Shark Out of Water (30 page)

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Authors: Delsheree Gladden

BOOK: Shark Out of Water
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Before either of them could say anything else, the music began. Guy looked at Charlotte, who stood in front of him with her parents, and found her looking back at him with a brilliant smile lighting up her face. He returned her smile, excitement filling him as the processional began moving.

As they walked up the aisle, Guy could not take his eyes off Charlotte. He knew others would be taking in her dress and flowers. The dress was magnificent, having been designed by Leila, with Sabine’s input, whether it was wanted or not. Charlotte had adored the strapless bodice covered in delicate ruching, embroidery, and organza flowers, but what had truly made her fall in love with the design was the full skirt layered with ripples of organza that had somehow been gathered into grand, beautiful rosettes over the entire length of the skirt and train. It was amazing, and every guest in the assembly appreciated its beauty, but Charlotte outshone the dress with her joy.

Before Guy knew it, they had arrived at the altar where Father Deniau waited. Smiling, he watched as the wedding party took their seats and the couple’s parents hugged and kissed their children before handing them over to the priest. Guy had always imagined that if he somehow ever found himself involved in such a ceremony as the groom, he would be panicking, but he only felt a sense of peace as he took Charlotte’s hand and they stepped up to kneel at the altar.

“My dear friends,” Father Deniau began, “we come here on this beautiful afternoon to celebrate the Holy Sacrament of marriage with Guy and Charlotte.”

Guy did his best to pay attention to the priest’s words and through the first and second readings. Sabine and Leo both struggled to get through their parts without letting their emotions get the best of them, but it was not easy. Guy wanted to remember every moment, but Charlotte stole much of his attention as they sat in front of the assembly and listened to the liturgy. He was almost startled when Father Deniau asked everyone to stand again. Guy realized they had reached the Rite of Marriage, and immediately his attention was focused.

“Dear friends, you have gathered here in this church so the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Church’s minister, this community, and the Lord. He will enrich and strengthen you through this special sacrament that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity. Now, in the presence of the Church, I ask you to state your intentions.

“Guy Rémi Saint Laurent and Charlotte Elizabeth Brooks, have you come here of your own free will, without reservation, to give yourselves to each other in marriage?”

Guy and Charlotte were both smiling as they said, “Yes.”

“Will you love and honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?”


“Will you accept children lovingly from God and bring them up according to the law of Christ and His Church?”

Before either of them could answer, Warren turned to Eli and whispered, rather loudly, “See, he said child-
. I told you I get to have my own baby when Mommy’s better.” He said it so happily, so focused on proving his point to Eli, that he was quite startled when everyone began chuckling. Red faced, he slunk down in the pew, but Charlotte and Guy only smiled at him.

Turning back to Father Deniau, they both meant it wholeheartedly as they said, “Yes.”

Father Deniau continued happily, saying, “Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands and declare your consent before God and Church.”

Guy took Charlotte’s right hand in his, but the sight of her tearful eyes stole his words. In that moment, he could not understand how he had been so lucky, so blessed to have her in his life. Struggling to overcome his emotions, Guy said, “I, Guy, take you, Charlotte, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness…”

His voice broke, and nearly everyone in the assembly seemed to break down. Guy had heard these same words so many times, but never had they impacted him, or anyone else there, so deeply. Charlotte had tears running down her cheeks as she stared up at him. Guy’s chin quivered as he fought to continue.

“In sickness, and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life.” Charlotte reached up and wiped away Guy’s tears as her own continued to fall.

“I, Charlotte, take you, Guy, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

Both Guy and Charlotte turned back to Father Deniau, expecting him to continue, but he was wiping his face with his handkerchief. He was not the only one. Half the assembly seemed to be in the same condition. Guy’s hand tightened around Charlotte’s. She returned the gesture. She had once been so hesitant of accepting help from his friends and family, but in this moment, they both felt the love of everyone around them.

“I apologize,” Father Deniau said as he stuffed his handkerchief back into his pocket. After settling himself, he picked up where they had left off. “You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in His goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with His blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen.”

Father Deniau gestured for the rings and the two little keepers leapt from their seats eagerly, making everyone chuckle. Father Deniau smiled as he accepted Charlotte’s ring from Warren, but grimaced just a bit when he took Guy’s ring from Lily. Everyone figured out why when he reached for his handkerchief again and wiped away the sticky slobber left over from having her fingers in her mouth prior to handing over the ring. Carmody and Michael shook their heads in embarrassment, but Guy and Charlotte only laughed.

With a smile, Father Deniau set both rings on a small tray prepared for the blessing of the rings. "Lord, bless these rings, which we bless in your name. Grant that those who wear them may always do your will and live together in peace and compassion. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Reverently, Father Deniau sprinkled each of the rings with Holy water. He smiled as he held them before the couple, and said, “May these rings be a symbol of true faith in each other, and always remind you of your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Guy took the proffered ring and slipped it onto Charlotte’s finger as he said, “Charlotte, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Taking Guy’s ring from the priest, Charlotte placed it on Guy’s finger as she repeated the words as well. “Guy, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Guy knew there was much more to the ceremony, but it all slipped away as he stared at his new bride. The prayers and the rest of the liturgies would follow, but she was his and he was hers. This one woman who had somehow managed to redefine who he thought he was, who had drawn him out of his singular life into a world ruled by love, compassion, and sacrifice… she was everything to him. It was a world he never imagined wanting to find himself in, but now, he would never want anything different. Charlotte was the only one who could show him what love truly meant, the only woman capable of breaking his heart if he had lost her, and she was his for the rest of his life.

No one objected as he leaned down and took his wife into his arms. His kiss was gentle and soft, but filled with more love than he had ever thought himself capable. They still had so much to battle, but he was not afraid to face it with her.



The End





When I wrote book one of this series, not a soul besides the Limitless team had read the entire book. That certainly wasn’t so with Shark Out of Water. This was one of those books that got written within two months because I simply could not stop working on it, and then went through a ridiculous amount of revisions. Mainly the first seven chapters.

I owe a huge thanks to my beta team for helping me straighten out the beginning so I could introduce readers to Guy in the right way so they loved him as much as I did. So, thank you so much to Michelle Zeplin, Sandy Totz, Brittany Willis, Mylissa Demeyere, Yvonne Ravenwood, Sneha Mohite, Robyn Steele, Amy Bartelloni, Rachel Hamm, Rebecca Engelmann, Kristy Hamilton, Apryl Baker, Nikki Jeffrey, Samreen Ahsan, Leticia Santiago, and SeriouslyGina.

Mylissa Demeyere deserves a special round of thanks for slogging through all my bad French, making corrections and keeping Guy from saying anything offensive! She is awesome and I really appreciate her taking the time to tune up my sorely rusty French. Rachel Hamm deserves a special thanks as well for cramming this into her busy schedule and giving me detailed comments on what needed to be fixed and why, and telling me what parts she loved when I really needed to hear it. I always turn to her for advice on writing romance because she’s simply amazing at it and everyone should read her books. I also owe SerioslyGina a big thanks for giving me that last piece of advice I needed to make the first chapter grab readers' attention and pull for Guy and Charlotte from page one.

Thank you as well to the wonderful team at Limitless Publishing for all the hard work they’ve done on this book, from editing and cover art to answering questions and marketing. This is a great team and I’m so glad to be working with them.

My husband and two children deserve a mountain of credit and thanks, for putting up with me on a daily basis and keeping me from losing sight of what’s really important.



About the Author


DelSheree Gladden was one of those shy, quiet kids who spent more time reading than talking. Literally. She didn't speak a single word for the first three months of preschool, but she had already taught herself to read. Her fascination with reading led to many hours spent in the library and bookstores, and eventually to writing. She wrote her first novel when she was sixteen years old, but spent ten years rewriting and perfecting it before having it published.

Native to New Mexico, DelSheree and her husband spent several years in Colorado for college and work before moving back home to be near family again. Their two children love having their seventeen cousins close by. When not writing, you can find DelSheree reading, painting, sewing and trying not to get bitten by small children in her work as a dental hygienist. DelSheree has several bestselling young adult series, including "Invisible" which was part of the USA Today Bestselling box set, "Pandora." The Date Shark Series is her first contemporary romance series. 



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