Seduced by Chocolate

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Authors: Celia Kyle,Lizzie Lynn Lee

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Seduced by Chocolate
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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

About Celia Kyle

About Lizzie Lynn Lee

Seduced by Chocolate

Celia Kyle & Lizzie Lynn Lee

March 2013


Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Copyright, Celia Kyle & Lizzie Lynn Lee. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.


Summerhouse Publishing


Celia Kyle


Lizzie Lynn Lee


This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.


Smashwords Edition, License Notes


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Chapter One


Linc had been avoiding his visit to Charly’s Chocolate Factory for three days, five hours and thirty-seven minutes. No, he glanced at his watch, make that thirty-eight minutes.

Standing outside the shop, he glared at the displays of Luscious Lips, lip-shaped confections, and Cherry Berries, nipple-shaped chocolate-covered cherries, all of which had been deemed inappropriate by the building’s new owners. Every item in Charly’s was somehow lewd, crude, and sensually delicious.

He didn’t know from personal experience, of course, but all of the women in the office raved about her Peanut Penises, peanut sprinkled penis shaped candies…the peanuts, naturally, outlined the, ahem, head area. He wasn’t a prude. Truly. But he usually preferred his bedroom toys to stay in the bedroom where they belonged.

Well, there was no way around it. Charly, in all her confectioner’s glory, was headed for the streets. No lease renewal, no extension, nothing. At the end of the month, she was getting the boot.

With a sigh, he tugged on the front door, the bell ringing at his entrance. A young man wiped the tables while a woman counted down the till at the counter.

“Uh, sorry, sir, but we’re closed.” The young man sounded unsure, tentative, as if Linc would rip his head off for speaking.

He didn’t look that scary, did he? He admitted that his size worked to intimidate some, but he’d never tried to strong arm anyone. “I’m looking for Charly. It’s a personal matter.”

“Oh.” The man blushed. “Charly’s in the back, working on tomorrow’s orders. Go on through.”

With a nod, Linc did as instructed, weaving his way around the tables and upended chairs while heading toward the sign that read “Employees Only.” Once behind the curtain that cordoned off the bakery from the customer’s area, Linc froze.

Back there, hiding behind the curtain, was a woman of amazing beauty. She had shoulder length black hair done up in teeny tiny braids. Her skin was the color of smooth milk chocolate. From the side he could see her light brown eyes sparkling as she mixed up a batch of some sort of chocolate confection, the mixture almost matching her skin. Her nose was pert, tipped up at the end, and her lips were the color of ripe berries, full and luscious and infinitely kissable.

Linc’s gaze traveled further south, admiring the generous swell of her breasts, the tucked in line of her waist and the flare of her hips as she turned away from him. Her bottom was round and plump, perfect for grabbing and pounding into. Just plain perfect. Everything about her screamed “fuck me, hard and fast,” yet at the same time, whispered “be gentle.” He couldn’t decide how he wanted her first.

His cock throbbed and ached in his four-hundred-dollar slacks, letting him know how much he wanted this black beauty. He wanted, no, needed, her more than his next breath, needed her like he needed life. He remained still, watching as she poured ingredient after ingredient into the large double boiler on the enormous stove, mixing something that smelled heavenly and probably tasted even better. She dipped her finger into the mixture and licked off the chocolate that coated the tip. How he wanted to be that finger, that chocolate, anything to get into her mouth and relish the taste of her sweetness. She had to taste sweet and sultry and exotic. No woman could look as luscious as she did without tasting like chocolate and sunshine.

Her hips swayed to the beat of her song, moving to the music she created. His cock ached, wanted him to sidle up to her, scoot behind and grind his dick against her voluptuous ass. He belonged there, with her, next to her, by her side.

Never had he felt such a punch of lust in his gut—like he just had to sink inside a woman, this woman, right now. There was something about her, something that made him primal and wanting and protective all at once. He wondered if there was something going on between this woman and that young man out in the eatery. Didn’t matter. She’d be his before the night ended. And considering that it was already after eleven, he needed to get a move on.

He cleared his throat. “Excuse me?”

She squeaked and dropped her spoon into the chocolate she’d been mixing. “Shit. Just one sec.”

He heard footsteps behind him and he turned his attention to the young woman shoving the curtain aside. “Night, Charly. See ya tomorrow.”

Charly. Of course. The woman he had to have, at any cost, was Charly, owner of Charly’s Chocolate Factory. And he’d been ordered to evict her.

Well, fuck me.

“You okay with Mr.—”

“Lincoln Robinson.” He held his hand out to Charly and she took it in a firm grasp, shaking it like she meant it. Their first touch sent shudders of pleasure down his spine, sparking his interest even further than before. Yup, he wanted her. Bad.


“From?” She didn’t know this guy from Adam, but damn if he didn’t make her pussy clench and grow heavy with desire.

He was tall, taller than her by at least six inches, which said a lot considering she was five ten. And just a hint of tan covered his skin. What she could see of it. He wore a tailored suit like it’d been built around him, and expensive from what she could tell. His hair was cut a little long on top and short on the sides, just long enough for her to tug on while his head was buried between her thighs. His eyes captivated her. They were as green as grass and sparkling with a desire she’d hardly ever seen before. Not when she looked as she did. With her thick thighs, big ass and even bigger breasts, she wasn’t anyone’s image of perfection by any means. Yet this guy looked at her…

His nose had been broken at some point, a little crooked and listing to the left a tiny bit. A five o’clock shadow covered his face, and his lips… They were those full, kissable lips that some men had without looking like a woman. Yeah, she could feast on that mouth. She was such a kisser—loved locking lips and necking with a man for hours on end. It always ended up with a decent case of beard burn, but it was worth it. Cuddling and kissing were her favorite things ever.

“Wagner and Sons, the new management firm.” He smiled and she was nearly knocked off her feet with the way a simple turn of his lips could brighten someone’s face so much.

“Yeah, Bobby, I’m fine.” She waved away her assistant and watched as she dropped the curtain back into place. Within moments the soft clicking of the locks on the front door echoed through the quiet shop, letting her know that she and Lincoln were now alone.

He brought her hand to his lips, brushing his mouth across the back of her hand. “Call me Linc.”

“Charlene. My dad was Charly and it’s sort of stuck, but I prefer…” She was having trouble breathing with his mouth still brushing kisses on her hand. He flipped it over and nibbled on the pad of her thumb, laving the tiny prickle of pain away. “Charlene.” She gasped at his brazen behavior, her knees going weak.

“Charlene. It rolls off the tongue like that sweet chocolate you have simmering, I imagine.”

Oh. Oh, he had some sweet words, didn’t he? And she was falling for every one.

“A taste?” She gestured toward the simmering chocolate, the filling for some new truffles she was creating.

“Absolutely.” His eyes seemed to darken to a deep sea green. His voice sounded seductive, suggestive, as if he wanted to taste something else.

No, he couldn’t. Not me. Could he?

Linc kept hold of her hand, twining their fingers together, and she found she didn’t mind. Even if this were only for one night, she wanted what he had to give, would take what she desired without hesitation as long as he was willing.

She flicked her attention to the juncture of his thighs and admired the large bulge that appeared to be fighting a losing battle with his slacks. So, he was a bit interested after all…

Charlene dipped her finger into the warm chocolate and held it aloft for him, daring him to suck the sweet liquid from her. He did it without hesitation, licking and suckling her finger as if his life depended on it, his tongue swirling and dancing around and around, arousing her even further as the seconds ticked by.

“Mmm… Delicious.”

He dipped his own finger into the concoction, and stroked her bottom lip, leaving a trail of chocolate in his wake. She snaked her tongue out for a taste and moaned as the delicious flavors burst on her tongue. “You’re right.”

Linc returned his finger back to her mouth. She opened her lips, welcoming him inside. She sucked and licked the pad of his finger, savoring the warm taste of him mixed with her very best blend of spicy sweetness. Charlene pretended that it was his dick she was licking, giving him the best imitation of her cock sucking capabilities. She circled the pad of his finger, traced a dancing line along it and took him as deep as she could. The entire time their gazes remained intent upon one another. She kept her eyes trained on him, sucking and fucking her mouth on his finger, moaning and groaning as she suckled harder, faster.

She really needed to stop, smell the chocolate, and not let her underused libido get the best of her. She knew better. She should ask for more than the man’s name and place of employment before jumping into bed with him. But she couldn’t make her brain play along at the moment. All it seemed to understand was “fuck” and the responsible part of her mind agreed. Damn it. Sorta. Okay, not really.

Linc removed his finger from her mouth and traced her lower lip with his thumb. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

“The ‘fuck me now’ feeling?” She took a deep breath, ready to admit all.

He brought his lips close to hers, a hairsbreadth away. “Yeah.”

“Oh, yeah.” She couldn’t lie.

He closed the distance between them, his lips brushing hers, chocolate flavors floating between them with an underlying taste of him. All woodsy, deep and musky, it exploded on her tongue and she moaned, sucking his tongue deep into her mouth.

Their passion raged out of control. Hands seemed to move of their own volition, stroking and petting, shifting his jacket until it fell to the floor behind him. Charlene pulled on his tie while their tongues danced and dueled for dominance, mimicking an explicit come-and-get-me motion that had her toes curling in her shoes. She wanted more and everything and anything he could give.

He tasted richer than her finest chocolate, and she delved deeper, searching for more of the flavors that made him who he was. Her pussy ached and throbbed with untamed desire, clenching on nothing and needing so badly to be filled with Linc’s cock. She tore her lips away. “Fuck me.” She wanted to say it, had to say it for herself. “Fuck me, now.”

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