Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (240 page)

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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She touched the necklace. “It’s mine for now.”

“It is, indeed.” He kissed her again. He thrived on kissing her, on touching her, on being the guy she’d offered her innocence to.


* * *


Tessa couldn’t help herself. She wanted to keep Anthony for as long as she could. “Will you stay with me for the next two weeks?” she asked, when they separated from their kiss. “Here in my room?”

He shook his head. “I’ll stay tonight, but tomorrow I’m getting a bungalow.”

She hid her disappointment. “Oh, that’s right. You planned on renting one.”

“The bungalows are bigger and have direct access to the garden.” He paused. “You should stay with me instead, Tessa.”

She looked at him, feeling thunderstruck and heart-struck and everything in between. “Really?”

“There’s no point in us having two accommodations and if you let yours go, it will save you money. A man should provide for a woman when he’s with her, not the other way around.”

She smiled. He was definitely an old-world guy. “So, tell me about your routine. Do you sleep during the day and stay up all night?”

“Hybrids don’t sleep.”


“We rest when we’re inside of our jewelry, but we don’t fall into full repose. Unlike regular vampires, we can go in the sun. I’m able to enjoy daylight activities, which is nice, but I still feel a kinship with the dark.”

She preferred the cover of night. It didn’t matter now that she looked normal, but once her scars came back, she would return to her reclusive lifestyle.

“Shall I get undressed now?” he asked.

“Yes. Please,” she added. She wanted to see him, to know him in the most intimate of ways. “Before the fire, I had a touchy-feely experience with a boy in high school, but I never got past rubbing him through his jeans.”

He removed his clothes and tossed them aside. “Then here’s your chance to make up for that.”

She took a moment to study him, the width of his shoulders, the length of his limbs, his half-erect penis. “I don’t know where to start.”

“Yes, you do.”

Not quite brave enough to grab his cock, she skimmed his stomach and made his muscles jump.

“Tease,” he said.

She smiled and worked her way down to his penis, and he sucked in his breath. Clearly, she was arousing him. His erection was getting bigger.

Finally she wrapped her hand around him and rolled her thumb over the head. She stroked him, a bit tentatively, but he didn’t seem to mind. No doubt, he was enjoying her inexperienced touch. She played, getting a little bolder, sliding the silken skin up and down.

“Damn,” he said.

She played some more, going from shaft to tip. He arched his hips, and she watched every move he made.

“I could do this all night,” she said.

“No, you couldn’t. I wouldn’t last.”

Feeling a sense of power, she said, “Earlier I was fantasizing about giving you head while you drank blood from a vein in my thigh. Is it possible for us to do something like that?”

“Are you trying to drive me mad?” His cock jerked in her hand. “Yes, it’s possible, but if I got too excited, I could drink too much.”

“I figured that kind of risk was involved.” But the thought still aroused her.

“I would need to be absolutely certain that I could handle it.”

Her pulse lurched. “Does that mean you’ll consider it?”

He didn’t reply. Instead, he nudged her hand away and climbed on top of her, taking control once again.

He kissed her, and the exchange was deep and passionate, the weight of his body pressing down on hers. He made her wet, using his fingers, getting her ready for the invasion of his cock.

This was it. Her loss of innocence. The end of her virginity. Tessa’s heart thudded in anticipation.

He entered her, slowly, and she braced herself for more. As he pushed further, she gasped. It was painful, but she wasn’t about to ask him to stop. She clawed her nails down his back.

“I’m hurting you,” he said.

She clawed him again. “Yes, but I like it.”

“The pain?”

“No. The feeling of being this close to you.”

“It’s amazing for me, too. You’re so warm, so human. It makes me want to bite you.”

But he didn’t. He was obviously doing his level best to keep his promise and treat her gently.

As he moved, she experimented with the rhythm and lifted her hips. It was starting to hurt less. “You can go deeper if you want.”

He sank all the way inside. “The next two weeks are going to be incredible. I couldn’t ask for a better lover.”

Her pulse fluttered. He made her feel cherished, desired, an object of lust and affection. “If only my wish could last forever.”

“I can’t give you forever, Tessa.”

“I know. I was just thinking out loud.”

“Let’s make the best of the time we do have.”

“We already are.” Together, they kissed, making a wondrous connection.

He caressed her while they made love, while they fucked, while her virginity became a thing of the past.

Pressure built in her loins, and he worked her into a flurry of heat and emotion. She wrapped her legs around him, and he made darn sure that she climaxed.

Tessa came with her breath lodged in her throat and her heart beating triple time.

After he came, spilling into her, he dropped into her arms, where she held him, never wanting to let go.


The Vampire Pendant: Chapter Five



Anthony waited a while before he eased away from Tessa. Then he said, “I’ve heard that women sometimes get attached to their first lovers.”

She made a face. “I shouldn’t have been holding you so tightly.”

“It’s all right.” He reached for her hand, and held it gently. She was an intriguing girl. “It felt nice.”

She smiled. “For me, too.”

“What should we do now that you’ve been officially deflowered? Do you want to bathe together?”

“That sounds wonderful. The tub is certainly big enough for two.”

“Then let’s use it, shall we?” He stood up.

As she climbed out of the covers, he admired her. With her bedroom-blonde hair, she looked delicately tousled. “You’re fetching.”

“Thank you.”

He was glad that she accepted the compliment without making reference to her genuine appearance. It made the lie he was keeping less troublesome.

He filled the tub, and they stepped in. She nestled between his legs and leaned back against him. He put his arms around her. It seemed like the natural thing to do.

“Why weren’t you the marrying kind when you were mortal?” she asked.

“It’s the only way I knew how to conduct my life.”

“Yes, but why?”

He didn’t need to analyze her question. He knew the answer. “Because of how I was raised. My parents didn’t have a good relationship. In public, they behaved as if they were a happy couple, but privately, they both slept around. Nicholas and I used to catch them sneaking off with their lovers. It wasn’t the type of example they should have been setting.”

She reached for the soap and began to lather. “Do you think their marriage suffered from the Hollywood influence?”

“I suspect that was part of it. Their lifestyle confused us, particularly during an era where family values were highly regarded. Nicholas was especially bothered by their infidelities.”

“What’s your brother like?”

“He’s younger than I am. Of course he’s closing in on a hundred now, too. Neither of us is young anymore.”

“That sounds so strange.”

“It is. I think Nicholas would want to become mortal again if it were possible.”

“But not you?”

He repeated what he’d told her earlier. “I like what I am. I enjoy granting wishes.” He kissed her shoulder, eager for tomorrow to roll around so he could drink from her again.

She sighed, obviously from his kiss. But apparently she had the next feeding on her mind, too. She asked, “What does blood taste like to a vampire?”

“Like wine.”

“It tastes metallic to me. Not that I’ve ever drank it, but I’ve sucked on my fingers when they’ve been cut. I’ve accidentally bit my tongue, too.”

“Your blood is an exceptional vintage.”

She sounded pleased. “It is?”

“Absolutely. And I think it’s going to taste even better to me now that we’re sleeping together.”

“I loved having you inside me.”

“I can’t wait to be inside you again.”

A small shiver ran through her. He could feel it shimmying down her spine.

She said, “I want that, too.” She put her hand on his knee. “Right now.”

Anxious to oblige, he got instantly hard, her invitation a lust-induced treat. “Get on your knees and lean forward.”

She did what he asked, and he planted his hands on her hips and thrust into her. Within seconds, he was full-hilt, her cunt closing softly around him.

She gripped the sides of the tub. “I feel like a wanton woman.”

He looped an arm around her, steadying her, making her easier to fuck. “You’re still sweet to me.”

“You think I’m sweet because you got to pop my cherry.”

He smiled, then felt his fangs threatening to emerge. He forced them back into place. Having sex with a human was challenging. But, oh, so damn thrilling.

He intensified the motion, pushing hard and deep. Water sloshed around them, like ocean waves. He put his fingers against her clit, stroking the sensitive nub, wanting to give her as much pleasure as possible.

“You’ll probably be sore tomorrow,” he said.

“I’m a little sore now.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. This time, it’s good pain.”

“Good pain? That’s a term used in BDSM.”

“What’s BDSM?”

“It stands for bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism.”

Her hands nearly slipped away from the sides of the tub. He’d obviously unnerved her.

Trying to ease her concern, he said, “I was making a remark, not suggesting we engage in it.”

“Do you engage in it with Simone?”

“It’s part of the rough sex she enjoys.”

“I don’t like Simone.”

“You don’t even know her.”

“I still don’t like her.”

“She would like you.”

“She would? Why?”

“Because you’re a yummy little morsel that she would have made into a vampire if you’d lived during our era. She was planning on bringing another woman into the fold and my attraction to you would have aroused her. She would’ve chosen you based on that, then she would’ve watched you and me make love.”

“Maybe she isn’t so bad, after all. Not that I would’ve wanted to be watched. But it’s exciting to think of us being lovers back then.”

His fangs threatened to surface again. Tessa was rocking against his thrusts. She squirmed naughtily against his clit-rubbing fingers, too.

While keeping his bite at bay, he made her come. She made him come, too, and his entire body shuddered from the impact.

After it ended, they went back to bed, and she snuggled in his arms. She closed her eyes, and he stroked a hand down her hair. He touched the side of her face that had been burned, too.

When she fell asleep, he watched her. Darrin had been right in choosing Tessa for a wish. She deserved to live out her dream, even if it was only for a little while.


* * *


Tessa awakened with the sun in her eyes. She squinted and gazed over at Anthony. He was sitting beside her. He was also fully clothed with his hair neatly combed. But why wouldn’t he be? Gen-vamps didn’t sleep.

“Morning,” she said.

“It’s afternoon.”

She shifted her gaze to the clock. It was almost two. “I majorly slept in.”

“You gave blood last night, then lost your virginity. It’s to be expected.”

“Good point.” Her body was bone tired, with a sexy soreness between her legs. “When you put it that way, I should still be crashed out.”

“You can return to sleep.”

With him dressed and ready to greet the day? “I’d rather get up.” She sat forward. “Were you bored last night?”

“While you slept? Not in the least. I spent my time watching you.”

She tried to keep from being self-conscious, especially when she considered the wish she’d been granted. Heck, she might’ve even looked pretty in her sleep.

“I’m famished,” she said. “I’m going to order breakfast. Or lunch, as it were.”

He handed her the menu. “I would suggest red meat since it’s fortified with iron. Orange juice would refresh you, too.”

She followed his suggestion and chose a roast beef sandwich and juice. Then she took a shower and put on a silky blouse, pleated shorts, and jeweled sandals. The food arrived, and she ate while he read the newspaper.

“The world keeps changing,” he said. “But I’ve been able to keep up with it.”

“How often are you loaned out?”

“Every few months or so.”

“And that’s enough blood for you?”

“Yes. But if too much time passes, Darrin allows us to feed on him. He has to be careful who he loans the jewelry to.”

She traced the shape of the cross. Already she was getting used to wearing it. “I’ll miss this when it’s gone. I’ll miss you, Anthony.”

“I’ll miss you, too.” He furrowed his brows. “I’ve never said that to the recipient of a wish.”

“If I was the owner of the pendant, you’d belong to me.”

“Darrin will own us until he dies. That was the arrangement when he took us.”

“Can he keep loaning you to me?”

“I suppose he could, but you couldn’t keep asking for the same wish.”

“Then I wouldn’t want the loan to continue.”

“Why not?”

“Because I couldn’t stand for you to see my true appearance. I would never be able to let you touch me like that.”

A deep frown creased his brow. “That’s foolish, Tessa.”

“Not to me.” Fighting her emotions, she changed the subject. “Are you going to call the front desk about renting a bungalow?”

“I already did. I can check in any time after three.” He reached into his pocket and produced a credit card. “I conjured this for myself.”

“And it’ll work like the real thing?”

“Of course it will. Magic forgery is different from other forgeries.”

She nodded. Her un-scarred face was a forgery, too.

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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