Sexual Persuasion (16 page)

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Authors: Maryn Sinclair

BOOK: Sexual Persuasion
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Damn, she was an open book: cheeks that burned like wildfire, nipples that poked out whenever she got remotely excited, and a wet pussy that longed for Alex’s touch, even though she knew what he was going to do.
Admit it, Charlotte, you’re weak, and you’re under a spell that’s left you delirious.
A thrill shimmered through her like fireflies lighting her insides.

He removed the glass from her hand and put it on the coffee table along with his, then picked her up as if she
were weightless. She nuzzled into him as he carried her to the bedroom, her heartbeat raging. Her common sense failed miserably, because right now she wanted Alex more than anything or anyone she could remember.

He lowered her to the bed and sat next to her. “With scarf number one I’m going to blindfold you because I don’t want you to see what I’m going to do.”

He picked up one of the silk scarves, kissed her gently on the lips, and tied the scarf over her eyes and around the back of her head, plunging her into darkness.

“Wait, wait,” she said in near panic.
“Safe word. We need a safe word.”

“Charlotte, if you don’t want to do this, tell me now, and I’ll stop.”

Did she? If he asked her, he could be trusted, right? No tension tainted his voice, no disappointment. He wouldn’t hurt her. She felt sure of that. It was all about trust. Wasn’t that what he said? Jack never asked. And then she was drugged, out cold, and―oh, God, who knew what?

But Alex wasn’t Jack. And she was so unbelievably turned on that she didn’t want to him to stop.

“Whatever we do is because we both want to. I won’t be mad or upset. I want your trust.” He paused. “And I’ll give you mine.”

She felt his lips on hers
―warm, slightly moist, and filled with his promise. “Then don’t stop.”

“Okay. What’s your safe word?”

“A simple ‘stop’ will do. If I say ‘stop.’”

“My aim is to give you pleasure, to make this experience exciting. But until I hear your safe word, I’m in control.”

―the word, the meaning―contained erotic overtones, sending a wave of anticipation flitting through her. In the past, she’d enjoyed playing both sub and domme, and as long as both parties agreed on the roles and the boundaries, the game could be a tantalizing, seductive experiment. Until the disastrous night with Jack when he betrayed her. When he took the game too far. Alex wanted to restore the trust she’d lost with Jack. How far would he go? Would he break his promise?

Her musings were interrupted by his touch as he slowly and methodically unbuttoned her silk blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. Then he removed her bra. Sitting naked from the waist up, exposed, she
felt vulnerable. She felt nothing for a few moments, heard nothing but a slight catch in his breath.

Though she couldn’t see him, she felt his eyes, like two branding irons, heat her skin, heard him unbuckle his belt and shed his clothes. Then, without a sound or discernible movement, he flicked his tongue over one nipple, across to the other, barely touching, unleashing an avalanche of desire through every sentient part of her. She
hummed in her throat.

If this was the start of his experiment, she wouldn’t last long. Her clit sent pulsing messages to her brain that would cease only when she reached orgasm.

He lowered her onto her back, then stretched her legs out as far as possible without forcing her. Now he straddled over her and placed his fingertips at her temples, then down the sides of her face, joining together at the hollow of her neck, where he planted a whisper of a kiss. Brushing across her collarbones to her shoulders and down her arms, he took each wrist in his grasp and raised them over her head. After transferring both to one hand, he wrapped another scarf around them and fastened them to the top bar of the wrought-iron headboard.


A finger pressed across her lips, silencing her. “The only word you’re allowed to say unless I ask you a question is ‘stop,’ at which point I will stop. But when I ask you a question, you must address me as Sir. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Do. You. Understand?”

She thrilled at the husky command in his voice.
“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now relax.”

How could she relax when he skimmed the sensitive flesh of her underarms? A light, stimulating touch, almost a tickle but not a tickle.

Slacks unbuttoned.



Wet kisses on her stomach.

Her heart did a series of back flips―if a heart could actually do that―breaths
coming in short bursts. She opened her mouth to speak, then remembered he’d forbidden her, though “stop” was not a word close to leaving her lips. A silent sigh escaped her imagination as she trembled with expectation.

Alex rested her head on a pillow and now tucked another under her fastened wrists to keep them from bruising against the iron railing. The wrist scarf offered a lot of play, unlike the cuffs Jack used that locked her to the headboard. Alex held both ankles up high and propped a pillow under her buttocks. Why?
she wondered. But she couldn’t ask. She wouldn’t. He let down one leg and tied the other to the top of the footboard with the third silk scarf as far to the side as he could, then did the same with the fourth scarf, again protecting her feet with something small and soft. Neckrolls? Tiny throw pillows?

“Are you comfortable?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Are you frightened?”

“A little, Sir. It’s the unknown.”

“Who’s in control now, Charlotte?”

“You are, Sir.”

“Your pussy is twitching, isn’t it?”

“Like crazy.”

“What did you say?”

“Sorry, Sir. My pussy is twitching like crazy, Sir.”

“Do you trust me?”


“Do you?” he pressed.

She’d heard his demanding tone before. He knew what he wanted. He
what he wanted. And that spiked a bit of fear in her. It also spiked a rush of greedy desire. She didn’t want this to stop. “I think so. Yes, Sir.”

“Not a resounding
vote of confidence, but it’ll have to do.”

She felt his weight on the bed as he straddled over her head to take her fingers into his mouth, sucking and licking them.
One at a time. She never thought someone sucking her fingers could be erotic, but it was. His cock lightly brushed her face, leaving a drop of fluid on her cheek. He wiped it off with one finger and rested it on her lips. She sucked it hungrily, tasting the salty precum. His cock hung over her mouth, teasing her. She wanted to ask for more―beg, like Oliver Twist.

More, Sir.

But as soon as she extended her tongue and touched the tip to catch another drop, he moved out of her reach.

I’ll have you before the night is over. One way or another.

This was his show, and if he aimed to arouse her, he’d already succeeded. What torturous suspense. What would he do next?

He moved like a cat down her body, still straddling her sides. The damp tip of his cockhead circled her nipples, leaving his fluid in cool rings―over one nipple, then across to the other. The effect almost drove her off the bed, and would have if she hadn’t been tied down.

A moan escaped. She couldn’t
help it. Then he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. So hard it hurt. A glorious, sensual pain that cut a direct path to her sex. He sucked and bit and flicked his tongue, coating his lips with his own fluids and planting it on her lips with a kiss. The more she tasted of him, the more she wanted.

“You want me, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes, Sir. Do whatever you want with me. Just please, Sir. Don’t stop.”

“Did you say stop?”

“No!” She almost screamed the word. “No, Sir. Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

Alex growled low in his throat as he lifted her breast to lick the tender underside. She never realized how sensitive th
e area was and released a moan that could have sounded like pain, but pain was never this delicious.

Alex lowered even more, to her torso and stomach. H
e stroked his tongue over her belly, waking every nerve ending, then her hipbone, an area so ultrasensitive she almost begged him to stop before she caught herself. She could barely stay still as contractions pulsed below. She wanted to tell him to go lower, but she couldn’t speak. Alex’s full-on control thrilled her.

Almost as if he read her mind, he said, “Who’s in control, Charlotte?”

“You are, Sir, but I can’t wait. Please.”

“Then come. You’ll come again. I promise.”

Charlotte didn’t want to tell him that she’d never come twice with anyone. Never. Then he moved to her pussy, skirting around her clitoris with his tongue but not touching it. Christ, he was evil. This was torture. Divine torture. He played with her for a long time, licking and nibbling, but never touching the tip of her.

He maneuvered on the bed. She couldn’t figure out his position until he settled between her legs, facing her. For a moment she felt nothing. No touch. No tongue prying into her raised opening.
Nothing. Then he burrowed beneath her and lapped the tender area between her vagina and anus, but not the anus.

The sound rose up from deep within her, almost
a mewl. The effect was mind-blowing. She writhed and twisted, but the restraints limited her.

Jack liked anal sex. She never had,
and Alex didn’t go there other than a gentle probe with his finger while he licked her clit in unison, almost sent her into orbit. The spasms started like the slow revving of an engine, gaining momentum, rocking through her like a tumultuous squall. Soft moans grew louder and stronger as the contractions jolted her into rhythmic thrusts of her hips until her climax exploded uncontrollably.

Alex didn’t stop. Neither did her orgasm as his tongue worked harder and deeper into her
vagina, replaced by one finger, then two. Another wave of ecstasy surged, and she came again. And again. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Sweat covered every inch of her body. She wanted to touch him, to hold him, but she couldn’t. She didn’t know how long he kept going. It seemed like hours, no, years, but when he stopped, it seemed like seconds. And in her ecstatic state, she hadn’t realized Alex had moved.

Where was he? She listened for a sound, heard him breathing hard.
Felt him free the scarves from her legs. He placed her ankles on his shoulders, clasped her hips, and directed his hard, thick cock into her soaking wet pussy.

“Fuck me, Sir,” she said, knowing she was breaking the rules. She didn’t care. Not about anything but accepting him into her. “Hard. I want you hard.” As if he had to be told.

“And hard you’re going to get, my lovely Charlotte.”

In her darkness, the sound of Alex’s rough, husky voice excited her even more. How had he lasted so long? He plunged into her―deep, forceful thrusts, opening her. Fireworks and rockets went off in her brain as he took her, and another series of contractions from deep inside rumbled through her like a runaway freight train.
Never before two orgasms, and now what? Three, four, five?

They peaked in unison, damp skin slapping against each other
amid a wild cacophony of primal grunts and groans. If her heart burst through her skin this minute, she would die happy.

Chapter Seventeen

Trust Is More than a Word


Alex untied the remaining two scarves and removed all the pillows, then curled up next to her. Sweat covered his hot, slick body, redolent with his fragrance. His face flushed a dark burnished copper; his iridescent eyes twinkled from the reflection of the lamp’s dim glow.

“Thank you for trusting me,” he said.

She moved into him and pecked his cheek. “Thank you for not breaking the trust. Sir.”

“The sir bit is over. I don’t want to be your
Dom, and I don’t want you to me my sub. I only wanted to prove that you could trust me not to cross the line. A little extreme maybe, but it was fun and great sex.”

“You also made a promise.
A quid pro quo of sorts.”

“Yes, I didn’t forget, but I hope you’ll give me a little more time. Not because I don’t want to tell you but because I have some things to take care of first.”

“Which is why you’re taking me home?”

“Yes. That and I want to give you some breathing room.”

“Is that a way of saying you need to give yourself space?”

Alex looked off into a dark corner of the room. “No. Let’s say I know what it’s like to be unable to breathe. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

Charlotte’s pulse ratcheted up a notch as Alex revealed another telling fact. She smothered the temptation to push it. He’d promised to tell her, and she’d wait until he did. Was this another small recognition of her trust?

He tugged her closer so that she fit into him like a piece of a puzzle. “But I promise I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.
Just not tonight. So how about an after-sex nightcap and an after-night sexcap, then I’ll take you home?”

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