Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (232 page)

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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She threaded her hands through his hair, cupped the back of his head and kissed him. The world exploded into a million different pieces of color. His vampire senses took in everything, from the beat of her heart, to the sound the hairs on her skin made as they rose when her skin tightened on her scalp. He could smell the female pheromones that drifted off skin. Taste the faint minty flavor of toothpaste from before she’d gone to bed. And he could feel, God could he feel, how the temperature changes happened in her body. Her breasts were hot and firm, the damp feminine folds between her legs tempting his dick to seek her out like a heat-seeking missile even through layers of clothing between them.

The only recourse he had was to turn away. Now. Before something he couldn’t control happened.

“Kayla.” His voice was ragged, a man barely maintaining his control. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She pulled away slightly, her hands touching his, her fingers threading between his. Her palms were moist and warm, just like he knew other parts of her were too.

“You think you’re going to hurt me, tough guy?” she said with a sexy smile as she stared into his eyes.

All he could manage was to swallow and nod. His body was so tense, it practically shook. It took every ounce of control to keep himself present and absolutely freakin’ still.

“The only way this will work is you tie my hands down.”

She sat back and gazed at him, raising one small eyebrow in question. “I never really took you for the kinky type.”

“It’s to protect you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

She nodded slowly as if she thought he was off his rocker. “Right, because you’re going to tear me apart in the throes of ecstasy.”

That was the point. He might. He didn’t know. If he couldn’t control his own strength in the gondola when he’d watched her come, how the hell did he think he could do it now?

“Just trust me.”

A seductive smile angled her lips kicking him in the chest with desire. “Fine. It’s my turn to take you on, anyway.”

“It’s not a contest.”

“Says you.”

She slid off of him, maintaining her hold on his hand and pulled him to the bedroom, where she pushed him to sit on the bed. Then she padded to her dresser, and opened a drawer pulling out a couple of wispy bits of insubstantial fabric he could see through. “Silk work for you?” she said, jiggling the scarves in her hand.

Hell no. Those would do nothing to hold him in place.

“I think it’ll have to be something sturdier than those.”

Her hand fell to her side and Kayla tossed the scarves back in her drawer. “Wow, you’re pretty hard core about this, aren’t you. Just how sturdy are we talking?”

“You got any chains, or towing straps?”

She crossed her arms. “Seriously?”

He just stared at her.

“Okay, okay. Let me go look out in the garage.”

She walked out of the bedroom and he contemplated making a dash for the front door.

But this might be your last chance. Your only chance
, whispered an insidious little voice in his head. True. It wasn’t as if he had a clue how long he’d be alive or what Vector Force might have him do next. If he was going to get any thought of a second chance with Kayla, this was the opportune moment.

So he sat, and waited for her to come back.

Two minutes later she bounced back around the corner of her bedroom door with wide yellow towing straps in hand. “I found these in my car trunk. Will that work?”

God, he hoped so. There was a hell of a lot riding on them not coming apart. But if they could pull several thousand pounds of metal without snapping, perhaps they’d work just fine. “Let’s give it a shot.”

Her smile was glorious. “I was hoping you’d say that.”


Welcome Home, Vampire: Chapter Six



The light from the hallway outlined her body as Kayla pulled down her shorts, letting them shimmy down her long legs. She curled her fingers around the edge of her tank top and pulled it off in one long, fluid movement that left her beautifully bare, with just a pink, lacey bit of underwear, her blonde hair a disarrayed cloud of gold around her head.

Cole couldn’t breathe. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

Slowly she walked over to the bed, the yellow towing straps in her hand. “So how do you want this done?”

He glanced at the straps. He hoped to God they’d hold. He didn’t know his own strength as a vampire, and he didn’t want her to be a casualty if it were more than he could handle. “Just tie them a couple of times around my wrists, and make sure the knots are tight, then wrap them around the frame of the bed.”

She giggled. “Not just the posts? Afraid you’re going to snap those off?”

Yeah. He was, but he couldn’t tell her that. Or why he worried. Instead he just gave her a sly, indulge me grin.

“Then take your shirt off before I tie you.” He did as she asked, then Kayla did exactly as he asked. The towing straps were plenty long enough to actually go from one wrist, beneath the bed and up on the other side to his other wrist.

Kayla finished tying the knots. “There. Give it a tug and see what you think.”

Cole pulled and found himself immobilized, arms stretched outward over the mattress. “Good enough.” He hoped.

“Good. Because now that were done with that little requirement, it’s my turn to have a little fun.”

She climbed up on the bed on her knees, her hands running over the expanse of his chest, kneading his muscles. “You have a hell of a body.”

“You too.”

“Yeah, but mine hasn’t gotten any better since high school, while, you,” she gave a wolf whistle. “You are hot.”

She began kissing up his chest and neck until she reached his mouth.

Deprived of his ability to touch her with his hands, Cole made up for what he could with his mouth. He kissed her slowly, deeply, letting all his feelings for her feed into the slide and pull of their mouths on one another.

Her bare breasts, soft and lush, brushed against his chest, skin on skin. Cole growled.

“Feeling a little frustrated?” she asked, her manner saucy and her tone playful.

“A lot. I want to touch you all over.”

“Well, I’m not the one who asked for the restraints.” She ran her hands down his chest and abs. The muscles contracted at her touch, desperate for more. The direction she was taking made him pulse with need as he grew even harder. With deliberate slowness, Kayla traced the edge of his waistband, then the hard ridge of him that stood out against his jeans. “Well, lookey what we have here,” she said as she popped his button free and the zipper rasped as she pulled it down. “Won’t do to have these on. They’re in my way.”

She eased the jeans and underwear off his hips, sometimes using her fingers, sometimes her teeth. She bit at his hips, making him nearly buck as a bolt of need speared through him. He sucked in a breath through his teeth. “God, Kayla.”

His dick sprang free of the binding clothing, and pulsed. “Hummm, seems someone wants a little attention.” Cole nearly yanked the bed in half with the tow straps when she pulled him into her warm, wet mouth. He groaned as she licked, sucked and nibbled on him. Lifting his hips was the only thing he could do, but the pressure only spirals out of control. His arms were taunt and pulling at the straps. He pulled so hard they cut into his wrists, burning, and sawing, drawing warm wet blood. And just as he thought he might explode, she pulled back, her eyes gleaming and a wicked, devious smile on her lush, swollen mouth.

“It seems I could use a little help too.”

He waved his fingers at her. “I’m a little tied up at the moment.”

Kayla shimmied up the length of him, her breast brushing him in a sultry, silken slide as she neared his mouth. “Yes, but I’m sure you can figure out a clever way to get these off, can’t you?” she said, hooking a finger beneath the edge of her panties. “You military men are so very capable.”

She moved, arching to sit upward, her knees coming to either side of him just below his arms. The smell of her wetness, heavy and sweet, added to the pheromones that spiraled off her skin. From his current vantage point he could tell her panties were wet. He clenched his hands, damning how useless they were when all he wanted to do was touch her.

Kayla arched her hips forward putting her pubis near enough for him to lift his head and grasp the lacey fabric with his teeth. But he didn’t just yet. Instead he blew a hot breath against her most sensitive skin, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.


* * *


Already swollen and tender with need, the heat of his breath torqued her desire to feel him another notch. Playing with the silky texture of his penis, but not getting to feel it where she wanted it most, had been almost more torture to her than to him. He lifted his head again, and this time he gently took the fabric between his teeth and tugged. Given that he couldn’t use his hands, she helped him a little, hooking her fingers beneath the elastic on either side and pulling up slightly so that her underwear slipped down her thighs. She lifted one leg, up and out of her underwear and flicked them onto the floor.

She started to move, down toward where she could ease the throbbing ache between her thighs.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said, his voice husky and demanding at the same time.

“I would think it would be obvious.”

“I didn’t say I was done with you yet.”

Kayla gave a throaty laugh and climbed back over him, placing herself within reach of his mouth. “You know, for being the one tied up, you sure like to give orde—”

She gasped, unable to finish her thought as his tongue parted her swollen folds lightly flicking at the nub of her clit so quickly that inside she contracted. He explored her flesh, delving, stroking until her pulse was so loud that it filled her ears, and thrummed in every cell. Kayla shook, her thighs demanding she give way.

She panted, unable to get enough air, her head light and her words coming out it gasps. “Cole. Yes. No. Wait.”

The spiral tension that threatened to blow her apart only grew more intense. She needed to feel him fill her. Complete her.

Kayla moved until she was close enough, then placed her hand against her own wet, needy folds, gathering the moisture there, then using it as lubricant as she grasped the hard length of him and stroked. Cole arched up into her touch, groaning.

Her body responded, drenching her in fresh, wet, heat. She took hold of him at the thick base, and positioned him where she wanted, then slid down onto him. Stars sparked in her vision and she moved, unable to stop the rhythm her body set, seeking release. Wave after wave gripped her body, setting her blood on fire, her skin damp and her breathing hard. Kayla cried out as her world splintered apart into glittering shards, then slowly came back together leaving her boneless.

She lay on top of him. He was breathing just as hard as she was.

“Are you okay?” His voice was a soft rumble beneath her ear.

She twisted her head, looking up into his face. “I don’t think I can move.”

He chuckled. “Well, I know I can’t move.” He tugged twice on one of the straps still holding him down to the mattress.

She eyed the straps, and made a show of stroking her chin in thought. “I don’t know. . .pretty handy to have a man like you tied to my bed so I know he’ll be there whenever I want him.”

Cole snickered. “You already have that.”

“So then we’re done with the straps?”


* * *


“Yeah.” And he was glad. Making love to Kayla, without being able to touch her, bordered on insanity. But now that he knew he wouldn’t tear the room apart, or her, he was relieved.

“Good. I was hoping you didn’t need them to snuggle up together.” Gently and with many kisses she undid the straps at each of his wrists. Her skin was still damp with perspiration as she slid against him, her sultry curves pressing against him in a way that made him hard all over again.

Kayla lay her head down on his chest, her breasts pressed to his side, her silky leg swung up and over his hip and thighs. “I don’t think I can move,” she said, her tone drowsy and satisfied.

“Then don’t. You’re perfect where you are.” Cole gently brushed his fingers up and down her back, indulging himself in the feel of her. Just this once because this was all he was ever likely to get.

She sighed with contentment. “That’s nice. I love you touching me. I’ve missed you. More than you know.”

Oh, he had a pretty good idea. He’d missed her too. He didn’t realize how much until now.

If there were things worth dying for, this was one of them. The woman he loved, warm and naked in his arms. He kissed the top of her head, inhaling the soft citrus scent of her hair and the unique fragrance of her skin.

Her breathing grew deep and slow. Her body relaxed in sleep against him. For a long while all Cole did was stare up at the slats of light coming through the blinds that scored the ceiling in alternating bands of shadow and light. He didn’t want to sleep. He didn’t want this moment to fade, or pass. But eventually his eyelids grew heavy and the warm weight of her felt too good not to relax.


* * *


In the middle of the night a hand grabbed at his shoulder.
His fangs were out and throbbing before he even opened his eyes. He launched at his attacker with the speed born of being a vampire, pinning them to the wall, his fangs at their throat.

“Cole—” the strangled syllables of his name barely penetrated the heated fog in his brain. Millimeters from tearing out the carotid artery of his enemy the smell of citrus, lemony and sweet, and the unique feminine flavor of Kayla crossed his tongue. His brain snapped back and he realized it wasn’t an insurgent he had pinned against the wall, but Kayla.

He dropped her and escaped to the other side of the bedroom, panting in agony with what had nearly happened.

Kayla took in great gasping breaths of air, doubled over and coughed, then massaged her throat with her hand. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What the hell was that? What the hell did they do to you?”

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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