Shared Between Them (22 page)

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Authors: Korey Mae Johnson

BOOK: Shared Between Them
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Draevan’s brow crinkled. “Why? What’s wrong?” He put a hand around her extremely swollen stomach. For such a small frame, her belly was so huge she could barely get out of her chair without help.

“You know why. You and Taric are so nervous about this pregnancy that you come near to a heart-attack if I have indigestion. I told him to get a healer for himself, and he left and came back with a midwife!” she nagged.

He gave her a chiding glance. “There’s nothing funny about our worry, I assure you. We just want everything to go off without a hitch. Did you think the baby was due?” he asked her.

She shook her head and smiled at him. “Taric did, but there was no pain. Just so much movement, I thought a ballet was being put on in there…”

Suddenly, Taric’s hands appeared on the side of the fence, and he bounded over it, jumping over to the other side, looking completely out of breath as if he’d run the mile back as fast as he could. “Kyra…” he panted, putting his hands on his knees.

“You could have walked to the door,” she chided, pointing to the garden’s entrance.

“The midwife wouldn’t tell me
!” he huffed angrily. “What happened? What did she say?” Taric asked her firmly. “When did she think the baby was coming? Tomorrow? Next week?” he asked hopefully.

She laughed and shook her head. “No, much later than we thought.”

“Why?” Draevan asked, incredulous. “How could that even be! Have you seen you lately? When we used to joke about getting you so pregnant you’d fall forwards, we meant it as a joke, but that’s where you’re headed!”

“Well, you got me overly with-child, it seems, so don’t take that tone with me. It’s not my fault. You’ll have to bear another two months with a wife the size of a house.” She rubbed her hand across the silk of her dress above her belly.

Taric and Draevan re-processed her words. “What do you mean?” Taric finally asked; he claimed to be the smarter one of the two of them and had yet to figure it out.

She tried to purse her lips, her seriousness completely non-existent. “I mean you gave me
little warriors to chase after, not just one, and they’re already giving me trouble.”

Taric dropped to his knees, looking like he was indeed going to hyperventilate for a moment. In the next, he crawled over to her, put his face to her belly, and kissed it.

Draevan was quickly busy kissing the source. “Two!” he said, pulling back just to exclaim it to the sky, and then he kissed her again.

Bursting with excitement, both men shot to their feet and embraced each other. After a moment, they realized they hadn’t hugged since they were small children and pulled apart, settling for a handshake.

“Uh, well-done,” Taric said, rubbing his hand on his neck.

Draevan smiled wider than he ever had before; his face was already hurting. “Same to you, Cousin. Good work.”

“Of course, I need no congratulations,” she huffed.

“I would congratulate you, wife,” Draevan told her. “But if you thought we were insane before… You’re about to see us in a whole new light.”

“Uh, having two ridiculous husbands is hard work,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. When they were done rolling though, those beautiful gold specks twinkled at them. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”



The End

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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven


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