Seduced by Three (20 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Ryan

BOOK: Seduced by Three
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She knew he would penetrate her eventually, and the thought of it filled her with uneasy anticipation. Too much too soon could ruin her, and yet the wait, the teasing, was punishing. Grace groaned a halfhearted complaint as she backed into the teasing head at her ass. A crack split the air as someone’s hand came down onto the round of her butt and then rubbed the area with hard, kneading circles.

“You don’t decide when you get it,” Luke reprimanded. “I do.”

Those last two words launched Luke’s gradual penetration of her ass. At almost imperceptible increments, he filled her.

Van said softly into her ear, “Just say stop if it gets to be too much.” He skimmed his hand over her hair and down her back. Van, sweet Van, he was always thinking more about her than himself. She raised her head and looked into his green eyes. They glittered back at her turbulently.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “Go ahead.” Grace closed her eyes as the cock inside her ass entered and retreated at a lazy a pace. Van’s hands on her hips raised her slightly so he could enter her. “Oh, God!” she cried as he advanced until he was completely sheathed inside of her.

She was overfull. Her breath hitched, and she didn’t know if she could endure anymore, perched on the edge of consuming sensations of pleasure and pain. They melted together, forming a haze in her mind, a fabulous other place, and as her body adjusted, she wanted more. She wanted to feel the pumping of their cocks.

“Fuck me,” she begged, and another hard hand hit her ass. “Yes, fuck yes. Again. Please, again.”

She wanted as much of these men as she could take. She thrashed around, wanting so much more. Luke’s lazy fuck ramped up, and she could feel the tremble of his hands gripped at her hips. Sarge. It was Sarge who was landing occasional blows on the upper curve of her ass as the other two men split her apart with their cocks.

They worked her body savagely as she sobbed for more until her entire world tilted on the edge of the most sublime pleasure she had ever felt. A rough cry thundered out of her as her body disintegrated, tumbled into a void. There was only ecstasy. Only the sound of her own sobs filled her ears. For those moments, nothing else existed except the all-encompassing euphoria that hijacked her body.

Her breathing was ragged, her mind muddled. Did they come, too? She supposed so. Luke pulled out of her. Van still stroked her cheek with his thumb and whispered reassurances in her ear. She was near sleep when she felt him settle her on the bed, followed by the coolness of someone cleaning her sweat-dampened skin and the cum in between her legs.

She felt the side of the bed dip as she was rolled over to her side. She recognized the feel of Van’s body curling around her backside.

Grace dozed in Van’s arms. She was vaguely aware of talking and movement from time to time.

She smiled. Yes. Everything was going to be okay.


Chapter 24

Grace was awakened by gentle fondling between her legs and a hard mass poking at her back.


She rolled over to face him. “Nice way to wake up.”

“I thought so.” He gifted her with a devilish smile.

Grace leaned into him and kissed him. “Where are the other two?”

“They’re finishing up the last-minute travel stuff.”

“We’re alone?”

Van nodded.

“Make love to me, Van,” she said, leaning in to kiss him again.

He backed his head away and met her eyes with a questioning look. “Maybe we should wait a while. You’re still getting your strength back and we have a long trek tonight.” She gave him her best pout, and he sighed in resignation. “The other two are going to kick my ass for tiring you out before we’re supposed to leave. You know that don’t you?”

“That sounds like your problem, not mine.” She laughed.

He gathered her in his arms. “Do you know how much I love you, Grace?”

“Probably about as much as I love you.”

Then with a playful grin, he positioned himself over her, supporting his weight with an arm on each side. He kissed her. A long, sweet kiss that made Grace’s heart soar. She felt so treasured when she was with him. He pulled away after the kiss and looked into her eyes. His expression was uneasy.

She tilted her head. “What is it?”

“Are you sure?”

Grace wrapped her arms around Van and ran them down the flexed muscles of his back. “Am I sure about what?”

Van pressed his lips together and shook his head.

“What?” she pressed.

“Us. You and me. Are you sure? I’m a bit more vanilla when it comes to sex. It seems you like it more…unconventional than I’m used to.” He closed his eyes for a few seconds and took a breath. “I’m not sure there’s a place for me here. I’ll leave if—”

“No! You’re not leaving me.” Grace’s voice was determined and contained an uncharacteristic tinge of panic. “You’d leave the baby?” Grace withdrew her arms from around him. Angry, and through gritted teeth, she said, “I don’t give a flying fuck about vanilla sex, chocolate sex, upside-down, or backward sex. I love you, Van. Don’t you love me?”

“I love you so much that I’m willing to walk away if you don’t want me here.”

Grace knew her next words would either leave Van with lingering uncertainty or establish his secure place within their new family. Grace placed her hands on either side of his face and held him firmly.

“Listen carefully because I’m only going to say this once.” Her voice returned to her normal gentle tone. “You are the only man here that
pursued. I risked my life just so I could see you again. There is more between you and me than sex. I love you.” Grace paused and she felt cold fierceness begin to rise within her. “If you walk away from me and the baby, I will hunt you down myself and bring a shitstorm of guilt and regret down on you that’s so devastating you won’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. Got it?”

Van grinned at her. “You sound so sweet when you’re threatening me, it’s hard to take you seriously.”

“You better take me seriously.” She smacked his ass. “Now make love to me before we have an audience.” She pulled him down toward her.

Van captured her mouth like only he could. The tenderness in his kiss said so much. She was treasured, respected, loved. No one would ever accuse her of being a china doll, but through Van’s eyes, she was more than tomboy Grace. He handled her so delicately, so sweetly that it nourished her, filled a feminine need that she had never known existed within her.

Van groaned as he entered her. “Come here.” He scooped her up and shifted to his knees, lifting her to vertical with him. He peppered her breasts with kisses as they started a slow, intimate dance. He bolstered her movements with hands. They squeezed and guided her ass, setting the pace and taking control.

Grace ground her clit into the base of his cock with each stroke.

She hugged his body so tightly that they moved as one, the heat between them building as their pace quickened. Grace flung her head back, dug her nails into his shoulders. His cock was seated so deep within her that the rounded, smooth crest bumped deep inside her with every thrust.

“Yes, like that,” Grace panted. His pace was hard and fast as the sound of their bodies coming together filled her ears. She neared the summit with the almost ecstasy loitering stroke after stroke. “Oh, God, I’m going to come.” Her pussy gripped the steel flesh he pounded into her at a fevered pace until they came with explosive intensity. They melded together, frozen in their release, crying out their bliss.

Sounds of ragged breathing replaced their cries, and their heated bodies still clung to each other when they became aware that they were not alone.

Grace nervously looked over at the two men standing with their eyes wide and their mouths open.

“That was fucking hot,” Luke said, smiling.

Van and Grace looked at Sarge, who was standing in the shadows. Grace tensed, expecting attitude and possessive bullshit. She met Sarge’s eyes, and he smiled at her.


* * * *


An hour into the hike home, she was tired. But she was also reluctant to tell any of the men that she needed to rest. They all treated her like a china doll. She wasn’t complaining. She was actually growing to like the gentle attention. It was easy to get used to once she convinced herself that she had nothing to prove, and no one she needed to hide her heart from. But she still didn’t want to worry them. She’d done that enough.

She glanced at her men. They surrounded her like she was the president and they were her Secret Service. They were the three points of her own personal triangle of safety, and triangle of sex. She knew she was grinning ear to ear like a stupid fool when Sarge walked up from behind her and swept her off her feet. He turned her body toward his and carried her close, their chests pressing together. His arms were thick supports against her back and behind her knees.

God, how he watched her. Having somebody anticipate her needs nearly before she was aware of them herself was disconcerting. There was a time in the not-so-distant past that she would have bristled at his decision of what she needed without asking her first. However, over the last few days, she found that he was actually quite good at it. She also knew it was Sarge’s way of demonstrating his love for her. He would always notice her needs by the nearly imperceptible cues that most other people never even noticed. She discovered it was an extraordinarily special way of showing love. It had more impact than just saying the words.

She wrapped her arms around him and snuggled closer, burrowing into his chest, and she savored the muted sound of the grunt he released in response to her clinging.

Van and Luke shifted wordlessly, presumably to a new formation that protected her and Sarge more thoroughly.

She’d noticed over the past few days that the men were different. They connected on a deeper level and developed a kinship with each other while she was gone. They respected and listened to each other. They were friends, but they behaved more like a family, each having their own function within the group. Their roles were unspoken but it wasn’t hard to figure out where they’d landed in the pecking order.

Sarge was in charge. He’d come out on top as alpha male. And there seemed to be total acceptance of that from the other two.

Luke was mediator and sounding board, keeping everybody on solid footing. Sarge listened intently when Luke put his two cents in, which wasn’t often.

Van was friend and companion to both, Sarge’s right hand man and second-in-command, and Luke’s listener, the counselor’s counselor.

She’d never imagined that these three men could develop a cooperative coexistence like this. She doubted whether it would have happened if she’d remained there with them instead of running away. It had taken a civil war wrought with skirmishes, concessions, and shared misery to develop the peace they’d found.

“I’m feeling better now. You can set me down.”

Sarge stopped his forward progress and placed her delicately in front of him. He ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms. His eyes shone at her, glittering with emotion. The look was full of unspoken promises.

Grace almost laughed when he actually growled at her before he kissed her lightly and then nudged her to the center of their triangle. It seemed like tonight their sole focus was maintaining the triangle of safety and not much else.

When the four of them finally turned down Sarge’s street and his house came into sight, Sarge advanced to her left side and Luke to her right. She glanced up at each of them, and each in turn smiled down at her. Expressions of love, of joy, illuminated their faces the second their eyes focused on her, and the sudden realization that she was the reason stunned and humbled her.

In that moment, Grace was sure that they were going to be okay. She knew because the four of them were no longer a collection of random people surviving together. They were a family




Sylvia lives the life of an ordinary wife, mother, and professional in Midwest Suburbia, USA. She reads voraciously and loves to lose herself and fall head over heels for the alpha males in the novels she reads.

When she gets the chance to shed the prim and proper persona of average wife and mother, her secret identity, Sylvia Ryan, emerges. This alter ego strives to write original ideas in extraordinary settings for her readers to remember long after the book has been read. Her dream is to transform her racy thoughts and naughty nature into tangible works of erotic fantasy for others’ secret identities to enjoy.

Also by Sylvia Ryan


Ménage Amour:
Saved by One, Shared by Two



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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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