Shades of Deception (3 page)

Read Shades of Deception Online

Authors: Amanda Meadows

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Shades of Deception
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Damn! There was another one. “Wish You Were Here!” Amber clicked the e-mail. Up popped another photograph. Clenching her teeth, she clicked open the file. This one was different. Kayla stood in front of a small café, holding a newspaper and pointing to something on it with one of her scarlet fingernails. Swallowing hard, Amber enlarged the photograph until she could see the date of the French paper,
Le Monde
. She had to translate the date using Google, but at last she had it.

Okay, that was weird. Christmas Day. Why had Kayla sent a picture of herself in Paris on Christmas Day? Suddenly, Amber grinned. If Kayla thought that sending her a photograph on Christmas Day from Paris was going to upset her, then she had no idea that Hunter had flown here. And if she didn't know that, then wasn't that clear evidence that she and her mother had no contact with them?

Yeah, you might have had a nice little dinner in a café, Amber thought smugly. But I had Hunter in bed. Take that you bitch! Shoving aside her laptop, Amber crawled into her covers and snuggled with Hunter's pillow.


Chapter 5


Amber woke up early the next morning because she was working a full day shift. When she finished showering, Caleb was already at the table eating a plate of French toast.

“Did I miss that in the freezer?” Amber asked, her mouth watering.

“Nope! I just made it. I made you some as well.” Caleb grinned and motioned to the top of the stove.

“I found half a pint of cream in the fridge that was still good and we had two eggs left.”

Amber took the plate off the warmer and sat down next to Caleb.

“I thought all the bread was gone,” she said, slathering the toast with butter and syrup.

“Fortunately for you, Hunter hates the end pieces from the loaves of bread. I won't let him throw them away and they get shoved to the back of the fridge.”

Amber had a sudden inspiration.

“Wait a second! Don't eat that last bite just yet.”

Grabbing her phone, she scooted her own plate next to Caleb's and took a selfie highlighting the two of them with forks raised in front of the French toast.

“What's that all about?” Caleb asked. “Can I finish now?”

“Go ahead. I'm just sending proof to Hunter that we're not starving ourselves.”

Caleb nodded appreciatively. “Good idea! By the way, I started on a grocery list. I'll finish it before I come by at five.”

“Sounds good,” Amber murmured.

She typed out her text to Hunter and attached the photo.

Amber: Newsflash – Caleb shows survival skills and produces bountiful breakfast!

After she finished brushing her teeth and grabbing her purse to head out the door, she noticed the return text from Hunter.

Hunter: Newsflash – Responsible roommates do not need to rely on survival skills.

Amber snarled at the phone. When it buzzed again, she almost didn't check.

Hunter: I dreamed about you all last night.

Amber softened. Ugh! She couldn't stay mad at him when he said stuff like that.

Amber: I hate when you are not in bed when I wake up.

Hunter: Have a great day at work!

Amber: You too!

Hunter: Are you in the car? I don't want you to be late.

Amber ran out the door and hurried down the steps. Caleb was already in the driver seat of the Range Rover when she slid in the passenger side. As soon as he backed out of the driveway, she texted Hunter back.

Amber: Caleb driving me now.

Hunter: Hmm . . . Took you almost two minutes to respond. I take it Caleb was waiting on you?

Amber: Don't ruin the good moment you had going.

Hunter: Sorry. I just know you so well.

Amber: I never said you were right.

Hunter: Ha! Ha! But you didn't deny it.

Amber: So I deny things?

Hunter: I'm going to stop before I get in trouble. I have a meeting in five minutes anyway.

Amber: Goodbye then.

Hunter: Later, baby.

Caleb tapped on the wheel with his fingers as he waited for a traffic light.

“How's our friendly control freak this morning?”

Amber laughed. “In a remarkably good mood. Apparently, the photograph of French toast brought up good memories for him. He was actually warm and fuzzy.”

Caleb chuckled. “If that's the case, I'll be making a lot more French toast in the future. A happy Hunter means a happy Caleb.”

Amber hopped out of the car when Caleb pulled up to the loading zone in front of the store.

“See you this afternoon! Have fun at the camera shop.”

Caleb waved as he drove off.

As she walked in, Amber realized she was actually early. Remembering that she hadn't had any food to pack a lunch, she walked to the deli section to have a sandwich made. She purchased a couple of bottles of water and a box of animal crackers to go with it. See, she wanted to tell Hunter. I can be responsible.

No one was in the break room. Amber laid out her purchases and took a photograph. She couldn't resist sending Hunter one more text message, even though she knew he was in a meeting and wouldn't be able to respond right away.

Amber: Humble, responsible roommate purchases lunch ahead of time.

She attached the photograph and hit send before putting everything back in the plastic bag and sticking it in the fridge. She used a store sticker to write her name and put it prominently on the bag. Anything unlabeled in the fridge was considered fair game for other employees.

Amber was stuffing her purse in her locker when she heard a buzz indicating she had a message. She swiftly pulled out her phone and grinned. Hunter had sent her a smiley face. That in itself was hilarious as Hunter wasn't a fan of emoticons. But she resisted the urge to text back. He should be paying attention to his meeting. And she was going to be late if she didn't leave the break room right now.

In the middle of the day, Amber found herself bored out of her mind. It was a slow afternoon and her particular register was at the far side of the main entrance. She was grateful when she got a small line of customers.

“Amber! Hi!”

Amber looked up with surprise to see Megan in her line. She gave her blue-eyed classmate a smile before helping bag the last bit of an elderly woman's order.

Finally it was Megan's turn and Amber rang up a huge pile of cheap noodles, a half gallon of milk, and a box of cereal.

“I didn't realize you were staying on campus during break,” she said. “I would have had you over for dinner.”

“I work most nights,” Megan said, shrugging. She reached up to pull back a strand of coppery hair from her face.

“What about tonight? Are you free?” She quickly put Megan's purchases in a bag while her friend searched for the correct change.

Megan smiled and Amber noted again how pretty the girl was.

“Are you sure? Your roommate wouldn't mind?"

Amber smiled. “Not at all. Caleb's a nice guy. It would be fun.”

“Should I bring anything?” Megan moved out of the way of the next customer.

“Nope. I'll call you a bit later with details about when we'll eat.”

Amber waved at Megan and turned to her next customer. When she clocked out at the end of her shift, she found Caleb waiting outside the break room.

“Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I invited a classmate over for dinner.”

Caleb grimaced. “Please tell me it's a girl. The control freak would go berserk if it was a guy. I'd be risking a matching bruise on my other shin.”

“At least you would have matching legs,” Amber teased. “But, seriously, it's a girl.”

She took him by the shoulders. “But I'm warning you right now not to take advantage of her. She's not a candidate for girlfriend of the week club.”

Caleb gaped at her. “Girlfriend of the week club?”

Oops! She hadn't meant to say it like that.

“Well, really, Caleb. What do you expect people to think? We never see a girl more than once or twice and then she gets replaced.”

Caleb blushed. “It isn't like that. I mean . . . Okay, so maybe I have a hard time finding the right girl.”

Amber smirked. “Out of all those girls, there hasn't been even one that met your strict qualifications?”

Caleb folded his arms across his chest. “Okay, I know I seem like a player but, honestly, most of these girls are the ones coming on to me.”

“And, of course you can't disappoint them without bringing them home at least once,” Amber said, her voice light.

Caleb bit his lip and sighed. “Look. I would love to have a great girl like you. Hunter really lucked out meeting you.”

He shrugged. “You just don't understand. Some of those girls just want a good time. If the right girl ever comes along, then I'll change my evil ways.”

Amber laughed.

“I'm not attacking you, Caleb. Most of those girls seem to be airheads."

She smiled and patted his shoulder. “But Megan is not an airhead. So behave yourself.”

Caleb smiled. “I'm intrigued. What does she look like?”

Amber walked over and grabbed an abandoned empty cart. Pulling her shopping list from her purse, she started down the aisle.

“I'm warning you, Caleb. You hurt her and I'll hurt you.”

“Point well taken.” Caleb increased his stride to catch up with her.

"Do you want me to cook dinner tonight?”

Amber stopped and put her hands on her hips. She frowned.

“Are you saying I'm not a very good cook?”

“Did I say that?” Caleb winced. “Keep your little ninja feet on the ground. Your cooking is . . . um . . . okay.”

Amber laughed. “I'm just kidding. I'd be the first to admit that I'm not the best cook in the world. I don't think I'm going to make a very domestic wife.”

Caleb considered Amber a moment and shrugged his shoulders.

“Lucky for you, Hunter likes takeout. Actually, he can cook decently when he feels like it.”

Amber pretended to be interested in a can of tomato sauce. This sudden talk about relationships and marriage, even if hypothetical, made her feel a bit weird. It brought up her encounter with Kayla. Who was she kidding? Could Hunter ever accept her with her past? For now, yes. But for marriage?

“So I was thinking that I could do a nice chicken braised in wine sauce,” Caleb was saying beside her.

Amber forced herself to pay attention.

“Braised chicken in wine sauce? Sounds fabulous. Are you sure you're not trying to show off for Megan?”

“I don't even know what Megan looks like because little ninja doubts my integrity.”

Amber laughed. “You'll see soon enough. What time shall I have her come over?”

Caleb checked the time on his phone.

“Have her come by at six. We can get some appetizers together by then and I'll have the chicken ready for the oven.”

Amber pushed the cart down the aisle.

“We'd better get a move on then. We still have a good bit to get for our regular shopping list.”


Chapter 6


Once they returned home, Amber put away groceries while Caleb prepped for dinner. Amber watched in amazement as he quickly sliced onions, carrots, and peppers with precision. She knew he could make breakfast items like French toast. But she had never seen him put together a whole meal. Who would have thought that a boy with muscles like that would be so at home in the kitchen?

“Um . . . Did you spend time in a cooking school?”

Caleb looked up and grinned.

“Mom taught me when I was just a kid. I always helped out because she was so tired when she got home from work.”

Amber smiled. “Your mom is really great.”

She studied Caleb, seeing him in a new light. “You've been a really good son.”

Caleb simply smiled back. “She did everything for me. I'll always look out for her.”

“Well, I'll have to thank her for cultivating such a good chef. If I had known, I would have pestered you before now to make dinner.”

Caleb laughed. “This isn't going to be a new thing, you know. I'll be back to my lazy ways soon enough.”

Amber finished putting the last of the groceries away.

“So, what should I be doing in the way of appetizers?”

She smiled slyly. “This may be your one and only time to get to boss me around.”

Caleb merely checked the time and pointed.

“There's a platter in that cabinet you can use for cheese and crackers. We'll keep it simple.”

Amber got to work, slicing cheese, and arranging crackers on the platter. She found a nice bowl for the dark cluster of grapes Caleb had chosen. She put everything on the coffee table.

She was setting the table in the kitchen when there was a knock on the door.

“I'll get it,” she said, seeing that Caleb was heating a pan over the gas burner.

“Hi, Megan!”

Amber gave her friend a hug. “I'm so glad you could make it tonight. Come on in.”

“Wow. This is really nice!” Megan said, looking around in approval.

“Let me introduce you to Caleb before I show you around.”

Caleb had added onions and carrots to the oil in the pan and they were now gently sizzling. He turned the pan on low heat and wiped his hands on the chef's apron he had tied around his waist.

“Megan, this is Caleb. Caleb this is my friend Megan. She's in my art and history classes.”

Caleb and Megan exchanged pleasant greetings and Caleb returned to his cooking duties.

Amber took Megan into her room and was surprised when Megan softly pushed the door shut.

“Is something wrong?”

Megan giggled. “You didn't tell me your roommate was Caleb Hanson. Oh, my gosh. He's so hot.”

Oh, no! Surely Megan wasn't going to fall for Caleb's charms.

“Okay, Megan, I have to tell you. Caleb is a great guy. He really is. But he has a revolving door of girls through here. I wonder if he has a commitment issue.”

Megan winked. "Maybe he just needs the right woman."

Amber shook her head. She wasn't sure if this was a good thing.

Megan opened the door and raised her voice. “Such a cute room, Amber. I can see why you like it so much.”

As they stepped into the kitchen, Caleb was pounding strips of chicken wrapped in plastic wrap. He pulled the wrap off and added it to the hot pan.

“This is awfully fancy for a student dinner,” Megan said, watching Caleb work.

Caleb looked up and grinned. “I bet you were expecting spaghetti.” 

“Either that or macaroni and cheese.” Megan sniffed the air. “Mm . . . This is going to be so much better.”

“Do you cook at all?” Caleb asked.

“I love to cook,” Megan said ruefully, pulling a chair to where she could watch Caleb work.

“But my budget calls for cheap noodles. There are only so many things you can do with those on a daily basis.”

“There's an extra apron in that drawer behind you,” Caleb said. “I'd love the help.”

“Hey! I just asked you if you needed help,” Amber said, her voice indignant.

Caleb leaned close to Megan's head and spoke in an exaggerated whisper.

“I let her slice the cheese and set the table. You might want to keep that in mind if she ever offers to cook for you.”

Megan laughed, her blue eyes sparkling.

Watching them, Amber felt a sinking feeling. There was an electricity between the two that was undeniable. She just hoped that Megan wouldn't get hurt.

“Um . . . people? I can hear everything you're saying.”

“Don't worry, Amber,” Megan said, looking over her shoulder as she expertly peeled potatoes.

“Cooks love having people try out their dishes. You should take advantage of it.”

Caleb moved closer to Megan. “Mashed? Or do you have a better suggestion?"

“How about potato cakes?” Megan suggested. “I haven't made them in awhile, but they should pair well with the braised chicken.”

“Sounds good,” Caleb murmured, staring down at her.

“How about a nice salad to go with it?” Amber asked, reminding them she was still in the same room.

“Even I can manage that.”

“Actually, that would be perfect, Amber,” Megan said, finally looking over. “Nice and light.”

“A lime vinaigrette dressing with it?” Caleb suggested, waiting for Megan to turn around for approval.

“With a splash of honey for sweetness?” Megan responded, looking directly in Caleb's eyes.

Amber pushed between the two. “Okay, salad it is.”

Once they sat down to eat, Caleb and Megan stared across the table at each other. For Amber's sake, at least the food was amazing.

“Seriously, you guys. How come I'm just now finding out how talented you two are in the kitchen?”

She might as well have been talking to herself. Answers to her questions were quick and in monotones. In the meantime, Megan started talking about how she loved graphic art.

“Really?” Caleb's eyes lit up. “I'm taking a course in that next semester.”

When dinner was over, Megan excused herself to go to the bathroom.

Amber took the opportunity to speak to Caleb.

“Caleb, you promised!”

Caleb beamed at her. “Amber, this is it. She's the one!”

“Caleb, I know that she is very pretty. But I need you to remember our conversation about revolving girls.”

Caleb shook his head. “You don't get it, Amber. My days of random dating are over.”

Amber shook her head warningly. “I meant what I said about hurting her."

“Don't worry, ninja girl,” Caleb said. “That's not going to happen.”

“Ninja girl?” Megan asked curiously, coming up on Caleb and Amber so quietly that they both jumped.

Amber flushed, hoping Megan hadn't heard the conversation.

“Why don't you explain how you got the nickname?” Caleb asked wickedly. “I bet she would get a  kick out of it.”

“Do you really want me to explain?” Amber stared at Caleb defiantly.

Caleb stared back. “I suddenly don't care anymore.”

Megan folded her arms and sat back down at the table.

“Well, this should be interesting! I'm not going anywhere until I hear all the juicy details.”

“You can tell her or I can,” Caleb said smugly. He took Megan's elbow.

“Why don't we go sit on the sofa? Amber and I'll get these dishes later.”

Amber followed them over, hoping to sit between them. But Caleb blocked her with his legs and Megan was sitting on the end.

“Fine. I'll tell her.” Amber turned to her friend.

“Last night I was upset with Hunter because he was showing some of his control freak tendencies.”

Caleb watched expectantly, apparently enjoying seeing her squirm.

“I lost my temper and . . . um . . . kicked Caleb in the shin.”

To her surprise, Megan laughed.

“Really, she kicked you? But she's so frail!”

She and Caleb shared giggles.

“I am not frail!” Amber shouted. “I'm as big as you are!”

Then she remembered the mark she left on his leg.

“Actually, I feel terrible about it,” she said. “He's got a horrible bruise on his leg.”

Megan looked from muscular Caleb to Amber as though in disbelief.

“It's really not that big of deal,” Caleb said suddenly. “Honestly, I should have moved out of the way.”

He laughed. “I just didn't realize that she had martial arts training. My error.”

“No. Show her, Caleb,” Amber insisted. “I was really a monster last night.”

Caleb sighed. “Amber, seriously, that's not necessary.”

“I still don't believe it,” Megan said, crossing her arms. “You guys are playing games with me.”

Caleb rolled up his pants. The bruise was turning a bluish-black color.

Megan put a hand to her lips. “You really did that?”

Amber sighed and nodded, feeling humiliated. She was stunned when Megan started to grin.

“Remind me to keep you around if I'm ever walking down a dark street by myself,” she said.

“Hey, where's the sympathy for me? I'm the one that nearly got crippled!” Caleb complained.

Megan laughed. “Oh, come on! A big, strapping fellow like you? You look like you'll survive.”

Amber started to laugh. Megan's reaction was so totally different from what she had expected.

“Well, it's nice to know whose side you're on,” Caleb teased, maneuvering even closer to Megan.

Amber narrowed her eyes at him.

“You know, I've told Caleb that anyone who hurts my friends will get bodily injured.”

She smiled sweetly. “Of course, I'd have to inflict a little more damage than a simple bruise.”

Megan surprised her by raising a hand. “Thanks, Amber, but I've got this one for now.”

She turned to Caleb and put a hand on his knee.

“I like you, Caleb. But you should know that I'm very aware of your reputation with the ladies.”

She shook her head gently when Caleb shot Amber an angry look.

“Don't be upset with her,” she said. “She isn't the only one talking.”

At that, Caleb actually looked shocked.

“I have a reputation on campus?”, he asked incredulously.

Amber gaped at her friend. Megan seemed so much shyer in class.

“Some people think I'm a little too forthright,” Megan said with a laugh. “The truth is that I just don't like games.”

“Megan, I . . .” Caleb started to say.

Megan put up her hand again with a smile.

“Do you want to date me?” she asked Caleb outright.

Amber felt her mouth drop open.

Caleb's eyes widened, but he simply nodded.

“And I want to date you,” she said calmly. “So this is what I need to happen.”

Amber stared at Megan as though meeting her classmate for the first time.

“Number one,” Megan said, lifting a finger.

“You and I will approach each other with pure friendship until you have proven yourself.”

She lifted a second finger.

“Number two. You will immediately cease dating all other girls.”

She lifted a third finger.

Amber noticed that Caleb was studying Megan with rapt attention. His eyes were shining as though he had just gotten a Christmas present.

“Number three. If you can commit to keeping yourself pure for me for one month, then I will consider moving our relationship forward.”

“Number four. If you fail in any of these steps, we may continue our friendship, at my sole discretion.”

She placed her hand on her lap.

“Any questions?”

Caleb slowly shook his head.

“Are we in agreement?”

Caleb nodded as though in a trance.

“Excellent!” Megan stood suddenly. “Well, it has been a lovely evening, but I need my rest. I have a long shift tomorrow."

She turned and hugged Amber. “Thanks again for inviting me. I had so much fun. You're bringing Caleb to the party at Professor Collins' house, correct?”

Amber found her voice. “Yes. We'll definitely be there. Caleb's driving.”

“Excellent!” Megan turned and shook Caleb's hand solemnly.

“Caleb, it has been a pleasure meeting you. I hope for both our sakes that you are able to meet my demands.”

She leaned up and gently kissed his cheek.

“Also, you are a marvelous cook. I definitely want to do that again, whether we are dating or just friends.”

With that, she collected her purse and jacket and let herself out the door.

Amber stood gaping after her.

“I'm not sure what just happened,” she said. “She's such a shy little thing in class!”

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