Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series) (3 page)

BOOK: Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series)
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“Mr. Darkwood, how nice to finally meet you.”

“Raven, please, and you are?” My mate? The one from the prophecy?

“Cara Hamilton. I won the teacher-of-the-year award your company sponsored.”

“It is a great pleasure to meet you, Miss Hamilton. Are you here alone?” Please let her be alone.

“Please call me Cara. I’m here with the principal of my school, Tyler Davidson, and his wife Susan.”

Raven motioned to the maître d' who stood at his place by the door. The man hurried over.

“Please have Miss Hamilton moved to my table and seated next to me.” He needed her beside him.

“Certainly, Mr. Darkwood.”

“That really wasn’t necessary, Mr. Darkwood.”

“Raven, please.”

“Very well. Raven. That wasn’t necessary.”

“But it
, Cara. Now that I’ve found you I can’t see myself without your lovely company.”

“Very smooth. Do you always take control? I thought Derek Red Hawk was the playboy of Isanti, Inc.”

“And so he is. Do you know my brother?”

“Just what the tabloids tell me.”

“But you are a teacher. You know better than to believe all that you read in them.”

“True . . .”

Just then, a chime sounded signaling the beginning of dinner. Raven placed a proprietary hand on Cara’s back and guided her to the head table and the chair next to his. Cara blushed slightly, but she didn’t protest. Raven felt the warmth of her skin on his palm. He mentally sighed. Never before had he acted so familiar with a woman. He just knew that he needed to touch her. He wanted Cara Hamilton with every fiber of his being. He wasn’t going to miss this chance to get to know her.

As they sat down, Joe looked at him with questions in his eyes. Raven just smiled and gave a little shrug. Before dinner was over, Joe would know everything there was to know about Cara Hamilton. That was fine with Raven. It would make pursuing her easier in the long run.

The old shaman had promised that he would know his mate at first sight. Raven hoped he was right. The tattoo on his chest had burned as promised. He wanted Cara at his side and in his bed. She had to be the one.

As the rest of the assembly was seated, Raven noticed a man scowling at Cara.

“Do you know that man?” Raven asked.

“That’s Principal Davidson and the woman to his right is his wife Susan. He’s probably angry that I have taken the spotlight away from him again.”

“I hope I have not caused problems for you in your work,” Raven said.

“No, but perhaps after dinner, you will allow me to introduce you. Hopefully, that will get him over his funk. I’d hate to have to listen to a lecture all the way back to Redondo Beach.”

“Is that where you live?” Here in California? That meant a long-distance relationship.

“Yes, in a condo overlooking the ocean. I bought it when my parents died in a sailing accident two years ago.”

“I’m sorry. My parents are also deceased. I raised my brother Derek with the help of my mentor, Quiet Thunder. But not to worry, I will see you home after the party.”

“I don’t want to cause you any difficulties.”

“I doubt you could do so.”

Raven felt a glow of pleasure when Cara blushed. He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze.

A hush came over the crowd and then clapping began at the back of the hall. Raven looked up to see Derek entering with a well-known young actress on his arm. They were stopping along the way to wave and talk with others in the Hollywood scene.

“Isn’t that your brother?” Cara asked.

“Yes. With his latest conquest, it seems.”

“You don’t approve?”

“He should be saving himself for his true mate, not playing with every woman he meets. Half our female employees think they are in love with him. He causes a ruckus wherever he goes.”

“He looks very charismatic,” Cara said.

Raven felt a rush of emotion hit him. He blinked in surprise. He was jealous. He didn’t want Cara to think of anyone but him. How did this happen? And so fast?

“Do you think so?” he asked, gritting his teeth.

“Are you jealous?” Cara asked, a teasing note in her voice.

“If I am, it is the first time in my life.”

Cara smiled and put her hand over his clenched fist. He softened his grip as she wound her fingers into his.

“I have to admit something a little embarrassing. I’d hoped we would meet tonight. I saw your picture on the computer and felt an instant connection to you,” Cara said, leaning close, her voice lowered. Her fragrance flowed over him, a light floral scent, tantalizing his nose.

“Then, we are both caught, Cara. I feel the same way. I want more than anything to kiss you right now. But perhaps that should wait until we know each other a little better.”

Cara laughed, and he felt his heart lighten again. She enchanted him, and he was determined that she would be his. Derek and his guest finally reached the head table and joined them. Raven made the introductions and signaled the maître d' to start serving. When Raven introduced Cara, Derek looked at him in surprise. But Raven didn’t owe his brother an explanation, not after all the women Derek fooled around with.

The first course was served, and Raven felt surprised how relaxed he felt. He listened to Cara talk about her school and students. He soaked up the information, wanting to know everything about her.

Derek’s date was charming and entertaining as well. She was nothing like the bimbo she played on television. Raven realized that his brother felt real affection for the woman. Yet no sexual tension sparked between them. They appeared to be good friends. Joe joined them, as well as Dr. Frederick “Rick” White Fox, resident doctor for Isanti, Inc.

When the main course was served, Raven found he was actually enjoying himself. Cara’s presence delighted him, and he couldn’t stop smiling. She added to the conversation but never tried to control it. A highly intelligent woman, she seemed well informed about current events. She didn’t appear intimidated by the rich and famous. If anything, she seemed relaxed and confident. Raven fell deeper under her spell.

He took a pen out of his breast pocket and turned the program over to find a blank place on the paper. Making the first line, he watched Cara, as he drew her likeness on the program. He wanted to remember everything about her, the shape of her cheek, and the fullness of her lips. When he finished, he slipped the program into his pocket.

As the waiters were clearing the dinner plates, Raven suggested they visit with Cara’s principal and his wife. Raven motioned the maître d' over and asked that a bottle of champagne be delivered to the pair. Then, he escorted Cara to the principal’s table. He liked how she waited for him, and he settled a hand on her back as they walked through the tables. Cara smiled at him as she turned to the couple.

“This is the principal of my school, Tyler Davidson, and his wife Susan,” Cara said. “May I present Raven Darkwood, CEO of Isanti, Inc.”

“I hope you don’t mind that I stole Cara away. You must be proud to be the principal responsible for such a dedicated educator,” Raven said. This man needed to be appeased for Cara’s sake.

“Well, it was a little forward, but I suppose we will have to forgive her,” Davidson answered.

“I hope you will accept this champagne in honor of our future project,” Raven said. “Isanti looks forward to creating a new playground that the children will find stimulating and enjoyable. My contractor will, of course, be calling you next week. Perhaps, you have some ideas you would like to discuss with him?”

Raven glanced at Cara and noticed that her smile seemed a little strained. He’d laid it on thick, but he’d also tried to protect her. Davidson could cause trouble for Cara if he felt slighted.

“As a matter of fact, I do have some suggestions,” Davidson said.

“I will make sure that my contractor knows to look to you for suggestions and ideas,” Raven said. “I hope you will allow me to see Miss Hamilton home. I find myself unable to let her go. I will, of course, provide a limo to take you home tonight.”

Raven offered their excuses, and taking Cara by the arm, led her back toward the head table.

“I know you are upset. Did I lay it on too strong?” he asked.

“I’m not sure you should encourage him,” Cara said. “Please don’t have your contractor listen to his ideas. He could care less whether the children have a fun and safe place to play. He only cares that he looks good.”

“I was just trying to diffuse his anger over your sitting at the head table. I don’t want to cause you trouble, Cara.”

“Somehow, I get the feeling you
trouble, Mr. Darkwood.”


“Raven, just so you know, you are already providing their limo because they rode in the one you sent for me as part of my prize,” she said.

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. But I will still see you home tonight,” Raven said as he pulled her chair out and helped seat her. He glanced at his friend Joe. Raven knew that when Joe got up and excused himself, he would ask the hotel to order them a limo to escort Cara home.

The ride home was the conclusion of a wonderful evening. Clutching her award in her hand, not only did Cara avoid having to ride home with Principal Davidson, but she was able to spend more time with Raven. He gave her his card with his email and phone numbers, and she promised to get in touch right away.

They held hands and talked as if they’d known each other forever. It felt familiar and comfortable. If the chauffeur and Raven’s security guard Joe had not been there, Raven and Cara might have done more than talk. But she was ever mindful of the eyes that watched them. Raven seemed to be, as well, because he made no attempt to do anything except hold her hand.

The hour-long ride finished too soon, and Raven got out of the car to escort her up the elevator and to her door. She wanted to ask Raven in, but the limo waited for him downstairs.

After they reached her door, she turned and smiled. “I guess this is goodnight.” But oh how she hoped it wasn’t goodbye!

“I’ll be waiting to hear from you,” Raven said, leaning his hand against the wall near her head. “Thank you for such a wonderful evening. I usually hate these kinds of events. But having you at my side made the evening much more palatable. I want to see you again, Cara. Please say you will.”

“I would love to. This evening was a fairytale come true for me,” Cara replied. Would he kiss her? Should she kiss him?

They both seemed to move closer at the same moment. Cara lifted her face to his as he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss was slow, sweet, and tender. Cara sighed as Raven’s tongue swept over her bottom lip. He moved his tongue into her mouth, teasing and tantalizing, but only tasting. He didn’t swoop in and overpower her senses. He coaxed and teased at her lips until she trembled with need.

“I’ll be waiting for your call, Cara,” Raven said as he pulled away from her and kissed her temple. Then, taking the keys from her shaking hands, he opened the door and ushered her inside.

“It’s late, sweetheart. Call me tomorrow.”

Cara sighed and nodded her head in acknowledgement. She was afraid to speak, afraid she would beg him to stay. He stepped out the door, a male look of satisfaction on his face. Then, slowly he reached inside and closed the door behind him.

Cara stood frozen to the spot. Only when she heard his footsteps moving down the hallway, was she able to move to the door and lock it. Shaking her head, she headed for her bedroom.

“Boy, do I have it bad.”


Chapter Three




“I didn’t mean to spill the crayons all over the floor, Miss Hamilton.”

“I know you didn’t, Jimmy. But you still have to pick them up before you leave,” Cara said with a smile at one of her more precocious students. Taking pity on the child, she crouched down and helped him. All the colors from the mega box now lay scattered across the floor and under the children’s desks.

When Cara and Jimmy were finished, she looked up to see Principal Davidson standing in the doorway. She had a sneaking suspicion he enjoyed seeing her on her hands and knees. Every time she turned around, he seemed to appear, especially when Raven was due at the school. Today, she and Raven were going out to celebrate their four-month anniversary. It was silly, but every moment with Raven seemed like a celebration.

“Hurry now, Jimmy. You’ll miss the bus,” Cara said, giving the child a warm smile and handing him his backpack.

“Is there something you need, Sir?” she asked Davidson as she moved back to her desk and sat down, putting the desk between them. If she caught him one more time looking at her butt, she was going to say something that might get her in trouble.

“I just wanted to give you a little advice, Cara. You know how I appreciate your efforts in acquiring the new playground for the school. But I think you might be taking it a little far with Mr. Darkwood. I know he has a lot of money, but do you want to be his squaw?”

Cara’s skin warmed with the rage coursing through her. Davidson seemed to realize something was wrong because he took a step back. Rising from her chair, she balanced herself as she leaned forward over the desk.

“Principal Davidson, my relationship with Mr. Darkwood is none of your business.”

“Is there a problem here?”

Davidson jumped at the annoyed voice coming from the classroom door. Cara let Raven’s voice wash over her, calming her anger. She had known Davidson was a pompous fool, but she’d never realized he was a racist.

“I’ll speak to you later, Miss Hamilton,” Davidson said, making his way to the door.

“Always, nice to see you, Mr. Darkwood,” Davidson said. “The playground is coming along nicely.”

Raven lifted an eyebrow as he looked at the man. Cara heaved a sigh of relief when Davidson became flustered and left.

Raven walked over to her and folded her in his arms. She hadn’t realized she still trembled from anger. Leaning against him, her legs felt wobbly. During the few short months they had been dating, this man had come to mean everything to her.

“I’m sorry you endured that. I didn’t realize Davidson was a fool,” Raven said as he nuzzled her hair.

“I didn’t either,” Cara said with a sigh.

“Are you still up to going out? I can take you home if you’d rather.”

“Raven, I want to be with you. Wherever you take me is fine.”

Cara looked up and smiled when she saw possessive light in Raven’s eyes. It thrilled her to know he wanted her. But he never took advantage. He always left her at the door with a kiss. Maybe tonight would be different. She was getting frustrated with his chivalric manners. If she had to wait much longer, she was going to jump his bones.

Raven loved holding Cara in his arms. He wanted to tear Davidson apart for trying to get between them. But a visit from Joe might take care of things. Davidson definitely needed an attitude adjustment.

Looking into her eyes, Raven let his feelings for her show. This woman was everything he wanted. But before he shared everything he was with her, she must be sure.

“Are you free for the weekend?” Raven asked, an idea forming in his mind. Time to take Cara home to meet Quiet Thunder.




Few people came out to the large ranch in Montana owned by Isanti Quiet Thunder. After Quiet Thunder resigned as CEO of Isanti, Inc., he never left. It took some quick maneuvering on Raven’s part to accomplish bringing Cara to the ranch. He had to rent a private plane and car. Luckily as CEO of Isanti, he controlled the resources to get it done. As they drove up to the ranch house, Raven wondered if he had made a wise decision. What if Quiet Thunder said Cara wasn’t the one? Raven didn’t think he could give her up.

The fields of hay were being cut as Raven and Cara drove up the dirt road in the four-by-four jeep Raven rented at the airport. Horses and cattle were standing in the shade of the scrub pine. The air smelled clean and fresh.

Cara seemed to be enjoying the drive, looking out at the animals and remarking on the beauty of the land.

“Do you ride, Cara?”

“Not since I was a girl at camp. But I did take classes one summer. I love horses. They are so majestic.”

“We’ll have to take a ride before dinner. Some of the trails out here are beautiful.”

“Your mentor won’t mind?”

“He’d be surprised if we didn’t go riding,” Raven said. “He taught me how to hunt from the back of a horse when I was fourteen. I love the freedom of riding, the connection between you and the animal. I know you think I’m a serious businessman. But I would rather be out on a horse any day of the week.”

Raven smiled when Cara laughed and patted his knee. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

Raven pulled up to the house and stopped in the circular drive. Quiet Thunder walked out the front door and stood waiting on the porch. Raven frowned when he realized his mentor looked a little thinner. Was something wrong that he didn’t know about?

Raven walked around and opened Cara’s door. Then, taking her hand, he led her forward.

Cara studied the older man. His long, silver hair hung in braids over each shoulder. He smiled as they approached, his dark eyes twinkling.

“So, Raven, this is the one you have chosen? Long may you walk in the light, Cara Hamilton,” Quiet Thunder said as he took Cara’s hands in his. “You have a great destiny together. Are you brave enough to accept it?”

“I love Raven, if that is what you are asking?” Cara answered.

Quiet Thunder glanced at Raven and smirked. “I can see from his face that this is the first time the words have been spoken. I am honored to be part of it, Little Mother. Come in the house and meet my daughters, Gwen and Lindy.”

Raven wrapped an arm around her and looked into her eyes. “Do you really love me?”

“Of course, can’t you tell?”

Cara couldn’t get out anything else because Raven swooped down and kissed her. This wasn’t like the sweet coaxing kisses he’d given before. This kiss felt hungry, demanding. As he nibbled on her bottom lip and plunged his tongue in her mouth, Cara’s toes curled. She pressed closer, wanting more, even as he tightened his arms around her, drawing her near.

“Oh, dear. Raven, do you really want to set the house on fire? Let the girl breathe,” said a soft voice.

“Don’t interrupt them, this is getting good,” said another.

Cara blinked, still dazed by Raven’s kisses, when he pulled back. Thank goodness he still held her around the waist, or she might have sunk to the floor. He looked slightly embarrassed, and Cara finally realized that two women were standing on either side of them. They both smiled at her and Raven.

“So, hi, I’m Gwen, and this is my sister Lindy. Dad said to make you welcome. Would you like something to drink or should we just show you to a bed?”

“Gwen!” Lindy said. “Please come in. We wondered when you might arrive.”

Raven kept his arm around Cara’s waist as they entered the house. Cara liked the young women immediately. She laughed as they teased Raven, and he ducked his head in embarrassment.

“I know you’re in love, but can you let go of Cara long enough to give us a hug?” Gwen said, punching Raven in the upper arm.

“Gwen always thought Raven the most handsome of all the warriors Dad trained. Be careful, Cara. My sister can be deadly when she’s jealous.”

“Me? You’re the one working for the government doing intelligence. My little sister is a spy.”

“Both of you are hellions and my beloved adopted sisters,” Raven said, grabbing them close for a hug. “Now stop fussing. Cara will think about running away from me.”

Cara laughed as the two sisters hung on Raven’s arms. They all possessed the same dark hair and dark eyes of Native Americans. Both young women appeared to be around her age.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily. Didn’t you promise me a ride before dinner?” Cara asked.

“Then, you should go now,” Lindy said. “Dad is in the kitchen cooking up some of his buffalo and elk chili. You only have a couple of hours before it’ll be done. Julio is out in the stable. He’ll help you saddle up a couple of horses. Make sure to ask Raven what he named his horse, Cara. You’ll die laughing.”

“Come on, Cara. Before these two tell you all my secrets,” Raven said.

“You mean like the time you went skinny dipping down at the pond and lost your clothes?” Gwen said. “He was only twelve or so. Poor kid came back through the scrub brush to the ranch house naked. He suffered cuts and scratches all over him.”

“I lost my clothes because two little girls followed me and stole them,” Raven said. “Cara, please save me from this. Let’s go for that ride I promised you.”

Laughing, Cara let Raven take her hand and lead her from the house to the stable. A young cowboy jumped up from working on the tack to help them saddle two horses. Raven led the smaller of the two horses out of the stable and stood holding the reins while Cara rubbed the horse’s nose and let the horse catch her scent. She gave the horse an apple treat before she moved to mount.

“This is Wind Dancer. She’s pretty gentle. You shouldn’t have a problem riding her,” Raven said as Cara settled in the saddle.

Cara picked up the reins and waited for Raven to bring out his mount. His horse, a huge black gelding that stood a couple of hands above Cara’s chestnut mare, stood quietly as Raven mounted.

“What is your horse’s name?” Cara asked.

“If you must know, his name is Bob,” Raven said, swinging into the saddle and riding up next to her.

“Bob?” Cara asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, Bob. It’s simple.”

“Okay, I didn’t say anything,” Cara replied, chuckling.

“Come on, Bob. We don’t need to listen to this.”

Raven clicked his tongue and urged his mount into a canter. Cara laughed and followed. This promised to be a great time.

The trail wound up the side of a mountain. It wasn’t long before the valley lay stretched out before them. The sky, a deep blue, went on forever. The white ranch house below, surrounded by the black steers, stood out against the green fields. The dirt road became a red ribbon winding into the valley. Cara felt peace settle over her. She understood why Raven loved the ranch so much.

“It’s beautiful . . .” Cara said in awe.

“I thought you’d like it,” Raven said, smiling. “I’m sorry to rush you, but we need to head back so we aren’t late for dinner.”

They reluctantly turned their horses around. As Cara went around a bend in the trail, she heard a strange rattling sound. Wind Dancer started lifting her front feet and snorting, while shaking her head. Raven shouted something. But Cara was too busy trying to hang on as the horse reared up into the air. The horse came down hard, then reared again. Cara lost her hold and started to fall. Afraid that her leg would be caught in the stirrups, she kicked out her legs and fell to the ground. There was a loud pop, as she tried to stop her fall by reaching out with her arms. Pain wracked her body when her arms collapsed and she hit the ground hard. Tears came to her eyes almost immediately and ran down her face, as she lay there too stunned to move except to spit dust from her mouth.

Raven was at her side in an instant. “Cara honey, are you all right?”

“My arm, Raven, it hurts so badly.”

Cara looked like a broken doll, her arm twisted in a strange direction.
Quiet Thunder we are in trouble, Cara is injured. We are on the mountain trail near the first curve
, Raven sent using his telepathy. Quiet Thunder appeared in seconds. He grabbed the reins of the horses and inspected Wind Dancer for damage.

“Forget the horse! We’ve got to get Cara to the clinic!” Raven said

“We are all one, Raven. Her arm is going to hurt when you move her, and going into Shadow with its cold will hurt her, as well. Splint her arm as best you can and take her to Rick. Tell him to set it. I’ll follow you as soon as I care for the horses.”

Raven’s heart raced. Cara’s pain washed over him, filling his mind. He wanted to yell and rage at it. He pushed it aside, needing to get her to the doctor. He grabbed a piece of scrub pine that was lying on the ground and removed his belt. Then, he wrapped the belt around Cara’s arm and the wood. It wasn’t much, but it would do until he could warp her through Shadow to the clinic.

“I’m sorry, Cara, but this is going to hurt, baby,” Raven said as he went to lift her in his arms. “Hang on and we’ll get you fixed up.” What was wrong with him? He had seen worse things than a broken arm in his military years. Why was he so shaken?

Raven sent a telepathic call to Dr. Frederick “Rick” White Fox.
Rick, I’m coming in with my mate. Her arm is broken. Be ready.

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