SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (99 page)

Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

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She cried his name aloud as her orgasm swept through her. He held her tight, surrendering, and pulsed deep inside of her, making her tremble in his arms. His lips brushed her shoulder as he healed the bite. She continued to drink until her thirst was sated. Finally, she rested her head on his shoulder.

That was…intense.

He kissed her ear.

She lifted her head. He had the sexiest grin on his face.
he smiled up at him as he lowered her to the ground.
Thank you for saving me.

Only fair…
He raised her chin, kissing her tenderly.
Because you most definitely saved me.


Night Angel: Epilogue



Colin glided through the night sky, keeping watch over the red fox running below. In the weeks since Juliana had become a Night Walker, his life had turned upside down. He no longer repressed his hawk. Juliana had helped him to see there was more to him than his loss. He couldn’t fly high into the sky or hunt like he once had, but he could still glide, enjoy the freedom of weightlessness, the wind in his face.

And she’d taken to her spirit animal, finding joy in running through the woods as a red fox. She still didn’t hunt, feeding only from his veins, but he was happy to provide for her. Truth be told, he didn’t like the thought of her beautiful lips on the necks of criminals.

He landed gently on the ground beside the fox, the air igniting with energy as they shifted back to their human forms. Juliana smiled, eyes still wide from her adventure in the forest.

How is it that I had four legs and a tail, and now I stand on two legs fully clothed like nothing happened?

Night Walker magic.
Colin winked, laughing when she elbowed him.
Okay, okay. When we allow our animal spirit to take over, we step back, but we are still just as we were.

Suspended animation?

He’d always taken his shifts for granted. He pondered it a moment longer and tipped his head with a nod.
Something like that? I allow the hawk to come forward more than I actually change myself. Make sense?

I think I get it.
Juliana crossed her arms, hip jutting out a bit with a spark in her dark eyes.
Night Walker magic.

He laughed wrapping her in his arms.
You, my angel, are the greatest magic I have ever known.





Dear Reader,


I hope you enjoyed Colin and Juliana’s story! Thank you for reading! Writing NIGHT ANGEL was a joy because it was reader driven. Colin played a role in my novel NIGHT DEMON and was left injured after saving his immortal brother from the Demon. I didn’t have a contract to write his story, but readers emailed me, messaged me on Facebook, and even left comments on my website that they wanted to know what happened to Colin afterward, so being able to indie publish and give everyone his story was a blessing.


I hope you’ll check out the rest of the NIGHT SERIES to meet Colin’s immortal brothers as well as the rest of the Night Walkers.


I also write the Moon Series which focuses on a Werewolf Pack in Reno, Nevada as they protect their own from the Nero Organization, a top secret government contractor focused on breeding the ultimate assassins. MOONLIGHT and HUNTER’S MOON are available now, and the third installment, BLOOD MOON will be out soon.


Thanks again for all your support!




About the Author


Lisa Kessler



Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel,
Night Walker
, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she’s not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego.



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Additional Books by
Lisa Kessler










Excerpt from
NIGHT CHILD, The Night Series

ISBN 978-1-62266-546-4

Entangled Publishing, LLC

Copyright © 2014 by Lisa Kessler



“The End” finally flashed on the screen and he waited for her to stop her computer. But Muriah didn’t move. Her weight still rested against him. Issa leaned forward to see her face and found her eyes closed. Muriah slept peacefully inside the same arms that sacrificed more lives than she could imagine.

Something twisted in his chest.

She fit perfectly against his body. While she rested, he allowed himself to study her face, memorizing every beautiful angle. Her dark hair framed her elegant features. He brought his other hand up to trace over the perfect arch of her brow and slowly down her cheek, along the smooth curve of her jaw. Her rose-colored lips parted slightly, and she nuzzled closer to him.

Issa swallowed hard and rested his head back against the sofa. Being this close to her tied him in knots. His thirst teased at the edge of his consciousness and mingled with his growing feelings for the woman who already admitted to him that she wasn’t offering her heart, not that he was capable of caring for it. He was the god of sacrifice, and taking life was much simpler if his emotions remained at a distance.

Closing his eyes, he took a breath and reminded himself she still wasn’t being honest with him about the moment they met. He’d seen her face when she first noticed him, the recognition in her eyes, and on this plane she told him she thought she’d gone to school with him. He’d watched her beautiful eyes, witnessed the hesitation, and when he called her on the lie, she didn’t deny it, she changed the subject. She was hiding something.

The plane jolted, and Muriah came to life beside him. “Did I fall asleep? Sorry about that…” She closed the laptop. “Here comes the quiz… What was your favorite part?”

He frowned, raising his head from the sofa. “Favorite part?”

“Yeah.” She pulled her dark hair back from her face. “It’s not a hard question. What made you laugh, sing, dance…you know…your favorite part.”

Issa shrugged, retrieving his arm from around her shoulders while he replayed the film in his mind. “The horse of a different color made me smile.”

Muriah’s laughter filled the cabin. “Ah. So somewhere under that ancient, tough exterior, you might have a sense of humor lurking.”

Humor? He’d never considered it before. Laughter seemed trivial when one spent eternity alone.

Muriah set her computer aside and frowned. “You don’t look so good.”

“I hate flying.”

She almost gave him a smile. “No, I mean your skin. You didn’t feed, did you?”

Again, he caught himself struggling to keep his jaw from dropping. He increased the distance between them. “I am fine.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Clearing her throat, she rose from the sofa, walking in front of him as she spoke. “We’ve got another hour before we land in New York, and we need you at full strength in case Apep is there to meet us… You could drink from me…”

If she had slapped him, he wouldn’t have been as surprised as he was by her offer. His brow creased. “You will not share how you recognized my face, but you trust me enough to drink from your veins? I could kill you.”

“Well, we can’t have you draining the pilot so…” She rubbed her hands up her arms and looked his way. “You haven’t killed me yet.”

He held her gaze, but he didn’t reassure her. In his current state of mind, he wasn’t certain he could guarantee her safety.

“Okay fine. I’m curious. I admit it.” Her hands fell to her sides as she blew out a puff of air. “Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve wondered what it would be like, but I couldn’t talk to Lukas about it. He would’ve freaked, plus he’s family…sort of.” She winced. “It just felt wrong, but now…” She gestured from herself to him, “I’m here, you’re thirsty…”

His fangs lengthened in his mouth. He was beyond tempted. And she was willing.

He rose from the sofa. “You trust me with your life? This is not a game.”


* * *


The rational part of her brain agreed with him wholeheartedly and screamed at her to wake up and rescind her offer, but after a lifetime of bad boy adrenaline rushes, this was too hard to resist. Ever since she’d been old enough to understand what Lukas was, that there really were blooddrinkers in the world, she’d been fascinated.

Here was a chance to experience it with a sexy Night Walker…whom she’d just met.

She muzzled the mental voice spouting off reason and dove head first into the familiar pool of no-strings-attached sensation. “You gave me your word that you’d bring me back to The Dimension’s Den.” Muriah held eye contact, refusing to retreat from her request. “If I can’t trust the word of a Mayan god, who can I trust?”

Issa’s entire body tensed. His muscles contracted like it took every ounce of his self-control not to touch her. She watched him, willing him to come closer.

“The silence is making me nervous.” She wet her lips, taking a step closer to him. “Talk to me. Tell me how it all works.”

Issa stared down into her eyes. “Usually, you would be mesmerized by now, eager to follow my commands.”

“I’m not much of a ‘command’ follower.” Her heart pounded so hard, Muriah could almost hear it in her ears. “Will it hurt?”

His strong hand cupped her cheek, and even though his skin was cool, the touch comforted her. “Perhaps for a moment, but I promise you, I can ease the pain.” His voice was deep and soft, sensual. Heat bloomed in her abdomen, radiating through her body.

She swallowed the wave of desire, struggling to keep her thoughts straight. “Can I see them?” A crease marred his perfect brow, and she added, “Your fangs. Can I see them?”

He remained silent, and for a second, she thought he might give her one of his holier-than-thou-Gods-don’t-perform-to-impress-mortals speeches. Instead, he reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles, his dark eyes locked on hers, and as he lowered her hand slowly, his lips remained parted enough for her to see the sharp tips of his fangs.

Her knees went weak. Dangerous and sexy all at the same time. She forced air into her lungs and rested her hand against his chest. Mistake. If she hoped to catch her breath, touching him wasn’t the way to do it. His body was chiseled through the thin fabric of his button-down shirt, like a statue of masculine perfection.

His eyes changed, lightening until they glowed crimson. What was left of the rational part of her brain begged her to put some distance between them, but her body was way beyond listening.

“Your eyes…” She whispered, breathless.

He leaned in closer to her, his mouth hovering over hers while his gaze demanded her attention, claiming her on a primal level. “They burn when I hunger for blood…or flesh.”

She tipped her head up, her lips nearly brushing his. “Which do you want right now?”

“Both.” He closed the distance between them, kissing her as he wrapped her in a tight embrace.


Purchase Night Child







by Chris Marie Green




Table of Contents for SHADOW TILL SUNRISE



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


Dear Reader

About the Author: Chris Marie Green

Books by Chris Marie Green

Raising the Darkness – Preview Chapter


Shadows Till Sunrise: Chapter One





When the man woke up, the first thing he saw above him was a live oak, its moss-bearded branches twisting against the moonlight.

He groaned, blinking through the fuzziness of his vision, hearing the wind rattling through the tree, then crickets and frogs somewhere in the near distance. Rolling to his side, he held a hand to the back of his head, where he found a bump. He squinted, finding a little bayou winding its way through the grass close by, then a deserted road that led to a building that looked like a museum.

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