
Read SevenintheSky Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #sci-fi, ménage, romance, shifters

BOOK: SevenintheSky
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Seven in the Sky

Skeeter needed sex and she would do whatever it took to get it. Seven Regen warriors are just what her hormones ordered.

Blanca 'Skeeter' Snow has always known that this day would come. Her body's pheromones cause disruptions on her ship and her captain banishes her until her cycle is over. She selects a moon as her haven of choice and a meteor field removes her options for landing.

On the moon, seven Regens (the brothers of the new Consort of Priznik) rush to her crash and are swept into her situation and her arms as quickly as she can manage it. Her leave takes on a new urgency as she takes her lovers on one by one and several together.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Seven in the Sky

Copyright © 2011 Viola Grace

Cover art by Martine Jardin

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Seven in the Sky

A Trapezium Exclusive


Viola Grace

The bridge was in an uproar. Three of the crewmembers were fighting and Officer Blanca Snow was watching with horror.

"Skeeter! What the hell is going on in here?" Captain Darow came in, her tone hostile and frustrated. The crew had become more agitated over the last few days and there was one common denominator--Skeeter.

She snapped to attention with a salute and addressed the captain. "The crewmen began fighting over me, Captain."

"Why is that, Skeeter?"

She blushed, a visible mark on her chalk white skin. "I believe that I am going into heat, Captain. The men are being overwhelmed by pheromones."

The captain sighed and went to the fire suppression system, blasting the fighting men until they parted. "Skeeter, come with me."

Her would-be suitors were groaning on the ground and she quickly followed the captain, her boots skittering across the decking of the interstellar trading-class ship.

The captain's quarters were neat and tidy, but it looked as if the captain had something on her mind. Files were open and half a dozen coffee cups were in the trash.

"Skeeter. This medical issue of yours is causing me a huge problem. None of the men can be near you and they are all trading shifts just to get close enough to sniff you."

The blush started and stuck. "I--"

"You can't control it and you are an endangered species. You need to breed. I just don't want you doing it on my ship. From this moment on, you are banished to the nearest inhabitable world or moon until your medical issue ceases. At that point, you will be welcome to return only if you agree to have your reproductive functions suspended indefinitely."

Skeeter stood at attention and took the sentence with tears in her eyes.

"Dismissed, Officer. Your ship is prepped and ready. Your personal belongings have been transferred in case you choose not to return." The captain paused and looked up, tears welling in her eyes. "Good luck finding what you need out there, Skeeter."

"Thank you, Captain."

With tears running down her face, Skeeter ran the length of the ship and barely nodded at the launch crew. She got into the ship she normally took on missions and noted her belongings tucked around the storage areas.

Her voice shook as she asked for clearance, but the moment it was given, she sailed out of the bay and into the vastness of space without a backward glance.

A quick scan of the area showed her two small planets and a moon that were inhabitable. On instinct, she made for the moon.

As she approached it, she had second thoughts. Tiny orbital bodies spun around the moon in a debris field that could cause her some problems.

"Hells!" Just as she realized that she was flying into a shower of hypersonic rocks, the ship skewed sideways with the blaring of warnings that she was losing atmosphere.

Skeeter strapped on a breather and gripped the controls. She needed to bring her shuttle down in one piece and that was becoming less likely by the second.

She flipped the toggle that would seal the breech with foam and aimed for the moon with saving her life in her mind. The ship bucked and fought her on the way down, but she kept her grip on the shaking controls and aimed for the few life signs that she ship had picked up.

The ground rushed up beneath her and her shuttle struck hard, skimming along the grassy surface before striking a tree and spinning her around. Her ship rotated in a quick horizontal spiral until slowly rocking to a halt.

Unbuckling her harness and stumbling to her lav while ripping off the breather, she threw up for ten minutes before her body gave up and she was able to douse her skin with cold water.

She looked at her pale features in the mirror and scowled at her reflection. Her lips were surprisingly red for her illness. The unrelieved black in her eyes was highlighted by the Bascu markings that were the obvious sign of her species. The black hair completed her spectral look and she flicked damp strands back behind her shoulders.

Her battle armour grated against the floor as she fought to get to her feet. The ship was hissing softly and she wasn't sure how much atmosphere it would be able to give her.

On automatic, she took her packs and rations as well as an emergency shelter with her and blew the door to expose her to the outer environment.

"Oh, wow." Huge trees, mushrooms, vines and rocks met her gaze and she walked out to examine the moon she was stuck on.

* * * *

The cluster of Regens watched the newcomer examine the hunting moon of the Overlord of Priznik. Their brother-in-law had insisted that they use it for some recreation while their sister, Hellara, adapted to her pregnancy. She had been bordering on physically hostile for the last month and it was getting worse.

Kai had politely offered them an out and now, they were here watching an unknown woman trespassing on their vacation.

Kenner asked, "Do we invite her for dinner?"

Razer commented, "She doesn't look well. Perhaps she needs medical attention. That was not a good landing."

Lorik and Neer agreed. "She could be hurt or disoriented."

Josu watched his other brothers nod in agreement. Zeen and Maro were in complete agreement with Razer.

Josu rubbed his forehead. "Fine, you want the pretty to come for dinner, you clean up after her. I am going for a swim."

Striding off to the wide pool near the hunting lodge, Josu stripped off his ship suit and jumped into the pool, hoping that his raging hard-on would fade in the cold water. From the moment that the atmosphere had vented out of her ship, he had been rock hard. Based on the eagerness of the rest of the Neering foundlings, he wasn't the only one.

As the water closed over his head, the crash replayed in his mind. He and his brothers had seen disasters and battles, but they had never before been forced to simply watch a crash happen.

He came up and started doing laps, considering the origins of his fellow Regens. They had all been designed for battle--flesh and metal in a form that mimicked the beings that commanded them.

Hellara Neering had found him battered and abandoned on some nameless world. She had taken him to the Dust Up, convinced her father that he could be useful and promptly repaired his body, starting the healing in his soul.

The rest of the collection of
had come after, but Josu had been the first and the most grateful for the hand extended to him in friendship when there was no reason for it to be offered. His loyalty had been bought in that moment.

Under the water, his body relaxed. The fire that had coursed through him ebbed. Without a doubt, the furious arousal was tied to their guest and it would be a good idea for him to go and check on her before his brothers tore her to pieces or fucked her into oblivion.

* * * *

Being surrounded was unnerving. Six huge males, all different races but with something peculiar in common, they were Regens. Regenerated bodies of warriors who had been designed for nothing but battle.

Skeeter knew the stories. The men died in battle and were cloned into a cybernetically enhanced force. No records of the Regens remained. It was illegal to craft them in the first place, let alone use them to fight wars.

To see six in one place with obviously different parent donors was amazing and to have them all looking at her with unrelieved hunger was rather unnerving.

"Um, hello. Did I run over any plants that you favour?"

A rumble so low that she could barely hear it asked, "Do you require any medical assistance?"

"Um, no. I think I am fine. I just need to rest. It was not a good landing." She stretched and jerked as the men took all of her bags and supplies from her.

"I believe that you should be examined. Come this way."

She squeaked in shock as one lifted her in his arms and headed west. "Where are you taking me?"

"To the hunting lodge. There is a medical facility there."

His voice thrummed through her and she could feel her heat spilling through her veins. Even through her armour, she could feel the hard planes of muscle pressed against her, it wasn't having a calming effect on her systems.

For the last three months, she had fought her heat at every opportunity. The pheromone phase was her body's desperation to get a man between her thighs. Now, six helpful strangers surrounded her and she couldn't guess how long it would take before they fought each other to have her.

Regens were said to have strange properties, but with their amount of biological material, she suspected that they were just as susceptible as any other males she had run across. It just might take a little longer for them to go insane with lust.

is the hunting lodge?" She blinked in shock as the huge edifice rose from behind one of the many hills.

"The hunting lodge of the Overlord of Priznik. He has ordered us to enjoy it for recreation."

She nodded as if it made sense, but soon, she was inside the luxuriously appointed building and sitting within the small medical centre.

The men with her bags disappeared, leaving her with the one holding her. She got up the nerve to ask, "What is your name?"

"Razer. I am the medical tech. Each of us has a speciality that made us useful on the Dust Up."

"What was the Dust Up?"

"The ship that the Neerings owned. They rescued and repaired us and made us useful again." He was preparing scanners and when he was done, he turned to her. "I will need you to remove your clothing. This equipment does not work through armour."

She blushed and tried to scoot off the exam bed. "I am sure I am fine."

"I am sure that you suffered damage. I am the medical professional, so please disrobe."

Razer wasn't going to let her ignore him, nor would she make it past the huge, muscled bulk while she was still dizzy. With shaking hands, she pulled off her armour.

The plates made a clash of sound as they hit the floor and an audience was forming in the doorway. Drawing on the experience of changing clothing in the public quarters during her basic training, she buckled down her shyness and took off every metal plate and tab that she had on.

Razer tried to run the scanner over her torso but it made an unpleasant sound. "Your clothing has metal components. Remove them all, please."

At least he was polite. She removed the tank top and tight pants as well as her panties. With nothing but bare skin on, she turned to him with hot cheeks. "How about now?"

He was staring at her breasts and the neat thatch of hair at the top of her thighs. A pulse started inside her and she felt the telltale wetness of arousal seeping from her. She cleared her throat. "Razer?"

He helped her back to the exam table. This time, the scanners went over her from head to toe. She could see sweat beading on his brow as well as the clenching in his jaw. With all of her skin exposed, she was giving off signals that she was wet and ready.

"You…" He cleared his throat and put away the scanner. "You have some bruised ribs and a sprained wrist. Minor bruising where your harness bit in during the crash, but otherwise, you are fine. Wait a moment."

He reached behind her and flipped out a long white shirt. "I will need to examine you again after I brace your wrist. So, since you don't need your armour here, we will store it and you can wear this."

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