Sergeant Gander (19 page)

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Authors: Robyn Walker

Tags: #JNF000000, #JNF003060

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Schofield, Reginald James
Regt # – C65117

Wilberforce, ON

Schrage, David M
Regt # –B38365

Scobie, Garnet
Regt # – C41390
Haley's Station, ON

Serroul, Vincent Russel
Regt # – F40361
Little Bras D'Or, NS

Shalala, John Alexander
Regt # – E30441
Campbellton, NB

Shane, Samuel
Regt # – E29870
Cornwall, ON

Shaw, George Arthur
Regt # – E30020
Kenogami, QC

Sheldon, Bertram
Regt # – B64673
Toronto, ON

Siddall, Hilton Albert
Regt # – G18280
Sackville, NB

Simmons, Gordon
Regt # – E30682
South Bathurst, NB

Sirois, Guy
Regt # – E30186
Edmundson, NB

Skelton, Sydney
Regt # – B63742
Toronto, ON

Smith, Edward Albert
Regt # – E30278
Trenholmville, QC

Smith, Harold Alexander
Regt # – B40918
St. Catherines, ON

Smith, John Hamilton
Regt # – E30121
Kenogami, QC

Smith, Lawrence
Regt # – E30279
Trenholmville, QC

Smith, Norman Alfred
Regt # – C63078
Clayton, ON

Smith, Raymond Angus
Regt # – E29841
Scotstown, QC

Smith, Robert Archibald
Regt # – G27295
Glen Levit, NB

Smith, Wilfred Duncan

Regt # – E30376
Glen Levit, NB

Smith, William John
Regt # – E30435
Chatham, NB

Snear, Thomas W
Regt # – E30461

Sneddon, Jack Gerald
Regt # – B68222
Toronto, ON

Snell, Felix Maxwell
Regt # – C57527
Port Hope, ON

Snively, John Thomas
Regt # – A22721
Kingsville, ON

Sommerville, Stanley S
Regt # – E30772
Quebec City, QC

Soper, George Arthur
Regt # – B45667
Toronto, ON

Southworth, Donald Frederick
Regt # – C65332
Campbellford, ON

Spencley, Walter Joseph
Regt # – B72966

Peterborough, ON

Splude, George Raymond
Regt # – E30339
Moncton, NB

St. Croix, John Edwin
Regt # – E30492
Barachois, QC

St. John, Ralph Elwood
Regt # – B75066
Toronto, ON

St. Onge, John
Regt # – E29992
GE Maria East, QC

Steele, Randolph David
Regt # – E1145
Grand Cascapedia, QC

Steeves, George
Regt # – E30619
Nash Creek, NB

Stepanchuk, Nick
Regt # – B40630
Port Colborne, ON

Stevens, Clarence George
Regt # – E30497
Danville, QC

Street, Sydney Charles
Regt # – B63830
Toronto, ON

Stroud, John Raymond
Regt # – B76772
Toronto, ON

Suits, William Roger
Regt # – A23080
Dowanaic, MI, USA

Sullivan, Fergus
Regt # – E30253
Shigawake East, QC

Sullivan, Robert Thomas
Regt # – E30174
Blackland, NB

Sunstrum, Gerald
Regt # – B68309
Niagara Falls, ON

Surette, Henry Andrew
Regt # – F40743
Port Bickerton, NB

Swanson, Kurt S.W.

Regt # – M61729

Sweet, Royce Charles
Regt # – E30622
West Bathurst, NB

Sweetman, Herbert F
Regt # – E30259
Bonaventure, QC

Syvret, David

Regt # – E29879
Belle Anse, QC

Tainsh, William George
Regt # – C65118
Lindsay, ON

Tapp, Harry Joachim
Regt # – E29866
Barachois, QC

Taylor, Reginald Samuel
Regt # – E29853
East Kildonan, MB

Taylor, Robert William
Regt # – A22374
Windsor, ON

Tennier, Joseph Arthur
Regt # – E30752
Hopetown, QC

Tetreault, Adrien
Regt # – E30455
South Durham, QC

Theriault, Oswald
Regt # – E30030
Asbestos, QC

Thirlwell, Frederick
Regt # – B38367
Alliston, ON

Thompson, Bernard M
Regt # – E30541

Glen Levit, NB

Thompson, Clarence Walton
Regt # – C65460
Port Hope, ON

Thompson, John Alexander
Regt # – G22778
Dawsonville, NB

Thompson, Morton George Clinton
Regt # – E30427
Glen Levit, NB

Thompson, Raymond Michael
Regt # – E30226
Campbellton, NB

Thompson, Renwick Lynn
Regt # – E30248
Compton, QC

Thompson, Thomas Edward
Regt # – G18342
Richibucto, NB

Thompson, Wendell Godfrey
Regt # – E30348
Nash Creek, NB

Tibbitts, Clifford Felix
Regt # – E29858
Waterloo, QC

Todd, John Byng
Regt # – B40690

Stamford Centre, ON

Trahan, Albert
Regt # – E30305
South Durham, QC

Tremblay, Raoul
Regt # – E30664
Prevel, QC

Trites, Leverette John
Regt # – G18587
Moncton, NB

Tuppert, William Gerald Joseph
Regt # – E22893
Quebec City, QC

Turcotte, Arthur Dominick
Regt # – C5895
Arnprior, ON

Tyler, Stanley
Regt # – E30496
Campbellton, NB

Valcourt, Leo
Regt # – E30308
Scotstown, QC

Vanclief, Donald John
Regt # – C5898
Consecon, ON

Varley, John Leslie
Regt # – B24237
Toronto, ON

Vigneault, Laureat
Regt # – F41026
Boisville, QC

Vincent, Charles
Regt # – E22897
Quebec City, QC

Vincent, Kenneth Stanley
Regt # – E30462
Campbellton, NB

Vincent, Robert Leslie
Regt # – E30518
River Charlo, NB

Wall, Frederick Leonard
Regt # – E30433
Gaspe, QC

Wallace, Herbert A
Regt # – E30195
Kingsbury, QC

Wallace, James Austin
Regt # – F29945
Kentville, NS Walsh, James Edward
Regt # – G18634
Moncton, NB

Walsh, Joseph Edward
Regt # – E30582
Penobsquis, NB

Walton, Jack
Regt # – C65283

Toronto, ON

Ward, Howard Guy
Regt # – E30159 Bury, QC

Wardell, Thomas David
Regt # – E30634
St. John's NL

Waterhouse, William Edmond
Regt # – E30759
Melbourne, QC

Watters, Ira Gordon
Regt # – E30556
Apohaqui, NB

Watts, Eric George
Regt # – E30073

Weaver, Percy Thomas
Regt # – B38362
Haliburton, ON

Webb, James Christopher
Regt # – E30576
Norton, NB

Webb, John Frederick
Regt # – E30579
Norton, NB

Wellman, David
Regt # – C5898
Bonarlaw, ON

Welsh, Allen Benjamin
Regt # – E30395
Magdalen Islands, QC

Welsh, Delbert William Louis
Regt # – E30384
Magdalen Islands, QC

Welsh, Ernest Edwin
Regt # – E30397
Magdalen Islands, QC

Welsh, Melvin Burton
Regt # – E30396
Magdalen Islands, QC

Whalen, Joseph Michael
Regt # – C65092
Kirkfield, ON

Wheeler, Robert Ritchie
Regt # – E30448
Runnymede, QC

Wilbur, Angus Frank
Regt # – E30489
South Bathurst, NB

Wilbur, Clarence Joseph G
Regt # – E30485
South Bathurst, NB

Willett, Byron Joseph
Regt # – E30010
Grand Cascapedia, QC

Willett, Frederick

Regt # – E30141
Cross Point, QC

Willett, Isaac Alan
Regt # – E30374
Campbellton, NB

Willett, Percy J
Regt # – E29991
Bonaventure, QC

Willey, Ivan Emmerson
Regt # – E30306
Danville, QC

Williams, John Arthur
Regt # – A23182
Alpena, MI, USA

Wills, John Harry
Regt # – B68239
Mount Dennis, ON

Wilmot, Percy Horace
Regt # – B40839
St. Catharines, ON

Wilson, Lawrence Joseph
Regt # – B38366
Baind, ON

Wing, Peter
Regt # – B317

Wood, Donald Gordon
Regt # – E30176

Frontenac County, QC

Woodman, Bertram C
Regt # – E29947
Campbellton, NB

Woodrich, Russell Lincoln
Regt # – A23001
East Windsor, ON

Wurm, Gilbert Albert
Regt # – C6352
Arnprior, ON

Wyrwas, Frederick Arnold
Regt # – E30138
Inverness, NS

Young, Walter Rintoul
Regt # – B38369
Merriton, ON

Youngs, Clarence Franklin
Regt # – A37959
Wallaceburg, ON

Zaidman, Frederick
Regt # – B40578
Winnipeg, MB

Courtesy of the Hong
   Kong Veterans'


Appendix C
List of “C” Force Killed or Missing in Action


Col. P. Hennessy, age 56

Died of wounds, 1941/12/20

Sai Wan Cemetary, Grave #VIII. C.4

Brig. J.K. Lawson, age 54

Wong Nei Chong Gap, believed killed 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Cemetary, Grave #VIII C.27

Maj. C.A. Lyndon, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/20

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23

Corps of Military Staff Clerks

Sgt. M.F. Black, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Cemetary, Grave #VIII A.11

Sgt. C.L. Jewitt, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Sgt. W.E. Phillips, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 28

Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps

Capt. R.M.B. Davies, age 39

At Mount Austin Barracks by concussion from shellfire, 1941/12/20

Sai Wan Cemetary, Grave #VIII B. 8

Royal Canadian Army Service Corps

Pte. M. Berger, age 35

The Ridge, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 28

Capt. O.S. Hickey, age 32

Stanley massacre, killed trying to protect the nurses, 1941/12/25

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Pte. A. Jackson, age 42

The Ridge, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Pte. D.S. Melville, age 39

Died in hospital, wounded at Wan Chai Gap driving Colonel Hennesy to Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19

Stanley Military Cemetary, 6. B. Coll. Grave 3-14

Pte. A. Newsome, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 28

Royal Canadian Corps of Signals

Sgm. R. Damant, age 21

Wan Chai Gap, 1941/12/19

Stanley Military Cemetary, 6. B. Coll. Grave 12-19

Sgm. J.L.F. Farley, age 21

Died in hospital of wounds, 1941/12/22

Stanley Military Cemetary, 6. B. Coll. Grave 1-12

Sgm. H. Greenberg, age nk Wan Chai, 1941/12/19

Stanley Military Cemetary, 6. B. Coll. Grave 12-19

Sgm. J.E. Horvath, age 21

Wan Chai Gap, died of wounds (?), 1942/01/01

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Cpl. C.J. Sharp, age 26

Wan Chai, 1941/12/23

Stanley Military Cemetary, 6. B. Coll. Grave 12-19

Sgm. E.R. Thomas, age nk

Wong Nei Chong Gap, dispatch driver killed at, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps

Cpl. G.G. Desroches, age nk

The Ridge, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 26

SSgt. G. Jackman, age 21

The Ridge, 1941/12/24

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 27

Pte. F.C. McGuire, age 24

The Ridge, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 28

The Royal Rifles of Canada

Rfm. J.A. Acorn, age nk

Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. J.M. Acorn, age 28

Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. B.H. Adams, age nk

Died of wounds, 1941/12/25

Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII A. 2

Rfm. L. Allen, age nk

Eucliffe, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. A.L. Andrews, age 30

Repulse Bay Hotel, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. J. Arseneau, age nk

Believed 41 Dec 15, burial at Stanley Cemetery, 1941/12/21

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. P. Atwood, age 19

Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23
Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. J.V. Baker, age 18

Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/25

Stanley Military Cemetery, 5. C. Coll. Grave 4-20

Rfm. C.G. Barnett, age 18

Palm Villa, 1941/12/21

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. E. Bate, age nk

Stanley Mound, 1941/12/22

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23

Rfm. R.R. Beacroft, age 18

Lye Mun, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Sgt. L.A. Beattie, age 20

Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23

Rfm. E. Bertin, age 28

St. Stephen's College, died of wounds, 1941/12/25

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. W. Best, age 27

Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. V.E. Boudreau, age 23

Stanley Mound, 1941/12/26

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. N. Bouley, age nk

Stanley View, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. R. Briand, age 29

Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. H. Bujold, age nk

Repulse Bay, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. W.J. Burgess, age 22

Stanley Mound, 1941/12/26

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. G. Calder, age nk

Tai Tam Gap, 1941/12/19

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. R.K. Chalmers, age 21

Wong Nei Chong Gap, 1941/12/26

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 24

Rfm. O.J. Chatterton, age 23

Location of battle death nk, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Cemetery, Grave #VIII. A. 21

Cpl. J.A. Coleman, age 26

Bowen Road Hospital died of wounds, 1942/02/18

Stanley Military Cemetery, 6. A. Coll. Grave 1-12

Cpl. A.R. Collins, age 18

Stone Hill, 1941/12/23

Sai Wan Memorial, Column 23

Rfm. F. Cormier, age 34

Stanley Fort, 1941/12/25

Stanley Military Cemetery, 5. A. Coll. Grave 4-20

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