Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy) (19 page)

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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But, but that’s their choice.  Surely they can find another way of making money,

I add meekly.


Not everyone has a choice.  Not everyone can afford to.  It’s the harsh truth but there it is so deal with it.  Now come on, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.



     As Gareth leads me further into the shitty parts of London a chill rolls over my back and I become fidgety.  I reach out a hand to interlace with his.  Warmth consumes me and a different sensation takes hold.  Security. 

     I take this time to study his profile.  The way his jaw thrusts out, clenched in a determined posture.  I’d love nothing more than to run my delicate fingers over his stubble chin, slowly coaxing him to relax his muscles and to enjoy the massage. 

     The way his glorious, silk hair flaps with each step and ruffles in the breeze like it’s dancing to its own music.  My fingers itch to touch, to glide through the strands falling across his eyes in that charming, boyish way which never fails to get my heart quivering.

     Then there are his eyes.  So expressive, even at times when they appear unfeeling and cold.  When he looks at me everything stops.  I see nothing but him.  He captivates me and I’m at loss to stop it.  When he’s angry or consumed by passion they sparkle and occasionally widen.  When sadness takes hold they tend to droop and lose all luminosity.  It scares me that I
have become so familiar with these traits

I shouldn’t be that familiar with my kidnapper, should I?

     Dragging my mind away from my thoughts I take notice of our surroundings.

     We have strolled further into the back streets where
streetlights flicker casting an
eerie glow and the shadows stalk your every move.  The path is littered with cracks and rubbish.  The smell emanating from the drains is suffocating.  The stench hits the back of my throat causing me to gag.  Everywhere I look is a brick wall sprayed with a dark red symbol staking claim to a gang marking their territory.  Distant voices fill the atmosphere, drifting their way to my ears sending a chill down my spine.

     Then through the shadows steps a man of average height, skinny and has a slight limp accompanying his walk.  I unconsciously squeeze Gareth’s hand, fractionally digging my nails into his skin as dread eats away at my insides.  He returns the gesture and I smile unnoticed.


Took your time, G,

he croaks, but the friendly attitude is swiftly swept to the side as he takes note of me. 

You said nothing about company.  What happened to all this being hush hush?  Who is she, what is she doing here…?



Oh calm down Doug and grow some will you.  No need to act all jittery around Scarlet here.

Scarlet?  What?  Now what’s he up to?

She’s my new investment.

  He throws an arm around my shoulders and pulls me against his side. 
Investment my arse!

Taking her out for a spin if you get my drift.  You should know what I mean; you’re no stranger to such things, Doug.

     The man’s face morphs into a leer and his body language becomes suggestive.  His snake eyes glide up and down my body lingering at the junction where my legs disappear underneath the dress.  The same thing happens as he takes in my heaving bosoms.


If you ever find she’s not satisfactory to your requirements, I’m willing to give her a go myself,

he smirks. 

You know where to find me if things don’t work out.

     Gareth tenses and his teeth clench.


I’m sure that won’t be necessary,
.  So far she’s very
.  In fact, she’s looking to be a keeper.



Doug sneers and ogles me once more, eyes crawling over me like dirty, skeleton hands, causing me to quiver in repulsion and I unconsciously take a step closer to Gareth so I am once again flushed against his side. 

I was quite looking forward to shoving…


That’s quite enough Dougie,

Gareth snaps, startling me. 

I haven’t come here so you could lust over

My woman?
  God help me but a thrill runs through me at his statement and my independent woman flies out the window. 

We are here to do business, nothing more, nothing less.

     After another once over, Doug turns his attention to Gareth.



Gareth begins. 

What have you heard?


He’s upping the game…and the price.


What’s he up to now?


G, you know the score.  I’m saying nothing more unless I get payment.  I don’t go sneaking around, risking my life for my own amusement.  I’ve got a kid to take care of.



he says and grabs a wodge of notes from his wallet, briefly taking his arm away from my shoulder and this action unexpectedly triggers a sense of disappointment at the loss. 

     He shoves the money into Doug’s hand then replaces his arm.  Heat spreads across my back and I feel at home again.  Safe and wanted. 
His woman indeed


As I
was saying, he’s upped the ante
.  He’s into drugs, any drugs.  You name it he’ll get it.  But he’s getting antsy.  Something’s unsettled him.  He’s no longer the cool, calm, collective self.  I found Old Harry lying in the gutters two days ago.  He beat him black and blue!  Old Harry’s lucky to be alive!  He wasn’t the fittest bloke to begin with.



Gareth frowns and his lips tighten. 

That is unusual.  He’s not the aggressive type.

  His eyes flicker towards me then return to Doug.




     Is that what I caught as he gazed my way?  Why would he be feeling those things?  What’s the cause behind it?  Why is it directed at me?  Is it directed and me?  Who are they talking about?  Why do I need to be here?  What’s going on?

     So many questions with no answers and the more I see the less I seem to understand.


Anything to add?


No, that’s all I know, sorry G.  I’ll only go so far.  Got my kid to think about.


That’s alright.  Thanks for the info.  Here you go,

and Gareth shoves a couple of extra twenties into his hand. 

See you around.

     And with a flick of his coat he is marching off in the other direction.  Coming out of my daze I turn to follow. 


Oh, there is just one more thing.  Apparently he’s after you, just thought you’d like to know!

Doug adds.

     Not a second later I see a black blur fly past me.


What do you mean he’s after me?


Just what I said.  He wants to, let me get this right:

hunt you down like the dog you are,

and that’s a direct quote by the way.  I had a little run in with him yesterday.


Where did you see him?


Can’t quite remember…

    Suddenly Gareth grabs him by the shirt collar and rams him up against the wall. 

Quit messing me around and tell me where you saw him.


Okay, okay, I’ll tell ya, ju
st put me down will you, j

     Ever so slowly Dougie lowers to the floor, however Gareth remains steadfast and does not move back, crowding the weedy man.


I was having a quiet drink down at The Crossbow pub round the corner from here when he hassled me.


What did he say?


Nothing much really, just wanted to know if I’ve seen you
round or spotted a gorgeous brunette woman.


What did you tell him?


The truth of course!  This is the first time I’ve heard from you in months and as for his classy brunette…It’s not likely she’ll come sniffing around my area.  A lady like that wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like this.


Right, thanks Dougie.  Sorry to have, err, hauled you up like that,

Gareth looks to the floor, shuffling his feet sheepishly.

This is a side to him I wouldn’t have thought he possessed!


I’ve had worse,

Dougie replies. 

Hope you got what you wanted.


Yes.  I think you should keep your head down for a bit for your own safety.  I think things are going to get a little bit messy.


I’ll be seeing you then,

Dougie says then turns to go, blending into the shadows as he walks away.



Gareth mumbles before making his way back to my side.

What just happened?  Who is Doug to Gareth?  A snout?  A relation?  Just a friend?  Whoever he is he appears to be a valuable source of information.

     What I don’t get is what makes these guys risk life and limb for money.  Dougie I can kind of understand as he has a child to support, but surely there must be a safer way, his kid needs him after all.  What would happen if one day Dougie never went back to his child?  What would happen then?  In fact, I can’t bear thinking about that scenario.  Poor kid.


Why just G anyway?  Why can’t Gareth be okay?

I ask in an attempt to keep my mind focused on something else.



his voice distant.


G?  Why use a letter?  What’s wrong with Gareth?


I don’t want to be found out.  It’s also a means of keeping my distance.  I think a first name is something personal and once you provide it you enter familiar grounds with someone.  I don’t want that.  Can’t have that.


But you told me.


That’s different.




Because…it just is.


You could have kept me at a distance.  Why didn’t you?


Why do you want to know so badly?  What are you trying to get at?

  A rough growl coats his words.


I’m not trying to


at anything.  You want me to trust you, right and that’s what I’m trying to do.  How do you expect to gain my trust when all you do is rebuff every question and keep everything bottled up inside?  I need to get to know you if we are ever going to get anywhere.  I can’t do that if you don’t let me

BOOK: Seductive Truths (Seductive Trilogy)
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