Sex and the Confession Box (14 page)

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The manager was still the same man who was
there from when he lodged his money after selling his parents home. Mr Young, and he remembered Peter ushering him into his office well aren’t you a blast from the past Mr O Kane, he said shaking his hand furiously.Hello Mr Young can’t believe your still here, aye well retire next year, suits me here everyone knows me sure and I get left alone by the wife. So how are you Peter I heard you became a priest ,he didn’t want to go into all his business and it was still a very religious town the news would be out the door before he was, so instead he just asked after the managers children. All good, married have three grandchildren and so far touch wood no problems. So what business is it I can help you with today Peter? Well as you know I put all my money I made from the sale of my family’s home and land into your bank, yes well I would like to close all my accounts today please Mr Young. All of your money yes please well now that will take a least a day or two let’s see, do you have your account details Peter I do ,he said reading out his account number to him, well my my my, you haven’t touched a penny and you have yourself a nice little nest egg indeed, he turned the screen round to Peter, he nearly shit holy god Mr Young I’d no idea it was any were near that amount. Well we take care of our customers and at the time if I recall you said you didn’t want to see that money for a very long time if not for ever, it was just after your poor mothers funeral and you’d only buried your father three week before you were mighty upset, terrible loss to all your family. Well Peter tell me what do you plan to do with nearly half a million euros then Start a new life Mr Young and a well-deserved one I’m sure added Mr Young. Well I can’t get this all to you in cash you understand but I can give you as much as $100,000euros in cash and set you up with an on-line account with us so no matter where you go in or around the world you can transfer your money to your different accounts more accessible and very safe. How does that sound to you Peter. Grand Mr Young, he signed some paperwork and arranged to be back with the bank at eleven thirty the next day.

stepped out into the sunlight and could barely contain his happiness, everything was all coming together so beautifully it was as though God himself was with him all the way, he must be on the right path now. He decided to take himself up to Derry just twenty minutes away outside Donegal he, wanted to get Eileen some gifts and one thing in particular a ring, he’d got an extra £5000 of Mr Young from his account, he didn’t even know what size her fingers were but he’d guess or maybe he should wait he was like an excited schoolboy all guidy. Wandering around the shops he bought himself some more clothes and a good suit. He decided he would get a ring to show his love was genuine. His heart pounded walking onto the jewellers, he hadn’t a clue, it must have shown they were all around him. Engagement ring sir said a young woman and an elderly man stood silently smiling behind her. How did you know, we see that look often, a mix of excitement and pure fear. Peter laughed I’m not even sure of her size. Oh Well what we recommend in those circumstance is get it a little bigger than you think then we can alter it, much easy to make it smaller not so easy trying to make it bigger the man piped in. OK that makes sense. He pictured Eileen that day so beautiful so chic so lost. He didn’t see any jewellery that he remembered other than wee purple earrings. I want something very tasteful not big and loud something that is elegant. We have some beautiful antique rings sir. He looked through them and one jumped out at him a sapphire ring twisted in the shape of a knot with a few sprinkled diamonds surrounding it. That one is beauitful he said, the girl looked, good eye, indeed said the man. He gathered they were father and daughter and it was a family business, it was £2,900 she took it out of the locked case and he slid it onto his pinkie finger a little loose not too much he thought that’s it, its perfect he said IL take it.Wonderful sir how will you be paying ,in cash wonderful, not half believing their luck business had been so very slow. Peter counted out the cash then asked if he could collect it tomorrow if they would hang onto it till then he had more shopping to do and didn’t want to walk about with such an expensive item on his person in case he lost it. Of course sir, smart thing to do, they gave him a receipt and he left his name and number along with the ring and set off to do some more shopping something for the little boy James, all boys like trains he thought, even if he has one he could always have another. He’d need to get a BB again tonight, wait till back home in Donegal maybe he’d run into some people from his past, now he was ready to catch up and talk about the past, his father, mother and now that he had a future maybe he would share it over a pint of Guinness see how the night would end. He was so caught up with plans in his head, and all his day dreaming, he hadn’t even noticed he was being followed to Donegal and now. He hadn’t seen the two menacing men with grim looks of anger and purpose in their eyes, he certainly didn’t see the guns they carried in their coats.

Eileen’s Story


Eileen took herself up to the Upper Malone road for her second day of
work, this time it was in the house she had the interview in. Doreen said it is good to keep moving around a few days here a few days at the other place and people don’t notice so much. Yes cost a lot more two places to rent but the cost of the neighbours being alerted would cost so much more. She’d learned from her mistakes, its a small place here people know everyone, you don’t turn a blind eye here like in England its normal to have a massage parlour right beside a chippy, too much religion here, She was right and it was smart. The guys who had been to the places before would come ringing buzzers drunk at all hours and if my first day was anything to go by with nine guys and one walk out he just wanted a look another reason we were working here today in case he was a peeler or someone dodgy working for the other brothels. Eileen got changed into the schoolgirl uniform as despite her best efforts the semen hadn’t washed of her Basque, she just brought some of her own semi sexy undies she had from being with her ex ones she never got into. All set semi set she said to Doreen it will be a very busy day, Fridays payday for a lot of guys and they get out early and want to start the weekend with a bang so to speak she said. Great I thought. Our first client of the day was an easy guy, sixty seven at least though he said he’d turned fifty and was treating himself. Widower talked a lot kind and very gentle though no matter what I did I couldn’t get his cock up, so after washing it for as long as didn’t seem to noticeable I had to suck him off without the condom now there was no smell or taste other than the baby wipes, I still hate smelling them today takes me straight back there but I still gagged as I did it my eyes filling with water, thank god he got hard quick and after a lot of adjusting and trying to get it in and stay there cause he started to go soft again and there was no way I could do that again, so I did what I’ve done for previous boyfriends, talked dirty and he came instantaneously just oh I love your hard cock in my juicy pussy was all it took. I thought ooh IL remember that one. He was so happy and grateful he gave me fifty pound tip and I felt bad taking it, he ,didn’t seem overly rich but how can one tell anything from another’s appearance I’m a prime examlpe.

After him came kinky now I discovered what that weird suit was for  in the spare rooms
wardrobe. Doreen said as I came back in from washing myself after the nice wee old man Mr Mac Donald’s is coming to see you, who? She smiled, oh God I can tell by your evil smile he’s a strange one isn’t he, the strangest but its easy money, she took me by the hand and lifted out the long rubber suit with feet and a hood that also acted as a mask with just  enough room for the eyes. I have to wear that I said, its huge. Oh no hone he wears it bring it into the room so he can change I ,l do the rest. I went into the kitchen and drank some red bull. And the door rang Doreen let him in and took him to the room, down she came cash in hand, smiling enjoy OK!I walked in terrified I didn’t know what to expect and there he was wearing the rubber suit which showed only his eyes to this day I have no idea what he looks like. He was standing on a large rubber blanket and was holding a plastic bag from the spar. Hello I said all cheery and I’m Kara what can I do to make you feel good today. He handed me the bag which contained different types of food, Doreen didn’t tell you I take it? What I like I mean he said! No she didn’t I like food thrown at me and smudged all over and around me as you scream at me to eat my vegetables or eat my fucking dinner can you do that. Yes I said in completely bewilderment my mouth catching flies so I emptied out all the food, there was jars of baby food and cheese cauliflower and coleslaw a loads of messy runny foods. I started with the coleslaw peeled back the lid and set it on the rubber mat and stuck my hands right in and slapped it onto his chest and began smearing it all over his front saying “you wee bastard you will eat your dinner, you will not leave this table until your plate is clean do you hear me “he shouted out no you can’t make me eat. I hate you, next came the cheese cauliflower sauce, which stunk I began to throw it at him but not too far away or I would have covered the bloody room, eat it you little cunt I shouted it  or I will shove it down your throat. Again he cried out fuck you mother I’m not eating your shit cooking I’m not eating anything you give me. And so it continued until he was splattered in all sorts of food, he looked like  a kid’s high chair only with legs. That was great he said thank you. Could you leave the room for me to dress. OH yes of course. I went down stairs to Doreen giving her the evil eye and burst out laughing, she held her finger to her mouth to tell me to keep it down or he would hear. She heard him coming down and went out and saw him out. When all clear we laughed so much.I was like what the hell is that even all about, mother issues, Jesus lots of issues I’m guessing. Doreen went up and cleaned up the room lighting a scented candle to get the smell if the food away it smelt like a bin gone bad. It made me hungry so I had a sandwich I, d gotten off in town on my way to here and called into Boots, I got a sandwich two bottles of water a pair of pull up stocking and a box of 36 condoms!!

The rest of the punters were pretty normal and after my sandwich I simply had no time to think never
mind take a breather, it was straight in one after the other. Mostly business guys, working guys aged twenty to fifty mostly pretty straight forward sex, though it was rough, they fucked me hard, mostly always from behind I think they didn’t like to see my face maybe pretend I was their girlfriend or wife I don’t know, but I have never been shagged so hard so rough pulling back my hair really tight while they fucked me from behind hitting me hard across my ass till it was red.I had to tell two guys to stop it they were hurting me but they kept going saying you like it you dirty bitch. I have hard sex where we got a bit rough tying each other up ,blindfolds even wee smacks, but these guys treated me exactly how they saw me,rough and cheap to be used, they owned me for that time and there most defiantly was no respect. What did I expect! My last one and he was number fourteen and I was  so sore I rubbed KY jelly between my legs and I knew I’d get thrush so chemist straight after to buy the cream kit. He was an Australian guy another wee regular of Doreen's nice and very attractive. Keith liked it hard and rough but no sex or touching me. As instructed by Doreen I put on the PVC dress and long PVC thigh high boots and no panties. In I walked, I looked daft in those boots they were way too big for me I looked like I was wearing fisherman’s wellies for wading in the river! He was waiting on the bed. Hello I said I,m Kara,Hello Kara he said as he un did his fly in that second and fell to his knees and began to wank himself of just like that telling me he’d been a very naughty boy today. I lifted up the whip and gently hit him across his ass you naughty boy, harder he said, how hard I said I don’t want to hurt you, I want you to hurt me IL tell you if it’s too hard OK! I said, whipping him really hard across his ass,your fucking filthy animal I hissed at him, as he wanked furiously ,I gave him a kick as I circled him telling him he disgusted me and I wouldn’t fuck anything as disgusting as him Spit on me he said, I spat just a little that was too far, I then lifted the paddle a pure leather flat shaped paddle and I beat him on his chest then across his back imaging he was my ex I did get carried away. You weak sick fuck I spat at him, your no good to anyone or anything you couldn’t fuck me if you tried.Then he shot his load and thankfully not on me! Out came a big pile of wet come into his hands. I quickly grabbed the baby wipes and handed him some. His back and bottom were covered in huge welts of red and purple all glaring at me. I offered to rub some baby oil into his skin to help sooth them ,no thank you he said I like them.Wont your wife, girlfriend notice. She’s In England I only do this when I’m traveling for a few days so when I,m back she doesn’t notice. I see clever man.You were great ,my first time to I said well-done he said giving me a hundred pound note. Bye and of he went.

was an easy way to finish the day, though Doreen tried to get me to stay on and get the late one’s till nine. I had to tell her a little about myself that I did have a young son who needed to be collected from the childminder. Again easier than questions from my parents, like so you’re working .great what are you doing I’d avoid them more and more afraid they could see what I was or know something was up. Oh the shame if they knew, if they found out. My father would be done in by it completely. They must never know.

tips which as a new girl I was getting quite a few but as Doreen liked to burst my bubble it wouldn’t last.£1,370 in one day now I was going to go up to Saturdays car auction and get James and I a wee car, nothing to fancy £1,000/£1,200 no more. We really missed having a car but the hire purchase company kind of like you to keep paying,so they took it back. I had struggled without it at the start so used to having a car since I was nineteen,I’d get my neighbour to take me to auction as I had no real clue would be ripped of. This time tomorrow at least have something worthwhile to show for all the sins I committed today, and the shame I felt would maybe be lessened with the pride of providing a wee car for me and my wee man again. Home, wine and bath and fanny cream all in that order. No room for food only soaks up the alcohol.


Peter’s Story

A car packed of so many presents for
himself, Eileen and the wee lad. He didn’t even feel bad spoiling himself. He spent about an hour or more in Boots picking an after shave, Jesus the last one he wore was his fathers ”OldSpice” he hadn’t realised how much he’d given away to the church how what would seem like these small things to every other average man like picking an aftershave and not even knowing what smell you like, so used to the rules, the conditions and it would take him an awful long time to get used to being free form that institution. It had served him well, when he needed an escape a home a refuge from himself he had it, but no more. He knew that was in the past and he was moving on .Car packed and  of he pulled out of the Derry carpark and began the drive back to Donegal and find a good BB and have a wee noisy in the pubs see if he would run into some childhood friends or old neighbours he felt happier now, happy and not as worried or afraid about what they all might think of him when he tells them he has left the priesthood, this morning he felt he wasn’t ready for people to find out through idle gossip from the bank manager if anyone was going to find out they would do so from him and with his head up and shoulders back.



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