See Me (29 page)

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Authors: Wendy Higgins

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: See Me
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“I love it,” I told them. “Thank you. And thank you for last night, Leilah.”

She shrugged it off and waved a hand, smiling. “Not at all, love. It’s me who should be thanking you fer bringin’ a bit o’ romance and hope back into the village.”

Rachelle covered her mouth and giggled.

Cassidy crouched in front of me and pinched my cheekbones to get a natural blush going. “Now all you need’s a little make-up and you’ll be set,” she said.

Before she could stand again I grabbed her wrist and looked in her eyes. “I was wrong about Rock,” I whispered. “He does care.” Her eyes watered and she nodded. The two of them were quite a pair. A mess, for sure, but his willingness to sacrifice himself went a long way toward scratching out those bygone mistakes in my eyes.

I reached for my make-up bag and got started, making quick work of it while Cassidy changed into a summer dress.

“It’s time,” Mom said when I finished. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” I stood up. “I’m ready.”

“Yeah, let’s get this bee-otch!” my sister exclaimed. Mom glared at her. “Sorry,” Cass muttered.

I wished I could share Cassidy’s confident zeal for what was to come.

Our timing was impeccable because at that moment a draft of powerful magic shook the room. I rubbed the bare skin of my arms. All eyes went round, and Rachelle covered her mouth with a tremor.

“The Summer King,” Leilah whispered, a look of terror on her face.

Cassidy grabbed my hand and I grabbed Mom’s with my other one. We couldn’t avoid this forever. Time to go. We all nodded at one another, and then filed out into the warm, overcast afternoon.

As we entered the clearing a wave of heat like sunshine warmed my skin, though the sun hid behind clouds. The Leprechauns were all gathered, standing in silence and watching as a procession of Faeries glided up from the field. There were at least ten of them, forming a semicircle around a taller male who seemed to shine. The heat, I realized, was emanating off him. His hair was golden platinum, like his daughter’s, but unlike the other men he did not wear it down. His was pulled back at the nape of his neck and tied with twine, which accentuated his metallic crown, interwoven with vines and leaves. He was draped in a silky robe the color of a blue summer sky.

I was glad I hadn’t eaten anything that day because my body felt like a wreck on the inside. I fought to appear well and not ill.

We stopped at the edge of the clearing and watched as the Fae halted in front of Brogan, Dad, and McKale. I couldn’t stop staring at the Summer King. He held the same mesmerizing quality as Khalistah, only stronger. This was a being who could manipulate nature with a wave of his fingers. His power hummed through the air. The King’s freaky eyes did not stay one color. Even from a distance I could see how they changed like a kaleidoscope, blending from fresh green grass, to bluebird feathers, to lavender lily petals.

With great effort I moved my eyes away from him to scan the other Faerie faces. Six male, four female; however, no tiny, angelic face with platinum hair was present. I stared in the direction of the portal, but it was closed, invisible. Nobody else was coming out.

Heart. Pounding. Oh. Crap.

Where the frick was FFG?

McKale craned his neck until he found me. His confusion and worry morphed into admiration as his eyes swept up and down the gown, but when he met my eyes his trepidation returned. Khalistah had not come. Our entire plan was ruined.

Brogan bowed low with a swoop of his forearm across his waist. The other male Leprechauns also bowed, and the women curtsied. Cassidy, Mom, and I dipped curtsies to the guests as well, and then looked at one another, covert questions in our eyes.
What will we do if she doesn’t show?

“Shoe Master and King of the Summer, we are humbled and honored by yer presence here today for our meek celebration,” Brogan said.

“Indeed, it has been too long since last I visited the cobbling folk.” The Summer King’s voice rang over us like a bursting rainbow. Songbirds from neighboring fields and woods fluttered skyward, drawn to the outskirts of our gathering, a cacophony of chirping. The King laughed gaily at the sight and sounds of them. The light rumble of his voice gave me a heady sensation, as if surrounding trees were photosynthesizing overtime, sending a rush of pure oxygen into the air.

Brogan cleared his throat, looking uneasy. “And will the lovely Shoe Mistress be joining us today, as well?”

“Ah.” The Summer King linked his fingers together behind his back. “The previous day has brought change, as is necessary from time to time. The princess has requested a new venture and I have allowed it.” At an outburst of whispers, the King continued. “But do not worry. A new Shoe Mistress will be presented and I trust you will find her agreeable.”

Brogan looked shaken. “Of course, King of the Summer, but we’ve not offended the former Shoe Mistress in any way, have we?”

The Summer King laughed again, sending the birds around us into a frenzy of flight before they settled.

“Not in the least, master Brogan. You know the whims of youth. How easily they tire. Roles must change in Faerie, just as the seasons on earth.”

Brogan nodded, his eyes heavy. “Indeed.”

A Faerie woman approached and stood next to the King. Her hair was as long as Khalistah’s, but wavy and dark like glittering spices. Mom stiffened next to me and it felt like she might squeeze the blood from my hand. The Fae woman peered around at us with eerie eyes like the yellow of dandelions.

“Which two are to bind?” she asked.

McKale and I looked at each other and stepped forward. I had to wrench my hand from Mom’s grip. Without thinking twice McKale and I grabbed hands and stood before them. Mom and Dad moved up next to us. The sight of the King’s eyes up close scared me so bad that my instinct to flee was in full effect. The King nodded his approval and the female grinned with pride.

“So this is the tiny, beautiful babe whom I saw in Faerie years ago…” Her head tilted as she examined me with interest. Then she noted our linked hands. “An extraordinary pair. I knew it would be so. How divine that she was brought to me that fateful day. And see how they have taken to one another? Adorable.” Now she gazed at the Summer King as if seeking his praise.

“Yes, Martineth, dearest, you have an exceptional eye for detail.”

I caught Mom sending a death glare toward the King’s consort.

“Well, then.” Brogan cleared his throat. “Without further ado, let the celebrations commence. We hope ye will enjoy yerselves and let me know if ye be needing anything at all.”

Brogan clapped his hands twice and the musicians skittered into place, lifting their instruments and beginning an upbeat tune, which seemed out of place, given the fact that everyone remained unmoving. Brogan let out an embarrassed laugh.

“Well, go on then!” he called to his people. “Don’t be shy. Let’s show our honored guests a nice time, then, ‘eh?”

There were nods and forced smiles, and then people appeared to relax and fall into fake celebration mode. Platters of food and vats of beverages were presented. Dancing broke out beside the binding circle, though everyone was careful not to disturb it.

I locked eyes with McKale as a trickle of despair crept into me. Leave it to Khalistah to ruin our plan. She had us in her grip. Of course she wouldn’t want to see us bind. But I had no doubt she’d be expecting McKale to waltz into her den and fulfill the agreement at the end of the day. I hated her self-assurance.

Brogan waved Cassidy forward so my whole family stood before the Fae. I swallowed hard and looked up at the King.

Cassidy sidled close and clung to my arm with a death grip caused by her own fear, and it kept me grounded to the spot.

Brogan introduced each member of my family, starting with Dad. We each bowed or curtsied, and the King seemed to nod with a flicker of his eyes. Martineth, the King’s consort, watched Mom’s stoic front with a victorious grin. Mom, however, would not look at the smirking Fae woman.

“This appears to be a very good match,” the Summer King stated. “And what say you about this union, Brogan?”

“King of the Summer, truly, the coming binding of McKale and Robyn has brought our lot joy beyond measure. We believe ‘tis the start of a new era for the cobbling folk. We wish future generations of our clan to serve ye with as much delight as we have.”

The King’s mouth softened at the edges, and I sensed a genuine fondness there.

“I wish you many generations to come, Brogan of the Leprechaun.”

Brogan bowed in response. When he straightened, he held an arm toward the festivities.

“Won’t you join us?” Brogan asked.

“I believe I shall,” the King responded. He held out his elbow and Lady Martineth slid her slender hand in the crook.

Four Chaun boys carried out a massive wooden chair and set it facing the party. Bright purple cushions were placed on it and fluffed. The Summer King took a seat and his entourage flanked him in a semi-circle with his consort at his right side. Their faces remained chiseled masks, but their eyes shone with amusement as they watched the Chaun men and women dance.

My family, McKale, and I stood a distance from the festivities in tense, silent thought.

Think, Robyn, think!
How the heck could we get Khalistah to come out of the portal?

“She’s not coming,” Dad said in a low voice.

“What are we gonna do?” Cassidy whispered.

“I’ll go into Faerie for the footage,” McKale stated.

Wait… excuse me?

“No!” I gripped his forearm. “No way. She’ll never let you back out of there.”

He began to shake his head but Dad cut in, saying, “I’ll go.”

. I shook my head. “That won’t work, Dad. She won’t answer to you. It has to be me. The sight of me will make her talk. She hates me.”

“Exactly,” Dad said. “Maybe she won’t let
back out.” We all thought about it, then Dad said with reluctance, “You and McKale will go together. That’s your best shot. She knows her father will expect you both back for the binding.”

We were all silent, staring around at one another as the change of plans set in. McKale and I were going into Faerie. Being that it was our only chance—our last hope—a strange sense of calm determination shrouded me.

“Let’s get wires on Robyn, too,” Dad said. “Just in case.” His voice was strong, but I could see the panic behind his eyes as he jumped into action. He glanced over at the celebrations where the Fae and Leprechauns were busy, paying us no mind.

Mom stood still with a hand covering her mouth. She’d almost lost me to the Fae as a baby, and now my fate would once again be in their hands.

“Shitballs. You can’t go in there,” Cassidy whispered, thinly veiled panic in her voice.

Mom, Cass, and I faced one another in a triangle.

“We’ll be fine,” I whispered. “Everything will be okay.”My words did not relax them. Dad came up behind me and started hooking wires under the seams of my dress.

“Don’t piss her off,” Cass warned me. “She’d probably prefer revenge and take her chances on punishment if she has any idea we’re trying to pull one over on her.”

“I know,” I whispered. I wouldn’t put anything past the FFG at this point.

“What will you say when you see her?” Mom asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted.

I motioned for McKale to join us just as Dad placed the finishing touch around my neck.

“This necklace has a video camera in it,” he said. It appeared to be an ornate, round Celtic knot.

“They had this in that small town?” I asked.

Dad chuckled. “No. I used my satellite phone and called in some expedited shipping.”

Satellite phone? I shook my head. Apparently he had lots of secret tricks up his sleeves.

“How will we get into Faerie?” I asked the group. “It’s not like the Summer King won’t notice when the portal’s opened.”

“We get his permission,” Dad said. “Come on. We can’t stand here any longer. We’re drawing attention. Just follow my lead.”

McKale and I linked fingers and followed.




with our request was terrifying, and I wasn’t even the one expected to do the talking. If he refused to help, or if his anger was roused, it could be disastrous.

The King’s eyes swirled with power as we drew near. Waves of heat branched out from him, and the once-deadened grass beneath his chair, trampled by years of dancing and foot-traffic, was now vibrant and green with life. He was a force of nature confined to a body.

Dad stopped several feet away with our group flanking him. He dipped his head in a gesture of respect and the Summer King raised his brows with interest. Brogan joined our group.

“King of Summer,” Dad began. “Please forgive us for being so bold, but we were discussing how distraught we are that Princess Khalistah will not be joining us.”

The King’s head tilted to the side with further interest, and Dad continued.

“McKale, especially, was hoping to see her one last time.”

One of the Fae females sniggered and shared an amused glance with the other Fae girl, and it burned my blood.

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