Seduction's Dance (McKingley Series) (13 page)

Read Seduction's Dance (McKingley Series) Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke,McKenna Jeffries

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Seduction's Dance (McKingley Series)
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Dimitri sighed then put up his finger. “I have someone who can go with them.”

“I don’t need protection,” James protested.

“This isn’t for you. It’s for everyone else. And to make sure if you did find anyone with your asinine plan, you don’t kill them,” Dimitri said.

Leo sat up looking startled.

“Yeah, you didn’t think of that did you? We’re dealing with James,” Dimitri stated and he dialed.

“If you do anything, I will arrest you, James,” Leo stated. “And don’t you dare think to break out.”

“You’re still just mad I decked you.” James sat at the table. “You’d think you’d be grateful that I saved you sorry hide.”

Dimitri ignored them as they bickered. When the phone was answered he said, “I’m at the station and I need you.”

He hung up, knowing he didn’t need to wait for an answer or a response. Dimitri sat and started the tape again. He wasn’t worried about James seeing it. They watched the one they were on then another.

Dimitri had put in the next one in as James asked, “What are you all looking for?”

Dimitri hesitated then said, “A common face at the fires we are watching.”

“You mean the serial arsonist,” James said.

“How do you know? We haven’t revealed this to more than a few people in the department.” Dimitri stared.

“I’ve seen the scenes after you were through. I was curious.” James shrugged. “It was obvious”—James gestured to the tape—“just as obvious is the common denominator.”

Dimitri looked Leo and Shayla then at James. “We watched the same tape, there is no common yet.”

“Because you are thinking as a firefighter”—James looked at Leo then Shayla—“and a cop or law enforcement.”

Dimitri sat forward, realizing what he was inferring. “You’re saying it’s one of us?”

“I can’t believe none of you saw that idiot Mario.” James sneered. “He looked smug on each tape and even those he wasn’t working, he was there in the crowd.”

Dimitri thought of the tapes he’d viewed and did remember seeing Mario working but didn’t remember him in the crowd. “You’re biased.”

“But I’m not and if the man I saw too is Mario then he’s right,” someone with a deep voice said.

Dimitri glanced at Tarak. None of them had even heard him enter, yet he was sitting quietly behind his desk across the room.

“I wondered how long you’d sit there before saying something,” James said.

Dimitri looked at him and realized he had heard him. He also noted James had moved so his back, which had been to the desk before, no longer was. Dimitri had noticed that about James and Tarak—they didn’t like anyone they didn’t know at their back. Tarak rose and strolled toward them. Although he had a slight limp, he didn’t look to be in pain, which meant he was taking care of his leg. Tarak picked up the remote then started the new tape. Silent, they watched the next video. Tarak paused the tape.

“That’s the man on each tape.”

Dimitri stared, stunned at seeing Mario in the crowd as The Oasis burned. He wasn’t in uniform and the look on his face was gleeful.

“Son of a bitch.” Leo rose. “I’m go—”

The bells rang loud and were followed by the code then the details of the location.

Dimitri stood staring and Leo then Tarak.


Leo’s radio crackled and he moved away, speaking into it.

Dimitri followed, barely aware of the others coming too. Leo suddenly stopped and turned to him.

“We have an officer who needs assistance.” Leo grabbed his shoulder. “It’s Shannon.”

Dimitri grabbed him. “Where?”

“She’s at Archer’s.”

Dimitri ran for his vehicle. The door slammed by his side and he barely spared Shayla a glance as he drove, following the fire trucks. Even before they got close, he could see the fire. Parking a distance away, he then hustled to the scene and stood by the captain. He didn’t ask anything, only listening as the man issued commands. From where he stood, he could see the blaze was fully engaged. Suddenly there was a boom that shook the area. There was yelling as those approaching the fire ran back.

“Shannon,” Dimitri whispered, knowing they would not be able to save her.

The garage door blew off and something flew out, making firefighters dive for cover to get out of the way. Dimitri’s knees weakened as the flames engulfed the building. Even if she was still alive inside, he knew that the fire would get her. They would not go in and risk anymore lives until they were sure there were no more explosives.

Numb, he turned and spotted Lis in her uniform standing behind him. The same look of anguish he was sure that was on his face was on hers. Dimitri was confused why. Tears rained down her face and she dropped to the ground, screaming.


It was then he knew her husband was in the fire. Dimitri hurried to her. He dropped beside her, pulling her into his arms and rocking her. He blinked, trying to still his own tears, but they fell anyway.

I didn’t even get to tell Shannon I love her.
The thought resonated in his mind. Dimitri felt a hand touch his shoulder and looked up helplessly at Leo. He averted his gaze from the pity he saw there. Dimitri frowned as he viewed James and Tarak striding through the cops and fire personnel as if they belonged there. He craned his neck past Leo’s leg to see what the hell they were doing. Tarak stopped along with James at a misshapen object. Dimitri realized it was what had blown out of the garage. He watched, confused as the men lifted the lid. Suddenly three figures stood, leaning over the lip. Dimitri jerked away from Lis and stood.

“Shannon!” he roared.

“Archer!” Lis yelled.

Dimitri ran toward them. The three people in the bin were laughing, leaning over the edge. At the bin he stared at her lovely face.

“By damn, it worked.” Carmen laughed loudly then groaned. “Christ, I’m shot. Medic.”

“Whiner,” Shannon said then focused on Dimitri, touching his face. “Why are you crying?”

“For you.”

“Silly man,” she said softly.

Dimitri lifted her out into his arms.

“Oh, my, you all are really strong. What’s your names?”

Carmen’s breathless voice caught his attention. James and Tarak held her up, leading her away.

“Shannon, I told you I would hump his leg,” Carmen called then said, “Two for the price of one.”

Dimitri looked at Shannon in question.

“Long story,” Shannon said. “Put me down. I’m fine. Archer and Carmen are the ones in—” She passed out.

Dimitri lifted her. “Help!”

“Chill, Dimitri,” Thom said coming up to him. “Probably a concussion.”

“There’s blood on her,” he said, not appreciating his attitude.

“And on Archer and Carmen.” Thom tried to take her out of his arms. “Let go, Dimitri.”

A hand squeezed his shoulder and he looked at Leo then released his hold. Thom laid her down then started to check her over. He and another EMT put her on stretcher and took her away. Dimitri followed them to the ambulance. He spotted James and grabbed him.

“Go with her.”

“I don—” He breathed out. “Okay, I know you have to stay here. I’ll go.”

Dimitri knew it was hard for James—he hated hospitals and didn’t go near them no matter what. James went into the ambulance and the doors closed moments before they left. They were quickly followed by two more ambulances.

“Shit—Archer. How is he?” Dimitri asked.

“He was shot, but he’s talking.” Leo sighed. “And laughing. What the hell happened here?”

Dimitri looked away from the departing ambulance and back at the still blazing fire. “I don’t know. But we’ll get the story from them later.”

They both headed to do their jobs.

* * * *

Shannon woke in pain. She figured that was a good thing and she was alive. The power they had flown out the garage with had deafened and stunned her. When the lid of the can had opened, and she’d seen James, she’d wanted to laugh. So she had. They had all stood and laughed like loons. They had lived and she had to remember to thank James for his paranoia which had made him teach her all sorts of things. Things that until today she hadn’t thought she would have to use.

She opened her eyes and saw Dimitri sitting in a chair by her bedside. Then she realized he held her hand. Shannon smiled, looking at the large man slumped in the chair, asleep. His face was all she’d been able to think about as she’d knelt in the trash, praying to see him again. As if he’d felt her scrutiny, his lids fluttered open and his light brown eyes met hers. A smile curled his lips and he sat forward, leaning his elbow on the bed then brushing her hair from her face.

“Hey, how’re you feeling?”

“That’s an obvious answer.”

“True. I imagine being flung by a bomb would make you ache. You have a concussion and some abrasions. And you’ll be hurting like hell tomorrow from the knock you all took when the bin flew out of the garage.” Dimitri smiled then studied her. “I love you, Shannon.”

She drew in a breath then rolled her eyes. “Duh. I knew that even if you didn’t say so.”

“That’s not an appropriate response.” Dimitri scowled.

“I’m not going to go all weepy, Dimitri, and fawn because you said you love me.”

“I know that’s not your way.” He gripped her hand, kissing it. “I just needed to tell you.”

Shannon ran her fingers along the side of his face into his hair, pulling him closer. “Just as I need to tell you I love you too.”

Dimitri grinned.

“That doesn’t mean I want you to get all caveman. I can solve my own problems,” Shannon said.

“I know. But Mario is the arsonist and until we catch him—”

“Didn’t you all find a body in the fire?”

“We did. They haven’t identified it yet.” Dimitri looked confused. “What’s that have to do with Mario?”

“Didn’t Carmen or Archer tell you?”

“They were sedated from surgery by the time we got here.”

“Oh yeah. They were shot.” Shannon nodded. “They were so chatty I wouldn’t have known. They are strong.”

“From what I heard, Carmen was flirting with James and Tarak. James was trying to not leave the hospital because I asked him to stay. Tarak told him to wait outside and he’d let him know if anything happened. He was outside in the parking lot when I arrived.”

Shannon imagined James was probably halfway through a bottle of liquor by now. He had a hard time being in hospitals. She went back to the original topic. “The body is Mario.”

“What? What happened?” Dimitri asked.

“Get Leo and I’ll fill you all in at once,” Shannon said.

Dimitri stood then opened the door, sticking his head out. “Leo, she’s awake.”

The sound of footsteps came toward them. Dimitri retook his seat then Leo filled the doorway. He came to her bedside and patted her hand.

“Good to have you back with us, Conner.”

“Sheriff.” She thought about telling them what she knew. “Do I have a roommate? I don’t want what I have to tell you to get out.”

“You have a roommate. It’s Carmen and she’s out cold. Warwick pulled some strings and got you all into a room together. Archer is across the hall. The family is in the waiting room, waiting to see you all,” Dimitri said.

Shannon nodded then filled them in on what had happened in the garage. She answered their questions the best she could.

“Archer will have to tell you how Mario got into the garage,” she said, blinking as she fought sleep.
I could use a good twelve to fourteen hours of nothing but eyes shut, dead to the world, sleep. Should have slept first then told them later, but that wouldn’t be me. I’m a cop first. My own needs come second.

“We’ll talk to him and Carmen after they wake,” Leo said. “Get some rest, Conner, and you’re going to get an award for your heroism.”

“Keep the award. I was doing my job.” She glared at him.

“Suck it up, you whiner. You know it’s what’s going to happen. You foiled an arsonist and saved two people.” Leo grinned. “There will probably be a ceremony too.”

“You’re enjoying saying that too much.”

“I know. We do our job and don’t want the fanfare, but they will do it. For the public,” Leo said.

Shannon snorted but didn’t say anything further.

“How’d you know the bin would fly out like it did? Or if you’d even survive the impact?” Dimitri asked.

“James,” she mumbled closing her eyes.

“Damn man, we’ll have to thank him again,” Leo said.

“I’m even afraid to know the details on why he would know something like what Shannon did,” Dimitri replied.

“It’s classified,” she said sleepily.

“Get some rest, Shannon.”

“I want to go home.” She shifted on the bed.

“As soon as the doctors release you, I’ll take you home.” A hand stroked along the side of her face. “Now sleep.”

* * * *

Shannon stretched, wincing as her aches made themselves known. They were better after a few days but still enough to make her know what she’d been through.

“God, stop moving damn it.” A voice mumbled beside her. “It’s the ass crack before dawn. Let me sleep.”

“Why are you in bed with me again?” Shannon glared at Carmen beside her. “When are you going home, by the way?”

“When I went to sleep I was in the guest room. It’s probably your man who put me in bed with you, again.” Carmen didn’t even open her eyes. “I would go if
your man
would let me go. It’s his fault I’m still here. He confiscated my keys and no one will come get me to take me to my apartment. I can’t walk, it’s too far.” Carmen lifted one lid and glared at her. “So you’re stuck with me until he stops hovering like a damn nurse from hell.”

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