Set Me Free (29 page)

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Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #conspiracy fiction, #suspense action, #mystery action suspense thriller

BOOK: Set Me Free
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Joanne stole a glance at the notes on her desk. "You graduated with a 4.0 GPA. I say that was pretty good studying."

I grinned. "I like school and it's been really nice being there without having to worry about playing a role or trying to con anybody."

"Do you know what you want to study at college yet?"

With a scoffing laugh, I shook my head. "I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that I actually got in."

I bit my lip, excitement skittering through me. Alex had been instrumental in pulling strings and was able to collate all of my previous high school grades. After one full year at Monte Vista, I had everything I needed to go to college, something I never dreamed I could. My parents had left me our house in L.A. and the judge allowed me to take ownership of it on the condition that it was sold immediately so that debts could be repaid and I could get myself a tertiary education.

"I've chosen a variety of classes to start with and I'll see what sparks my interest. I keep coming back to the performing arts classes, but I'm not sure I should."


"Well, I've spent most of my teenage years pretending to be people I'm not and maybe it's just time to be me for a while."

"Doors are beginning to open up for you, Lucy." She leaned forward. "Maybe this is a path you'll take in your future. You obviously have a gift."

I smiled, my cheeks heating with color.

"You don't need to be afraid of what's ahead. Just remember to take one event at a time and if the past starts to weigh you down, go for a run, clear your head. You do not belong to your past."

I nodded.

"You are the new and improved Lucy Tate and you need to own that." She winked.

With a cheerful snicker, I pressed the thread back into the couch and glanced at my watch. My time was almost up. "Hey, I just want to thank you for talking me through all this stuff. I don't think I would have survived this year without you."

She grinned, leaning her elbow onto her crossed legs. "You know what, you're a lot tougher than you think you are. I'm confident after everything you've been through that you could survive anything." She reached out her hand and I leaned forward and grasped it. "I'm here for you anytime, no matter what part of the country you're in."

"Thank you."

She squeezed my hand. "The future is yours, Lucy. Go and claim it."





I couldn't stop smiling as I drove back home. Stopping cautiously at the intersection, I checked each road before easing my way through. Tom Schultz had been teaching me how to drive and in spite of his assurances that I was really good, I still felt cautious.

The song on the radio forced a hum to reverberate inside my mouth. The future was mine. Damn, that felt good. I had a summer to look forward to and then the prospect of heading off to college...with my boyfriend.

My skin turned warm just thinking about it. He'd be home in two days time. We had a lot of catching up to do. I tittered. The very idea of his hands on my skin sent thrills buzzing through each nerve ending. As good as it was to be independent, it was such a huge relief to know that I never had to live away from him for this length of time again.

In two days time, my future really began and I couldn't wait to claim it.

My smile grew wider, if that was even possible, as I pulled into my driveway.

Pushing the door open, I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder as I walked up the path. The house seemed eerily quiet as I opened the door. I thought Tom and Loretta said they'd be home.

That familiar fear spiked through me as I clicked the door shut. I glanced up the stairs, memories taunting me. Closing my eyes, I leaned against the door, drawing in a deep breath and wondering if I should hit the road for a run.

"Hey, Lulu."

My eyes flew open, joy flooding my system as I let out a squeal and flew into Zach's arms. He caught me, chuckling as he took a step back to counter my attack.

"What are you doing here?" I squeezed his neck, pulling back so I could kiss him senseless.

He could barely speak past my kisses and ended up having to hold my face and pull me away from him. His brown eyes were dancing as he laughed. "I've missed you too."

"I thought you weren't coming home until Sunday."

"Well." He cocked his head, a look of mischief dancing across his face. "I didn't want to miss the party."

"What party?"

And on cue the living room erupted. "SURPRISE!"

I flinched as people jumped from behind couches and the lights went on. Words were stripped from my system as I drank in all their lovely faces. Everyone was here. Zach's family, including his San Fran cousins and Alex, Jaeda, Elliot, AJ and Liesl...even a couple of people from my senior class that I'd made friends with this year.

"Holy crap..." I covered my mouth, tears lining my lashes as I was quickly gathered into one embrace after another.

As I cried my way through the reunion, Tom and Zach pinned up a big CONGRATULATIONS sign on the wall with the University of Arizona logo in the corner. AJ and Liesl started dishing out food and I spent the next three hours playing catch up with all the people I loved.

Zach's hand remained on my back for most of the party. By the time it was over, I was completely drained, yet elated. I flopped down on Zach's bed with a blissful sigh.

"You have fun?" He lay down beside me, inching his arm under my back and pulling me on top of him.

I gazed down at his face and whispered, "Thank you."

"It was actually Mom's idea, so I can't take all the credit."

I kissed his soft lips. "I'll let you take some. You came back early for me."

"I love you." He ran his finger down my hairline. "And I can't wait to have you by my side when we head to Tucson this year."

"It's gonna be awesome." I grinned.

His hand glided down my back, cresting over my butt and giving it a little squeeze. "Although we've got the summer to enjoy first." His eyebrows wiggled and I laughed.

"Zach, the party guests may have left, but your parents are still down the hall," I whispered against his lips.

"Oh come on, they know you sneak into my room when I'm home. They're not stupid."

"Yeah, I guess my door does make that little squeak. That's why I leave it open when you're here."

"They know we're in love, Lucy." He kissed my cheek. "And I think they're pretty cool with that."

I closed my eyes, relishing the way his lips felt as they traveled over my skin. I arched my neck back, giving him easier access. With a delicious moan, I quickly found his lips, loving the way his hand felt as it moved up my neck and cupped the back of my head.

Yes, the future was mine now. The past was the past and could remain there.

I knew there would still be challenges ahead of me, but I would survive them and a kiss from my Zach could turn any bad day into gold.

I could do this.

As our soft kissing grew with fervor, a smile broke over my lips. If it weren't for this guy beneath me, who knows where I'd be. He'd drawn me back, he'd held me still and he'd given me the confidence to fight back.

The day I stopped running was my first step towards a real future.

Zach Schultz set me free and I was never going to forget it.





Thank you so much for reading Set Me Free, if you've enjoyed it and would like to show me some support, please consider leaving a review on the site you purchased this book from.




Writing the first two books in this series has been a total pleasure. It's made more so by the following people...


Margery from Evatopia Press - Once again, I had so much fun working with you on this project.


Kate from Dwell Design & Press - I love this cover so much. You are a talented lady and pure joy to work with.


Cassie - Your feedback is always so insightful. Thank you!!


My proof-readers - I love your eagle eyes and your constant support.


Inklings & Indie Inked - There's nothing more to say than, I
you girls big time.


My street team - Thank you for your continued support.


My readers - Thank you for reading my books. Thank you for reviewing them and writing to tell me that you enjoyed them. Those messages totally make my day.


My family - Where would I be without you? Thank you for pulling me back into reality and showing me how precious real life is.


My Savior - You continue to inspire me. Thanks for your unwavering love.




The Fugitive Series


I Know Lucy


The Masks Series


True Colors


Two Faced (Releasing: 2014)


Snake Eyes (Releasing: 2014-2015)


Poker Face (Releasing: 2015)


The Songbird Series


Fever (Releasing: June 15th, 2014)


The Time Spirit Trilogy


Golden Blood - Black Blood - Pure Blood


The Betwixt Series


Betwixt - Before - Beyond


The Elements Trilogy


Unknown - Unseen - Unleashed


The Mica & Lexy Series


Forbidden Territory


Find out more on Melissa Pearl's website:






Melissa Pearl is a kiwi at heart, but currently lives in Suzhou, China with her husband and two sons. She trained as an elementary school teacher, but has always had a passion for writing and finally completed her first manuscript in 2003. She has been writing ever since and the more she learns, the more she loves it. Keep an eye out for future projects.




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