Read Seven Nights Online

Authors: Jess Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary

Seven Nights (6 page)

BOOK: Seven Nights
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“You look…” He trailed off. “Amazing. I knew that color would look great with your hair.”

Her hand came up immediately to brush over the blond curls. Ones she’d left down. It seemed unnatural to have them sweep over her shoulders. Normally, she pulled her hair up in ponytails, French twists, braids, anything to keep it out of her way. But she’d left it down tonight.

Why? Because Sean had always said he loved her hair.

“I’m an idiot,” she muttered under her breath as he finally reached her side and offered her an arm.

When she took it, electricity shot between them, heating her blood and clouding her brain. She hardly felt him offer her a chair or sit down. Leah fought to stay in control of her emotions and tamp down her body’s traitorous reactions to the man across from her.

“So,” she said, hoping to sound nonchalant and purge the hot memories of Sean’s touch, kiss... “How is it that we have this dining room to ourselves? It seems like it ought to be brimming with couples right now. This can’t bode well for your food.”

He leaned forward and a good portion of air in the room vanished. “It’s my island, Leah. I can do whatever I want here.”

Leah’s muscles clenched at the thoughts that filled her mind with that statement. Whatever he wanted. She could only imagine what that would include.

“So, you’re saying you closed the dining room tonight?” she asked past her dry throat.

As she took a long drink of ice water, Sean nodded. “That’s right.”

“And what about your other guests? They’re paying a premium price to enjoy all the amenities your island offers. Including a five-star restaurant.”

Sean’s eyes widened. “Always the reporter, eh?”

“Always,” she returned with a smile, even though she knew it was a lie. A reporter had no right getting so fluttery and nervous around someone she was interviewing.

He sighed in surrender and answered her in a monotone that made it more than clear he was only humoring her to get what he wanted. “While there aren’t many other guests here presently, the ones who are are being treated to complimentary room service, or a special feast down on the beach.” He tilted his head. “Surely you must have heard the music coming from the sands when you walked over here?”

Leah frowned. Actually she hadn’t, but that was because she’d been too focused on her memories of Sean’s seduction in her villa. Of her own out-of-control reactions and need for more. More. More.

Was she so wrapped up in her former fiancé that she couldn’t even take in her surroundings? If so, she was in trouble. Deep trouble.

Sean leaned even closer, until his mouth was just a breath from hers. “Perhaps you were distracted?”

His lips drifted nearer, but Leah forced herself to pull back. “Sean, what about your security cameras? Your wait staff? Anyone could see us.”

“The security cameras have been turned off in the dining room this evening. And as soon as the wait staff brings us our dishes-” He motioned toward the kitchen and three staff members emerged, carrying wine and covered plates. “They will begin their night off with full pay.”

The waiter and two waitresses smiled at Leah, then quickly faded away. She and Sean were completely alone. The thought gave Leah a thrill she couldn’t push aside.

“You see, you have nothing to worry about. What happens between you and I tonight is just that.” His hand trailed out to cover her own. “Between you and I.”

Leah took in a ragged breath as Sean stroked the top of her hand for a few, all-too-brief moments. How could he do this to her with just a benign touch? Her nipples were hardening, body aching for his mouth, and she was wet, as if he’d caressed her far more intimately.

“Now.” He withdrew his hand and reached into his pocket. From it emerged a red silk scarf. “For your first fantasy.”

“What is that?” Leah squeaked out as Sean stood up to come around behind her. Then he dropped the scarf over her eyes.

“Surrender to your senses, Leah,” he whispered as he tied the scarf as a blindfold.

Utter darkness enveloped her, and she couldn’t hold back her shiver of anticipation. Unfortunately, she was just about ready to surrender everything.

All Sean had to do was ask.










Chapter Four


Leah’s hand balled into a fist on the tabletop and a shiver raced through her body that Sean couldn’t ignore. Was it fear or desire that made her quake?

Maybe both considering he had effectively disarmed her by taking away her sense of sight. She was completely at his mercy, which was exactly what he wanted.

Taking a short breath, Sean leaned forward to place a hand on Leah’s bare shoulder. Slowly, he glided his fingers along her impossibly soft skin. It felt like heaven and he wanted to take more than just this feather light touch. It took all his willpower to hold back.

“Don’t be scared. I promise I won’t push you any farther than you want to go.” He was happy when her tense arms relaxed a fraction and her breathing slowed a little. “Leah, this is a fantasy. Just enjoy it.”

Her voice quivered as she whispered, “In this, at least, I-I trust you.”

Her unexpected words made Sean’s heart leap. Her trust felt even better than her skin had.


He inched his chair closer as he pulled one of the covered dishes to the middle of the table. He lifted the metal cover to reveal a beautiful bouquet of jasmine and orchids from the island’s private gardens. It let off a waft of tropical scent that filled the space around them with sensual sweetness.

“Mmmm.” Leah’s moan was soft and struck a primal chord in him. “That smells wonderful.”

“Congratulations. You’ve guessed what the topic of tonight’s fantasy will be,” Sean said as he plucked an orchid from the tray. “Tonight, I want you to surrender to the scents and flavors of my island.”

Leah’s breath hitched, but she didn’t say anything either in protest or encouragement. Sean couldn’t really blame her. Here she was, feeling exposed in the large dining room, blinded by the scarf around her eyes.

Gently, he pressed the orchid’s pale pink petals against Leah’s shoulder. The flower stood out against the light tan of her skin. As if by instinct, she turned her face toward the orchid and took in a deep breath.

“From your garden?” she whispered.

“Yes.” He could hardly manage to get the word past his dry lips.

Swallowing hard, he began to drag the flower down the length of her arm. He let it dip into the bend of her elbow, making no comment when Leah hissed out a breath of pleasure. Every hormone coursing through his system was screaming at him to lay Leah back on one of the empty tables and take her. To shove that scandalously short dress up to her hips, wrap her shapely legs around his waist and delve deeply into her wet and willing body.

In short, to forget about the fantasy and enjoy every last moment of reality.

From the look on her face, she probably would have let him do just that and much more. Her body betrayed what her mouth wouldn’t. Her parted lips were moist and red and she swallowed back quiet moans as he dragged the flower petals back up her opposite arm. As he brought the flower across the delicate arch of her collarbone, her nipples puckered under her satin evening gown.

Yes. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. But he forced those desires back, far back into the cloudy recesses of his mind. Taking her without finishing his planned fantasies would feel fantastic. But he wanted more than a quick, mind-blowing coupling with his former fiancée. Much more.

He wanted her to see what a success he had become. The success her parents had claimed he would never be. And he wanted her to surrender.

Absolutely and completely.

Sean leaned closer and breathed in Leah’s scent. Now it was mingled with the touch of orchid fragrance. He stroked the flower between her cleavage and Leah’s fists clenched.

“Smell good?”

She jerked out a tense nod. “It… feels good, too.”

“That’s what I want,” Sean said as he pushed a lock of blonde hair away from Leah’s flushed face, then tucked the flower behind her ear. “I want you to feel good.”

To his surprise, Leah smiled, then reached out to blindly grope for his hand. When she caught it, she brushed her fingers along the top and gave him a gentle squeeze.

Sean’s heart lodged firmly in his throat as he looked at their intertwined hands. A few years ago, holding her hand had been something he’d taken for granted. Now, seeing her long, delicate fingers against his, seeing the callous on her right middle finger from where she played with her pen while taking notes, he was honored.

“Hungry?” he asked, guiding her hand back to a spot on the table where he reluctantly let it go.

A small smile turned up the corner of Leah’s lips. “Yes.”

The sexual innuendo in her voice was more than evident. She was hungry for more than food. Well, so was he, but he was going to exercise control as long as he could before he gave in and had his own ultimate fantasy. Leah. Against the wall, on the floor, on the table. It didn’t matter where.

“Good.” He pushed the dish of flowers away and pulled another closer to him. Under the cover was a plate of tropical fruits. Chopped mangos, guava, pears and grapes were piled high, nearly dropping off the sides. Choosing carefully, he picked up a ripe sliver of mango.

“Smell,” he ordered. She inhaled deeply, with a little needy sigh that had his cock at full attention.

Her lips parted and he slid the fruit between them. A little juice clung to her lip and her tongue darted out to capture it. He couldn’t help but imagine that same pink tongue swirling over his erection.

“You’re killing me,” Sean muttered as he took a grape next.

Slowly, he rolled the fruit over her lips, intent on teasing her. But to his surprise, Leah’s smile became wicked and she turned the tables on him by capturing his fingertips between her lips. She sucked gently to pull the grape from his grasp.

The feel of her tongue tracing his finger had Sean nearly falling from his chair. She reached out and her hand found his knee, gliding up the inseam of his pants until her knuckles brushed the hard line of his cock.

Who needed sensory fantasy?

Sean nearly flipped the table over as he rose to his feet. He caught Leah by her elbows and brought her up with him. For a moment he simply looked down at her, their panting breaths merging as they stood mere inches apart.

“Now taste how much I want you,” Sean said before he brought his mouth down hard on hers.

She opened immediately, parrying the thrust of his tongue with her own. She tasted like fruit and flowers, but with the background flavor that was all her own. The mingling tastes were almost too much to bear.

Leah tilted her head and their kiss deepened, passing into a passionate realm Sean knew was a point of no return. Relief filled him. Tonight he would have his heart’s deepest desire. He would have Leah again.

Continuing to kiss her, he guided her back to the closest empty table and lifted her gently until she sat on the edge of the tabletop. Leah’s satin blindfold had dipped down and one green eye was uncovered. He met her gaze and felt the heat of it, unhidden, undenied.

“Sean.” Her voice was soft, filled with emotion as she slipped the blindfold down from her eyes to droop around her throat. “Please.”

He understood her plea completely and without any further hesitation, dipped his head down and claimed her mouth again. Meanwhile, he trailed his hands down to the long leg she’d hooked around his own and began to hitch the hem of her short skirt up. Inch by inch, he brought himself closer to heaven.

His eyes widened at what he found there.

“Leah, you aren’t wearing any underwear,” he whispered as his fingers traced the heated mound between her thighs.

She arched under the touch, letting out a soft cry before she managed to gasp out, “They didn’t look right under the dress.”

“Thank God for panty lines.” Sean laughed before he slid her legs open a bit further and glided a finger inside her tight body.

Leah’s head rolled back as she let out a long, loud groan of pleasure. Her body gripped at him, milking his fingertips with hot, wet heat. It took all his self-control not to just take, to finish what he’d started and make her his again.

Leah’s leg was still hooked around him and she pulled him closer until he was actually molded against her. She rocked her hips up against his, pushing his fingers deeper inside of her and allowing his erection to collide with the soft warmth of her flat stomach. Even through his suit, he could feel her body heat, feel the need that pulsed through every inch of her. The same need that was mirrored in his own soul, his own body, just as it had been for three long years.

A need he was no longer able to deny.

Sean fumbled with his belt, pressing up against her rhythmically as he did so. His fingers felt thick and clumsy, but finally he managed to get his pants open. Leah helped now, grasping at the waistband of his boxer briefs, then sliding her hand below the elastic to grip the hard shaft of his cock.

BOOK: Seven Nights
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