Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete (11 page)

BOOK: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete
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Max and I ended up crashing in a chair, feeling like we were in a hospital waiting room. I dozed off for a while, letting Max’s chest be my pillow and his arms be my blanket. When I eventually woke up, I blinked and looked around—and suddenly jumped up in horror when I discovered Jake was gone. Max and I were the only ones in the room.


“Jake?” I shrieked. “Jake!”


“He’s upstairs,” I heard someone say, and turned my head to see Ben coming down the stairs. “We took him up to his bed. He’ll need to rest for a few days, but other than that he’s okay.”


I breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Can I see him now?”


“He’s sleeping. You probably shouldn’t wake him.”


Trish appeared coming down behind him a moment later. “Yeah, are we done here now? I don’t want to stick around this place longer than I have to.”


Paul and Sally were right behind her. “What’s the matter, Trish?” Paul asked. “I know this place is a mess, and yeah, it still smells like wolf…”


“It’s not the smell of wolf that I have a problem with,” Trish grumbled. And it didn’t escape me that her eyes were fixed on me as she said that.


“Excuse me?” I said. “Is there a problem?”


“There won’t be once I get out of here,” Trish said. “Seriously, Max, how can you stand her smell?”


Excuse me?
” I gasped, appalled.


“Trish!” Max barked. “Be nice!”


“Yeah, Trish,” said Paul. “You’re not helping anyone like this!”


Trish’s nostrils flared a few times, before she sighed. “I’m sorry, Max, but you know how I feel about humans. She’s just lucky I like wolves even less.”


“Would you have rather we just let the wolves rip her apart?” Sally said.


“I can’t say I’d have exactly cried over it,” Trish admitted.


I gaped in shock at her frankness. “Why is this bitch even here?” I demanded.


“I needed to find who I could get,” Max said. “I called on who I knew.”


“So this woman is your friend?” I said, almost chocking on the word “friend.”


“At the moment, I’m a little hesitant to call her that,” Max said, looking at Trish pointedly.


Trish glowered, and started marching to the front door. “I agreed to help because I owe you, Max,” she said. “And I’ll do what I promised. I’ll help keep you and your human safe, and I’ll be on guard for the wolves if they come back. But I’m not staying in this cabin as long as she’s here. And if you want my real opinion, the wolves are right: you should send her away from here. It would be better for all of us. Including her.”


And with that she was out the door, leaving me agape.


Paul stepped up and put a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry she’s like that.” He said.


“What’s her problem anyway?” I asked.


Ben shrugged. “Just the way she was raised, I guess,” he said. “I hate to tell you, but humans aren’t all that popular with our kind. You’ll probably find a lot of shifters who feel the way she does about you.”


“Can we really trust her?” I asked, looking mainly at Max.


“She might not approve of having you here,” he admitted, “but she won’t turn against me. I can promise you that much.”


Sally stepped up beside us. “So what happens now? The wolves are probably not going to back down.”


“We’ll have to hunker down,” Ben said. “Someone should stay here with Max and Jake and Billie, while the rest of us patrol outside. We should probably go find Trish too, and make sure she’s on guard.”


“I’ll volunteer to stay here,” Sally offered. Then she turned a look at me and said, “I don’t have any problem with humans; don’t worry. In fact, I kind of like humans.” I appreciated what she was trying to do, but I felt like she was being a little too friendly.


“We’ll need to keep watch until morning at least.” Max said. “Tomorrow, we need to get this place fixed back up,” he finished, looking specifically at the window that had been smashed through.


Paul groaned. “Really looking forward to that.” He muttered.


“All right, come on, Paul,” Ben said. “We’ll be back in the morning.”


As the two of them walked out the door, I turned to the stairs. “I’m going to go check on Jake now,” I said.


“Hey, we told you…” Sally began.


“I’m not going to wake him,” I said. “I just want to see him.”


I almost wished I hadn’t when I stepped through that door and saw him lying there. Jake looked like shit warmed over. Everywhere were bandages and stitches, one of his eyes was bandaged over and parts of his face were swollen. I was afraid to even touch him for fear he would break, and yet I wanted nothing more than to take him into my arms and comfort him. But I held myself back.


Actually, it might be more accurate to say that Max held me back. As soon as I impulsively started toward Jake, Max took hold of my shoulders, and I stopped, realizing the need for restraint.


But nothing was going to hold my tears back.


I continued looking at Jake’s ravaged form for as long as I could stand to, before I finally turned and buried my face against Max’s chest, letting my tears wet his pectorals. At that point he slowly started drawing me out of the room and back out onto the upstairs landing.


“Come on,” he said. “Let’s get you to bed.”


I knew that as long as Jake was in his condition Max and I would be occupying the spare bedroom. But where did that leave Sally, I wondered?


I stepped up to the railing and looked down over it to her. “Are you gonna be okay down here? I mean we have the spare bedroom…”


“I’m good,” Sally said. “The whole reason I’m here is to stay on guard. You guys take the bedroom. I got this.” And with those words, she dropped to all fours and bulked up to her bear form. She turned her head and gave us a “go on” gesture, before lumbering into the middle of the room and lying down on the rug.


I walked into the spare bedroom ahead of Max, who shut the door behind us. I stopped in the middle of the room, not turning around to him. I just clutched my arms, my head hanging. “Hey, Billie…” Max began.


All at once I whirled around and rushed at him, and began pounding my fists on his chest. “You JERK!” I shouted. “You stupid BASTARD! You were supposed to be here with us! How could you do that to me?!?”


He gave me a minute or two to vent, before taking hold of me and letting me sob my frustrations out. When I finally started to calm down, he ran a soothing hand up and down my spine. “Believe me, it was the last thing I wanted to do.” He said. “And what happened to Jake tonight was exactly the kind of thing I was worried might happen to him, or worse, to you. But I knew we wouldn’t be able to hold off the wolves by ourselves, so I had to go get whoever I could. I knew it was a risk, and I hated putting you in that position.”


I wasn’t quite ready to listen to reason. “I needed you here! I needed you with me! I needed…” I trailed off, my brain not working rationally enough to form complete ideas. Looking up at him, I pleaded with him to make me understand: “Why did you have to go?”


There was nothing he could say to explain it that he hadn’t already said. So instead he just pulled me up and kissed me. I only tried to fight him for a second, if even that. God, even with Jake still here, I hadn’t even realized just how much I really missed him.


He suddenly picked me up and carried me over to the bed, where he laid me down and descended over me, bringing his lips down to mine. I moaned softly into his kiss, pulling his big body tighter to me.


We didn’t waste much time with foreplay. I’d been without him too long for that. So instead, he just warmed me up for a few minutes by kissing me, massaging my breasts, and running his stiff cock along the outside of my slit. And when I started bucking my hips up in a feeble attempt to catch the thing that was pleasuring me down there, he finally got the message and slid himself inside me.


“Oh, fuck yesssssss…!” I hissed as my walls stretched to accommodate him. I would never get tired of the feeling of a big bear cock first entering me. My hands gripped him tight, my legs coming up along his sides. I began undulating my body underneath him as he started to move, rising up to meet his thrusts.


His eyes gazed lovingly down at me. He fucked me with all the longing he’d felt for me in the time he’d been away. Every moment he’d been without me, every night he’d longed for my embrace, every touch he’d wished he could’ve shared with me, he made me feel right then. I may not have totally forgiven him yet for ditching me and Jake, but he was sure as hell making it hard for me to stay mad at him.


I leaned up and kissed him. I kissed him hard.


When he palmed my breasts, I moaned and pushed my chest up into his hands. I clawed at his back to pull him against me tighter. My legs locked behind his thighs, urging him to thrust deeper.


After he brought me to my first climax, I pushed him off and dove for his slick cock, sucking the shaft hungrily into my mouth, greedily slurping my own juices off him. Then I quickly got on my hands and knees and barked, “Behind me now!”


He wasted no time in complying, getting on his knees behind me and setting his hands on my ass to steady himself. I groaned as he entered me from behind, and started gasping as he started to move, jerking my body forward on every thrust.


He periodically stopped, pulling out and ducking his face down into the crack of my ass, burying his mouth in my juicing pussy. I knew him well enough to know this was his way of delaying his own orgasm while still keeping me stimulated, and if there was one thing Max knew how to do it was stimulate me. I squealed with delight as his lips and tongue pleasured my slit, only to have him rise back up and push inside me a moment later.


I’m not sure at what point exactly this fuck had transformed from tender “I missed you” sex into the wild, intense pleasure-fest it had become. But one thing was for sure: I had completely forgotten ever being upset with Max. He knew just how to push my right buttons and turn me into a wanton slut.


I was certainly sounding like one: “Fuck me!” “Harder!” “Fuck, yes! YES!” “God, I love your cock! Give it to me you big bear!”


Needless to say I was turned on enough that it didn’t take much work for him to bring me to a second orgasm. Or a third. Or a fourth, after he unloaded in me the first time and I sucked him back to hardness and climbed on top of him cowgirl style for round two.


I figured this was us making up for lost time, catching up on all the sex we could’ve been having in the time he was away. We ended up going for hours that night. He came inside me twice, then a third time on my tits, and then after we cleaned that off and rested our strength for a bit, we fucked some more until he came on my face. And don’t even ask me how many times I got off that night.


We finally ran out of steam after that. I cleaned myself off again, and then we just lay on the bed, looking at each other for a while. “That was pretty intense.” I said after several minutes of silence.


“What can I say, I missed you.” He said.


“I don’t think I could survive if that was how we did it every night.”


“Then consider it a special event.”


“Can I expect an encore event?” I grinned wickedly.


“Ask me nice enough.” he smirked.


I leaned over and kissed him. Then I nestled my head against his chest, and fell asleep in his embrace.





Max had already gotten up when I woke up the next morning. I stepped out of the bedroom to find him downstairs with Sally, Ben and Paul, and the four of them were busy sweeping up the debris that had been left by the wolves’ attack. “Hey, look who’s up!” Paul beamed when he looked up and saw me.


“Morning, sunshine.” Max said, pausing to lean on his broom. “How’d you sleep?”


“Like a log,” I grinned. “You took quite a bit out of me last night.”


A few “whoo-hoo’s” were directed at Max when I said that. Max blushed and rolled his eyes, and went back to sweeping.


Then I turned my eyes toward the main bedroom. “Has anyone checked on Jake?”


“Yeah, I checked in on him a little while ago.” Sally said. “He was awake. He might want to see you.”


I didn’t need to be told twice. I marched over to that room and in the door I strode.


Jake didn’t look much better than he had the night before, but at least he was moving. He turned his head to me, and a smile formed on his battered face when he saw me. “Hey, baby.” He croaked.


The sight of him still made me want to cry. “Hey,” I managed to say, holding my tears back this time. I stepped up to him and knelt by his bedside, taking his hand. “How are you feeling?”


“Never better.” he grinned. “Just don’t… ask me to get up and dance.”


That was enough to get a laugh out of me. I leaned in and placed a tender kiss on his forehead. “You can’t keep doing this to me.” I said. “First it was that fight with Max and now this. What is it about you that can’t stop getting hurt?”


“The part that’ll do anything to make sure you don’t.” was his sincere reply.


Yeah, my tears let loose after hearing that. And now his lips were the recipients of my kiss.


I insisted on feeding Jake that morning. We prepared breakfast of eggs and ham that I spoon-fed him myself. He protested this at first, saying he was capable of feeding himself but he ultimately knew better than to argue with Dr. Billie. I hardly left his side for the rest of that day, except for a few times when I stepped out to get more food for him, and exchange a few words with Max, and then I went straight back to his room. The only time he ever got out of bed were the few occasions when he needed us to help him to the bathroom.


Over the next several days, Jake gradually recovered. I started letting him feed himself more often, and he got better at moving on his own two feet again. It was such a relief when I could see him up and moving, but it would be a while before we considered his condition well enough that I could express properly how—ahem—
I was for him.


But as soon as I did deemed him ready, I damn near hospitalized him all over again. He got up one day and felt well enough to go for a little stroll around the neighboring woods around the cabin, and I mean on four legs. Just the fact that he felt well enough to shift form was a good sign, and add to that the fact that he felt like being active was promising. So when he got back to the cabin, I looked him right in the eyes, and spoke to him in a series of single words: “You. Me. Upstairs. Now.”


Let’s just say, I’d gone a bit too long without Jake inside me. So I made up for lost time that day like I never would again. I spent hours riding him in every conceivable way I could think of, taking him from behind like a bitch in heat or laying back with my legs in the air. When he finally told me he was spent, I told him to drink some water and get plenty of protein before tonight, because this was only halftime.


In the meantime, our new friends became regular fixtures around the cabin. Sally was always close at hand, while Ben and Paul would pop in on a regular basis to touch base with us and report on anything they’d seen or heard or smelled of wolves in the area. Needless to say, I was thankful that Trish rarely showed up around the cabin, since she obviously didn’t want to be there any more than I wanted her there. Her safe distance worked out for all of us.


I did enjoy getting to know Sally, though. Since she was there with us pretty much 24/7, there wasn’t much else I could do but make friends with her. She was about 30, she thought—bears had an unfortunate habit of not keeping track of time very well living out in the woods. She hadn’t met many humans in her life, and never one she didn’t like, so she was quite friendly with me, unlike Trish. She would get in my face on a regular basis, eager to know more about me, and about my life. Now matter how ugly and depressing my stories got, she always wanted to know more, and she always was eager to offer sympathy at the bad parts and cheer me on at the good parts.


When I told her about my old chauvinist boss and how he fired me for a hotter piece of ass, she commented, “You should have called me up there. I’d have given that pig something to squeal about.” That made me laugh.


After a while, I started to notice the particular way Sally tended to act around Max. I may not have even seen it if it hadn’t been for the contrast of how she acted differently toward him than she did toward Jake. I first became wise to it one day when Sally, Jake and I were in the kitchen, chatting back and forth about normal things: food, the weather, what we dreamed about last night; I don’t remember what the specific topic was that day. There was just nothing memorable or out of the ordinary about it, or about the way Sally acted so long as it was just me and Jake with her.


Then Max walked into the room. As soon as he appeared, Sally’s full attention was on him. And her mouth curled up into a very subtle smile. I might not have noticed it if she hadn’t been the last person talking, so that I was looking right at her.


“I’m thinking I should make a trip into town tomorrow for some supplies.” Max said. “You guys want to come with, or you think you’d rather wait here?”


Without a moment’s hesitation, Sally spoke up, “I’m up for going with you. Been a while since we both took a trip into town.”


Her specific choices of words were not lost on me. She didn’t say, “I think
should go with you,” she said “
up for going with you.” And I also noticed her use of the word “both” in the next sentence. Like she was thinking she would go alone with him.


“We shouldn’t split up,” Jake said. “The last time we did that Billie and I were both nearly wolf chow.”


Sally tried not to react too visibly, but I caught the very slight slumping of her shoulders when Jake said that. But I agreed with Jake, and I said as much. If Max was going, we all were too.


So the next day after breakfast we slipped into some of the clothes we kept stashed away for such an occasion and piled into Max’s Hummer. It had gotten to the point where I was so used to going naked all day that my clothes felt a little strange and uncomfortable, and I wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to put them on again.


I opted to ride in back with Jake, letting Sally ride shotgun next to Max. I was specifically watching to see if she did anything suspicious with him. And in the few hours it took us to make the drive, I was pretty sure I did notice a few instances of Sally doing things like subtly creeping her hand over to touch Max’s thigh. She never did it for more than a couple seconds, and each time she took her hand away she did it a little too quickly, like she was covering a mistake.


Returning to civilization wasn’t the big downer that it had been before, probably because I wasn’t coming back to stay. Before, when I had come back to the city I had been leaving my wonderful new life in the woods with my bears behind to return to the life that had chewed me up and spit me out. But now that the woods were my home and Jake and Max were with me to stay, the city had a different meaning. So long as I didn’t have to live here, it actually wasn’t that bad of a place to visit. In fact, I was surprised to find I was actually looking forward to spending a day in town.


If nothing else, we didn’t have to worry about wolves out here.


I had to admit, there were some things I’d missed about civilization since moving out to the woods, and I decided to indulge in some of them. After Max parked the Hummer and we got out, I invited Sally to come join me for some mochaccinos while the guys were shopping. That got me a smile from her, and an admission that she hadn’t had a mochaccino in forever.


We parted company with the guys and I took her to what used to be one of my favorite little coffee joints, where we ordered our drinks and relaxed at one of the outdoor tables. You know, it’s funny, the things you don’t realize you miss until you get them again after so long. As much as I loved the woods, I never knew how much I missed sitting under an umbrella sipping lattes with a friend on a nice sunny day. I’d also missed having another girl to talk to before Sally came along. I loved having two guys all to myself, but sometimes a girl just needs some girl time.


So we chatted amiably for a while, just being girls together, until I finally brought up what was really on my mind. “Sally,” I said, “I’ve just been wondering something…”


“What is it?”


“You and Max,” I said. “I’ve been noticing the way you look at him. And on the ride down here, you kept touching his leg.”


Sally made the face of a kid who’d been caught sneaking a cookie out of the jar. “You noticed that, huh?”


“I just want to know, did you and Max used to be… together?”


Sally shifted a little uncomfortably, considering her response. “Well, I guess that depends on how you mean ‘together.’ If you’re asking, were we an ‘item,’ then I’d have to say no. We were never boyfriend/girlfriend or anything like that. But if you’re asking, have we ever done it? About a million times. We used to be the best of fuckbuddies.”


“What changed?” I asked.


The look she gave me said it all: what changed was me. Max stopped sleeping with her because he started sleeping with me. I didn’t know whether to feel flattered that he’d chosen me over her, or guilty about coming between them. Especially when I would’ve still had Jake.


“Don’t look like that,” Sally said. “I don’t blame you for anything. Like I said, we were never an item. We just liked to boink each other from time to time. Life goes on.”


“Were there any others?”


“For him or for me?”


“Both of you, actually.”


“For me… a couple, once or twice. For him, I never really asked, but I’m pretty sure there were a few.”


“So have you been with anyone else since then?” I asked.


She looked a little uncomfortable. “Well, not so much.” She admitted.


“So Max was the last guy you’ve been with, and in all the time he and Jake have lived with me and I’ve been screwing them both, you’ve been with no one?”


“In a nutshell,” Sally shrugged.


I grimaced.


“There you go with that look again.” Sally said. “I’m okay with it, really. There’s nothing you need to feel guilty about.”


Her mouth said one thing but what I had observed in her interactions with Max said another. I wasn’t sure how to feel about this.


BOOK: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete
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