Shadow (Defenders MC Book 1) (3 page)

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Authors: Amanda Anderson

BOOK: Shadow (Defenders MC Book 1)
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Saturday came around way too soon.  Lacey had bought three outfits and now she couldn’t figure out which would actually work.  A knock on the door gave her a welcomed distraction.  She opened it to find Mrs. and Angel standing on her tiny front porch.  They both greeted her with huge smiles and pulled her in for hugs.

“Oh my God!  Angel you are huge!”  Lacey said before she thought of herself.

“Bitch.”  Angel said with an airy laugh.  “You look fantastic!  I couldn’t believe it when daddy said you had moved back home!  I am so glad to have you back.  This baby is going to need a strong aunt to combat all these uncles.  I can’t believe you kept it a secret from me!”

Lacey beamed.  Angel had only been six when Lacey had become an honorary member of the family and Lacey loved her.  “I can’t wait until….”

“It’s a GIRL!!!”  Mrs. squealed.  Can you believe my first grand baby will be a little girl?  I can’t wait to see all those big tough men fall all over themselves for her like they do with little Katie.  Preach fusses that the cuts will have to be made in pink if somebody doesn’t start having some boys to carry on the club.” 

The three women laughed and talked as they made their way to the kitchen where Mrs. unloaded her bags and started making lunch.  Lacey started to protest but was cut off with a look from the woman who had become her mother over the years.  So she just sat at the table with Angel and watched as the hardened biker chick turned into a loving mother preparing a meal for her children. 

Mrs. was a whirlwind.  She was taller than Lacey by just a little, maybe 5’8” or so.  She had bleached blonde hair and the greenest eyes Lacey had ever seen in her life.  They always made her think of new leaves in the spring and they were always filled with love and joy.  Lacey had only heard of Mrs. getting angry once in the fifteen years since she had known her.  Mrs. had walked in and caught Preacher with one of the club whores straddling his lap.  Mrs. had walked right up to her husband and informed him that she would be visiting friends for a while.  She didn’t raise her voice or acknowledge the whore in any way, but preach got the message loud and clear. Mrs. had taken her girls and left for a month.  Lacey had loved it because they had come to stay with Nana and her.  She didn’t understand what had been going on, but she knew Preach was a different man when he came to visit that time.  That night Mrs. had laid down some rules and Preach never strayed again.  Lacey respected her for it.

“I figured you ladies would be busy at the clubhouse today, planning my party.”  Lacey commented.

“Oh sweetie, we have that under control, but if that man of mine asked about you one more time I was going to kill him so I figured I’d come out here and spend some time with you and help you get ready.”

“Why is Preach worried about me?”  Lacey was truly confused.

“God knows ‘cause I sure don’t.”  She caught Lacey’s worried look and rushed to reassure her.  “I think its more excitement that worry honey.  He can’t wait for you to be under his roof for a while.  That’s just the way he is.”  She patted Lacey’s hand.  “Shadow is watching over you night and day, you needn’t worry about a thing.  You are as safe as can be without moving in the clubhouse or to the house with me.”

Angle choked on her drink and sputtered, but made no comment.  Mrs. shot her a glare and turned back to Lacey.

“Now then, that can cook while we figure out what you are going to wear tonight.”

“Oh thank heavens!  I have no idea.  I don’t own any leather or anything.”  She ignored Angel’s snort.  “I’ve never been to the club house as an adult and only a few times as a kid.”  She blushed and tried to explain.

“You don’t have to wear leather Lacey.”  Angel said with a laugh.  “I would look like a real cow if I tried to wear leather.” 

They all enjoyed a laugh at that and began digging through Lacey’s closet.

They decided on a yellow sundress with tiny blue flowers and a denim jacket.  After enjoying lunch she dressed and pulled on her cowboy boots with the blue stitching.  She styled her dark hair simply with soft curls just on the ends.  She hung little silver hoops in her ears that had tiny hearts hanging from them and the matching necklace.  The hearts hung to the top of her cleavage and looked just slightly sexy without being too much.  She wore a simple silver ring on her right middle finger to complete the look.  She held her arms to the side and turned in a slow circle in front of her audience.

“Well?”  She asked nervously.

Mrs. actually wiped a tear which made Angel sniffle.  “Oh Lacey.  You are so beautiful sweetie.”  Mrs. hugged her tightly.  “I love you like one of my own and I am so proud of you honey.”

“I love you too Mrs.,” Lacey choked.

“Now then!  I put the left overs in the fridge so you can have some tomorrow.  If you are ready we can head on over to the clubhouse.”

Lacey looked at the two women.  They had both changed clothes.  Angel wore a bright red Maternity dress that hit just above her knees and some comfortable looking ballet slippers and a black leather vest that read property of Ink across the back.  Mrs. wore tight blue jeans and a bright pink halter top with her own vest except hers read property of Preacherman across the back.  Lacey would never understand that.  Was she considered property?  She wondered if it wouldn’t feel sort of good to belong to someone, but she shook the thought off.

“Now honey,” Mrs. began, “stick by us or someone you know.  You are Preach’s family so that offers some protection and I am sure he will make it clear, but when men get to drinkin… just be careful.  If you had been raised in the club like Angel, I wouldn’t worry, but I just can’t help it.  Do not go anywhere with anyone and if someone tries to force you, scream.  Do you understand me Lacey?  You scream like your life depends on it.”

“Yes ma’am. I’m a grown woman Mrs. I can handle myself.”  Lacey hoped she was telling the truth, at that moment she really wasn't sure.




Shadow sat brooding at the bar of the clubhouse.  He looked around at the usually welcoming room and just felt ashamed.  For the first time in his life he wasn’t proud of the club and all because he was seeing it from Lacey’s eyes.  Would she see a ratty bar and a bunch of worthless men?  The sweetbutts and strippers had all been told to stay the fuck away until dark, which was when the families usually went home.  How would Lacey react to the club whores and the things that went on around the camp fire after dark? She hadn’t been raised in this lifestyle. He rubbed his face with both hands and picked up his drink. Why the fuck did he care?

He didn’t notice Rider until he spoke, but he figured he hadn’t been there long, the man couldn’t stay quiet for a second if his life depended on it.

“So, I hear this lawyer chick is a looker.”  Rider said and his eyebrows bounced suggestively.  “Think I got a chance?”

Shadow’s fist shot out before he thought and his brother lay bleeding on the floor at his feet.  Son of a bitch, where had that come from?

Instead of being mad the man started laughing hysterically.  “Moose! You’re right!  He has a thing for his own fucking sister!”  Rider started to get up and Shad rested his booted foot on the man’s chest.

“Lacey is not my fucking sister and you had better stay clear of her or I will put you in the ground where nobody will ever think to look for you.  We clear?”  His voice was harsh and his eyes hard as chips of obsidian, but his face remained blank.

Rider lost all signs of laughter.  The brothers shifted, watching to see if they needed to intervene.

Rider’s blue eyes became hard.  Rider was an easy going type, but he didn’t back down from a fight, even when he should.  “Let me up
before this gets nastier than it should.”  His voice was as cold as ice and Shadow actually found himself impressed.  He removed his foot and offered Rider his hand.  Rider took it after a beat and stood.

“If she’s your woman claim her, if not she’s free game and you know it.  I won’t be the only brother sniffing around her skirts tonight.  Be careful,
, you can’t fight us all.”

With that Rider stalked off and left Shadow to seeth.  He wasn’t claiming Lacey tonight.  No fucking way and he’d be damned if anyone else did either.  He saw Preach standing across the room and knew it was time they had a talk.  Before he could take another step the door opened and there she was.  Shadow lost every thought in his head and just stared.

Lacey walked into the rustic looking building and let her eyes adjust to the dim interior.  It was cleaner than she’d expected.  Black leather couches were placed around in loose sitting arrangements.  Pool tables stood near the back of the room along with card tables and what looked like slot machines.  A huge bar dominated the left side of the room and several doors lead out of the main room as well as a set of stairs in the back right hand corner. 

As her eyes adjusted and took in the room she noticed several typical biker men lounging or playing pool.  A few looked up and nodded, Moose grinned and threw up his hand, others didn’t look up from their beers.  All the men were built and wearing cuts with the Defenders colors and all seemed to be drinking at four in the afternoon.

Lacey’s eyes landed on a man that was anything but typical.  His black eyes almost glowed in the dim interior of the club house and he was looking at her.  He didn’t smile or even scowl, he just looked.  Before Lacey could react she was wrapped in Preach’s arms and hugged until she couldn’t breathe.

“Finally!  I thought you girls had gotten lost.”  He kissed Angel’s cheek and grabbed Mrs. for a completely indecent kiss.  “Come on out back.  Most everybody is back there already.”  He leaned down and whispered something in his wife’s ear that had her eyes widening and shooting to the dark figure still by the bar.  She nodded and pasted on a fake smile.

“Come on now honey.  We can’t start the party until you get out there and if everybody is already here we may as well get it started.”

With that Lacey was ushered out into the back yard where she was introduced as Preacher’s daughter and welcomed home.  She danced and laughed with the old ladies and even played with little Katie.  She was truly having a wonderful time.

Preach claimed her for a dance as well as Moose and Ace.  She loved how the brothers made her feel welcome and loved. 

When the sun set the children were gathered up and most of the old ladies left along with them.  Then the others started arriving, the sweetbutts and whores.  Lacey decided it was time for her to go as well.  She started for the clubhouse when a tall man with eyes she couldn’t define stepped in her path.

“I think it’s my turn for a dance.”

Lacey felt an odd sense of fear and when she lifted her eyes she saw Preach shift closer to her.  Was this man dangerous?

“I was about to find a ride home.”  She answered.

He offered her a smile that she knew was no less menacing than the devil himself and ran his hand over his buzzed hair. “I’d be more than happy to take you home.”

“I think not.”  Her fear was making her angry and her anger made her voice sound haughty. 

The man lifted one brow and cocked his head.  “That was a smart choice.”  He leaned in and whispered in her ear.  “Most women are afraid to tell me no.  Ask Angel when you get the chance and she will tell you just how smart it was for you to be brave.”  He straightened.  “I’m Lawless by the way.”  He winked and turned from her.

She had all intentions of finding Angel and asking about the strange encounter, until she saw one skinny girl in almost nothing shinny up beside Shadow.  He seemed to be talking to the little whore and was that the shadow of a smile on his face?! Lacey seethed and for the life of her couldn’t explain why, but the sight of that woman with Shadow made her see red.  He never showed any interest in talking to her like that.

“Now Darlin’ don’t let that get to ya.  Come dance with me and I will show you just what this place is all about.”

Warm breath tickled her neck as the smooth, southern voice spoke quietly in her ear.  She could almost feel his lips against the lobe as he spoke.  Lacey felt instant heat flare in her belly and wondered if it was real or the alcohol she’d been drinking all evening.  She turned and almost gasped at the Adonis standing before her.  Tall but not towering, muscular without being bulky, blonde hair that glowed like a halo in the firelight, and blue eyes that sparkled with mischief even in the dimness of the yard.

“Hi,” she said lamely and was rewarded with a panty dropping smile.

“Hi,” he said and reached out to run his fingers down her cheek.  She shivered and almost moaned at the contact.  “I’m Rider.  How about that dance?”  He held out his hand and Lacey placed hers in it.  She had no fear of this man like she had Lawless and she was glad she had trusted her instincts.

“I’m Lacey and I would love to.”  She felt her cheeks go pink and hoped he couldn’t see her blush in the low light.



Shad was going to fucking kill Rider if he let his hand slip one centimeter lower on Lacey’s hip, just one.  He felt rage boiling in his gut like he hadn’t felt in over twenty years, since he was eight years old and he’d had to watch as a man fucked his mama.  That had been the price for his safety that night, his audience and it had been worth it to her. 

He balled his fists so tight that he thought the bones would crack.  That stupid whore would not go the fuck away and he was about to show her what the rumors were all about.  Moose was right he was a sick bastard and he had almost reached his limits tonight.  Preach’s low voice caught his attention as the older man stepped up beside him.

“Take off bitch, can’t you see when you’re not fucking wanted?”  Preach said carelessly.  Then he turned to Shadow.  “You look about as pissed as I’ve ever seen you.  I think it’s time you took off for a while.”  He held up his hand before Shadow could argue. “I saw what happened with you and Rider and I see what he’s up to now.  I won’t have brothers fighting over a piece of ass.”  Preach ducked the fist Shadow flung at his face and it crashed into the wall with a crunch.

“I’ll forget that too, but I want you out of here by morning.  I have a run that could use your expertise.  You’ll ride out with Fox and Shank, take that prospect…Mike and get it done.  You can be back by Wednesday if all goes well.  Figure out your shit ‘cause this ain’t you and I won’t have it.”

Shadow ground his teeth but he didn’t argue.  His hand fucking hurt, but it was making him think clearer and Preach was right.  He wouldn’t get this crazy over some piece and to prove it he grabbed the whore by the arm and thrust her inside.  He would give her what she was after and he knew she would leave him alone from then on.  Nobody ever wanted him more than once.


Lacey watched as Shadow entered the clubhouse with the whore and her heart cracked a little.  Suddenly dancing didn’t seem so fun and she smiled and excused herself.  She went to the fire and sat near its warmth until she had composed herself and then she went in search of a ride home.  She had seen Mrs. heading inside and decided to head that way.

She walked into the club house and found it completely changed.  Men and women were in all stages of undress some dancing and some actually engaged in various forms of sex out in the open.  Some watched and even cheered as a man spanked a naked woman while she sucked another’s dick.

Lacey turned to escape the scene only to be faced with another and another.  She turned to the stairs and found the whore that had left with Shadow stumbling down the stairs holding her clothes, tears streaking her face.  One man called out to her and laughed when she shook her head, but he grabbed her arm when she passed him and pulled her down into his lap, tossing her clothes to the floor.

Lacey turned for the door only to find Lawless leaning against it with a grin on his face as if he had just cornered the canary.  She closed her eyes and tried to hold down the supper she’d eaten, the room spun as her stomach churned.  She was terrified and knew she was not getting out of this unscathed.  Warm hands banded her upper arms and she began to struggle.  Her eyes flew open and she found Shadow standing a breath away, she opened her mouth to scream, remembering what Mrs. had told her, and fainted.


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