Seduction Squad (4 page)

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Authors: Shaye Evans

BOOK: Seduction Squad
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“What are you guys doing?” Our newest and youngest member of the squad, nineteen-year-old Jay, was emerging from the on-call room, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

“Ah... cleaning.” Lock shrugged, trying but failing to hide the smile splaying across his mouth while he pulled me down the hall. He was a pathetic liar. I shook my head and looked over my shoulder, back at Jay. His brows were pulled together, clearly still half-asleep. 

“Do you think he heard us?” I asked once out of earshot.

Lock shrugged. “Long as he doesn’t say anything, who cares?”

“Mmm.” I smirked and pressed my lips to his cheek, releasing his hand to walk ahead. We turned the corner, passed Chief's office, and continued down the corridor. At the end of the hall was the kitchen and hangout area, where we ate, watched TV, and often played cards while waiting for calls. It surprised people whenever we brought them here. Despite what you might think, we didn’t spend every waking hour fighting fires. Only every third.

Lock flipped the switch inside the door and the fluorescents took their time flickering alive as I headed straight for the fridge. The cold air nipped into the skin of my arm while I reached for a bowl of lettuce, a cucumber, and a plate of ham, set them on the counter, and went back for the tomatoes and loaf of bread sitting on the shelf above the fridge.

Lockland collected a knife from the drawer, then the margarine and what was left of last night’s roast chicken. He grabbed the cutting board while shooting me the evil eye.

I smirked, catching the look. Buttering bread in the palm of my hand wasn’t good enough for Lockland. He’d been brought up by his mother, whose family owned the sub shop around the corner. And just to prove my theory right, the instant I held a slice in my hand, ready to butter it, he muttered, “Use the board.”

I laughed, taking the knife. “Knew you’d say that.”

A smirk pulled at the side of his mouth as he reached for a plate for our snacks as I began layering the chicken onto the lettuce and cucumber. If it was just me, I would have made the sandwich in my palm and immediately eaten it, but Lock set the plate between us.

As I bit into the sandwich, the rich flavors of smoked ham, tomato, lettuce, and mayo filled my taste buds. I hadn’t even realized he’d used mayo. I raised the back of my hand to my lips, surprised.

Lockland snapped his head in my direction as he bit into his own. “Is it okay?”

I nodded and continued chewing. “Y-you made me my first sub.”

He smiled. “You remembered.”

“Course I do.” It was a little hard not to, and even though it was five years ago, I could remember it like yesterday.

It was cold and misting rain. The blanket of cloud overhead locked in the scent of vehicles wafting through the atmosphere. My hands were hidden in the pockets of my jacket as I stepped along the street with my head down, trying to remain invisible to the world around me. It would have been simpler to lie in bed and shut out the world, but I was hungry and my father was home. I had little desire to remain there. Especially after earlier. I sighed at the thought and glanced in the windows of the stores I passed, seeing my ghostly reflection.

Ahead, the flashing red sign of a sub shop caught my attention and when the mist strengthened to drops, I quickened my pace to a slow jog. The single five-dollar bill burned in my pocket while my stomach snarled, hollow.  

The instant I stepped through the door, a bell chimed and I was greeted with an array of colored vegetables and meats behind the counter. My stomach lurched, as though I needed a reminder to fill it. A couple of people were in line, being served by a young woman with long brunette hair. I bit the inside of my mouth in anticipation—being hungry tended to make me antsy and impatient.

An older lady with curly gray hair and weathered skin hurried to fill the growing amount of orders. “Bridget?” she called.

“Yeah, Granma?”

“Can you take over, dear, I need a break.”

“Sure. Five-eighty, thank you.”

The grandmother took her stand at the register, serving five customers, one at a time, while her granddaughter took over making the subs. Within a matter of moments, she had three sitting in a box, waiting to be taken away by a lady carrying twins.

Then finally it was my turn. “Just a moment, honey.” The grandmother smiled kindly, finishing serving a man beside me when a family of six stepped through the door.

“Oh, God,” Bridget muttered, looking up as the bell chimed. “Lockland, come on! We’re busy now, not tomorrow.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming. What can I get you?”

When I glanced up, his powder-blue eyes were vibrant, almost shimmering in the fluorescent lighting against his tanned olive skin. Strands of dark brown hair hung over his forehead and gave him a boyish charm.

“One chicken and one beef sub, thanks.”

“Sure.” He turned and instantly got to work, buttering the sub then collecting the fresh foods from the display window. My stomach growled while watching him. I didn’t think I had ever observed someone prepare food so intently before.

I retrieved the note from my pocket and set it on the counter. After a moment, the older woman came back to me and went to collect my money when she paused. “I’m sorry, but this is only a dollar.”

My heart quickened. “I thought it was a five—it’s all I have. Please. I’ll bring you the rest tomorrow.” She simply shook her gray head and I turned for the door, not only embarrassed, but still starving.

The door sang behind me and I took the stairs two at a time, unable to get away fast enough, all while my stomach kept lurching and churning. I felt sick. I would have thrown up if there had been any contents to bring up.

Away from the sub shop, I lowered my weight to the curb and raised my head toward the sky. Angry clouds continued to loom over the city, but the rain had eased to a spot every now and then. After a moment, the door of the sub shop chimed again and again. Then, a second after a fifth time, my name was called. “Adan?”

I looked up and saw the boy, Lockland, running to my side, still in his apron.

“How do you know my name?” I asked as he lowered his weight beside me.

“We go to the same school. And why are you hiding your face? You never do that.” He pinched the back of my hood between his index finger and thumb. I turned my head away, trying to hide the purple-red bruise on the side of my face.  Hesitantly, he brushed the cool, soft tips of his fingers along my jaw. I was surprised when his touch soothed the burning ache. “What happened to your jaw?”

“I was gay bashed. You didn’t see the fight?”


I smirked slyly. “Apparently I’m famous—all over the net. ‘Popular schoolboy comes out as gay.’”


“Then the school called my father… I’m surprised he didn’t punch me too. He was so mad.”

“Where’s your mom?”

“Texas, with my sister. My parents broke up when I was five.”

“I’m sorry.”

The bell of the sub shop chimed behind us. When I looked over Lockland’s shoulder, Bridget was leaning outside. “Lockland? What are you doing?”


She rolled her eyes and headed back inside. I wondered what her problem was. The store looked like it had calmed down since I had been in there.

“Who is she?”

“My cousin. She doesn’t like doing all the work, even though she gets the biggest tips.”

“What are you doing out here?”

“I wanted to give you this—and forget about the money.”

From the other side of Lockland’s leg, he produced a red box. Inside was a sub. It wasn’t big, not as big as the ones I’d ordered, but it would be enough to somewhat fill my stomach, which was currently lurching at the sight of the food. I wanted to swallow it whole while also taking tiny bites to savor and prolong its taste. Reluctantly, I pried my gaze off the food, feeling slightly guilty for not knowing this guy enough to know his name until today, and now here he was offering me free food.

“Are you sure? What about your grandmother?”

He shrugged as though it didn’t matter, and a beaming smile splayed across his mouth. “I’ll be out here with you when I come out.”

My lips parted and I sat up a little straighter, surprised by his words.

He had thought I’d been kicked out, when I hadn’t actually been disowned by my father until I admitted to going out with Lock the following year. But by then, I had a full-time job, so it wasn’t such a big deal. It meant I no longer had to be involved with my father, which suited me fine when he got upset.

Chapter Three


I didn’t understand how people couldn’t see the beauty in what we had. So many were against us being a couple, whether we knew them personally or not. Why? What was so different from their relationships to ours?

We weren’t hurting anyone or anything. We played it safe. We played with our hearts, like anyone else. We were no different to any other couple, only we understood each other more, on the same level. I loved knowing the sensations he received. The experience felt so much more meaningful when you knew exactly what your partner was experiencing.

“Why did you come out when you knew how your family would react?” I murmured, wrapping my arms around his waist. I brushed my lips the length of Lock’s neck.

“Because I didn’t want to hide. I hated acting like I was someone I wasn’t.”

“I never did thank you for that sub.”

Lock laughed. “Adan, you’ve thanked me a hundred times over.”

“I don’t recall.”

“Every time we’re together, or when you kiss me, it’s a constant reminder of how we met, and I wouldn’t exchange that for anything.” He smiled, guiding my head to his lips. I exhaled a shaky breath and glanced up at him as our mouths tangled. The scent of smoke continued to tingle the insides of my nostrils. “You really need a shower.”

Lock groaned. “But I’m tired.”

I tilted my head, fighting the smile that threatened to give away my coy facade. “Are you saying no to me?”

The side of Lock’s face pulled up. His eyes sparkled. “What are you suggesting we do?”

“Why don’t you come and find out?”

“I can’t get this wet.” He glanced to his bandaged hand.

Like that’s a problem…
I rolled my eyes and grabbed the plastic wrap from under the counter. Ripping off a large piece, I proceeded to wrap it carefully around his hand and wrist. Then I took his other hand and stepped backward, leading the way down the hall to the showers. As I backed into the men’s bathroom, Lock’s mouth crashed to mine. I stumbled back, shimmying out of my sweats as he pinned me against the icy open-shower wall.

“Fuck.” The coldness bit into my flesh, but the sensation was quickly forgotten when Lockland dipped down and nibbled on my sensitive nipple. My breath hitched and I arched back, searching for his touch. When he grasped my hardening cock, my body jumped with glee. 

Lockland tensed at the abrupt sound of the alarm echoing through the station. “You have got to be kidding me!” he yelled, darting through the door as I stepped out of the shower and collected my sweatpants from the floor. Truck Six’s sirens roared from down the hall and were followed by the ambulance. I raced down the corridor, knowing I’d be in shit if I ended up holding up the crew.

Jay was leaving the on-call room and looked up as I ran past. “What’s going on?”

“Wasn’t there a call out?”

“You didn’t hear the alert?” He arched a brow. “Where were you? Where is Lockland?”

“Not really—in the shower.”

“It was only for the truck and ambulance.”


A smirk edged across Jay’s mouth. He shook his head and headed past me, toward the kitchen, probably to prepare breakfast. I padded for the gear room, when the door opened and Lock emerged, fully dressed in black and yellow.

“False alarm.”

“What?” He snapped around.

“It was for the truck and ambulance.”

“Damn it!”

“Anyway, you can’t go with a banged-up wrist.”

“I can somewhat help.”

“Injuries are injuries, Lock. You know Sam wouldn’t allow you to go.” I knew he was only going along to make sure I was okay, and that I followed safety regulations. “You know, we can still put that suit to use, though.” I glanced toward the truck and Lock’s face lit up as I closed the distance between us.

“What happened to needing a shower?”

“Showers are overrated,” I whispered, holding his gaze through the visor. “Plus,” I turned my head to look down the hall, “Jay is down there now.”

“That’d be right. Let me just hang up my hat.” He was pulling away when I caught his wrist.

“Nuh-uh. Keep the helmet. I want to be with

I lifted the visor, and with the tip of my tongue I lapped at his lower lip, finally taking it between mine and sucking on it. Lock shuddered and exhaled a heavy breath while sweeping his tongue along my upper lip. When his hand clasped my wrist, he pulled away and led us into the backseat of the squad truck. I shifted back as he closed the door behind him and pinned me to the opposite door with his weight. Something soft brushed my wrist and when I looked, I realized I hadn’t recovered my singlet from earlier.

“Mmm,” I moaned, kissing him deep, allowing our tongues to mingle as I helped him out of his coat. His hand was hot against my waist as his finger dipped below the waistband and traced the curve of my hips. The tender gesture was slowly building a fluttering sensation deep inside me that pulsed through my hardening cock.

Once the coat fell from his arms, I ripped his suspenders down to his sides.

“Lie on your stomach,” I ordered between kisses.

He pulled away. “Why?”

“Just do it.”

His brows creased as he turned and lowered his weight to the floor. I crawled forward and slid his suit and jeans down his legs until Lock lifted his weight, allowing me to completely remove them and throw them to the side, where my sweatpants and singlet already lay in the dark shadows of the front seat. I shifted onto my knees and placed one on either side of his hips, rubbing my tip along the crease of his ass.

“Mmm.” He parted his legs a little, silently asking for my cock to once again invade his channel. My heart skipped and to my surprise, I happily complied, reaching for Lockland’s jeans to take out a foil packet. Ripping it, I rolled the rubber along myself and took my time inching inside him, only stopping when his walls tensed. “Oh fuck… Adan…” He arched against me. I leaned over him, placing a trail of kisses along his spine and then one on either shoulder blade. Slowly he relaxed, and I began pumping my hips at a steady rate, only to still when Lockland’s body stiffened in response to the sound of the door squeaking.

My eyes snapped open and I followed Lock’s gaze to where fresh warm air flowed past Jay, whose eyes grew wide as they adjusted to the light and he realized what he was staring at. Black strands of hair fell over his forehead, almost reaching his eyes. His lightly tanned beach-boy cheeks were red.

“What the fuck, Jay?” Lockland and I snapped in unison.

But he didn’t respond—his eyes were fixated on my connection to Lockland. After a moment, he looked away, cheeks flushing a brighter shade of red. He glanced over his shoulder then climbed inside the cabin, closing the door behind him.
is gaze fell to the floor. “I-I can’t sleep and I was going for a walk when I noticed the truck moving… and then I found you two and, um, I mean—”

Lockland cut him off midsentence with a calm, serious tone. “Jay?”

Jay’s gaze shot up to Lockland’s.

“Spit it out!”

“I was wondering if I could… I-I don’t know… join you?” He shrugged, trying to appear casual.  I had to give the kid a ten out of ten for finding the guts to ask. At his age, I wouldn’t have even asked one guy for sex, let alone two at once.


Lock shrugged a broad shoulder. “If Adan is okay with it, whatever,” he muttered, lapping at my earlobe. His voice tingled the sensitive skin of my neck as I tried to hold off from laughing. I groaned, my mind suddenly torn in two and unsure what to focus on: what he’d said, what he was doing, or what was about to happen. Lockland had surprised me—he couldn’t stand it when people flirted with me, but now it seemed he was abruptly okay with intimately sharing me. Maybe he wanted to prove himself worthy, or maybe it was a side of Lock I’d never witnessed.

“Jay, can I have a moment alone with Lock, please?”

“Ah, sure.” Jay quickly opened the door and slid out, silently closing it behind him. Once he was out of earshot, I turned to face my boyfriend, knowing something was different.

“All right, what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?”

“You get jealous whenever someone flirts with me and yet here you are, offering some kid a threesome. What’s going on?”

He sighed, focusing on a small patch of dirt hidden beneath one of the seats. He bit his lower lip and his jaw tensed. 

“Lock?” I whispered. Leaning forward, I touched my fingers to his chin, turning his head.

“Tonight scared me too,” he whispered, “but it made me realize—life is too short to be left wondering what you missed out on. And I know one of your fantasies is to have a threesome—I don’t want you missing out because of me. But… I don’t want to lose you either.”

The corners of my mouth lifted into a smile. My heart fluttered uneven beats as it soared with the realization of how much I meant to Lock. I palmed his cheek and leaned in to brush his lips. “You’re scared of sharing me in case you lose me?”

He nodded.

“It’d take a lot more than a quick fuck to lose me, Lockland.”

He smiled and nipped my lower lip.

“Plus,” I murmured, pulling back, “your cock is pretty nice. I think my ass would miss it.”

He snickered, his eyes sparkling. I turned my head to look over my shoulder at the squeaking sound of the front passenger door opening. Jay shifted inside to sit in the seat.

I whimpered at the sensation of Lockland’s lips caressing my neck. Every now and then, he’d nip my skin and embers would riddle my system. When he turned and nibbled my pec, my cock slid from inside him. Instantly, I missed the warm grasp of his inner walls holding me snug.

“So it’s a yes?” Jay tried to hide his excitement by keeping his voice light and low, but failed when his shoulders rose and his dark jade eyes sparkled, glinting with anticipation.

“Yes, Jay, you can join us.” I wondered how long he’d thought about this, if he had to check if he’d heard me right. In reaction to Lockland’s touch, my body broke out in goose bumps and my tongue itched.
Shivers brimmed throughout my system. I laughed and Lock licked me faster.

Oh my God, stop it, Lockland! I’m going to die!” I gasped.

A smirk formed as he slowed and glanced up at me. A grin splayed across his mouth. “Need CPR, babe?” His eyes shimmered dark and lustful, causing my insides to churn and flutter. He leaned in and covered my mouth with his in a deep openmouthed kiss. Our tongues tangled before he once again pulled away. “Or how about this?”

He smirked and shoved me back. I moaned, feeling his erection rub against my pucker before he slammed into me, hitting my prostate. A jolt ran the length of my cock and wetness beaded at my slit.

“Fuck!” I gasped, lights dancing across my vision as a burning sensation bit at my channel. 

“Yes, babe?” he whispered, pressing his smooth lips to my neck. I arched, urging his hips to move forward and farther inside me. He had no idea what holding back did to me. I just wanted him to fuck me—hard and deep—without abandon or reservation.

“What can I do?” Jay whispered, breaking me out of the hypnotic state Lockland had catapulted me into.

I found Jay naked and leaning forward, supporting his weight on his defined arms. His pecs were bulky mounds, his shoulders wide and strong, and a large though simple six-pack completed the package.

I allowed my eyes to caress the V of his hips and down to his massive cock, lying straight against his stomach. Beads of precum already spilled from his tip and rolled down along a protruding vein to his large, perfectly round sac. This kid wasn’t a kid. He was in better shape and form than either Lockland or I had been at his age.

“How experienced are you?” I met his gaze.

Jay’s cheeks flushed a darker shade of red. He looked away from me, chewing his lower lip. “I-I’m not…”

“You’re a virgin?” I asked as Lockland leaned in and began sucking on my shoulder, once again tearing my mind in two. I tried hard to focus my whole attention on Jay.

He nodded, continuing to fiddle with his lip.

“Are you sure about this?”

He lifted his head. “Yeah—I mean, I don’t want to make a fool of myself when I finally find someone.”

That was fair enough. I’d dated one guy before Lockland came into my life and our relationship came to an end the night we
to be together. I’d been too small for him. So when it came to Lockland and my first time, because Lock was experienced, I was almost too nervous to enjoy our night.

Lockland placed his hand alongside mine, supporting his weight while he moved from my shoulder to my neck. I shuddered at the sensations he ignited with his lips brushing the side of my throat. I whimpered when he took my earlobe between his lips and sucked.

“Give him something to remember,” he whispered.

A deep shudder rippled through me when I turned my head toward him. “You’re sure?”

He nodded. “Long as he doesn’t touch what’s mine.”

I narrowed my eyes with confusion. Lockland smirked and looked down to the slope of my back, when he brushed the tip of his finger against the pucker of my ass. I half gasped, half groaned—that’s what he meant…. Flames licked at my insides as I once again yearned to feel his cock buried deep inside me.

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