Sensual Danger (3 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sensual Danger
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When her father had found out, he’d been furious at first, claiming that it was no decent occupation for a lady. Luckily, he only knew that she was tinkering with scientific instruments—had he known she was trying to ferret out vampires, he would have locked her in an asylum for the insane.

Her father had started contemplating what to do to make her stop in her endeavors. Clearly, he’d found a solution: to marry her off to some rich gentleman, thus killing two birds with one stone. Not only would her father finally be rid of her, making her scientific interests her husband’s problem, he would also be enriching himself in the process, taking the money Signore Angelotti paid for her and the house to live a carefree life on the mainland.

Everything was working out perfectly, at least for her father and her new husband. She alone was carrying the entire burden. And as if the loss of her freedom wasn’t enough, she was certain her husband would insist on his marital rights and make her share his bed. The very thought of having to offer her body to a man she didn’t know and allow him to do whatever god-awful things he wanted was disgusting.

A shiver ran down her spine, and she felt herself sway. She was tempted to look at the man who now stood next to her, but she fought it. It would only increase her feeling of disgust further. Pushing down the bile that rose, she automatically answered the priest’s questions and repeated his words. She wanted no conscious memory of this ceremony and not be reminded of the moment her life would change irrevocably.

A husband—she’d never wanted one. She’d seen too many of the women she’d grown up with stuck in arranged marriages with older men in order to save their family’s waning fortune. She’d prayed to escape the same fate, but alas, her prayers had not been answered.

Now all she could do was bear her lot. But this didn’t mean that she would make it easy for her new husband. She could brush him off as if he were merely a dust particle on her pristine white gloves and make certain that after a few unsatisfying nights in her bed, he would seek his pleasures elsewhere. Maybe she should suggest he take a mistress so he wouldn’t bother her with his carnal desires. It was the best solution for both of them. After all, he’d agreed to marry her without even seeing her. It confirmed that he was only interested in the house, not in her. Surely, an arrangement by which he wouldn’t be encumbered by her presence, nor feel obligated to perform any marital duties, would suit him just as much as it suited her.

“ . . . by the power vested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest suddenly said. “You may kiss the bride.”

For the first time, Oriana lifted her head and turned it toward the man standing next to her. Shock made her rock back on her heels, almost robbing her of her balance. The man she’d exchanged vows with only seconds earlier wasn’t at all what she’d expected.

He was young, perhaps only five to seven years older than herself. And handsome—extraordinarily handsome. Instantly her mouth went dry and her stomach quivered. Why had this man married her? Why would he possibly marry a woman he’d never seen? Something had to be wrong with him.

But she couldn’t continue her thought process, because her husband stepped closer, bringing his head close to hers. His eyes locked with hers, and the brilliant green in them struck her, sending another flutter through her core. She’d never been one to faint, had always despised the debutantes who did so at the slightest provocation, but now she herself felt as if her knees would give way at any moment.

Yet, she knew she wouldn’t fall because Nicholas Angelotti, the man who was now her husband, laid his hands on her waist and drew her against his body. His lips parted. Then he pressed them onto her mouth, kissing her softly.

She inhaled his masculine scent, drawing it into her body, opening her mouth in the process. As if seeing this as an invitation, she felt his warm tongue slide over her lips, licking gently before dipping inside her. It took her by surprise, so much so, that she instinctively gripped his shoulders. But instead of pushing him away from her, she pulled him closer.

Like a wanton woman, she tilted her head to the side, allowing him deeper access. A moan came over his lips as he danced with her tongue and explored her. She should be ashamed of herself for allowing him such liberties, but her body didn’t react to her commands. His kiss was passionate and seductive. It was indecent! Did all husbands kiss their wives like this? Her female friends had never mentioned anything like it. No, this was all wrong. She had to stop this. But her lips continued responding to him, relishing the firm pressure with which he captured her mouth, the seductive slide of his tongue and the sinful way with which his hands burned through her gown.

When the clearing of several throats entered her consciousness, he finally released her.

“Oriana, my sweet wife,” he said for all to hear. Then he bent to her ear and whispered, “I promise you, our wedding night will be more passionate—and last much longer.”

She gasped for air, shocked at his insinuation. At the same time, heat rose to her cheeks, making them burn as if somebody had doused her with scalding hot water.

“Signore!” was all she could exclaim.

When he pulled his head back to look at her, he smiled knowingly.

Outraged at his arrogance, she pressed her lips together. If he thought he could simply waltz into her life and turn her into a quivering female who would bend to his will, she would show him!



Nico couldn’t wait to see the back of his wedding guests as he ushered them out the door. Unfortunately they had taken their time and lingered after the ceremony, accepting the beverages his new father-in-law had offered. But finally, after what seemed like an eternity, not only his friends but also Oriana’s father had departed with his dreaded footman. Only the second footman, a maid, and the cook remained in the house.

In effect, he was alone with his wife.

Oriana took his proffered arm, and he led her to the stairs. Her face remained expressionless, and he could only imagine that she was afraid of what would happen in the marriage bed. As it happened, her mother had died many years earlier, and at the ceremony no elderly female relative had been present who could have talked to his bride about the goings on between husband and wife. It appeared Nico would have to explain things to her himself. Since he wasn’t in the mood for a lengthy conversation, he would have to show her instead. That prospect pleased him more than anything else.

At the top of the stairs, she motioned to the left, and he followed her indication until she stopped at a door.

“May I?” he asked politely and opened the door for her, letting her enter.

Nico caught a glimpse of the room. It was lit by several candles, and warmth emanated from it, indicating that a fire was burning in the fireplace. But before he could peruse the chamber further, Oriana turned and blocked his entry.

“I bid you good night, signore,” she said with a quick bow of her head.

Taken by surprise for a split-second, he almost had the door slammed in his face, had he not reached out his hand and stopped her from shutting it. Jerking it open wider, he took a step into the room.

“Signore,” she protested, her cheeks flaming. “This is my chamber. Yours is next door.”

Nico sighed. It appeared he had more explaining to do than he expected. Exactly how innocent could this beautiful woman be? Was it possible that she knew nothing about the relations between married couples?

“I beg your pardon, my dear wife, but it appears you may have overlooked something. I can only guess that the lack of a mother has made you oblivious to the concept of a wedding night. Surely, were your dear mother—God rest her soul—alive, she would have explained to you about—”

“Signore,” she interrupted him with an icy voice. “Let me be clear, since it appears that a subtle hint from me will not suffice.”

Nico raised a surprised eyebrow, both at her tone as well as her words.

“You married me because you wanted to purchase this house and my father would only sell it if he could arrange a marriage at the same time. Neither you nor I are interested in this arrangement. Therefore, I propose that you and I carry on as before this unfortunate event and live together in quiet ignorance of each other. I shall play the obedient wife in public as long as you make no demands on me in private. I shall turn a blind eye to any mistresses you may wish to entertain and can assure you that you will find no fault in my virtuous behavior. I trust this is agreeable?”

She raised her chin and looked at him as if she had just made an arrangement with the butcher about which cuts of the venison she would like delivered. No emotions played across her face.

“But my sweet wife, you’re mistaken. I admit, at first I was, shall we say,
since I had no plans of entering matrimony; however, in light of the circumstances, I’m more than happy to carry out my husbandly duties.” He dropped his gaze to her mouth, then lower to where the swells of her breasts heaved as she took more air into her lungs. The creamy flesh her modestly cut dress revealed looked inviting.

“Signore, I—”

“Nico,” he interrupted. “I would like you to call me by my given name. Trust me, it would be more than awkward if you continued to call me
when we’re engaged in . . . marital relations.”

Her eyes narrowed, and he could firmly see how her spine stiffened. “You don’t seem to understand. I relieve you of your marital duties,

Nico took a step closer. “I’m afraid it is you who doesn’t understand. Maybe I’m not making myself clear enough: I
to exercise my marital duties.”

Suddenly she fisted her hands at her hips. “If you believe I’ll let you mount me as if I were a broodmare, I advise you to turn around and find your filthy pleasures elsewhere.”

Part relief, part anger flared through him. “Ah, so I see, you
aware of what happens in the marriage bed.” At least he wouldn’t have to explain the details.

“I know more than enough. And I can assure you that I have no interest in it. Find yourself a mistress and perform whatever unpleasant activities you have in mind with her. I’m certain she’ll welcome you with open arms since your physique is not disagreeable. A man of your looks should have no problems finding a willing bed partner.”

Nico smiled involuntarily. “So you find me good looking?”

A shocked gasp came over her red lips, and a furious blush suddenly stained her cheeks. “I merely meant to say that a gentleman of your age, looks, and means will not be rejected by those women who offer their favors to married men. So please take your leave. You have my blessing.”

“Your blessing?”

Her words made him want to chuckle, but he kept himself in check, not showing how much he enjoyed her sharp tongue. He hadn’t expected her to resist in such a way. Particularly if she was attracted to him. Well, she’d said he was good looking, but didn’t that amount to the same thing?

“My dear wife, it’s not your blessing I seek.”

Quite deliberately he swept his eyes over her body, lingering on her bosom for more than a few seconds. He wanted her to be aware of his intentions, because he wouldn’t be swayed. When he lifted his eyes to meet hers, a twinge of fear flickered across her face.

Oriana’s voice trembled almost unnoticeably when she continued, “Signore, surely a gentleman like you wouldn’t force himself on a woman who doesn’t welcome his attentions.”

As she backed farther into the room, he followed suit. His eyes fell onto the large four-poster bed that fairly invited him to throw her onto it and make her his.

He leaned closer, making his chest connect with her bosom. At the contact, his body heated, but the sensation lasted for too brief a time, because his reluctant wife sidestepped him, intent on escaping his attentions.

Slowly, he moved his head from side to side, giving her a chiding look. “Did I mention that a wife has duties too?”

With defiance glaring from her beautiful blue eyes, she took a deep breath. “No gentleman would force a woman, even if she was his wife. Is that what you want, signore? To bed a wife who is disgusted by a man’s—” She hesitated, her gaze drifting away in embarrassment.

“ . . . prick?” With satisfaction, he heard her release an outraged huff. He’d used the vulgar word on purpose, wanting to coax a reaction from her. “There’s nothing disgusting about it—not if he uses his manhood well. And let me assure you, I know how to please a woman with it.”

“Hah!” she cried out, then lashed an angry glare at him. “From what I’ve heard, there is no pleasure to be had by a woman. It is merely meant to satisfy a man.”

He chuckled. “From what you’ve heard? Pray, my sweet wife, what is your source for this untruth?”

“Are you calling me a liar?” She threw her head back, a curl escaping her beautiful coiffure in the process.

Nico gave a cursory bow, smiling to himself for the brief moment, while his face was turned away from her. He hadn’t expected to spar with his bride during their wedding night, at least not verbally. “Far from it. I only question the validity of your sources. Once a piece of information changes hands too many times, it is often distorted.”

“My information comes from a woman who has experienced this first hand!”

“A married woman?” he asked politely.

“Yes! And from the complaints I’ve been made to listen to during her visits, I daresay the poor woman is suffering dreadfully, having to endure her husband mounting her for his vile pleasure, leaving her in pain and shame on a nightly basis.” She lashed an accusatory glare at him. “I don’t care to share the same fate!”

Relieved that Oriana’s objection to the marriage bed lay only in misinformation and was something he would be able to remove quickly and swiftly, he smiled.

“I apologize, my dear Oriana. Of course, I would never subject you to shame and pain. No husband ever should. I fully understand your concerns now, and let me assure you that I have no intention of doing what your friend’s husband is subjecting her to.”

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