Read Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission Online

Authors: Tawny Taylor

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Erotic Romance, #romantica, #domination and submission, #erotica for women, #domination and submission romance, #erotic bondage

Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission (12 page)

BOOK: Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission
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“So that’s why…” That statement answered so many questions
for her. Such as why he seemed to be such a loner. Why the rumors about him had
started. And why he’d seemed so distant and unapproachable until now.

He released her face. His eyes, however, held her there as
effectively as any physical restraint would. She felt herself wanting to
surrender to this man, or more specifically to the feelings she had for him.
She wanted to know everything about him, his darkest secrets. She ached to
belong to him. To know that he wanted her, no others.

Oh God, it had been such a long time since she’d let herself
feel anything for a man. It was terrifying in one way, thrilling in another.

“I need to ask,” Kyler said, slowly. “Are you absolutely
sure you feel the need to submit to a man? Sexually? Are you ready to explore
this side of yourself?”

Chapter Five


Kyler’s question hadn’t shocked Elena. But that still didn’t
keep her from feeling a skittery unease.

Her tongue felt heavy. She couldn’t speak for at least a
handful of heartbeats. “I-I’ve read a little about it, and I’ve done a lot of
thinking. But honestly, I don’t know much at all, so I can’t be sure I truly
understand what it’s all about. A lot of the stuff I’ve seen on the internet is
either confusing or downright intimidating. Scary.”

He nodded, pulling his chair next to hers, until they were
wedged closely to each other. He leaned in, and she could literally feel the
heat radiating from his body. She felt herself drawing nearer, pulled into the
heat. “I think a lot of people feel that way when they first start exploring
the lifestyle.” He studied her carefully for a moment then rested a hand on top
of hers. His fingers twined between hers. “Despite all the confusion, it’s
worth stepping out and taking some reasonable risks. I’ve been a Dom for a long
time, and I usually can sense these things in people, especially women.”

“What do you see in me?” she whispered, her breath wedged in
her throat.

He tilted his head and inched closer still, until their
mouths were nearly touching. His breath warmed her lips, a gentle caress. “A
natural submissive. A woman who craves complete surrender to a powerful,
dominant man. A woman who wants to trust and love her man with everything she

He was right about that last bit for sure.

She let her eyelids fall closed and relished the sensual
tension winding through her body. He was so close, and he smelled so good, and
this moment, oh God, this moment was so amazing.

Would he kiss her already?

She lifted her heavy eyelids and met his smoldering gaze.
She could read so many things in those eyes of his. On the very surface she saw
raw, almost savage desire. No man had ever looked at her like that before. It
was positively thrilling.

And below the surface, she saw something even more
compelling. As their conversation meandered from one subject to another, over
the next two hours, she saw the very beginnings of true caring. There, in those
sparkles, when he talked about her. When he asked her questions about herself,
her fears, her dreams.

This man was looking for a long-term relationship.

God help her, so was she.

He was looking for a woman who wished to join him in his
lifestyle, a woman who would willingly surrender all control and power to him.
To love and be loved.

She wanted to be that woman.

Finally, as her fears eased and her need to answer the
urgent call thrumming through her body overtook her, she asked the question she
hadn’t been ready to speak at the beginning of the evening, “Will you show me
how, Kyler? How to submit?”

“Yes, if that is truly what you want.”

“It is. I think. I mean, I want to try.”

He kissed her then. Hard and long. His tongue swept into her
mouth to dominate hers. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a
crushing embrace. She surrendered to him, welcoming him to take everything from
her, to strip her bare of every defense, to topple the walls she’d erected
around her heart, to claim her body.

As their kiss continued, the tension in her body swelled,
until she was hot and tight and ready. She sighed into their joined mouths,
begged, “Please, Kyler.”

He broke the kiss, stood, took her hand and led her from the
country club. They got into the car and he sat, pulled her toward him. His
hands slid up her thighs as she leaned forward, taking the hem of her dress
with them. The car rolled smoothly down the driveway.

Hands on her waist, he guided her onto his lap, facing him,
legs straddling his hips. Her bent knees rested on the seat. The rigid bulge in
his pants rubbed against her wet pussy. She rocked her hips back and forth,
desperate to rub away the pounding ache between her legs.

He kissed her neck and shoulders. Caressed a breast through
the thin, satiny cloth of her dress. The other reached around her back, fingers
splayed against the small of her back, just above her buttocks.

The man was the worst kind of tease. He taunted her nipple,
nipped her neck until goose bumps tingled and prickled her skin. Skimmed the
outer shell of her ear until she shivered and begged for him to stop.

She was going to die. Long before they reached his house.

Finally, he eased her off him. She now sat on the seat, her
legs spread. His hungry gaze dropped to her lace-covered pussy, to the center
of her pulsing agony.

He bent over her sodden panties. “Thank you. For giving me
this little bit of trust. I promise I won’t take it for granted.”

She believed him. She wanted to tell him as much, but she
was too overwhelmed and desperate to speak. Instead, she simply nodded.

He inhaled and the corners of his mouth pulled into a sexy
half-smile. “You smell so damn good. I have to taste you.”

Oh God, yes.

His hands skimmed up her thighs, and he caught the sides of
her panties, pulled them down. She drew her legs together and lifted her feet,
until he had them completely off.

He positioned her on the seat, next to him, facing him. He
hooked one of her knees over his shoulder, and the other leg slowly lowered to
the floor. The cool air eased the burning in her wet flesh, until he lowered
his head to taste her.

Oh God.

He parted her folds with his fingers. His tongue swept up
and down along her crest, stopping for a moment to torment her clit and then
moving down to thrust into her vagina. Then, adding to the sweet agony, he
pressed two fingers into her tight canal, filling her.

When he suckled her sensitive clit, she soared to an
instantaneous climax. All the tension that had built in her body from the
moment he’d arrived at her house tonight snapped, and pulse after pulse of wet
heat pounded through her body.

She was still wobbly when they pulled up in front of Kyler’s
house. The skirt of her dress fell to the ground when she stood up. The
material caressed her bottom as she walked, a naughty, sexy sensation. She
leaned against Kyler as they climbed the front stairs and entered his home. She
curled her fingers around his hand as they walked up to the dungeon.

He paused just inside the door. “In this room, I am your Dom
and you are my submissive.” He turned to face her, gently slid a hand up her
arm and around to the back of her neck. “My sole focus is you. Your pleasure.
Your pain. Are you still scared?”

“A little.”

He nodded. “With our history, it’s hard to trust. I
understand. But over time, it’ll be easier. I’ll make it easier, earn your
trust.” He walked around her back, tugged the zipper of her dress down. The
garment skimmed down her body, landing in a puddle of black satin and
glittering jewels at her feet. “I need you to kneel now, Elena.” He held her
hand as she stepped out of the gown and then lowered to her knees. He guided
her body into the right position, buttocks up, head down, spine arched.

“Good. Now wait here. Eyes down, bottom up. It’ll feel best
if you completely turn yourself over. Let go of your fears and reservations.”

She lifted her head the second she heard Kyler leave the
room. She checked out every piece of furniture she could see from her position.
The swing in the corner. The bench she’d sat in when he’d discovered her

So embarrassing.

Ironic, maybe tonight she’d be on that bench again, this
time with Kyler kneeling before her, his thick cock gliding in and out of her

Her back was to the door but she knew when he’d returned. A
whoosh of heat swept up her spine. Her back tightened as he approached.

This was it, she was about to experience her first time—and
maybe her last—in a dungeon with a real, honest-to-God Dom.

When he walked around and stopped before her, she couldn’t
help stealing a quick peek.

Leather. Oh yum. She stared. He narrowed his eyes a smidge,
but the sparkle never left them. “Eyes down, Elena.”


He stood before her, his booted feet planted wide, “There
are as many varieties of Domination and submission as there are people who
participate in them. Whether it’s a lifestyle, as full-time Master and slave,
or something much more transient, is up to each person to decide. You need to
determine what you’re looking for. I want to help you.” He stooped in front of
her. “Have you ever been inside a dungeon?”

“No. Never.”

“Come with me.” He helped her to her feet, showed her every
piece of equipment, explained each one. Then he asked, “Do you have any

She sure did. One big question. “What if I don’t like what
you’re doing?”

“Then we stop.”

“And then what? What if I discover that none of this is for

“We talk.”

Could it be so simple? She tells him it isn’t for her, and
he says that’s okay, that he doesn’t need it. She doubted it.

Clearly, this bondage stuff had been a part of Kyler’s life
for a long time, a significant part. He had invested in the furniture, was a
member of some kind of group. Gosh, it wasn’t just a part of his life. It was a
part of him.

He’d already told her he wasn’t going to just walk away from
it, not for any woman. Not for her. Besides, she couldn’t ask him to do that.
Any more than she’d expect him to ask her to quit reading or stop loving art.

She’d have to walk away. Call him a good friend, but accept
the fact that they weren’t meant for each other, regardless of the chemistry
they had.

It had been such a short time. What this was between them
was still very new, and she completely understood the risks of taking things
too fast. Yet just the thought of saying goodbye to Kyler again made her
insides ache. In a very bad way.

Maybe it wouldn’t be necessary.

She sensed a lot rode on this first time in his dungeon.
Perhaps, even, a chance for love.

Kyler had said he’d sensed she was a natural submissive. How
he knew that, she had no clue. She could admit her fantasies had always been
about powerful men, surrendering to their control. Being stolen away by a
time-traveling Viking or hauled from a burning building by a burly firefighter.

But how many fantasies were better left to the imagination?

“We’ll start slow and easy. I’ll explain everything
beforehand. And if you want me to stop, say rose petal.”

“Rose petal. Got it.”

He took her to the one wall that didn’t have a piece of
furniture affixed to it. Instead, two long shelves stretched the entire length
of the wall. Arranged neatly on the shelves was a wide array of wrapped sex
toys. Some she could identify. Some she couldn’t. Beneath the bottom shelf hung
a variety of whips, leather restraints, feathers, and paddles.

“I want to let you know that your safety is my primary
concern. Only new, sterile toys are kept in my dungeon, and my whips,
restraints and paddles are sanitized after every use. I am regularly tested for
sexually transmitted disease, even though I have not had intercourse with
anyone in over two years. During play parties, I act as a Dom or Master only.
There is no sex during play. I want you to understand, I only have intercourse
when I am in a committed relationship.”

Wow, what did that mean? Did he want to have intercourse
with her? Did he consider them “in a relationship”? Maybe he was ready to be
vulnerable again. Trust her.

She felt genuinely honored.

“You understand now, don’t you?” He took her hands in hers.
“Regardless of what I said, it’s never ‘just a fuck’. Not for me.”

She thought she might cry, hearing those words.

“Especially with you.”

“Why me?”

“I can’t say for sure. It’s not one thing, I guess. It’s
lots of things. The chemistry between us is a part of it, for sure. But there’s
more.” He hesitated for a moment. “Maybe it’s crazy to say this, to feel it.
But the truth is, it hurt when things weren’t right between us.”

She knew the feeling.

They were both crazy, going this fast. Letting their
emotions carry them away like this and indulging in what might be a dangerous
game with their hearts.

Once again, she felt like her back was against the wall,
although not literally. Kyler was asking her to dive into the deep end, take a
chance, let go of all her fears…with him.

She combed her fingers through the leather strands of a
whip, letting them slide through her fingers.

“A whip’s bite can sting, but its caress is very gentle.
This is a cat-o-nine tails.” He lifted the whip from its hook on the wall. “I
know I have no right to ask this, but trust me.”

She nodded.

Kyler walked around to Elena’s back, slid a hand around her
side, and pressed his entire length against her backside. Little tingles and
zingy miniblazes swept up and down her body. “Kneel down, Elena.”

Supported from behind, eyes closed, she slowly sank to her
knees, settling into the position Kyler had placed her in earlier.

BOOK: Shades of Pleasure: Five Stories of Domination and Submission
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