Read SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits Online

Authors: Erin Quinn,Caridad Pineiro,Erin Kellison,Lisa Kessler,Chris Marie Green,Mary Leo,Maureen Child,Cassi Carver,Janet Wellington,Theresa Meyers,Sheri Whitefeather,Elisabeth Staab

Tags: #12 Tales of Shapeshifters, #Vampires & Sexy Spirits

SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits (223 page)

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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“Let’s go home,” Josie whispered, a weak smile on her pale face.


* * *


“This is the last of them,” Taylor declared as she brought a tray of dirty glasses to Jackson.

After Wyatt had taken Josie home to recuperate, Jackson had closed the saloon down. Grumbling, the crowd had hoped for at least drinks on the house to top off their exciting evening.

Instead, Jackson had directed them to carry the still unconscious Will McLaurey off to jail and keep on going to the next saloon. He and Rose had plenty of work to do before they too could go home.

Taylor sighed. Even busily washing and drying glasses behind the bar Jackson looked devastatingly handsome. His black curls fell lusciously onto his damp forehead, and his arm muscles flexed with the mundane movement of rubbing each glass dry. The night was warm and Jackson had unbuttoned his shirt to the waist. Silky black chest hair threatened to make Taylor melt with desire.

Jackson met Taylor’s dreamy gaze with his own and she was well aware of the effect her gaze had on him. “Can we go soon?” she asked.

Nodding his approval, Jackson abruptly stopped his cleaning. “It’s been a long night. The glasses can wait until tomorrow, don’t you think?”

Taylor raced through the saloon and blew out all the lamps while Jackson grabbed the set of keys from behind the bar, then smoothly locked up the cash drawer and the liquor cabinet.

Taking Taylor’s hand in his, he said, “Let’s go home.”

Arm in arm, they strolled along the boardwalk to Ida’s. The night air was cool and refreshing and summer aromas drifted around them, signaling fertile ground and lush flowers.

Nearing the Gaslamp Quarter Hotel, Taylor tugged at Jackson’s arm to direct him to Ida’s via the alley that passed by Maylee’s kitchen door.

“I want to stop a minute and see if Maylee is still up,” she explained. “I don’t know about you, but a midnight snack sounds good.”


* * *


Jackson laughed good-naturedly. “Well, at least I don’t have to worry about your appetite,” he said. He was a little surprised at Rose’s revelry about eating, but he’d decided it was an improvement over the typical finicky style of most women he’d known.

Her peculiarities, once he got used to them, had begun to feel rather comfortable, and he wondered if she were as comfortable with the ways of his time. Making a mental note to talk more with her about what things were like in her time—in the future—he smiled at his ravenous beauty as she knocked softly at the kitchen door of the hotel.

The door opened just a crack and Maylee peeked out at them. “Rose, is that you? Well, my goodness, you’re out awfully late this evening. Is that Jackson with you there?”

“We didn’t wake you, did we?” Taylor asked.

“Heavens no. In fact, I was just having a bite to eat before I headed off to bed. I’m spending the night here—lucky for you.” Maylee chuckled as she opened the door for her late night visitors.

The kitchen table was already laid out with thick slices of bread, cheese, and pieces of chicken. A raspberry pie and ginger cookies completed the choices.

Rose’s stomach rumbled loudly.

“Well, come in, you two, and keep me company. Let me take the kettle off the stove for tea. Will you have some with me?” Maylee bustled about the spotless kitchen, grabbing more plates and tea cups as she waved Rose and Jackson to have a seat.

Taylor grinned. “We just had a small snack in mind, but this spread looks too good to pass up. Jackson?”

Reaching for a slice of bread, Jackson nodded his approval and began to fill a plate.

“Oh, help yourself,” Maylee directed. “And here’s your tea.”

Silent moments passed as all three filled their plates with food and enjoyed their midnight meal.

Maylee caught Rose’s eye and nodded toward the teacup in front of her.

She smiled and spun the cup three times clockwise and scooted it toward Maylee.

As Maylee gazed at the remaining remnants of leaves, a frown formed on her face.

“What’s she doing,” whispered Jackson.

“Shhhhh...Maylee reads tealeaves. Drink yours,” she directed, “you’re next.”

Jackson obeyed, spinning his cup as Rose had done.

Maylee looked up from Taylor’s cup, still frowning. “Let me see yours, Jackson.”

He pushed his cup toward Maylee.

“What is it, Maylee? Is it different when you look at them together?” Rose asked.

“Interesting...” Maylee began. “With the two cups together, there is a definite scene. I haven’t seen this very often. Both cups show half an arch, so together, the arch is complete, see?”

Rose stood up to peek over Maylee’s shoulder. “What does an arch mean?”

“Like this, it means a journey together. But it’s confusing, because the arches apart mean separate journeys. Are you two planning a trip?”

Jackson shook his head after he and Rose exchanged glances.

“Anything else, Maylee?” Rose asked, taking her place again at the table.

Maylee remained silent, then muttered, “Usually the signs are clear but these are confusing. Different.”

Jackson watched her face and didn’t much like what he saw. It seemed to him the woman was hiding something. Did she see something she didn’t want to tell them?

“Ah,” she finally said, smiling broadly. “The wheel appears in both your cups too. Fulfillment of desire awaits you.”

Rose blushed as she sent him a sidelong glance.

“On that note,” he said, “ I think it’s time for us to go.”

Maylee laughed and nudged them both toward the door. “Off to bed, you two. I’ll take care of the kitchen. Shoo!”

Rose paused in the doorway and turned. Taking a few steps back, she then wrapped her arms around Maylee and hugged her tightly before she joined him again.

“Good-night Maylee, and thank you...for everything.”

Maylee returned the hug, then gently pushed Rose away. She kept watching them as they started down the alley, waving when Jackson looked over his shoulder.


* * *


Maylee watched the lovebirds until they disappeared into the night, then closed and latched the door. With a heavy sigh, she sat once again at the table and returned her attention to the two teacups before her.

Jackson’s cup had been the most disturbing, and she stared at the remaining bits of tealeaves more carefully. No matter how she squinted, it still resembled a clock sitting on top of a cross.

“I don’t like this,” Maylee grumbled. The combination indicated death
But how in the devil did that figure in with the definite signs of a journey? Frustrated, she spun Jackson’s cup to destroy the layout of the leaves.

Then she stared again into Rose’s cup. Under the half-arch she saw the shape of a moon, a bouquet of flowers, and a knife. All the symbols conflicted with each other—the moon meant happiness and the flowers meant happy love, but the knife meant parted lovers.

Shaking her head in exasperation, She gathered all the cups and put them into the soak pan. Quickly storing the leftover food in the icebox, she blew out the lamp and shuffled off to bed.

Perhaps the messages would be more clear in the morning.


Forever Rose: Chapter Thirty



Careful to keep the back door from slamming shut, Taylor and Jackson entered Sherman House through the kitchen and made their way up the back stairs. The sound of music and laughter filled the parlor, typical of a busy Saturday night.

As they stepped onto the stairs, Ida peeked through the door from the parlor, a smile painted on her face. When she saw it was them, her smile instantly became genuine.

“Oh, you’re back,” she whispered. “Your room is waiting for you—have a good night. Will I see you in the morning for tea?”

Taylor nodded. There would be much to share with Ida, and advice to solicit. With the murder plot no longer an issue, it was time to think about more permanent living arrangements, and she hoped Ida would be of help.

“Goodnight, Ida,” Taylor whispered as the Madame returned her attention to the crowd in the parlor.

Jackson took her hand in his, covering a yawn with his other hand. “It’s been a long night, Rose.”

“Yes, it has,” she agreed. It felt so comfortable and so right to be climbing the stairs to bed with him. She squeezed his hand affectionately.

As they reached the doorway, Jackson swept her up into his arms and carried her into the room. He nudged the door closed and with great care, he placed her on the bed and dropped to one knee.


“Hush, Rose. Let me say what I need to say.”

Taylor brought her trembling fingers to her lips.

“Taylor Rose Martin,” he began, “I want us to be married. I feel married already, but I want to make things legal. I’ve never felt like I do when I’m with you, and I want to feel that way forever. Shall we find a preacher tomorrow? We could have a ceremony down in the garden—something quick and simple. What do you think?”

Every inch of her wanted to shout a resounding yes to Jackson’s question. Her heart was almost bursting with joy, but her brain began questioning the logic of commitment when she had no idea how time would affect their union. She wished she knew what the future held.

“What is it?” he asked softly.

As she stared into the depths of Jackson’s eyes, all fear suddenly washed away as one thought stood out in her troubled mind. The thought screamed at her:
live in the moment.
Relief flowed through her as she dropped her hands from her mouth and leaned forward to kiss her love.

When they finally parted, she whispered, “Yes. Yes, I want to marry you. Yes, I want to make a home with you. Yes, Jackson, yes.”

“You’re worried about the future, aren’t you?”

“Not anymore. I can’t control the future. I can only control what we have right now. And right now I feel you.... That has to be what being married is supposed to feel like.”

“I always wondered how I would know when love was real. But it’s just...there. Unmistakable.”

She nodded. At last she had found the magic—the same magic her parents must have had. And it had been well worth the wait.

“I love you, Rose.”

“And I love you, Jackson. Now...come to bed.” She stood, already beginning to unbutton her dress.

Jackson remained on the floor, gently pulling her dress down her hips until a puddle of crimson satin was heaped at her feet. Petticoat soon followed and he drew her to him, snuggling his cheek against her soft belly.

His hands worked their way up the back of Taylor’s thighs until they reached her silky bikini panties. Deftly, he pulled them down to her ankles so that she stood before him, her naked body gleaming in the moonlight.

“You are so beautiful. I love everything about you.” Turning his head, he traced a sensuous downward path, kissing his way to the silky triangle between her legs. Then he lovingly continued his exploration there with his tongue.

Taylor groaned in pleasure and surprise as he tenderly lavished her with the most intimate attention. As he licked and suckled, his hands moved to her behind to support her, kneading her flesh as he pulled her closer, sending more shivers of delight to her already throbbing core.

Waves of ecstasy pulsated through her as she gasped in sweet agony. “Jackson...please…come to I need you.”

He snuggled his cheek once again against her stomach, then slowly stood up. His hands caressed her back as he paused a moment to hold her tightly against him.

She managed to slip a hand between them, feeling for his erection and he groaned as she grasped him, rubbing him, knowing he was fully aroused. Finally he released her from his embrace. Frantically, they both attacked his shirt buttons, desire building with every beat of their hearts.

As he slipped out of his trousers, she turned down the bed, then spun around. She shivered at the sight of him—his body glistened slightly with perspiration, his inky black chest hairs sparkling in the moonlight. She looked lower, lovingly approving of his obvious desire for her.

Between the fresh sheets of the bed, they fell into each other’s arms. Jackson’s mouth covered hers hungrily as he eased himself on top of her. As he guided himself into her warm, moist depths, his kiss became more urgent and demanding and she returned his kiss, freely and passionately. At the moment he entered her, she instinctively grasped and squeezed him until he groaned with pleasure.

Their lovemaking was swift and intense, as though they were in danger that time might run out. As their loving rhythm synchronized, Jackson pulled his lips from hers leaving her mouth burning with fire. They gazed into each other’s eyes as they embraced the peak of passion as one.

Explosions of desire shook them as together their bodies climbed to the height of bliss, flew over its edge, and tingled with sensuous completion and complete satisfaction.

Divine exhaustion enveloped them and they fell into a deep, welcome sleep.


Forever Rose: Chapter Thirty-One



A warm summer breeze ruffled the curtains and fanned the pages of a book on the table next to the bed. The sound of the soft rustling caused Jackson’s eyes to flutter open and he blinked at the bright morning sunshine.

The thick aroma of roses drifted in with each breeze. He listened to the lilting sounds of a mocking bird running through its repertoire, identifying its pattern, listening to the varied songs.

A perfect summer day.

Rose was nestled against his chest, one arm draped around his waist. Her mahogany brown hair was tousled, wispy curls caressed her cheek.

Rose’s eyes fluttered open, and she smiled. “Hi...nice night, Mr. Hoyt.”

He grinned. “Too bad we slept through most of it.” He gave her a squeeze, then playfully pulled her on top of him. She relaxed against his chest, burying her face against his neck. He explored the hollows of her back with his hand, massaging and squeezing the skin gently.


* * *


The mere touch of his hand on her sent a warming shiver through Taylor, causing her heart to flutter wildly. A tremor of wanting ran through her as she began to cover his neck with warm, wet kisses, and her hips began a slow sensuous grind against him.

BOOK: SEDUCTIVE SUPERNATURALS: 12 Tales of Shapeshifters, Vampires & Sexy Spirits
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