Seduced by Moonlight (20 page)

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Authors: Janice Sims

BOOK: Seduced by Moonlight
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Cherisse laughed, too. “No, I think you're very human. And I like you, Marcia Shaw.”

Marcia smiled warmly. “I like you, too.”

Soon, they were in the restroom and went into separate stalls. When they came out they stood side by side at the sinks, washing up and checking their makeup.

“Tell Harry I'm okay,” Marcia said as she reapplied her lipstick. “I know he's wondering. That's just the kind of guy he is, one of the good ones.” Their eyes met in the mirror. “Tell him I'm happy he met you.”

With that she left the restroom.

Cherisse went to join Harry at the bar and found him surrounded by several male football fans, who were recounting some of the stories from his career in the game.

Harry solicitously helped her onto the stool beside him. “I ordered you a chilled white wine, is that okay?”

“Yes, thank you,” she said shyly. She took a sip of her wine.

Harry turned to the football fans. “Gentlemen, if you don't mind, my date is back and I much prefer looking at her beautiful face than your mugs.”

The men laughed and good-naturedly patted Harry on the back and returned to their end of the bar.

Cherisse smiled at him. He certainly had a way with people.

Harry bent close and kissed her fragrant cheek. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

Cherisse turned to meet his gaze. His eyes held an amused glint in them, which promised future mischief, no doubt. She wondered what kind of mischief they could be getting into in that suite he'd reserved at Hotel Teatro.

“Immensely,” she told him. “I just had a chat with Marcia in the line for the ladies' room. She told me to tell you she's doing okay after her breakup with LaShaun and she's glad you met me.”

Harry looked fleetingly surprised. Then he smiled. “I'm glad I met you, too. In fact, I've never been happier.” He looked deeply in her eyes. “I wish I'd met you ten years ago. I wish I'd known you when you were a girl. I bet you were cute.”

“My hair was even more unruly than it is now and I was fat,” Cherisse said. “I didn't lose my baby fat until I was thirteen and I joined the track team, played baseball for a couple of seasons and finally settled on basketball. Discovering sports saved me.”

Harry laughed softly. “I don't care if you were fat, you were probably adorable.” And he bent to kiss her mouth. She tasted of the wine she had just sipped. He tasted of the Rémy Martin he'd had in her absence. But they both tasted unbearably sweet to each other.

“I think I'm falling for you, Harry,” Cherisse told him in all earnestness when they parted. “With a very small push I could fall all the way.”

Harry's heart thudded. Excitement suffused him and he got off his stool and lifted her off hers. Setting her on her feet, he said, “Well, then, darlin', let's blow this joint and I will give you all the pushing you need.”

Cherisse grinned. She liked the sound of that. They didn't waste time going to collect their coats and rushing out into the cold night. The only holdup was the seven minutes they spent out front waiting for Harry's car to be brought around.

Once on the road, Harry had only to drive across the street to 1100 Fourteenth Street.

They were at their destination in only a few minutes. Once again the valet service took charge of the car but this time Harry hurried around to help Cherisse out. He got the pleasure of looking at her long legs unfolding from the confines of the luxury car.

The doorman bowed. “Welcome to the Hotel Teatro, sir, madam. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.”

Harry said a hasty thank-you and soon he and Cherisse were standing at the desk while a very friendly woman quickly checked his reservations and announced, “Yes, Mr. Payne, your suite is ready and our concierge service has supplied everything you asked for and it is all waiting in your suite.” She handed him two key cards. “Enjoy your evening.”

Harry snatched the key cards. “Thank you!”

On the walk across the lobby to the bank of elevators, he handed Cherisse one of the key cards. She slipped it into her clutch. Harry pulled her close to his side as they waited for the elevator to arrive. “Do I appear eager?” He smiled down at her.

Cherisse was excited herself. “No more than I do, no doubt. I'm nervous, Harry.”

Harry embraced her, and that's how they were standing when the elevator doors opened and perhaps five people exited the conveyance. She and Harry stepped inside, the only people getting on at that moment.

Harry pulled her into his arms as the doors closed. “Why should you be nervous? I'm the one. You haven't seen me naked yet. I've seen you in all your glory, remember?”

Cherisse blushed. “Oh, yes, how could I forget it?”

Harry grinned. “I definitely haven't. I've had some very nice dreams about you since then.”

“Oh, no,
How will I ever compare to your dreams?” Cherisse playfully lamented.

“Shut up and kiss me, woman,” Harry said.

Chapter 14

hey stepped onto an Indonesian flagstone foyer as they went into the suite. Harry secured the door behind them and immediately began to help Cherisse out of her coat.

He bent to kiss the side of her neck as he did so, and Cherisse turned out of the coat, leaving him holding it in his hands. “A little trick I learned when I was in high school and the boys tried to steal a kiss while helping me off with my coat,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Harry hung her coat on the convenient hall tree next to the door and she walked up to him and placed both hands on his chest, slid them outward and around, helping him off with his coat. She took it and hung it on the hall tree.

Then she tiptoed and kissed him, taking her sweet time and relishing him. She ended by taking his lower lip between her lips and gently sucking on it. “You taste good.”

Reaching up to remove his bow tie, she said, “Since you've already seen me naked, I think it's only fair that your clothes should come off first. I'll do the honors.”

Harry smiled. “Wear yourself out.”

Being a nurse, Cherisse knew a little about anatomy. Being a woman, she was incapable of removing Harry's clothing without being aroused by the sight of his well-defined musculature, evidence of a life devoted to sports. All of those crunches, running up and down stadium steps and hours in the weight room had wrought a body that was strong and beautifully constructed.

Not a woman given to swooning, she felt quite close to doing just that. Heart beating rapidly, hands trembling slightly, she peeled off his jacket, the cummerbund and his shirt, grimacing when she came to the heavy onyx-and-gold cuff links because they stubbornly resisted her efforts at first. She had to grasp the clasps in a certain way to make them loosen their grip on his cuffs. Damned cuff links, she thought irritably.

All the while Harry was standing there as still as a statue, smiling.

“Do you find this amusing?” she asked.

“I thought you might cuss when those cuff links wouldn't come off fast enough.”

Cherisse sighed as she caressed his naked chest, and what a chest. He was indeed hairy. Not too hairy, but curly dark brown hair covered his pectorals, wasn't as thick on his washboard stomach, thickening lower and disappearing inside his waistband.

She kissed his chest. She heard him moan with pleasure. Running her hands over his nipples she gave a little moan herself. And found that she couldn't prolong the ecstasy sure to come any longer.

“Harry, I'm sure you can undress yourself much quicker than I can. I'll meet you in the bedroom,” she said breathlessly, looking at him with smoldering eyes.

She gave him a quick kiss and ran into the bedroom.

Harry grinned. Now, it was on. He kicked off his loafers and shucked his slacks in a matter of seconds. Then the socks had to go. Whoever thought leaving your socks on while making love was sexy was a fool!

When he got to the bedroom, Cherisse was struggling with the zipper on that clinging red dress. Her breasts were heaving enticingly with the exertion and she was breathing erratically.

Harry went and pulled the zipper down. The dress fell to the floor in a soft clump.

Cherisse went into his arms dressed only in a very revealing natural-colored strapless bra, bikini panties and—he got an erection just looking at her in them—stockings with a garter belt.

“Let me help you out of those,” he said, dropping to his knees at her feet.

He kissed her bare stomach, licking her skin. Her skin was warm and soft and tasted wonderful to him.

He felt Cherisse tremble, and he didn't think he could wait one minute longer before tasting her sweet nectar. She was standing with the backs of her legs against the bed. Harry rose and gently pushed her backward onto the bed and coaxed her up farther on the mattress.

“Is this a bra designed to drive men crazy trying to get it off?” he asked tightly. “Because if it is, I suggest you take it off. I feel about bras the way you feel about cuff links.”

Cherisse reached behind her and unhooked the clasps. Harry pulled the bra off and tossed it onto the bed. Heaven! Her breasts fit nicely in his big hands. He bent and licked them, up, down, underneath. Her skin smelled of the melon skin lotion she liked.

Harry took a nipple into his mouth. It was delectable on his tongue. He gently sucked, enjoying her reaction. She sighed delightedly, licked her lips and raised her hips off the bed as though she were ready for more than the sensation of his mouth on her breasts. But Harry had waited too long to rush toward the denouement. No way was he going to sleep tonight without exploring every inch of her body.

He raised his head and grasped the waistband of the garter belt. It slipped easily over her hips. He enjoyed removing each stocking. The panties, silken and tiny, were a little more difficult to get off, but he persevered and was rewarded at last when he rolled them off her and she opened her legs to him. He removed his Jockeys.

Harry's mouth watered when he saw the beautiful lines of her sex, and her clitoris peeking from between the lips of her vagina seemingly beckoning him. He didn't have to be asked twice. He plunged right in and feasted on her with slow deliberation.

“Oh, God,” Cherisse moaned loudly. She felt like a virgin experiencing her first orgasm, deeply astonished that it felt so damn good! “Harry, I'm coming!”

“Then come on, sweetness,” Harry paused long enough to say, then redoubled his efforts. He grasped her by the backs of her legs and pulled her closer.

Cherisse continued to moan loudly until she exploded and quietly sighed on her way down from the peak of pleasure.

Harry knew the moment she came. He felt her throb with release. Kissing the insides of her thighs, he waited until she had stopped trembling before getting up to get a condom from the bedside table.

His eyes devoured Cherisse, her golden brown body glistening, her breath coming in short intervals causing her breasts to rise and fall enticingly with each inhalation.

Her legs were spread, revealing the wet promise of her sex. He could hardly get the condom onto his penis fast enough.

Cherisse raised up on her elbows to look at him on his return to the bed. He was huge, as she suspected, but she had to see with her own eyes. She wanted to remember every detail of this night. And seeing Harry in all his magnificence was now etched in her mind.

Harry didn't enter her immediately. He straddled her and bent to kiss her mouth, her throat, to tease her breasts, lick her nipples. Cherisse moaned with pleasure expressing extreme satisfaction for his efforts. Six years of pent-up sexual energy was being unleashed tonight!

Harry finally placed the tip of his penis at the opening of her vagina and gently pushed. Cherisse pushed back and he entered her by degrees. She was tight around him, tight and deliciously warm and wet. He closed his eyes, fully appreciating the moment. Yes, he realized, making love to a woman you cherish

He wanted to please her. He wanted to hear her little moans of delight, feel her sweet breath on his skin as she panted, cared that she got her pleasure before he got his.

He opened his eyes and found that Cherisse had been watching him. Their eyes met and held. He saw in her depths the love she had for him, and it was that revelation that pushed him over the edge. He came with a shout and thrust into her with rapidity.

It was sheer sweet torture!

Holding himself up with his powerful arms, he continued pushing until he had come down from his high. Cherisse's hips were raised off the bed, fully meeting his thrusts with her own.

He pulled her to him and rolled over, bringing her to rest on top of him. Sighing, he lay back with his hands behind his head and admired the view, Cherisse sitting on top of him, her beautiful breasts full and enticing, their nipples erect and pointing upward. He smiled at her. “Marry me.”

“Huh?” said Cherisse, totally taken by surprise.

“I don't mean fly to Vegas tonight,” Harry said with a gentle smile. “How about New Year's Day? We could go to Zurich for our honeymoon. There's a ski resort there that I want you to see. It's what I'm aiming for in a resort. As my wife, I want you to learn every aspect of the business. You'll be a part of it, after all, a wonderful asset. I saw a sneak-peek of how good you're going to be when we went to Montana. You're naturally good with people, and they like you right away.”

Cherisse's mind was racing. Had Harry said anything about being in love with her before he'd started talking about what a great asset she would be to his business? No, she didn't think she'd heard him say he loved her.

“Is that what this is, Harry?” she asked, climbing off him. “An interview for the position as your wife whom you see as a business asset?”

Harry grasped her wrist. “No, no, I love you, Cheri.” He rose and pulled her into his arms. “I'm such a fool. I was so excited about the fact that I love you that I rushed right to the proposal.” He kissed her chin, her neck. “I love you, baby, I love you so much that I can think of little else!”

Cherisse teared up. “Are you sure? Because I love you, too! I think I fell in love with you in Montana.”

“Montana?” Harry said, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice, but failing. “I fell in love with
in Montana!”

Tears rolled down Cherisse's cheeks. “Why didn't you say anything then?”

“Because I figured you wouldn't believe me. You're such a sensible woman, Cheri. Look how you've raised Danielle on your own. It seems like everything you've done since you got up the nerve to leave Charlie has been methodically thought out. You came back to Denver because you knew your mother would welcome you and would be a built-in babysitter for Danielle. You put yourself through college with your eye on the head nurse position. You're a formidable woman, baby. I figured you would not believe me if I said I loved you after knowing you for only three weeks! So I gave it a few more weeks, hoping that by then my proposal would be more believable to you.”

Cherisse sniffed. “Yeah, I've been sensible. I had to be sensible. I'd married my childhood sweetheart without knowing him well enough and toughed it out for nine years. I figured I'd better be sensible about the rest of my life's decisions. Danielle deserved at least one dependable parent. But when I met you, Harry, I realized that my sensible way of life could sometimes be put on the shelf in favor of red-hot passion!

“That's what you made me feel again, Harry, the passion that had been missing in my life! I love you like crazy and I look forward to spending the rest of my life loving you.”

Harry, big tough Harry, sniffed back tears. He pulled her into his arms and they lay in bed holding one another. “So, New Year's Day?” he asked softly.

“That's less than two weeks away,” said the sensible Cherisse.

“The resort's available,” said Harry.

“We're going to shock everybody we know by getting married so quickly,” Cherisse warned.

Harry grinned. “Believe me, we're not going to shock anybody, least of all our mothers. Your mother can tell how I feel about you, and my mom knows because I told her I loved you. And Danielle has been trying to hook us up from the beginning. The only person who'll be shocked is Charlie.”

Cherisse laughed. “I forgot about Charlie.”

“How can you forget about a man who wants you back?”

Cherisse snuggled closer to him and looked him in the eyes. “You don't really believe Charlie was serious about a second chance, do you?”

Harry frowned. “Didn't you believe him?”

“If I can make myself clear,” Cherisse began, “I believe
thought he was serious, but deep down I think it was just a cry for forgiveness. I never forgave him for choosing gambling over me and Danielle. I believe in some screwy way Charlie thought that if we were a family again all of his sins would be forgiven.”

“Makes sense,” Harry agreed. He kissed her forehead. “How about a shower and then I have a couple of things I want to share with you.”

Cherisse readily agreed. “A shower sounds good. And just for future reference, I'd like the chance to freshen up a bit before, you know…”

“You mean before I kiss you down there?” Harry asked, looking amused. His fiancée wasn't as wanton as she'd seemed a few minutes ago.

Cherisse looked embarrassed. “Yes, down there.”

“You bathed before dressing,” Harry said. “A woman's natural scent is not offensive to me, darling. I find your smell, your taste totally pleasing. I enjoyed you tonight.”

Cherisse grimaced. “You must think I'm a prude.”

“No, I think I'm going to have a good time teaching you to enjoy your body more, because I'm definitely going to enjoy it.”

He pulled her up from the bed and playfully spanked her bottom. “Come on, I want to see just how turned on you can get in the shower.”

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