely smile and fight back the tears that threatened to flow. Finally she caught his hand in her own and brought it to her lips. “You honor me, Husband. I never thought to hear such words spoken to me, only to record them as part of someone else’s story. But thanks to you, Padrig, I feel as though my life has begun anew—a tale of love and living our lives together.”

Padrig cuddled her close and, picking up her right hand, gently kissed her fingers. “Once your hand is better,
’m asgre,
will you write our story?” he asked. “After all, you know how it will end.”

She raised herself up on his chest and, smiling, shook her head. “There’s no ‘the end’ in the tales I write,
’m cara.
’Tis like our story.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips. “And what is that, my heart?”

“’Tis the beginning.”

ISBN: 978-1-4592-2965-5


Copyright © 2006 by Sharon M. Schulze

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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The L’Eau Clair Chronicles

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