Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) (7 page)

Read Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Online

Authors: Sj McCoy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Adult, #Erotic, #Western, #Cowboy, #Ranch, #Brothers, #Series, #Saga, #Montana, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Forever Love, #Guest Ranch, #Business, #Great Life, #Any Woman, #Charm Impervious, #Talented Artist, #Commercially, #Adventure, #No Men Required, #Ego, #Challenge

BOOK: Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)
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The ladies cheered and wolf whistled. “Lose. The. Towel!”

Cassidy caught Monique Remington’s eye. She’d talked to her yesterday about this, and Monique had happily gone along with it. She didn’t have a problem and had assured Cassidy that Shane would survive. She winked at Cassidy now with a smile and a nod. Apparently she knew her son well. He’d turned around and was wiggling his butt behind the towel, working the crowd like a professional. Cassidy had to laugh when he turned back around and caught her eye.

He held her gaze as he raised a hand to the ladies. “Okay, playtime’s over. Teacher says we need to get to work now.” He sat down and waited while the ladies quieted, then slowly let the towel fall to the floor.

It took Cassidy everything she had not to lick her own lips at the sight of him. He smiled and winked at her. She smiled back and saluted him. She had to show her respect for the way he’d played it. She hadn’t beaten him at all; he’d stepped up to the challenge.

“I think,” he said, “that we’re going to get this life drawing class going here in a minute or two—once  teacher has had a chance to pull herself together.”

She pursed her lips at him. “That’s right, ladies. Tonight is our chance to put into practice everything we’ve learned over the last few weeks. I’d like to thank Shane for being so gracious in helping us.”

The ladies all chattered and chuckled. “I’ll be happy to give him a hand,” called Edna Jenkins from the end of the row. That had them all howling with laughter, even Monique.

“Mom!” laughed Shane. “How can you let them do this to me?”

Monique shrugged and chuckled. “You’re a big boy, Shane. You can stand up for yourself.”

big boy!” called one lady, setting them all off again.

He turned a mock pleading gaze on Cassidy. “Will you protect me from them?”

She nodded. “I’ll call them to order. We need to get the class started.”

“That’s not good enough. I need you to promise me.”

She held his gaze. “Promise you what?”

He grinned. “Promise me that you won’t let any woman other than you come near me for the duration of the class. That you’ll personally protect me. Then I’ll relax and we can get started.”


“No. You need to say it.”

Cassidy sighed.

“Doesn’t she ladies?”

They could all see what was going on and were happy to play along by the looks of them. “She does!”

Cassidy rolled her eyes. “I promise I won’t let any woman other than me come near you.”

“And?” He was enjoying this far too much!

“And I will personally protect you.”

“For how long?”

“For the duration of the class.”

“And you’re a woman of your word?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. He was turning this all around on her! “I am.”

“Great.” He grinned around at the ladies. “How much longer does this class run for?”

Monique chuckled. “Another three weeks.”

Cassidy scowled. “I meant
class—the next hour.”

Shane gave her a victorious smile. “
didn’t, did we ladies?”

They all laughed. “No!” called Mrs. Dearborn. “The duration of the class, Cassidy. You have to make sure you don’t let any other woman near him for the next three weeks!”

What the…? How the hell had he managed to pull this one off? Cassidy glared at him. He shrugged with that infuriating grin of his. “
word. Are you going to keep yours?”

She stared around at all the eagerly expectant faces smiling back her. She heaved a big sigh. “It looks like I have no choice.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” Shane lay back on the chair. “Draw away, ladies. Draw away.”

Chapter Seven


Shane dropped the towel once he was safely in the back room. He pulled his jeans back on and fastened them, then shrugged into his shirt. He shook his head as he reached for his boots. Cassidy had certainly put one over on him tonight. He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. She’d set him up and he’d walked straight into it. Hell he’d run headlong willingly into the trap she’d set for him. She hadn’t lied. She’d said she wanted him naked and doing whatever she said. It was his assumption about what she might want that had led him into trouble. He couldn’t blame her.

He listened as she said good night to the ladies. He’d given them a laugh at least. That he didn’t mind at all. And though he’d lost the battle, he’d put himself at an advantage in the war of wills he was engaged in with Cassidy. He’d made her promise, in front of all those women, that she wouldn’t let another woman near him for the next three weeks. He smiled. He intended to make the most of that one. He knew she’d keep her word, no matter how much she resented it. As long as he didn’t push her too far, he cautioned himself as he pulled his boots on. She’d play along, but she wouldn’t take too much crap. He’d have to push the line, but not cross it. He stood up, and listened. He heard her bidding good night to still-chattering women, and then closing the door behind them. He’d wait before he buttoned his shirt. It wouldn’t do any harm to give her another good look at what she was missing out on. He’d noticed her reaction earlier. For all her fight, she wanted him. But not nearly as badly as he wanted her.

She knocked on the door. “Are you decent?”

He chuckled. “Never been accused of that in my life. But I am dressed.”

She came in and stopped in the doorway eyeing him suspiciously. “I thought you were dressed!”

He held his shirt open with a grin. “You’ve seen it all, sweetheart. Don’t tell me you’re going to act shy about seeing my naked chest now?”

She smiled. “Yeah. I suppose you’ve got a point.”

Hmm, it seemed she was less confrontational now. Maybe he should take advantage? “That was a dirty trick by the way.”

She shrugged. “You deserved it.”

He nodded. “Maybe I did. But you deserve what you’ve got coming, too.”

Her head jerked up, and she met his gaze. “What do I have coming, Shane?”

Looking at her standing there, her eyes shining, her hands on her hips, her perky breasts jutting up at him as if in a challenge of their own, several replies flashed through his mind, but he bit them back. “Just you wait and see. Remember you made me a promise?”

She nodded reluctantly.

“I’m going to make you work to keep it.”

She nodded again. “Oh, don’t worry. I know it.”

He stepped closer, smiling at the way she backed away from him. He knew damn well she wasn’t scared of him. What had him smiling was the realization that she was scared of her own reaction to him. He kept coming, his smile—and his hard on—growing as she cornered herself against the counter. When he’d had her there earlier, it had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed not to kiss her, not to sit her up on the counter and spread her legs. He wasn’t sure he had any willpower left now.

He placed his hands on the counter—on either side of her hips—and leaned forward. She leaned back, looking up into his eyes. Damn, she was beautiful! Her hands came up to his shoulders, clinging to him to keep her balance as he leaned further forward. He slid his arms around her and closed his hands around her ass. Her breath was low and shallow. She was his for the taking. He stepped his feet between hers and they both moaned as he thrust his hips, pressing his cock into her heat. Her gaze was locked with his as he brought one hand up to trace her cheek. He trailed it down over her throat and made her thrust her hips into him as he teased her breast with his fingertips.

They both sprang away from each other at the sound of banging on the gallery door. Cassidy looked around wildly and Shane instinctively stepped in front of her as she made to go out front. She glared at him.

“I’m not a damsel in distress, Shane. I need to see who it is. One of the ladies probably forgot something.”

He scowled, more at himself than her. Why had he tried to protect her? Step between her and some perceived danger at the front door? He didn’t have time to come up with any answers before they heard…

“Shane? Shay-ane?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake! What does she want now?” How in the hell had Katie found him here?

Cassidy laughed. “I think we both know what she wants. What I don’t know is why she wants it now and knows to come here to get it. Did you have her lined up for after you’d done me?”

Shane glared at her. “Don’t be crazy!”

Cassidy glared back. “You’re the one who’s crazy if you think you’re going to fuck me and then run straight out and do her as well. Get out, Shane. Go do your sure thing.”

She made for the door again, but he caught her shoulder. “Not so fast, princess.”

She whirled around, eyes blazing. “What?”

Jesus! She was scary when she was mad. And damn, did it turn him on!

“Are you forgetting your promise? You’re not going to let another woman near me for three weeks. You can’t send me out there into her clutches. You have to protect me yourself.” He had to laugh at the struggle on her face. She wanted to send to him packing, no doubt about it. But, she had a sense of honor, too. Her word was her bond; he’d seen that about her, Gina had even told him as much. He grinned at her and shrugged. “Unless your word means nothing?”

She looked as though she might explode as she stood there glaring at him. He could see she was doing battle with herself. He held his breath; this could go either way. Maybe he was pushing her beyond her limits already? After a long moment she blew out a big sigh. “I’ll keep my word, Shane, but be warned, you may live to regret it.”

That sent a shiver down his spine. He didn’t doubt she could be right, but for now he had this tiger by the tail, and he didn’t intend to let go. He smiled. “Then you’d best go get rid of her, huh? I’ll wait here.”

She pushed the door to the gallery open and stormed through it. He listened to her heels tap across the hardwood floor to the front door. He heard it open and then her and Katie talking. He couldn’t make out the words, but there was none of the yelling or screaming he’d half expected. He thought about buttoning up his shirt while he waited, but then thought better of it. It had been working for him just the way it was—until Katie had turned up and killed the moment.

It was a good five minutes before Cassidy returned. She gave him that mysterious smile, the one he now knew to be wary of—very wary!

“What did you tell her?”

The smile grew bigger—more worrying. “Don’t you worry your pretty head, Shane. You’re safe.”

“I am?” He had to wonder what she’d said that made her so sure.
had no success in shaking Katie off.

“You are—for the next three weeks,” she added with a chuckle. “Then you’re not my problem anymore.”

He didn’t like the sounds of that, but he wasn’t going to let Cassidy know. He shrugged. “We’ll see.”

She shook her head. “You’re such a cocky bastard!”

He laughed. “I like to think that I know my worth. I thought that was a trait we shared?”

“Oh, I know my worth, Shane. It seems you overestimate yours.”

He laughed. “How can you say that when you don’t even know me? Won’t take the chance to get to know me. What are you afraid of, Cassidy?”

Her eyes blazed. “I am not
of anything!”

He held a hand up “Whoa! Calm down. You’re a badass, I know. You’re not afraid of anything or anyone. So why not let your guard down?”

She stared at him for a long moment. “I don’t have my guard up. You just piss me off, that’s all.”

Shane dared to take a step closer. Maybe he could get her back to where they’d been before they were interrupted. The way she laughed quickly set him straight on that one though.

“Don’t even think about it. I admit I’m attracted to you. You’re attracted to me. We could very easily get to screwing each other’s brains out right there on the counter.”

Shane grinned. “So why don’t we? You know you want to.”

She glared at him then slowly relaxed and laughed. “You are unbelievable, you know?”

He nodded. “I’ve heard that before. Why don’t you try me and you can judge for yourself?”

She laughed again. “Because, Shane, it would only end badly. It’s not worth it.”

“It’d be well worth it. You can’t say that till you try it.” He took another step closer, but she shook her head.

“You run along home. It’s not going to happen.” She really meant it.

Shane reluctantly started buttoning up his shirt. “Do me a favor?”

“What’s that?”

“Tell me why?”

She thought about it.

“You already said you’re attracted to me. You know I’m attracted to you. What’s the harm? Why don’t you want to?”

“Because…” She was so cute, the way she chewed on her bottom lip as she pondered how best to answer. “Because, I’m a ball buster, Shane. I hurt men. I make a mess anytime I get involved with a guy. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He didn’t get it. He’d never been hurt by a woman in his life! He’d broken a few hearts himself. He felt bad about it, but he’d never done it intentionally. “I don’t get hurt, Cassidy. I play for fun, not for keeps.”

She sighed. “That’s what they all say. You men want someone small and sweet to feed your ego. I look like I fit the bill. Trouble is, I’m also strong and smart, and that is not something the male ego deals with too well.”

Shane thought about it. “I won’t argue that small and sweet is sexy, but it’s also available. Strong and smart doesn’t usually come in a very attractive package. You…” How could he put it? “You’re like…the ultimate challenge, the ultimate prize. You’re strong and smart, packaged in small and sweet. It doesn’t get any sexier than that.”

“I know, Shane. I’ve heard it all before. It’s a very appealing proposition for a guy. But the reality turns out to be tougher than you expect. Then your ego suffers, then I get painted as the wicked bitch of the west. That’s what guys do. When you realize I’m too strong, you can’t admit that it’s because
too weak. So you demonize me in order to feel better about yourself.  I’m not up for that. I’d rather keep our banter going, have a laugh, be a friend even, but I don’t want to go down the same old road again. It sucks.”

Wow! She was laying it all out for him.

“So now you know. If all you’re after is a quick roll in the hay, you’re not going to get it, and if you’re after something more than that, you’re not going to get
either.” She shrugged. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

Shane held her gaze for a long moment, trying to choose the right words.

She pointed to the door. “If you don’t mind? I’ve got work to do. Good night.”

He nodded and grabbed his jacket. “Good night Cassidy.” He was surprised by the force with which the door slammed behind him. He grinned and made his way back to his truck.

~ ~ ~

Cassidy slammed the door and then folded her arms across her chest. “Asshole!” she stalked over to the cupboard and pulled out a fresh canvas. She needed to paint when she was this angry—oils! No wishy-washy watercolor tonight. Her hand flew across the canvas with bold, bright strokes. Soon she was lost. Forty minutes later she sat back. Why had she been so angry anyway? Shane had only done exactly as she’d asked him to. She’d told him there was no hope and asked him to leave. Why should she be mad that he’d gone? She stared at her work. He was beautiful. Why the hell had she painted him? She’d captured his cocky-ass smile perfectly. She shook her head. She’d captured him perfectly—at least in oils—at least in outline. So maybe he’d gotten to her a little more than she cared to admit. She never painted anything she wasn’t passionate about. Hate was a passion, too, though, right? No. She wasn’t going to try to lie to herself. She liked the guy. Liked him far too much. She was angry that he’d left, because somewhere down deep inside, she’d hoped he’d fight for a chance. She’d hoped he’d try to convince her that he wasn’t like other guys—that he was strong enough to deal with her. She shrugged. He hadn’t even bothered. He’d just gone as soon as she’d asked. It wasn’t fair of her to be angry with him for respecting her wishes. He had plenty of options, he was probably pursuing one of them right now.

She packed up her things and locked up the gallery. It was time to head home. She felt oddly deflated. Her prank on Shane hadn’t been the fun she’d thought it would be, and his ready acceptance of her rejection had left her feeling flat. She’d done herself out of the one male interest she’d had in a long time. She’d been dumb to lay it out so clearly for him. Now their sparring days would be over, and he wouldn’t flirt with her anymore. She should be glad; instead, she had a ball of disappointment lodged in her stomach. When she reached her Beetle she saw a note tucked under the wiper. She pulled it out, a smile spreading across her face as she read it.

I don’t give up that easy Princess. You’re having dinner with me tomorrow—even if it’s only for banter and friendship. You can’t let another woman near me, so you have to take care of me remember?:0) Oh, and go back for the roses. They’ll need water!

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