Seeking Karma (8 page)

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Authors: Melanie J. Cole

BOOK: Seeking Karma
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     I rake my hand down my jaw line.  I want to reach out and touch her.  I want to tell her th
at she has known me much longer, but this isn’t the right time, or place.  She will remember me, on her own.  At least, I have to think that.  The thought that she doesn’t remember that night eight years ago, is gut wrenching.

     I tip the bottle back and drain it.

     “What do you want to know?”

If I’m going to take this slowly, we have to start somewhere.

     She shrugs her shoulders, and blinks up at me with her wide gray eyes.  “I don’t know.  What do you want me to know?” 

     Whoa, talk about a loaded question.

     “Alright, why don’t we make this a game.  You ask me a question, and then I’ll ask you one.” 

     I stretch my arm across the back of the sofa, and I don’t miss her sharp intake of breath.  I clench my hands into fists.  Every time she flinches away from me or steps away from me, I want to hop in my truck, drive down to the frat house, and beat Aaron to death.

     She cocks her head to the side. 

     “Okay, what’s your favorite color?”

, she really is taking this slow.  I lean forward and set my bottle on the floor.  “Black.  What’s yours?”


his surprises me.  I figured she was more of a pink or purple girl.  I don’t know why.  She just looks girly, that way.

     “You’re going to have to be more specific.  There are tons of different blues.”  I begin ticking them off on my fingers.  “Sky blue, navy blue, royal blue…”

     She leans forward and pushes my shoulder playfully. 

“Okay, okay, I like all shades of blue.  I’m kind of indecisive when it comes to blues.”

     “My turn.

I’m ready to ask what her favorite television show is when Anna screeches from the bedroom.

     “What is your fucking problem?  Keep! Your! Hands! To! Yourself!”

     Karma and I both snap our heads towards her bedroom.

     “Well, excuse me!”  Jude shouts.  “I’ve busted my ass for two fucking days!  Hasn’t that at least earned me a blow job?”

     The door swings open and slams against the wall with a resounding thud.  “No, it doesn’t!”  Anna says, shoving Jude out into the hall.  “Go home, and don’t come back!”

     I drop my head and pinch the bridge of my nose.  “I guess it’s time to go.”  I’m going to fucking kill Jude!

     “Oh, okay.”

Karma stands up and walks over to Anna. 

“Are you okay?”

     Anna has her eyes narrowed on Jude. 

     “I will be, as soon as he’s gone.”

holds his hands out in front of him.

“Okay, okay, I’m going.”

     I follow him over to the door, but I don’t want to leave.  I was just beginning to learn more about Karma.  I stop before I walk out and turn towards her. 

     “Is it okay if I call you tonight?”

r eyes widen slightly, and her lips part. 

“Um sure.” 

Okay, she has no idea just how happy she’s made me.













     Man, Anna is pissed.  She spins towards me, and throws her hands onto her hips.  “List
en Karma, I know you like Trent - but the next time he plans on bringing that perv - I’d like a heads up.  That way I can make plans to be anywhere, but here.”  She cringes from head to toe.  “I swear, that guy is part octopus.  I need a shower.  I’ve known quite a few assholes in my day, but he definitely takes the cake.”  She storms past me, and slams the bathroom door closed behind her.

     I begin packing my last
few boxes into my bedroom.  I’m over this whole moving thing.  I want to be done with it.  I’ve just opened the last box, when my phone vibrates in my pocket.  My pulse instantly begins to race.  Aaron must be feeling better, because he’s been calling me non-stop - for the last couple of days.  I’m surprised he hasn’t blown up my phone, with all of his texts and voicemails.  He’s easy enough to ignore.  I don’t bother listening or reading any of them, I just delete them.  But if he doesn’t take the hint soon, I’m going to have my number changed.  The only reason I had it on, was because Trent said he would call me.  I don’t want to change my number.  It’s such a hassle calling all of my contacts with a new one.  It’s bad enough that I’m costing my parents a small fortune, for rent.  I’ve even went so far as to rearrange my entire schedule.  I really wish Aaron would leave me alone.  There’s no way in hell, I’m going back to him.  These past few days, I’ve been the happiest I’ve been in a very long time.  I’m not about to give that up.

     I glance down at my phone, and sigh when I see Dusty’s number.  I quickly answer it.  “Hey you.”

     “Hey yourself, sexy.  I was just calling to see if you and Anna would like to have lunch with me, tomorrow?”

     “That sounds good.  I’m totally free all day tomorrow.”

     “Well then pencil me in, and it’ll be a date.”

     “Screw the pencil.  I’ll write it in permanent sharpie.”  He chuckles and it sounds so good.  “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.  I have to finish unpacking.”

     “I love you, girlie.”

     “Love you, too.”
  I switch the phone off, and slip it back into my pocket.

     I’ve just finished unpacking my last box, when my phone vibrates – again.  I warily pull it out and check to see who
it’s from.  I feel a huge grin coming on when I see Trent’s name.  I glance over at the clock.  It’s eleven thirty.  I quickly answer it, and flop back onto my bed.  “I thought you forgot about me.”

     “Not possible.  I was just trying to be fashionably late.  How did I do?”
  I can hear the humor in his voice, and I picture him smiling.  Wow, he’s really sexy when he smiles.

     “Considering that I thought you weren’t going to call at all, I’d say you did pretty good.”  I grab a pillow and hug it against my chest.  I can’t believe he actually called me.

     “I thought we could finish our game, since we got interrupted earlier.”

     “Okay, but I get to go first.”

     “I believe it was my turn.  Besides, I already have a question ready.”

     “How do you know that I haven’t got one ready?”  I fire back at him.  Actually, I don’t, but he doesn’t have to know that.

     He doesn’t bother to answer my question.  He just jumps into the game.  “What’s your favorite t.v. show?”

     I squeeze the pillow, and smile.  “Of all time, or current?”

     He doesn’t miss a beat.  “Of all time.”

     “Hmmm,” I chew on my bottom lip, and think.  “Friends. How about you?”

     Once again he doesn’t hesitate.  “Bates Motel.”

, I’ve never even heard of that.  “What’s Bate’s Motel?”

     “Are you being serious?  You’ve never watched Bates Motel

     “No, but I’m guessing it’s something to do with Norman Bates.” 

     “Ah, so you’ve at least seen Psycho.”

I shake my head back and forth - knowing good and well - he can’t see me.  “Nope, but I’ve heard of it.”

     “Woman, we have got to get you up to date, on all things Norman Bates.”  I can’t help myself, I actually giggle.
  Why is he so obsessed with Norman Bates?

     “Okay, okay, I’ll watch Psycho.  I promise.  Can we please move on now?”

     “Whatever you want.”

     We keep going back and forth like this for over an hour.  Each of us firing off useless questions
, at one another.  I don’t mind, though.  It’s fun and I’m learning a lot about him.  Albeit small things, I’m still getting to know him.  I think I could learn to trust him, someday.
















     I was on the phone with Karma, until after one this morning.  Damn, her soft sexy voice.  I get hard just hearing her talk.  I had to take another cold shower.  Hell, that girl should come with a warning label.  The things she does to me - without even trying.  I shake my head and comb my hair.  I have an early class, and I’m going to see if she needs a ride, before I leave.  Hopefully, I’ll get lucky like last time, and she’ll still be in her pajamas.

     I knock on her door, and jingle my keys in my pocket.  The door opens and Karma is standing in front of me.  Unfortunately, she’s fully dressed
, in a pair of jeans, and a t-shit.  It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, though.  She still takes my breath away.

     I give her a big grin.  “Good morning.  I was wondering if you needed a ride.”

     She shakes her head.  “No.  I don’t have any classes today.  Do you want to come in for some coffee?”

     “I wish I could, but I’m kind of running late.”  I can’t hide the disappointment in my voice.  I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into me, but I want to spend every minute of the day
, with her.  I really need to find a hobby.  Maybe, I could take up photography.  Nah, that wouldn’t be any good.  I’d probably end up plastering all of my walls with pictures of Karma.  I’d spend all of my time locked up in my room, jacking off to pictures of her.  Wow, I really am sad.

     By the time I’m finished with my last clas
s, I’m starving.  I head to the diner where Karma and I had breakfast the other day.  I don’t like spending any unnecessary time on campus.  I’m afraid of running into dumbass - and if that ever happens - I’ll probably end up in prison.

     I’ve just ordered my burger and fries, when the bell on the door dings.  I look up
, and instantly wish I could crawl underneath the table.  Dena’s gaze is locked on me.  I’m pretty sure she’s fucked every guy on campus – including me.  I do my best to avoid being with girls like that. Even I know when to stick it, and when to walk away.  The night I was with her, I’d been fucking trashed.  I don’t even remember it, but when I woke up, she was next to me.  I still had the condom on.  Thank God!  Trojan went above and beyond that night.  I’d got rid of her as soon as possible, and headed straight to the twenty-four-hour clinic.  I was scared to death my dick was going to fall off.  I didn’t think the guys were ever going to let me live that one down.

     “Hey handsome,” Dena slides into the booth next to me.  Shit!  She’
s practically on my lap.

     I scoot over
, so that my shoulder is uncomfortably crammed against the wall.  “What’s up Dena?”  I ask dryly, not even sparing her a second glance. 

     “Why didn’t you call me?”  She purrs, running her hand down my chest.  I grab her hand and place it onto the table.  I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I don’t want her to get the wrong idea – either.  I want
her to be perfectly clear - I’m NOT interested in her.  I have nothing but regrets about the last time I was with her.

     She slips her hand beneath the table and grabs my dick.  “Do you want to go to the bathroom?  I’ll make it worth your wild.”

     Fuck me!  I can’t believe she just offered to fuck me in the bathroom.  I grab her hand, more aggressively this time.  “I’m not interested.”

     She sticks her bottom lip out
, pretending to pout.  “You didn’t complain the last time.”

     Holy Hell!  This girl cannot take a hint.  Do I have to spell it out for her?  So be it.  “I was drunk the last time.”  I’m on the verge of shoving her off of the seat, when the bell dings again.  I glance up and freeze.  Karma, Anna, and Dusty are standing just inside the door, looking around.

     God damnit!  Karma’s eyes fall on me instantly, and her face falls.  This is just great.  I can only imagine what she’s thinking.  Dena’s still practically dry humping me, and all I can do is gape at her.




     “Hello, earth to Karma.”  Dusty is waving his hand in front of my face, but I can’t take my eyes off of the back corner.  Trent is with some girl, and she’s all over him.  “What are you looking at?”  Dusty follows my gaze, and I hear him gasp.  “What in the hell is he doing with her?”

     “What are you guys talking about?”  Anna
looks from Dusty, and back to me, before her gaze falls onto Trent.  “Oh! My! God!  That’s Dena Robinson!  What the hell is Trent doing with her?”

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