Set Me Free (3 page)

Read Set Me Free Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #conspiracy fiction, #suspense action, #mystery action suspense thriller

BOOK: Set Me Free
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Lucy let out another soft moan, but it was cut short by a knock at the front door. She jerked away from him, her eyes large and fearful.

"It's okay." Zach soothed, rubbing her shoulder gently. "It'll be okay."

He reluctantly shifted away from her and approached the door, hoping that his words were in fact true.



Chapter 3





My heart was beating so fast and loud I could hear it thrumming in my eardrums. Was it him? Had he found me already?

The thought was ridiculous. I had been safe for the last few months in Danville. Running would not have disrupted that equilibrium, unless Zach's uncle had asked the wrong questions already. My insides froze as I waited for Zach to open the front door.

Coming back was a stupid idea. What was I thinking? So I missed Zach, boo hoo! I'd probably just sentenced him to death. I stood from the stool, ready to split. It didn't matter that I'd probably break his heart again. At least I would keep him alive.

I gripped the counter top, willing my body to move for the back door, but my feet were rooted to the spot. I couldn't leave him.

Damn it, Zach! Why?

The thrumming in my head turned into a low vibration as the door creaked open.

"Oh, hey. What are you guys doing here?"

"Duh! We came to show you our shopping."


The sound of her chipper voice brought an instant smile to my lips. I didn't realize how much I'd missed her. Man, she probably hated me. My knuckles were white as I listened to her rustle around Zach and spot me standing in the kitchen.

"Holy shit!" The bags of shopping in her hand dropped to the floor as Liesl came up behind her.

"Jaeda, do you really have to swear like that? It sounds so..." Liesl, the dark haired beauty who had always been so kind to me, looked pale as she drank me in. Her dark brown eyes were at first hard, but ever so slowly softened at the edges.

This should have made me relax, but Jaeda's hard glare was making it impossible. Okay, so she obviously hated me for hurting her friend. Guilt surged within me as I imagined how Zach must have moped around his friends over the last month.

Zach gave me a sweet smile from behind them, his eyebrows puckering with sympathy. My lips quivered with a grin as I crossed my arms, unsure what to say.

"Is it just you two then?" Zach cleared his throat, looking slightly nervous. He was probably worried about Elliot.

Oh crap, Elliot, Zach's best friend. The guy was like a Doberman when it came to protecting his friends. If Jaeda looked ready to pummel me, Elliot's death-stare would be a total annihilation. I hadn't thought this through! Coming back was such a huge mistake.

"The guys are on their way," Liesl whispered, her eyes still trained on me as she flicked her thumb toward the door.

My heart rate tripled as I gripped my biceps, escape plans flying through my brain. But I didn't have time to implement any of them, because the awkward silence was filled by AJ's booming voice.

"Where's my lover then?" His large frame bustled through the door. Pushing past Zach, he towered over his petite girlfriend and was ready to dip her back for an elaborate kiss when he spotted me. Standing Liesl upright again, he looked me over with his large eyes and whispered, "Holy shit."

"Angus. Language." Liesl lightly slapped his chest then adjusted her necklace. She was fidgety and unsure where to look.

A second later Elliot stepped in behind Zach and before he could even get a greeting in, he spotted me. His pale brown eyes rounded then he turned to Zach and muttered, "Holy shit."

Liesl let out a disgusted sigh. "Seriously, you guys! Language!"

I couldn't help a giggle. Man, I'd missed Zach's friends. Liesl was so sweet and funny. She was the mother of the group. What teenager ever corrected their friends on language? She was born in the wrong era and we all seemed to love her for it. She was too sweet to ever get angry with. Her kind soul and delicate manner just made her plain adorable.

My laughter did nothing to break the awkward silence. Tipping on to the edge of my feet, I pulled Zach's Nike shirt down, trying to look more in control, but I was a shaking mess. They were all staring at me, expecting something. Zach was ready to step in and rescue me, which only made me love him more, but I'd already caused enough problems between him and his friends. I needed to make things right.

"Hi guys." I raised my hand in a clumsy wave.

Elliot was the first to break, his usually hard expression softened with a grin. "Hey, Dani. Nice to see you back."

Jaeda let out a gasp and turned to look at him, while I gaped at his friendly greeting. Of everyone in this room, I thought Elliot would hate me the most. He'd always sent repellant vibes my way. He'd never wanted Zach to get together with me and when we finally had, he'd thrown a hissy fit.

The sudden change in him threw me and I didn't know how to respond.

Zach looked more than relieved as his friend slapped him on the back and shouldered his way past the surprised girls. He walked around me, gently nudging my back with his elbow as he stepped up to the counter.

"So, what are you attempting to poison this girl with?" He looked into the bowl of eggs and milk, his nose wrinkly. "Dude, how much salt did you use?"

AJ's eye bulged. "Zach, seriously, you're screwing up scrambled eggs?" Barging passed the girls, the chef extraordinaire approached the counter and rolled his eyes. "Zachary, really? Have I taught you nothing?"

Grabbing the bowl, he placed it in the sink and reached for a new one.

"Of course you've taught him nothing, babe. You never let anyone cook in your kitchen."

"I let people help," he mumbled.

Liesl laughed and winked at him as she stepped into the room.

AJ's blush was mild when he turned to me. "Now, my skinny little dear, what can I get you?"

I shrugged. "Whatever. Anything freshly cooked would be great." I swallowed hoping my eager honesty wasn't too obvious. Shooting Zach a nervous glance, I scratched the side of my neck and tried to pull up my Dani persona. It was actually pretty much who I already was, so it wasn't a hard one to play. I just needed to remember not to slip up with any facts these guys didn't know. I quickly recalled my fictitious family history in case it was raised and then imagined some good excuses for bailing without a word.

Jaeda slipped onto the stool beside me, her strong gaze forcing me to sit down. Her bright, red hair was tied back in a messy knot, long curls breaking free. The blonde highlights in her bangs looked stunning, she must have just had them done. I glanced at her purple lip gloss. It matched the dark purple shadow on her eyes and the mauve and black striped polish on her nails. I couldn't even imagine having the time or inclination to do something like that, but her nails looked pretty cool. They tapped against the counter as she studied me.

"So what are you doing back? Daddy decide to move again?" Jaeda's icy tone created a lump in my throat that made it hard to speak. Zach gave her a sharp glare as he stepped up beside me, running his hand down my back.

"I just came back to make things right. My Dad knows I'm here. He couldn't take any vacation this year, so I'm flying solo."

"From where?"

"San Diego." I cleared my throat.

She seemed to buy the lie easily enough. I had made my imaginary father out to be a workaholic that shifted me from one town to the next, so it was plausible that he would have whisked me south on short notice.

"So what, you're just moving in with Zach for a few days? Did you know his parents are in Europe?"

That's right. Memories of them discussing plans while Zach and I studied came back to me. I hadn't known when they were leaving and was relieved to hear they already had. I liked Zach parents, but I didn't want to have to explain myself to them. I glanced at Zach and he gave me one of those winks that made my insides sizzle.

"Yeah, she is." Zach kept his eyes on me as he said it. I didn't miss Jaeda's pointed look. Her right eyebrow arched high as her eyes travelled over my attire, making me feel like a slut. She thought we'd spent the morning doing it in Zach's room. I could tell.

I wanted to justify and explain, but I couldn't blow my cover, so instead I pressed my lips together and looked to the ground.

"So, where'd you end up graduating?" A diplomatic Liesl shot Jaeda a warning look. She closed the refrigerator, popping a grape into her mouth as she passed AJ the carton of milk.

"I finished everything online. Dad was going to try and send me to a new school to finish off, but it wasn't worth it." I was grateful the lies came so easily. I'd spent the last five years of my life perfecting the skill.

"I get that." Liesl's voice was soft. "Leaving must be really hard. I just don't get why you didn't say goodbye."

She looked so hurt as she leaned against AJ's back. He shot me a quick look over his shoulder before pouring something into a fry pan. I could feel my skin paling as they all eyed me and my fingers began to quiver again. I shoved them under the counter so no one could see.

Zach squeezed my neck. "Dani's not great with goodbyes. She's been feeling really bad about that, which is why she's back."

I sighed. "When you move a lot, it's best not to get too close to people. I never expected to like you guys so much. You just drew me in and when I was forced to leave suddenly, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't say goodbye. It hurt too much."

"Why the suddenness? You're Dad just packed up and shipped you out with no warning?" Jaeda frowned.

"Yum, that smells like pancakes." Elliot slapped the countertop. "AJ, you're a legend, so glad you got off work early today, man."

I turned to Elliot who gave me a subtle wink. "So, Jae, show us where you've wasted all your money on this week."

She gave Elliot a snarky glare, but it was softened by lips that were fighting a grin. "You try working for my mother in a flower shop every weekend. These clothes have been well earned, believe me....and they're not all clothes, right Li."

"That's right, sweetie." Liesl did her excited little smile as she raced over to the shopping bags and dumped them on the dining room table next to the kitchen.

While the aroma of mouth watering pancakes filled the air, the girls unpacked their bags, showing off their jewelry, make up, a new pair of shoes, one dress and a couple of shirts. The guys all oooed and ahhhed like good men do, their forced enthusiasm giggle worthy. I managed to suppress my laughter, but it was an effort.

They may not be related, but this crowd were family and I so wanted to be a part of it. But how could I? Jaeda obviously had major issues with me. Her dazzling smile didn't hold its normal spark as she flashed around her goods. Every time she looked at me, I couldn't miss that hard glint in her eyes. She was worried I'd hurt Zach again. I had no right to be back here and she wasn't afraid to let me know it. Liesl and AJ were still their sunny-selves. They probably didn't even know how to be mad with people.

With a flourish, AJ placed the sweet pancakes in front of me, drizzling a healthy amount of maple syrup over them, followed by a handful of fresh blueberries. "A meal for the gods, my sweet."

I returned his grin, taking the fork Elliot offered me as AJ started dishing up for everyone else. I couldn't work out why Elliot was being so kind. He was reserved, suspicious, his pale brown eyes doubted everyone at first sight. So why the sudden change up? Using my fork to cut off a mouthful of pancake, I lifted it to my lips and finally figured it out.

Elliot knew.

I glanced at him, fear no doubt skittering over my features. He caught my eye and gave me an awkward grin.

"Can you excuse me for a sec." I practically dropped my fork to the plate and scuttled from the room, my breathing erratic. "I just need to use the bathroom." I could tell my voice was tight, but I forced a friendly smile for Zach's sake and sped out of the room.

Zach had told Elliot. Shit! Even after I ran, he told someone else. The guy had no idea of the dangers.

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