Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) (19 page)

Read Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2) Online

Authors: Sj McCoy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Adult, #Erotic, #Western, #Cowboy, #Ranch, #Brothers, #Series, #Saga, #Montana, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Forever Love, #Guest Ranch, #Business, #Great Life, #Any Woman, #Charm Impervious, #Talented Artist, #Commercially, #Adventure, #No Men Required, #Ego, #Challenge

BOOK: Shane (Remington Ranch Book 2)
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He was almost back to his truck when Guy Preston stepped out in front of him. Oh man…he did
have time for this guy.


Shane could tell by the look on his face that he was out to cause trouble. He looked way too pleased with himself.

“Guy,” he replied with a nod and kept on walking.

“I see you’re getting your share of the nice little piece of ass that owns the gallery.”

He spun around fists balled at his sides. “I don’t share.” Shit! He knew as soon as the words were out that he’d played right into Guy’s hands. The man was a master at honing in on whatever you held dearest and trying to use it against you.

“Oh, sorry.”

Shane wanted to land a fist right in the middle of that sly smile.

“I thought she was up front about it. She doesn’t strike me as the kind to be coy about getting it wherever she can. She doesn’t try to hide it.”

“What do you mean?” Shane knew he shouldn’t rise to it. He knew that Guy was just trying to get him riled—but it was working. He needed to know what he was talking about.

“I probably shouldn’t say any more. I just figured that since you both fuck around so much there’d be no secrets.”

Shane’s heart was hammering in his chest. Cassidy did not fuck around. Hell, he didn’t anymore—not since he’d met her. So what the hell was Guy talking about? “There are no secrets, Guy.”

The bastard smiled. “Good. I’d hate to think I landed her in it about the guy in Bozeman. I’m planning on taking a shot at her myself. I’d love to get that one in the sack, and you know I wouldn’t want to go behind your back or anything.”

Shane’s blood was boiling. What guy in Bozeman was he talking about? And the very thought of Guy
taking a shot
at Cassidy had him ready to floor the idiot. He stepped toward him.

“Shane!” He turned at the sound of Gina’s voice. She came hurrying down the street toward them.

Guy gave him that slimy bastard grin of his again. “I’ll be seeing you.” He left just as Gina reached them. Shane was tempted to grab him and teach him a lesson, but Gina put a hand on his arm.

“Don’t, Shane. Whatever he’s up to, don’t let him get to you.”

Shane scowled at her.

“What’s he up to now? Is it about Cassidy?”

What did Gina know? What might Guy have on Cassidy that
didn’t know? “Why what’s she done?”

Gina glowered at him. “See. You’ve already let him get to you. You’re already questioning what she might have done instead of recognizing what
is doing. He’s playing you for a fool and you’re letting him!”

He blew out a big sigh. She was right of course. He pursed his lips. “Thanks, G.”

“Not a problem. I already learned the hard way what damage Guy can do if you let him. I would hate to see him do that to you. But the key is, you don’t let him. You have to talk to Cassidy, and you have to keep talking to Cassidy. Whatever Guy says, you two need to talk—and most importantly listen—to each other. Not to him and his poison.”

He knew she was right. He felt like a fool now. “You’re right. It’s hard though, not to get up in it when he starts.”

Gina smiled. “Believe me I know. He told me Mason was Marcus’s father, remember? And that was after Mason and I had sorted everything out. It still got to me, it made me doubt, but I went straight to Mase. I trusted him and I trusted in us. That’s what you’re going to have to do. I’m on my way back in to the gallery, do you want me to hold down the fort there while you talk to her?”

Shane shook his head. “I need to get back to the ranch.”

Gina gave him a stern look. “If Guy has planted any doubts in your head you need to talk to Cassidy right now, not let them take root before you address them.”

Shane ginned. “I know, bossy boots. It’s all good. I appreciate the advice, but it’s all okay. Okay?”

She held his gaze. “Honest?”

“Honest. Now please can I go get back to work?”

She laughed. “Yes you can. See you soon, I hope.”

Chapter Nineteen

On Saturday morning Cassidy smiled at Shane over the top of the paper. “What do you want to do this weekend?”

He grinned. “Something fun. I think we’ve got the hang of domestic bliss at home. Now we should take it outside. Do you want to ride out with me again?”

“I’d love to. I’ve learned all about sharing my house with a predator. It’s about time you taught me about the ones that roam around outside, too.”

He laughed. “You don’t need to worry; you’ve got me to keep you safe.”

She was surprised by how much she’d relaxed into that. His first couple of weeks staying here with her had been great, easy, comfortable even. They seemed to just know what the other wanted and needed. She knew that he liked to go outside for a while after dinner. He needed downtime by himself just as much as she did. He understood that she enjoyed her little ritual of sitting outside looking at the stars with a glass of wine before she went to bed. She didn’t necessarily need to be by herself, but she did like the quiet. Sometimes he joined her and they sat in companionable silence. And as he had just said, she did feel like he kept her safe—and she loved it! She didn’t resent it or want to prove herself his equal.

She wondered again whether it was because he was so admiring of her strengths. Every other guy she’d been with had had a problem with her art in some way. Al had been totally disrespectful, always making little throw away comments about how her job wasn’t a real career, or how she didn’t have to
like most people did. Adam had kept making excuses for her whenever he introduced her to anyone. She’d never understood how he found it perfectly acceptable that his friends’ wives stayed home and raised kids
he couldn’t accept that she matched his income by doing something she loved. Shane couldn’t be more different. He was genuinely interested in her work. He kept asking her questions about technique, about her motivation, about the business side. She’d been right that he had great marketing skills, too. He kept the guest ranch full and expanding by running constant promotional campaigns. Now he was offering suggestions about ways she could promote the gallery and the Montana line. She was revising her opinion about men with big egos. He certainly had one, but he wasn’t trying to encroach on her. He was simply so full of himself in a good way, that he overflowed and wanted to share. His intentions were always to share, to move them both forward, not to step on her head to boost himself higher.

He raised an eyebrow at her now. “Did I say the wrong thing? Are you going to beat me up about how you can take care of yourself?”

She shook her head and went around the table to sit in his lap. She loved the way his arms automatically closed around her. She nestled against his chest. “No. In fact quite the opposite. I was just marveling at how much I love knowing that I do have you to keep me safe.”

He hugged her to him. “It is weird, isn’t it? You hate it when a guy wants to protect you, except when it’s me. I hate it when a girl wants me to be there for her. Except when it’s you.”

“It’s just that you’re not overbearing. You’re not trying to dominate me.”

He winked at her. “I can do, if you’re into that?”

She laughed. “Maybe we can play with that sometime, but you know the word submissive does not apply to me in any sense.”

He grinned. “It doesn’t have to be that way around. In fact I like the idea of you in black leather, whips…chains…”

She slapped his cheek gently. “Come back!”

“Oops, sorry.” He gave her a sheepish grin. “What were we talking about?”

“We were saying how good we are together. And you were going to take me out riding again.”

“Oh yeah. I remember. Let’s go then.”

Just as they were heading out the door, Cassidy’s cell phone rang. It was Summer.

“Hey. How are you?”

“Umm. Not wonderful. Have you seen the paper?” Her voice was hoarse. Cassidy could hear how upset she was.

“Which one? Why?”

“The local one—for now. Would you mind coming over?”

“We’ll be right there.”

Shane gave her a puzzled look. “I’m sorry. I should’ve said
be right there. You go ride if you want, but I need to go see Summer.”

Shane headed for his truck. “Jump in. Of course, I’m coming.” Cassidy scrambled into the passenger seat and he shot off up the driveway. “What’s going on?” he asked.

“I don’t know. She just asked if I’ve seen the local paper. She sounds upset.”

“Oh shit. Those bastards at the Chronicle will print anything. It’s just a gossip rag.”

“But what could they have on Summer?” Cassidy was afraid she already knew though. Her fears were confirmed when they arrived at Summer’s place to find her sitting out on the deck with Carter. They both looked pale.

“What does it say?” asked Shane.

Carter shook his head. “A load of lies.”

Summer patted his hand. “It’s okay.”

Cassidy’s heart hurt when she saw the look on Carter’s face. “It’s not though is it? Being seen with me has messed things up for you.”

Cassidy didn’t understand that. They were both single, it wasn’t like either of them was cheating or hurting anyone. “What’s messed up?”

Summer looked up at her. “Autumn,” she croaked.

“Ah. Let me see.”

She sat down next to Shane who was reading through the article. There were pictures of Summer and Carter together. One of them had been taken at Cassidy’s house the night of her dinner party—which made it obvious who was responsible for the paper getting hold of the story—they were laughing together as they stood in the corner. Another photo showed them sitting on a bench down by the river out the back here. The way Carter’s arm rested along the back of the bench behind her, and the way Summer was smiling up at him portrayed a couple in love. She looked at them now. It seemed they were, she wondered if they didn’t know it yet, or if they did and they were fighting it.

Shane looked up. “So that little bitch Angie took photos of you at Cassidy’s place, took what you said about this place and turned it into some bullshit about you buying a secret love nest that you’re going to run to because you can’t hack it in Nashville anymore?”

Summer nodded. “That about sums it up.”

Cassidy looked at her. “And Autumn heard about it already?”

Summer nodded. “You know what she’s like, she’d been monitoring all the local media since before I came here. She likes to stay on top of things so she can exploit any opportunities and spot any potential troubles before they start.”

“And what did she have to say about this?”

Summer hung her head. “She believes it all, and she’s pissed at me.”

“But why?” Cassidy was surprised that Autumn would be mad a Summer. She usually came straight to her defense.

“She’s mad because she thinks it’s true, and she knows what that would mean for her. She’s mad I didn’t talk to her about it.”

“Why would she believe any of it?” asked Shane. “That doesn’t make sense to me. She must know what local rags can be like.”

Summer hung her head then shot a quick look at Carter. “She knows I haven’t been telling her everything. And reading this makes her think that’s why.”

Carter looked about as uncomfortable as Cassidy had ever seen him. “I’m so sorry, Summer. It’s all my fault.”

“No!” Summer’s voice cracked. “None of it’s your fault, Carter,” she whispered. “Please, I need you to understand that.”

“She’s right, bro,” said Shane. “It’s all down to that little bitch, Angie.”

“From reading that it looks like she’s trying to set herself up as someone Summer has taken into her confidence.”

“Whatever she’s doing,” said Carter. “She wouldn’t have had anything to use if it weren’t for me. And now Summer’s got problems with her sister. And it’s all my fault.” He pushed back his chair and stood. “I’m going.”

Summer jumped to her feet and ran after him. “Please, Carter.”

Cassidy’s heart ached for them as she watched. Carter stopped and put his hands on Summer’s shoulders. “I’ve been selfish and I’m sorry. I wouldn’t do a thing to hurt you, especially not to cause you problems with your family. You’ll be able to sort it out quicker if I’m out of the picture.”

Summer’s face crumpled as he turned and walked to his truck. The tears began to flow as he pulled away.

Cassidy exchanged a worried look with Shane. He sprang to his feet and went to Summer. Cassidy loved him all the more as he wrapped an arm around Summer’s shoulders and let her cry into his chest. He stroked her hair gently and made soothing noises as he looked over her head at Cassidy. He really was one of life’s good guys.

Cassidy joined them and put a hand on Summer’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay, sweetie.”

“It will,” said Shane. “Just you wait and see. I’m going to go after Carter and talk him down. He turned Summer over to Cassidy.

“Come on,” she said. “Let’s talk it through. We can call Autumn and set her straight.”

Summer sniffed and looked at Shane. “Please bring him back. Let him know none of it’s his fault.”

“I’ll do my best.” The grim look on his face had Cassidy worried. She hoped he could talk Carter down. She knew he’d hate having his name plastered all over the paper, but more than that it would kill him to think that he had caused Summer pain—and trouble with her family. She knew how important family was to him.

Once Shane had gone, she made a fresh pot of coffee and sat Summer down out on the deck. “Tell me what Autumn said?” she began, then thought better of it. “On second thought, where’s your pad?”

Summer pulled it out of her purse and began to scribble. It was long time before she held the pad up.

She called me as soon as she read the piece. Said now she knew why I was being so shady with her. I wasn’t being shady Cass! I just didn’t want to say too much about Carter because I knew she wouldn’t like it. She believes everything in the story. That I’ve met a guy here and plan on buying a house and giving up my career. She thinks I’d dump her just like that—without a thought to what it would do to her. It’s so not fair! That’s all I’ve been thinking about. I wish the article was true! I wish I was that brave. But I’m not. It’s not true because I’m prepared to pass up a chance at happiness for myself just so I don’t let her down!

Cassidy read it and reread it before looking up at Summer. “Damn, chica! This is a fine old mess. You need to talk to her.”

“I know,” she croaked. “But now she won’t even take my calls!”

Cassidy sighed. “I’ll give her a try, shall I?”

Summer nodded.

She dialed Autumn’s number, feeling a little guilty herself. Summer was only here because of her, after all. But no. She couldn’t go down that road. Autumn’s phone went straight to voicemail. Cassidy left her a message and hoped that she would call back soon.

When her phone did ring a little while later, it was Shane.

“Did you find him?” she asked.

“Yeah, but you’re not going to like this.”

She looked at Summer who was watching her hopefully. “He’s packed up and gone.”

“Gone?” She regretted saying it out loud, but it was too late.

“Gone where?” asked Summer.

“I’m putting you on speaker.”

“Sorry, Summer,” said Shane. “Carter’s headed out. His way to resolve problems is to remove himself from the equation. He withdraws at the best of times. Family is the most important thing in the world to him and it’s killing him to think he’s caused problems for you with yours.”

“But he
I just want to talk to him, I want to talk to Autumn. I want to sit down with the pair of them and talk all this through.”

Cassidy felt so bad for her friend as she croaked the words out. Shane sounded as though he felt terrible, too, but there was nothing either of them could do.

“When’s he coming back?” asked Summer.

Shane didn’t reply for a long time.


“I’m sorry, but he said he’s not coming back until you’ve gone.”

Wow! Cassidy was shocked. But she also knew enough about Carter to know that he meant it.

“He said to tell you not to worry, Cassidy. His guys can finish up on the work at your place.”

“As if I care about that right now.”

“I know, but you know what he’s like.”

“He means it, doesn’t he?” asked Summer.

“I’m afraid he does. He can be pretty stubborn.”

Cassidy knew that Summer could, too. “Okay then. I’m going,” she said.

“What? When?” asked Cassidy.

“Just as soon as I can get hold of that pilot.”

Cassidy wasn’t at all surprised that Summer managed to get a flight lined up for herself for the next morning. She stayed the night with her—Shane was understanding about that. It seemed he was pretty good when a friend was in crisis. In the morning she followed her up to Livingston to return her rental car and then took her to the airport herself. Autumn still wasn’t taking calls or replying to voice mail from either of them and Carter may as well have disappeared into thin air.

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