Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy) (28 page)

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Authors: M.K. Wren

Tags: #FICTION/Science Fiction/General

BOOK: Shadow of the Swan (Book Two of the Phoenix Legacy)
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? Oh, thank the God! Is she all right, Alex? Where
she? How did you—”

“Give me a chance, Erica,” he put in, laughing. “She’s exhausted and probably a little malnourished, but otherwise unharmed. Amik’s hounds found her in Leda in the main serallio of one of the Brothers; Powlo, in fact. But the hounds reached her before Powlo introduced her to his line. Anyway, she has no illusions now about the great lover, Hendrick, or about Ussher.”

“No, I’m sure she doesn’t. I’d like to talk to her.”

“She’s sleeping now, and she needs it. I’ll have her call you tomorrow. I think she’ll be just as anxious to talk to you.” He turned from the screens and sat down on the narrow bed, nerving himself to ask the question. He knew the answer, but some stubborn compulsion always drove him to ask it. “Any news on Andreas?”

Her long sigh was as much expected as the answer.

“No. Nothing new.”

Alex stared at the black stone across the narrow width of the room. “Well, they haven’t announced his execution. He’s still alive, Erica. Any field reports I should know about?” “Yes, but there’s something else that’s come up in the last hour. We’ve only had fragmentary reports so far. You’d better turn on your PubliCom screen; there should be some reports on the newscasts soon. There’s been an uprising in the Ivanoi mine complex on Ganymede. We anticipated something of the sort there, you know, and the uprising itself was relatively limited, but the ’bubble systems were at least partially incapacitated. We don’t know yet if there was a total failure or how long it lasted.”

If it was more than thirty seconds on Ganymede, it didn’t matter, not even if it was a partial failure. Jupiter’s radiation belts would make even that lethal. And if there had been a total failure—

He sat stunned and silent, skin crawling with an irrational chill. For those who lived outside the protective atmospheres of Terra or Pollux, it was a fear as basic as the infantile fear of falling: fear of the loss of those artificial wombs that closed out the ravenous, frigid vacuum of space.

“Any idea of the casualties?” he asked dully.

“Not yet, but if the ’bubbles were totally knocked out, the fatalities can’t be less than fifty thousand.”

“Fifty thous——Holy God!” He ran his hands through his hair distractedly. He couldn’t translate that number into comprehensible terms.

It was perhaps inevitable that one of these uprisings would turn into a real disaster in the vacuum colonies. It would also be a disaster for the liberals on the Directorate, a disaster for all Bonds, for the Concord. He went to the comconsole and turned on the PubliCom screen, leaving the sound off, watching a clown in a suit of flashing lights entertaining the children of the worlds with skillfully inept acrobatics. No news bulletin yet.

“Erica, keep me up to date on this, and get me any information you can on what triggered the uprising. There was only one strong Shepherd in the Ganymede compounds, old Matheus; he died six months ago, and I didn’t have much confidence in his successor. And as soon as the COS HQ is operational, the Brother will have to go on tour again.”

“I know. I’ve been correlating field reports, and I can pinpoint the compounds that need attention first. I’ll get that in a tape capsule tomorrow and send it to you. I have two other reports almost ready, too. One is a general stat report on the ROM, and the other—”

“The ROM?” He stared at the flashing clown, finding a dark irony in its antics.

“Oh, I guess that was one of the things that came to a head while you were vacationing at the Cliff. ROM stands for Rights of Man, an extremist liberal student organization headed by a young agitator we’ve been watching for some time, Damon Kamp. It’s a small group, but adept at attracting attention, and that tends to polarize liberal and conservative factions in the Fesh. I have another report for you, too; the Court of Lords is drafting a resolution censuring Galinin. Their main complaint is taxes and ‘general disorder,’ and it’s indicative of reactionary tendencies among the Elite.”

Alex turned away from the silenced clown and sagged down on the bed again, frowning at his begrimed hands.

“I suppose the Court
have anything better to do, but Galinin hardly deserves that. Anything else important?”

“Yes. The report you’ve very carefully refrained from asking about—the progress of the rumor campaign against Selasis.”

There was a container of water and a cup on the table by the bed. No dispensers here at the Cave of Springs, only a stringently rationed liter of water. He poured out half a cup, annoyed to find his hand so unsteady.

“Is it working, Erica?”

“Well, the story is making the rounds, and as Ben predicted, the Elite love it. In fact, some incredible embellishments have been added along the way. Both Orin and Karlis are privately livid, but publicly aloof. Karlis, of course, doesn’t manage that as well as his father. Last night he went storming into some of his old haunts in the Outside in Concordia threatening to have the entire Outside district shut down if the rumors weren’t stopped and the culprits guilty of spreading them turned over to him personally. A PubliCom news team caught him in action at one float. The story went out on the evening newscasts in Concordia.”

“What about Eliseer? Has Ben heard from Perralt?”

“This morning. He’ll fill you in when he gets back from Leda. He only had time to give me the highlights. The rumors have definitely reached Lord Loren, though. Perralt went out on a limb to talk to him about it, and Eliseer
worried, Alex. He even asked Perralt’s medical opinion—if sterility could result from any known type of venereal infection. Perralt assured him it was possible, of course, and quoted medical confreres on a recent outbreak in Concordia of a particularly virulent strain.”

Alex took a swallow of water, wincing at the bitter, mineral taste of it. It seemed to catch in his throat.

“Did Eliseer give Perralt any hint of what he might do?”

“No. Perralt said he wouldn’t hazard a guess at what his final decision will be.”

Alex looked up at the stone walls. “Erica, I
have a direct line of communication with Perralt. I don’t ask or expect it with Adrien; it’s too risky, I know, and I know Perralt is in SI and responsible first to Ben, but I would hope Ben has enough faith in me to realize I won’t abuse the . . . privilege.” He drained the cup and put it down, aware that he was betraying himself with that irritable tone. “Be grateful for small luxuries, Erica, like pure water.”

She laughed at that. “I gather you’ve slipped back into the stone age temporarily. Alex, have you talked to Ben about a direct line to Perralt?”

He rose and returned to the comconsole. “Well . . . no.”

“Then I think you should.”

“You’ve softened him up for it, I assume? All right, Erica, I’ll talk to him. Now, what’s the situation there?”

“The same. Both sides are still working at covert levels; nothing’s out in the open yet.”

“What about this war of nerves you were talking about last week?”

“I’ve come up with a tentative program, but I’ll need some recordings from you. I have a series of statements for you to tape, then Ben will plant some microspeakers. The timing will be important. Ideally, no one should be present except Predis when the speakers activate, but there should be witnesses close enough to catch his reaction.”

Alex smiled coldly. “Send me the scripts. I’ll give them the best dramatic rendering I can manage. What about Lyden and Bruce? Are they ready to leave Fina when I get set up here?”

“Yes, they’re ready and willing any time—” She stopped, and Alex saw the reason before him on the vidicom. The dancing clown was abruptly displaced by a sober newscaster, and superimposed over his image were the red-limned words,

Alex reached for the sound control.

“All right, Erica, we’ll finish this later.” After the disaster, he thought grimly; the latest disaster.



DOC LOC #819/219–1253/1812–1648–2923252

One question should be asked in considering the Golden Age of the PanTerran Confederation—or even in considering the post-Mankeen Concord—and that is, What happened to the promised leap to the stars? Why have we leapt no further than to Centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor?

One answer is inherent in the Confederation’s method of funding and organizing exploratory expeditions. As I’ve noted, that was left to individual Houses or coalitions of Houses, and it was done in the spirit of speculation, in the hope of making a profit on an investment. Exploration for its own sake tends to be highly unprofitable, although it must be said to the credit of the Confederation Lords that many of them did invest in such nonprofit investigations in the sciences. However, with his fiscal survival at stake, a Lord might invest a small percentage of his revenues in a venture with little hope of future return, but he won’t invest a large percentage unless he’s very sure of a return, and stellar exploration is an expensive undertaking. The manufacture and “fueling” of MAM-An generators alone is a major fiscal factor, and the greater the distance involved, the greater the cost. Sometimes I think we tend to forget that SynchShift doesn’t eliminate distance, or the energy requisite to moving a body across it; it only eliminates—or, rather, modifies—the time factor.

Still, the Lords of the Confederation did invest very heavily in the leap to the stars, although more money and effort went into colonizing Centauri, as well as further development of the established Solar System colonies. In 3079, just after the discovery of the Twin Planets, when enthusiasm for extrasolar exploration was running high, a coalition of three hundred Houses pooled their resources to finance a series of voyages beyond Centauri, the last of which lifted off in Febuar of 3104, only three months before the fateful meeting of dissident Lords in Lionar Mankeen’s Mosk Estate.

By that time, however, the number of Lords in the stellar coalition had dropped to 140, and the loss of enthusiasm wasn’t due entirely to the disruptive effects of Mankeen’s impending revolution. It was a natural result of disappointment. When the first reports came in from Alpha Centauri A describing planets that were not only inhabitable as vacuum colonies, but one so much like Terra that people could walk about on it sans vacuum suits in perfect comfort, the Lords of the Confederation—ignoring the negative evidence of Proxima and Alpha Centauri B—concluded that the existence of such planets in any solar system must be the rule and not the exception. Those Terrene planets were important not only as future sites of colonization, or for what they might produce themselves—without the expense of habitat systems—but as in-system backup and supply bases for vacuum colonies, which would lower the cost of resource exploitation considerably.

However, such Terrene planets proved to be the exception in our stellar neighborhood, although, if you could take a galactic average, that probably wouldn’t be the case. The Confederation coalition’s first ventures beyond Centauri, to Barnard’s star and Lalande, were total disappointments. The former offered only three gaseous giants, protosuns larger than Jupiter with even more extensive radiation belts, and the latter nothing at all in the shape of planets. The coalition gamely dug deeper into its collective coffers and built more advanced and powerful MAM-An generators and sent another expedition to Sirius, and there met with some success in the first four planets of Sirius A. But they found no watery Terrene planets, only small images of Mercury and Mars. Still, the initial surveys indicated huge lodes of ores of many kinds, and Ivanoi, Cameroodo, and Shang established outposts on all of Sirius A’s inner planets.

The coalition pressed on, although at that point, in 3091, their numbers were already reduced to 180. The House of Mankeen, by the way, was one of the early members of the coalition, but dropped out in 3089 when Lionar Mankeen became First Lord. Whatever his vision of the future of humankind, it did not include the leap to the stars, and it was his contention that the stellar expeditions were immorally wasteful and that their only purpose was to make the Lords wealthier and more powerful, while the Fesh and Bonds languished in servitude and slavery. The Fesh and Bonds were indeed languishing, but it’s difficult to establish a direct correlation between their plight and the stellar expeditions.

At any rate, more expeditions were sent out, to Epsilon Eridani, 61 Cygni A, and Procyon A. It was only in the Procyon system that more exploitable planets were found, and again, they would have to be vacuum colonies. No new Terras were discovered. They
out there; you have only to talk with any of our astronomers to be assured of that, and perhaps one day with the long-range MT to facilitate exploration, they will be found. But that’s for the future.

The Golden Age of the Confederation ended abruptly in 3104, and for sixteen years all its resources were consumed in a brutal civil war that not only precluded further stellar exploration, but forced a wholesale retreat from every extraterrestrial colony (except Pollux, of course), and sometimes that took the form of abandonment rather than retreat. An estimated two million lives were lost in vacuum colonies because their supply lines were severed and they had no means of evacuation.

The Mankeen Revolt put the stars out of reach for a long time. The Confederation metamorphosed into the Concord during the Revolt, and in a sense we can be grateful that so much power was concentrated in the Houses, especially those holding Directorate seats and thus the reins of command. They brought the power structure through the holocaust virtually unscathed, as I’ve noted before. In fact, it emerged as a stronger and even more stubbornly immutable structure; that was a key stabilizing factor and probably all that averted a third dark age, whatever its subsequent results.

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