Sex Symbol (12 page)

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Authors: Tracey H. Kitts

BOOK: Sex Symbol
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I turned to him, searching those expressive eyes for some kind of answer. “Then why do I feel safe with you?”

“Because I’ll do you no harm.”

He hadn’t said anything out of the way, but his voice was so warm and tender that it made me blush. I could feel my face burning at the same time the look in his eyes made me want to cry.

I reached over and took his hand. “I believe you.”

“Thank you.” He reached for my cup. “Would you like some more?”


As Eramus got up he added, “And I didn’t kill Pookie either.”

“Are you reading my mind?”

“No, but it’s natural to wonder about those things. I was just trying to help you out. You’re taking it well.” He added the last as he set a fresh cup of tea in front of me.

“Thanks, I guess. No one’s ever told me they were a werewolf before. I’m probably still in shock.”

“Do you really think you’re in shock?”

“Probably, yeah.”

Eramus was standing in front of me, beside his chair. When he placed his hand on his hip the robe opened even wider and I couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped my lips. My God, he was beautiful. Even though I had seen him without a shirt there was something so tantalizing about that robe, about the bare flesh I kept getting glimpses of. I wanted to lean forward and press my face against his stomach. I had started to tilt slightly in his direction when Eramus spoke again.

“I know the perfect way to tell if you’re in shock or not.”

“How’s that?”

“Kiss me.”


“That’s right,” he said, reaching for me again. “Kiss me and I can tell whether or not you are in shock.”

I took his outstretched hands and let him pull me to my feet. There was very little distance between us and when I took another step forward, there was none at all. His chest was burning hot beneath my palms and I could feel the warmth of his body seeping into mine, warming me like no fire ever could. When I looked up into his eyes I felt lost. But I also felt like someone had finally found me. Someone I didn’t even know was looking for me.

He put his hand beneath my chin and tilted my face up just a little bit more. I could still feel the smile on his mouth as he finally lowered his lips to mine. His lips were soft and tender and so was his kiss. It was firm without being insistent and when I opened my mouth he accepted the invitation. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer as his tongue delved gently into my mouth, moving in and out, around and over. His kiss stirred me in a way I had yet to experience. Yes, it turned me on, but it was more than that. The way he made me feel went beyond arousal. When Eramus kissed me, something moved within my soul.

“Wow.” My voice was breathy.

I lingered in his embrace. It seemed we were both reluctant to pull away.

“You’re definitely in shock,” he said, his expression grave. “People who are just aroused taste a lot different than people who are in shock.”

He winked at me and I pushed him away playfully.

“You tricked me.”

He held me tighter against him. “Did you want to kiss me?”


“Then I didn’t trick you, I gave you an excuse.”

This time he laughed and actually moved back when I pushed him. Then he went to the fridge and started rummaging around.

“Not to change the subject too drastically,” he said, his head still in the fridge, “but I’m starving.”

“We just ate.”

He set a package of steak strips on the table. “Yeah, two hours ago.” When I continued to look confused he explained, “My metabolism is probably three times faster than yours. Think about it. How else could werewolves regenerate if their bodily processes weren’t sped up like crazy?”

Well, that made sense I suppose. “I never really thought about it.” I moved to prop on the open door of the refrigerator while he continued to look through the shelves for something that appealed to him.

“What are you looking for?” I asked.

“Steak sauce.”

“It’s in the door.”

His smile looked genuinely grateful as he turned to where I pointed and retrieved the bottle.


“So, you really can regenerate? That’s amazing. You know, it probably would have taken me a while to figure out what you are if you hadn’t told me.”

“Nah,” he said, brushing aside my comment. “You’re a smart woman.” He winked at me again and my heart fluttered.

“I feel kind of stupid admitting it, but I always thought werewolves would have certain telltale signs.”

Eramus laughed and licked some of the sauce from his fingers as he opened the bottle.

“You mean unibrows and hairy palms?”

I shrugged. “Well, yeah.”

He held up his palms. “No hair. And I shave between my eyebrows.” He burst out laughing at my startled look. “I’m just kidding. I don’t have a unibrow.”

He put the raw meat onto a plate and doused it with steak sauce.

“I do, however, have the mark of the pentagram.”

My knees wobbled a little bit. Maybe I wasn’t taking this so well after all.

“You’ve got what?”

“The pentagram. Originally it was just an old wives’ tale. I mean, marks like that don’t just show up on people because their DNA changes. But among monster hunters, like me and my grandfather, there is a tradition. We get the tattoo of a pentagram somewhere on our bodies using a special ink. The mark only becomes visible if we are ever infected with lycanthropy.”

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. “And where is yours?”

Eramus opened his robe wide and pulled down his pajamas just enough to show me the pentagram beneath the curve of his left hipbone. I suppose this should have frightened me, but it was actually kind of sexy. I fought the urge to touch the marking, to trace its every curve with my fingertips. Instead, I took a step back.

“Do you have any tattoos?” he asked. His smile once again gave me the impression of a wolf, only now I knew why.


“Can I see?”

“Maybe, but not right now. I’m cold and if I open my robe…well, there would be nothing to keep me from exposing myself.”

At last I had regained enough of my composure to flirt. Eramus’ eyes looked gold around the edges again and I wondered if I had done something wrong. Maybe I should not have made reference to the fact that I was naked beneath the robe. Well, except for my panties.

“Your eyes, they keep changing.”

He looked back down at the plate as if he didn’t want to meet my gaze when he answered. “Sex brings out the beast.”

“But we’re not having sex,” I pointed out.

This time his smile was all wolf and even though I was afraid, I liked it. “Maybe not, but when you mention exposing yourself, I really can’t help but imagine just that.”

I pulled the robe closer underneath my chin.

“Maybe we should change the subject then, if I’m going to stay here tonight. You do still want me to stay?”

“As long as that wolf is outside, yes. Maybe longer if you like.” Eramus cleared his throat and walked back to the cabinet to get a glass. “Besides, there’s safety in numbers.”

“You mean us outnumbering him?”

“I mean the plants.” He gestured toward the living room as he spoke. “Even a small amount of wolfsbane is enough to kill most werewolves if ingested or weaken them severely if it comes in contact with their skin.”

“But you were just drinking it.”

He took down a wineglass and pulled a bottle out of the fridge. “Would you like some?”

“No thanks.”

He seemed to just realize I was waiting for a response and waved a hand as if in apology.

“I’ve been growing wolfsbane all my life. It looks as if I have an almost complete immunity to its power. Same thing for silver. It’s a tool of the trade and I’m used to being around it. So far, silver has no effect on me and the wolfsbane is very limited.”

While he talked my gaze roamed over his body the way my hands could only imagine. I knew he was answering my question and what he said did register in some other part of my brain. But when he moved his robe swished and opened and when he walked his pants moved just enough to outline—

“Any ideas on changing the subject?” I asked suddenly.

Chapter Thirteen
Sweet Dreams

“You mean from sex?” he asked. “I thought I already had changed the subject.” His smile was warm and knowing and completely male. “Nice to know you need more of a distraction though.”

That was an understatement. If anyone else had been saying such things to me I have no doubt I would have been embarrassed. But it was almost like I had no shame when in his presence. Besides, he was right. I did need a distraction. Was there anything that could keep me from imagining what was beneath his clothes? My territory, that’s what. The words came to my mind completely unbidden and I tried to keep my expression neutral. I didn’t relish the idea of explaining my weird thoughts to Eramus. I’d already said enough strange things tonight, didn’t want to push my luck.

My territory? Who thinks like that? I certainly never had before. I’d thought of a man as mine, but not in the sense that he was my possession. That didn’t seem healthy to me at all.

He picked up the plate of steak and his wineglass. “Why don’t we take this to the bedroom?”

“Eramus, that is not a distraction.”

“I was going to suggest we watch the weather report. It’s the only room I’ve got a television in at the moment.” About that time I heard something howling and after a second realized it was the wind. “Sounds like it’s getting worse out there. I was just going to check it out.”

I crossed my arms and he offered another solution.

“I’ve got lots of books. Pick one and we can read it together.”


I walked through to the living room and stopped by the first row of books, running my finger down the spine of a large leather volume. When I paused for a moment Eramus said, “Anyone who thinks words can’t be sex has never read Shakespeare.”

I laughed, but pulled the book from the shelf anyway. “True, but if you understand him then you’ll realize there is more to what he was saying than that.”

“You test me.”

He didn’t sound angry at all, but genuinely perplexed by me. I walked back to him, clutching the heavy book against my chest. When I looked up at him I wanted so much to pull him down for another kiss.

“We all test somebody, Eramus. That’s just life. Now, lead the way.”

To my surprise, he turned toward the stairs without another word. As I followed my heart began to beat faster until it got to the point of being wildly out of control. I think I was on the verge of hyperventilation when he stopped and looked down at me from three steps up.

“I’m not going to ravish you,” he said softly. “I also don’t make a habit of eating people I like. You’re perfectly safe with me.”

For once there were no sexual implications in his words. I believed him. But that didn’t make me any less nervous about the prospect of being alone with him in his bedroom. Besides the fact that he was a very sexy man whom I barely knew, he was also a werewolf. There was no doubt in my mind that the situation was far more dangerous than I realized. But I also had no doubt that Eramus was telling the truth. I was safe with him.

“How did you know I was afraid?” I finally managed to ask.

For a split second his eyes glowed in the semidarkness of the staircase. Even though I stared into the eyes of a wolf when he spoke, there was still warmth in his expression.

“I can hear your heartbeat.”

His words were soft and no sooner had they been spoken then he turned around. Eramus stopped at the door to his room and swung it wide in invitation. His bedroom was sparsely furnished, but what was there made quite a statement. His four-poster bed was huge. If I had to guess a size I’d say it was a California King, like the ones you find in lush hotel rooms. The red comforter was just as violent a shade as the rug downstairs. It wasn’t just red, it was the color of fresh blood. The lower half of the bed was draped with what looked like the hides of several different animals. Two were brown, one black, and another auburn. These lay in stark contrast to a large white pelt that was spread in front of the fireplace in the corner of the room. Strange, but there was a beauty to it, just like Eramus.

The chest of drawers at the foot of his bed looked old and the wood matched the dark floor. Above this was a large, flat screen monitor attached to the wall. I hadn’t known Eramus was behind me until he reached around and switched on the television.

“Do you like it? It needs work I know, but—”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “It really doesn’t. It suits you perfectly.”

“Does that mean you won’t help me redecorate?” His tone was half teasing.

“Did you really want to redecorate?”

He shrugged. “I’d considered it. But mostly it was just an excuse to talk to you.”

Well, it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one coming up with excuses for us to meet. He set the wineglass on the nightstand and I smiled as I realized the bed curtains matched his robe. When Eramus turned back to me his eyes were normal again. He must have been fighting to remain in control.

“Something funny?” he asked, returning my smile.

He crawled onto the bed with his plate of raw steak and reclined against the pillows.

“Not really.” I stroked my hand absently across one of the pelts. “I was just thinking that I’d expect to see decorations like this in a vampire’s house.”

I looked up to see if I’d offended him and found Eramus laughing so hard it appeared he couldn’t breathe.

“Tell me you don’t mean I’m extravagant?”

“I was thinking more melodramatic.”

He put a hand over his heart. “God, comparing me to a vampire in my own house.” Still laughing, he patted the bed beside him. “Have a seat.”

It was surprisingly easy to crawl up beside him and as I opened the large book of Shakespeare, he pulled the remote from the bedside table.

“Does this bother you?” He pointed to the steak. “Not everyone is fond of watching someone eat raw meat.”

“I had a friend in high school who ate his steak almost as rare. You won’t bother me.”

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