Seduction (6 page)

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Authors: Various

BOOK: Seduction
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‘Are you enjoying this?'

The question was directed at David, but he hardly heard Rich through the pounding of the blood in his ears. Rich had to ask a second time before David could answer. When he did, his voice was reed-thin.


Rich granted him a knowing smile as he hauled Katie to her feet. He did it by grabbing a handful of her hair. She scrambled up to face him.

‘How do you want me to fuck her?'

David snapped out of the haze at that question. How did he want Rich to fuck her? How did he want another man to put a dick into his girlfriend? Was he insane?

‘I don't want you to,' David blurted out, and Katie looked at him with something very much like amusement.

‘Do you mean that?' Rich asked.


‘Are you sure?'


‘Yes, you are sure, or no, you are not?'

David shook his head and stared at Katie. He hadn't stopped stroking his cock, and he was right on the verge of an orgasm. Coherent thought was impossible. They watched David as he watched them, and finally Katie crawled onto the bed. She slithered across it like a cat, coming straight for him. She stopped on the edge of it and looked at David for a long moment.

Then she winked.

‘Fuck her with her legs over your shoulders,' David said suddenly. ‘She likes it deep.'

Katie's eyes widened. In seconds Rich was there behind her, his hand on her hip. He rolled her over onto the centre of the bed. They were close enough for David to see Rich's cock throbbing with his heartbeat, jerking slightly upwards with every pump. Rich caressed her legs for a moment before lifting them over his shoulders.

‘No foreplay, huh? Just a good fuck? That's why you're here, isn't it?'

Rich settled between her legs. His cock pressed against her pussy. Katie wiggled underneath him; she was trying to get him into her, deep and hard. David watched her from the chair, knowing how that felt, knowing what every little cue meant. He knew her body like the back of his hand. He knew how it felt when he sank his cock into her, every little ridge and every little smooth spot, and the way she gripped his cock hard when she was really excited.

Rich sank the first inch of his cock in. David moaned out loud, right along with Katie.

‘What do you want?' Rich asked, breathless already.

‘Fuck her,' David said.

Rich impaled Katie with his cock. She arched up against him and shrieked like a fireball. David knew that sound, knew she was coming already, coming from the mere act of another man's cock pushing into her cunt.

She wasn't the only one who came. David's cock burst as soon as Rich sank into her. White jets of semen shot out of him and landed on the edge of the bed. He shook with the power of it, with the thrill of what he was watching. He kept coming until he felt absolutely drained, but his cock didn't go soft in the least.

He was still hard. He hadn't done that in years.

Rich was sawing in and out of Katie's pussy. Her legs were over his shoulders and she thrust up to meet him for all she was worth. The wet slapping sounds were obscene and delicious. She played with her nipples while Rich braced himself over her, thrusting downwards. It was hard and it was deep, and Katie was in pure ecstasy. From this angle David could see Rich sliding in and out. His cock glistened with her juices. His balls were already coated.

David kept stroking his cock.

‘I was right,' Rich gasped. ‘She is a good fuck.'

Katie looked over at David. Her eyes were hazy. She had already ridden out of the world on a pleasure train, and damned if she didn't look sexier than she ever had before.

‘Her cunt is so tight,' Rich said to David. He looked over at him. Sweat was running down his face and he had a wicked smile. ‘She's gonna make me come real soon, sport. I'm gonna fill her up with it. You both want me to come in her, don't you?'

Katie threw her head from side to side and let out a sound David had rarely heard. It was the sound of one of those really good orgasms; the ones that wiped her out, the ones that came only when the stars aligned and she was so hot her blood could boil. Rich groaned and thrust hard when she did that. David knew he was feeling the contractions of her pussy, squeezing and pulsing and smothering him in a silken glove.

Rich threw his head back and let out a grunt. He held his hips tight against her, his hands on her ass, pulling her into him and pushing as deep as he could go. Katie cried out loud. Rich's face took on a mask of pleasure. David stared at the place where his cock disappeared into her. He knew Rich was shooting his come into her, just the way she wanted it, and when David looked at her face, she was looking back right at him.

‘How does that feel?' David asked, seething with jealousy and a fine edge of anger.

Katie didn't answer. She couldn't. She was completely taken by the pleasure. David might as well have not been in the room, but regardless, he was still stroking his cock. He was still watching.

Rich pulled out slowly. He spread her legs wider and looked between them.

‘Show him,' he demanded.

Katie lay there for a moment, trying to catch her breath. Then she turned slightly towards David and lifted one of her legs with her hands, giving him a clear shot of her pussy. Her lips were red and swollen, and slightly open. A thin trickle of white slid out of her and down between her rounded cheeks. David watched Rich's come slip out of her until it started to stain the blanket underneath her.

‘My God,' David breathed.

‘She liked it,' Rich taunted. ‘She came so hard on my dick. Did you see her? And now my come is deep inside that warm, wet cunt I just fucked. You want to fuck her too, don't you?'

David hadn't intended to get involved in the sex between them. He had intended to sit down in the chair and let Katie live out the fantasy and stroke his cock like a good boy. But seeing Rich's come slide out of her was more than David could take. He rose from the chair and walked towards them, pushing his pants down along the way, stripping the shirt over his head.

Rich had one of her legs over his shoulder. David climbed onto the bed and slipped her other leg over his shoulder. She was spread wide open.

And her cunt was oozing with another man's come.

David slammed into her with one thrust.

Katie's eyes opened wide in surprise. She seemed to want to speak, but nothing came out. She was too dazed with pleasure to do anything but lie there and take the fuck. David watched as Rich leaned over and sucked first one nipple, then the other. Then he bit on them.

Katie ran her hands into Rich's hair and looked up at David. The expression on her face was filled with such sexual thrill, such discovery, that the anger in him began to dull.

But the jealousy was still there.

David fucked her for all he was worth. He was determined to fuck Rich's come right out of her. He slammed in again and again, focusing on how she wasn't as tight as she usually was. She was slicker than normal and that was thanks to Rich. She was moaning and bucking and David was fucking into her hard enough to leave bruises.

The orgasm left him stunned and weak. He collapsed on top of her.

Rich moved away to sit on the edge of the bed. David vaguely heard the snicker and flare of a lighter, and then cigarette smoke drifted his way. Rich lay back in the bed, propping a pillow up behind him. David felt his eyes on him, and when he looked up Rich had a wry smile on his face.

‘Rest, sport. Then we'll have round two.'

David buried his face in Katie's chest. She smelled like sweat and perfume and himself and a little bit of something he hadn't smelled before. That had to be Rich. The jealousy rose up in him like a tidal wave and he bit down hard on her neck, marking her with his teeth. Rich chuckled.

‘The night is still young, kids.'

Minutes later Rich went to the bathroom. Katie sat up in bed and winced a little, then looked at David.

‘You've never fucked me that hard,' she said.


‘Are you OK?'

David contemplated that and came up with no sincere answer. He shrugged. She wrapped her arms around him and asked if he wanted to keep going, or if he wanted to go home.

‘Keep going,' he said.

‘Me too. But only this one time, honey. Tonight is all. Then I'm done.'

David raised his eyebrows in surprise. ‘Done?'

‘We need time to think about all this. Don't we?'

They definitely needed that. He was already thinking about the other things they might be able to do, and especially about the comment Katie had made that first night they discussed all this, when she said she should have a chance to eat pussy too . . .

No, David thought this might be the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

In fact, his body was already responding. He hadn't recovered that quickly in years, and he knew he might have only one more go in him. But surely between the two men, they could keep Katie satisfied all night long.

‘Suck me,' David said.

Katie smiled and made her way down his body. She enveloped his cock with her warm, talented mouth.

Rich came out of the bathroom. He watched for a long while. By the time he settled on the bed behind her, he was hard again. Her whole body rocked when he thrust into her. He looked over her shoulder at David.

‘Time for round two,' Rich said.

Malicious Intent
Sommer Marsden

no intention of seducing him. I just want that on the record. It was business. It was supposed to be food and drinks and schmoozing. A semi-hard sell, sure. I mean why would he want me to redesign his restaurant when his lovely wife was a budding designer? Why? Because I am good. I am beyond good. I am outstanding. And I was going to prove that to Samuel Radcliff.

I really am a bitch. I have to admit it. I heard his wife. Sitting at my table for one, picking at my hot and sour soup of the day, I heard her gushing over her project for her design class. And I heard her go on to say that one day she would totally redo The Tarnished Spoon. The name is why I eat here. Really. How can you resist a name like that?

Anyway, Deborah was going on and on about colours and swags and all of that as Samuel half-listened and nodded. He smiled but busied himself with lists and a calculator. ‘Mmm-hmm,' was what he said.

Deborah was completely ignorant. She grinned and chattered and looked around with a great wide-eyed gaze as if she had never seen her husband's restaurant before. I watched her and she didn't see me at all. I eat lunch early. I eat alone. I usually sketch in my book or read as I eat. And she was too excited to see me, the lone woman in the corner.

‘I have to go!' she gasped, glancing at her watch. She shot out of her chair. She was all thin legs and clumsy nature in her too-tight pencil skirt. She had a spectacular ass and I would have laid money on that being part of why Samuel had married her.

‘Go on, Chicklet,' he muttered, punching more buttons.

‘Kiss me!' she demanded and leaned forwards. She puckered her too-thin lips and teetered on her too-high heels. I thought for a moment she would fold up like a paper crane and fall into his lap.

He kissed her dutifully but his eyes never left his stack of paperwork. Interesting. I popped a button on my black dress and freed a little more cleavage. I had a job to win.

‘Ah, the lovely Jillian! How is your soup? Can I get you more iced tea?' The hours I keep, I usually get Samuel or his second-in-command Robert. Robert is tall, lean and gay. He calls me Miss J. Samuel is taller and stockier and has brawn behind his walk that fills in the lines of his suits when he wears them. He reminds me of Dean Martin and that always makes me smile.

‘No thanks. But I did want to talk to you about the restaurant.' I trailed a nail along my cleavage absently. The kind of gesture that looks completely innocent. The kind of thing that would make a man think,
Oh she didn't even know she was doing that. Surely seduction was not her intent
. And it wasn't. Not yet. I just wanted to redo the restaurant and put a pinhole in his little wife's plans.

Have I mentioned that I am a bitch?

His eyes found my fingers and followed the motion. It was like watching a man being hypnotised. And seriously, if it had been any easier I think I might have laughed out loud. ‘What's that?'

‘The restaurant. Can we talk about it for a moment?' I pushed the chair opposite me out with the toe of my black boot. ‘Could you sit? Before the lunch crowd shows?'

He sat, still staring at my cleavage and my hand. The hand that had stilled at the swell of my breasts. Breasts that were more bared now than before he had joined me. What wonders one small button can hide.

‘What can I do for you, Jillian?'

Maybe it was me but the word ‘do' had a slightly wistful quality to it. He could do me, period, I thought and smiled a little. Still, I was only trying to steal the job at that point. Not the man. That urge came later. ‘I want to redo your restaurant.'

He looked surprised. Maybe because of his recent conversation with Mrs Radcliff. And by conversation I mean her monologue. ‘Why is that?'

I traced the seam of my cleavage with my fingernails. I had just had them done a lovely shade called Dame Red. ‘I am trying to build my portfolio and your restaurant is one of the most popular in the city. I figure, I can give you deep discounts and you can give me a great reputation.' When I said ‘deep', I leaned in towards him as if to tell him a secret. Samuel is a stern man. Friendly but strait-laced. Serious almost. But for a moment, I swear, if he could have dived head first in between my breasts he would have.

‘That sounds interesting,' he said to my left nipple. Both nipples peaked against the soft black material. I was
bra so visibility was roughly one hundred per cent. ‘Do you have a colour scheme?'

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