Seductive Lies (Secret Lives Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Seductive Lies (Secret Lives Series)
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“Benjamin Padgett.”

“Oh. Padgett.
I needed to get laudanum. Bessie was worried about…your wife. Wouldn’t hurt her…not Bessie.”

“You are saying that Padgett supplied the laudanum.”

There was a discernible shake of Reginald’s head.
“Bessie wanted to help Sophia. She asked me to find someone who could get it for her. She said she had heard of this guy Padgett who dealt with imports. Asked me to find him. Told me where to look. When I found him, she asked to be introduced to him...for the sake of Lady Sophia, only. She was greatly concerned with Lady Sophia's health.”

That Arthur highly doubted, but the information opened a new path of thought.

Arthur hadn’t a chance for another question. Reginald’s eyes had closed, having drifted back to sleep. Burke would be of no use for a while.

* * * *

In the dead of the night, Arthur entered his room at the duke’s residence. It was only a few hours before dawn. He needed to sleep before his journey back to Ayercombe Manor. Dismissing staying at his residence, he would not find rest there, not while Harriet was here. He needed her.

Given the hour, Arthur quickly dismissed his valet after he undressed.
He had only one thought on his mind. He tied his robe about him and looked toward the conjoining door. She was undoubtedly asleep, but he doubted she would mind if he woke her.

He had not taken a step when the door opened. Harriet looked in, stretching her neck around the edge. She smiled.

“I thought I heard someone in your room. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“I was on my way to disturb you,” he answered in a way that left little doubt of his intention. He extended his hand to her. “Come. We can talk on my bed
, if you like. I have missed you.”

She skirted across the chamber, barely touching her slippered feet on the floor. His arousal hit him so
hard at the sight of her white nightdress clinging to her body, outlining her pert breasts to perfection. He loved the way her hair fell loose down her back, much like a captured ray of sunlight.

Erotic images assaulted him
, along with the knowledge she was his. Only his. Good Gawd, he loved this woman. He would do anything necessary to protect her and their child.

She climbed upon the bed beside him. Her eyes sparkling, she leaned up and kissed him. “I have been waiting for your return.”

He broke from her lips. “It took awhile to locate Reginald, but we found him.”

“And you have found out what you sought?”

“More questions than answers, I’m afraid,” Arthur said, cautioning himself not to add to her fears. “He confirmed the speculation that Padgett has a connection to Bessie. Still need to find out exactly what his intent was. I’m afraid it will only be answered by your cousin. I believe Padgett was working with someone.”


“Burke doesn’t believe it was, but who else could it be? Given what we know, we can surmise Bessie more than likely had a personal grudge against Sophia. She loved you and believed that Sophia stole me.”

“That makes no sense, Arthur. Then why would she have had me watched and abduct Victoria?”

“Perhaps then it is the opposite.” Arthur hesitated to suggest another more plausible theory. “Perhaps she was jealous of you and decided to take the life that was meant for you. It has crossed my mind that she introduced laudanum to Sophia while she was expecting, causing the
fall that led to Sophia losing the baby

“As for Sophia’s death, Bessie was the only one to see her leap over the cliff. Now the only connection to Padgett is Bessie. Don’t forget it was you
who suggested it was her. She justified her actions by those ridiculous reasoning of the so-called Furies.”

“Did my cousin say it was Bessie? Because I have thought about it since then and the more I have thought about it, the more preposterous it seems. It was my first thought when I read about the Furies, but Bessie…she is the type
who would talk of something without understanding its meaning.”

“Ssh, my love,” he said in a soothing tone. “I will get to the bottom of it.
Burke believes Bessie is at Beebe Manor. I’m leaving after a short rest. If Bessie isn’t behind this, she must know who is.”

Harriet nodded. Tilting her head to the side, she gave a tentative smile. “Take me with you.”

He just looked at her. It was the last thing he wanted to do. He hadn’t a clue what he was walking into back home. The connection Bessie held was uncertain, but that the woman was unstable was not. Harriet needed to stay here, out of harm’s way, for his peace of mind.

“We are wasting time,” Harriet said. Her hands ran over the edge of his robe, pushing back to touch his bare chest.

She devastated him with her caress. He had no right to feel the way he did with her. The terrible weight on his heart had lifted the moment she forgave him.

“What would you like me to do to convince you to take me
?” she whispered in a low, sultry voice. Her hands skimmed down his chest.

His body taut with anticipation, he grasped hold of her hands, stopping her. He whispered, “Not yet.”

“Oh, Arthur, tell me what you want.”

A dangerous tau
nt. Tension rose in him. “I want you to stay here.”

“You can’t keep me here, not now. Victoria will stay, but we need to do this together. You and

“Another one of your feelings?”

“Don’t mock me, Arthur. You may not believe in what I see, but I have this feeling I need to go with you. I saw my grandparents this afternoon.”


“Lady Torridge knew my mother.” She nodded. “My mother’s parents. James walked me over. Arthur, I don’t think my mother betrayed my father. Please appease me. Somehow, someway, all this is connected.”

“Harriet, my love…”

“What harm could come, Arthur?” She kissed him, trailing her lips down his neck. “I promise I won’t interfere with whatever you have planned.” Her hands slid down his chest and lowered to his throbbing need. “And we will be together…”

“Woman,” he uttered, catching his breath. Her fingertips touched his erection. It hardened even more. She teased him. Moreover, she seemed to be overly enjoying herself.

The debate ended. He could take no more, admitting he, too, wanted her by his side…with a sudden conviction she would be safer with him.

“You will owe me, my love.”

“Anything, my husband,” she said wryly. “Whatever you wish is yours.”

He wasted no time in revealing what he wanted. “Take it off.”

She eased off the bed and untied the bow of her nightdress. The fabric slid down her shoulders, puddling around her hips. Wiggling the material over her full hips, she was freed of all clothing.

He stared boldly at his naked wife, savoring every inch of her body. He stood beside her, not resisting a light caress of her breast.

“Lie down.”


Every fiber of her shivered at his command. His relenting to her company back to Ayercombe Manor came with a price. Though, she doubted she would soon care. The man dominated her with his presence, enticing tantalizing sensations to overwhelm her. Never had she felt so wanton…so desirable.

It was in his eyes…his desire. He took a step back and quickly dispensed with his robe.

“Lie down on the bed,” he commanded again.

She sat down on the bed with her legs dangling off the side. He bent over and kissed her. He caressed her while he made pleasure surge through her veins with his touch. He used his mouth to drive her
to the edge of madness.

His mouth captured her breast, suckling and teasing.
Her head lolled back, allowing a gasp of pleasure to escape. She let him ease her back against the mattress. He ran his hands up her arms and held them together above her head. She gave no resistance. She closed her eyes and submitted to his will.

His hands moved slowly over her body, caressing, touching, arousing her to the point of a sweet torture.
Her body was afire for him. Warm fingers gently slid into the core of her being. She shuddered while his mouth moved down slowly over a fiery path. His lips kissed her breast, her stomach, pausing only to spread her legs. His breath against her skin gave her the only warning of his assault.

In the heat of their passion, her whole world became his hands, his lips, and his touch.
She felt his hands grip her bottom and support her while a whisper of his breath shimmered against her mound and then his mouth claimed her with a deep kiss.

Her senses reeling, s
he cried out. She was lost in a building sensation bursting within her. He brushed his tongue against her center, stroking it in a rhythm. Heat washed through her veins. She gasped. Then she could not breathe at all. He moved his tongue faster and faster until she lost all control. Her body exploded with the showering of pleasure.

He rose over her at that moment and covered her body with his. His strength dominated her. Hard and ready, he entered her slick, warm entrance.
Her body arched upward to his, craving a release. She wrapped her legs around him and held him to her.

He plunged into her. She welcomed him. He drove into her, thrusting deep inside her
and retreating. They became one. She was aware of every beat of his heart, every breath he breathed, every touch he felt. He rode her harder and harder. She was with him. Her thighs gripped his flanks, urging toward a climax…together.

It hovered for a moment,
and then it came. Sensations imploded, searing through her into ecstasy. He collapsed upon her and she clung to him while they both drifted back down from their heavenly plateau. His head lay against her breasts. She gently slid her fingers through his hair, savoring the moment. Basking in the quiet glow, she made no attempt to move. She was completely and utterly sated.



Harriet dreamed of this moment for the last five years, the same dream since the morning she departed Beebe Manor. She had promised herself she would return. It was her home, a home she had loved. She recalled the hopelessness she felt that morning, the constant ache living in her heart. The ache had never fully faded until now.

With Arthur by her side, she rode in a
carriage that bore the coat of arms of the Hammett family. She had traveled up to Ayercombe Manor many times in the past, but never would she forget the sight of it on this morn.

The lane traveled broke open from the line of trees, giving way to full view of
Ayercombe Manor, proud and majestic in the morning sun. She soaked in its magnificence and etched into her memory. She had returned as Lady Harriet Hammett—Vicountess of Daneford, mistress of Ayercombe Manor.

Arthur took her hand in his and held it to his lips. “Welcome home, my love.”

She had not expected to feel this way. Her heart raced; her hands trembled. Five years ago, she had prepared to become Lady Daneford. Circumstances had forced a delay—a delay that made the road back to this moment surreal.

She breathed in deeply. She
could smell the ocean; she could hear its call. So long she had been gone. Yet here now it seemed she had never left. The land had not changed. Only she had.

she had made led her back to this place. In her youth, life seemed black and white. Living life, she discovered all meshed together into a gray. She learned that her happiness came with accepting the gray and along with it, forgiving human failings.

“My dear,” Arthur
said. “I hope that you are prepared to smile a great deal. Although I have requested that our arrival home be a quiet affair, I have announced our marriage to the Ayercombe Manor staff. I imagine you are familiar with most of the servants. I am sure all will be set to greet their new mistress.”

She looked at him
and her emotions rode high. A fluttering of nervousness mingled in with a welling of excitement as the carriage slowed to a stop. Exiting, Arthur gripped tight her hand and smiled down at her.

Harriet walked
down the line, greeting each servant. She paused and talked to a few. At the end of the line waited Mrs. Wright, the housekeeper, who welcomed her warmly. Instantly, Harriet felt she had come home.

Arthur led her into the hall. Her memory had not failed her. She had been shown through
the manor after her engagement to Arthur. Arthur squeezed her hand in a tender fashion as they ascended the beautifully curved staircase.

“Lady Daneford’s room has been prepared,” Mrs. Wright said. “I will show her to her room.”

Mrs. Wright walked down the corridor in front of Harriet. She opened a door at the far end of the hall. Harriet entered.

“There is a fresh bowl of water to wash
, if you have need. I will send up a pot of tea. Is there anything else you wish, my lady?” Mrs. Wright stood in the doorway.

“No, that will be all, Mrs. Wright. Thank you.”

The room was beautiful, richly decorated. A large bouquet of freshly cut roses had been placed on the table in the center of the room. The curtains were of a soft pink, as were the bed hangings on the four-post bed. The delicately carved furniture garnished the chamber. There was an elegant dressing case with gilded cherubs holding candles on either side of the mirror and a soft cushion stool, pink with white stripes.

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