Seven Shades of Grey (26 page)

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Authors: Vivek Mehra

BOOK: Seven Shades of Grey
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‘No, I am sure I am OK; don’t bother Das.’

The eatables were placed before me, and the two concerned souls left me alone. I was bathed in sweat, involuntary shivers traversing my entire body. My eyes first turned to the screen; I was still logged on to the Net. I downloaded the email and logged off. Instinctively I turned to gaze at MAA; she looked serene although my brain had short-circuited. My numb soul wanted to ask her what it was all about; yet no thoughts flowed through me. A thousand jackhammers working, a million flashbulbs flashing and a zillion carpenters hammering could not reproduce the din in my brain at that very moment. My body continued to shudder involuntarily and I was fighting desperately to control it. A quivering hand reached for the sandwich, alternating picking up the coffee mug.

I quietly munched on my food, drank some coffee and felt a little better, quite like the calm after a raging tornado, an atom bomb explosion. I felt drained and did not feel like working. A giant whirlpool churned every grey cell in my head as I tried to believe the words my eyes read in the email. After a storm and after a nuclear holocaust, survivors try to gather whatever little they can; a futile attempt to put together their shattered lives. That is what my brain started doing.

A couple of hours later, I had harnessed enough to excuse myself for the day and went home.

I reached home and went straight to my altar. The image of Maa was expressionless. There was no smile or smirk that I could see. Perhaps she was angry with me. I lit incense sticks and sat before her, closed my eyes and tried to meditate. I was still numb, but not as much as I had been earlier in the day. Nothing happened. I sat motionless for some time. My legs started to fall asleep, so I opened my eyes and tried to get up. I felt weak but was still in control of my senses. An hour later I had bathed and made dinner. Cooking was a stress-buster with me, and I felt a lot better. Around 10 pm Dolly called from Allahabad.

‘Hi fatso, how are you?’ she asked.

‘I am fine, waiting for you to come,’ I replied.

‘Are you OK?’

‘I am. Why do you ask?’ She knew me so well.

‘I could not sleep last night. I missed you so much. You sure you are not running a temperature or something?’

‘No, I am fine. Not to worry,’ I lied.

‘You are lying. I could feel that you were not well last night, and you sound very low even now.’

‘I am being honest. You can check with our friends in the building. They will tell you there is nothing wrong with me. I am low because I miss you.’

‘I trust you. Anyway I am arriving in two days as my ticket was done by the agent for that day.’

‘Oh great! The sooner the better.’ I tried to laugh.

‘I know. I’m a little sad at leaving Dad and Mom but happy that I will be with you soon.’

‘I know, sweetheart, I have been missing you a lot.’

‘Liar, I’m sure you were having a good time on the Internet while I was away.’

I laughed feebly. ‘I’ll tell you all about it when you get here.’

‘OK, and don’t you fall ill now. I will come there and beat you.’

‘Come tonight, I promise I will be OK.’

‘I wish I could, but in two days.’

‘I love you, sweetheart.’

‘I love you, fatso.’

I put down the phone and felt much better. My wife was my strength. She could feel my soul, sense my pain hundreds of miles away. She knew that I was upset or unwell but did not prod or probe over the phone. In two days she would be here and I could hold her in my arms again. And I started regaining my strength.

That night I slept better than the previous night, a short-circuited brain desperately trying to recuperate. I still tossed and turned, but sleep did not evade me. Early next morning I woke up feeling much better and the first thought that crossed my mind was to read the book on psychic phenomena. I made tea and toast and settled in my favorite chair, the book in hand. Its words are still engraved in my mind. I had read them all before, but that day I understood them completely.

‘There is a very thin line between being psychic and psychotic.’ How relevant this was to me the past two days! I read on.

Forces of nature surround us all. Their inherent nature is to do good. But people who unleashed these forces did not understand the power they possessed. Like a double-edged sword, this power could cut away the forces of negativity when used properly, and cut you if used unwisely. I had been through this on the Internet. The more I read the more I understood the forces that surrounded me.

The power of thought came back to me, and I could feel my energy levels rising. I dressed and went back to work. The workload was heavy that day. I just did not find the time to log on, or could it be that I was merely trying to avoid logging on? I was prompted to read the last two emails sent by Dolly66 and yet did not. I was afraid that I would lose control of my sanity if I even attempted to read them. The easiest way out was to forget they ever existed. Suddenly that made me feel better.

The fear of the Net had receded somewhat, and I wanted to exorcise the last of it by logging on. The opportunity came that evening. I had cleared my desk for the day and settled in front of my computer around 6pm.

As soon as I opened Yahoo Messenger a flood of messages greeted me from Marilyn and Reshma. I was stunned with what I read. While reading these messages I did not notice that both of them were online at that very moment. Two private windows opened up on my screen with messages from both my dear friends.

: vikram, can u read me?

: hello stranger.

I typed first to AlfaRomeo66:

: yes I can read you Marilyn. … was just reading yr messages.

I then typed to Reshma:

: hi mirchee … nice to see u after such a long time.

A message returned from Marilyn:

: I don’t care who is online with you. please ask them to go away. I need to talk to u, NOW.

Another message came in from Reshma:

: I need to talk to you. please be online at 9pm today, can u?

To Marilyn I typed:

: give me a minute Reshma is online will say bye to her

To Reshma I said:

: ok I will be there

: will wait for u

: ok I will go now, but please be here at 9pm.

Reshma logged off and was gone. I returned to Marilyn.

: will meet her online at 9pm, she has gone for now.

: good. I needed to talk to u

: am here, talk to me

: since yesterday I have been very upset.

: about what?

: let me finish, please

: ok listening

: I have been trying to get u to talk to me as I could sense u were unwell or in pain

: I read ur offline messages

: I left those yesterday … it was as if I could see u in great danger

: and?

: and a lot of pain … I went to the mirror as u had asked me to, n I saw u there, but u were as white as a ghost

: listening

: for a moment I thought that some great tragedy had befallen you … was very relieved to see u online, must confess … I thought u were very ill or had an accident … was very worried

: u saw me?

How does one start rebuilding after a nuclear holocaust?

The answer to the one I had experienced came to me through the words of my loved ones; my healing process was given a much-needed boost.

I was not very surprised by Marilyn’s statements. I knew I had a karmic connection with her. The state I had been in would surely have reached her, and she had felt my pain.

: I sure did n that is why I was very worried … tell me what happened yesterday … am very concerned … no first tell me are u ok?

: yes I am fine now

: is dolly ok?

: which one?

: YOUR WIFE stupid … am not bothered about anyone else

: she is fine, she called me last night n she will be with me in two days.

: that is good. now tell me what happened yesterday … am very worried

: ok here is what happened. … dolly from singapore left me

: how come?

: I don’t know what happened but yesterday there was a message in yahoo that she was leaving me

: start from the beginning.

: well u know up to the fact that she n I had become close, spiritually

: I know a little bit about it

: ok will tell you the details in an email first. U read it n then will log in with u ok?

: ok, will wait for it, but am online … don’t go away without talking to me. I have cleared my decks for u

: thanks a ton Marilyn. I know I can count on u

: vik, u r family now, n when a member of the family hurts, the others gather round to help … I saw u very vividly in the mirror n was very worried …

I was touched to the core. I knew my wife would have felt my pain, but Marilyn sitting in far off Canada had felt it too. I was truly blessed.

The next half-hour was spent penning the mail to Marilyn. As was the practice with me, I had logged off and typed it offline. I did not send her any copies of emails exchanged with Dolly66 but told her the sequence of events as they happened. I left out the dream of the woman in white. I don’t know why I did that, but I came to know that there was little that I could hide from Marilyn. I finally ended it with the contents of the last email I had received.

I logged on to the Net and sent her the email. She was still online and told me to stay online while she read it. I stared at Messenger for ten minutes before a reply came from Marilyn.

: I have read what u wrote

: and?

: is there anything more that u need to tell me?

There was, but I did not want to tell her.

: not really, the only things I have left out are the actual emails between us n the chat sessions that I have saved

: I don’t want to see those, any other incidents that u could recall

: not really

: ok here is something that I have to say

: listening

: vik I have known u for almost a year now

: true

: I have known u to be clear in yr thought n what u want from life

: true

: at first I thought u wanted something from me, probably some sort of cyber sex or something, but I came to know that u were above that

: listening

: I used to be scared n intimidated but I grew to understand u … for the very first time my husband also grew to like a friend of mine on the Net. … I never thought of introducing anyone else, before u n till now u r the only one that I have thought fit to introduce

: thank u

: its true … n u have helped me understand my husband, my family n myself

: listening

: now based on all of this it is not difficult for me to say that I love u BUT … I love u as a human being n a very nice one at that … u r very addictive n the high with u is more than any drug

: listening

: I have not lost perspective of my love for u n the love for my husband n family … I treat u as a part of it

: am touched

I really was moved and was already feeling better.

: dolly from Singapore, from what I have gleaned has fallen in love with u also … I am sure that u could have sensed this. I cannot believe that there was no sign or dream that told u this. … I know inside me that with ur heightened sensitivity to the world u must have felt it

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