Security (6 page)

Read Security Online

Authors: Mike Shade

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Security
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"Beer's a good start."


He made his first two shots, but missed the third. He didn't really care if he lost, in fact Rick might loosen up a little with a beer in him.


The game went quick, Rick sinking the eight ball without much trouble. "Good game. Thanks."


He nodded and went and got Rick a beer. "You'll give me a chance to prove I can beat you, I hope."


Rick nodded and took the bottle. "I suppose. One."


He licked his lips and rubbed his hip along Rick's as he moved to the table. "Just one?"


"One." Rick's voice was something special, low and deep.


"Well then, we'd better make it worthwhile, wouldn't you say?" He leaned over and collected the balls, setting them up.


Rick finished the beer, throwing the bottle away.
Ken went to the front of the table to break, leaning over and wiggling his ass. "This time we'll play for that blowjob." Before Rick could answer, he broke, sending a striped into the corner pocket.


"Oh, now. I don't think so." Rick gave him a look, a grin. He straightened up. "Why not? You're off the clock."
Rick's eyes slid over to Simon and back. "I'm not a public type of guy, Ken."


"Bay'll distract him." He went up to Rick, close enough to slide against the big body, though he didn't. Not yet. "Or we can go up to my room."


"Go for the backrub and you've got a deal."


"All right." He hoped Bay was watching, seeing how good he was being. He was
. Well. Biding his time and taking what he could get in the meantime. It was still a big step.


He sank two more balls and then missed. Damn. He wanted this one, wanted to see what it felt like to have those big, dark hands on his skin. Rick took his shots, sinking three in a row. He needed for Simon to say something to make the man scratch again. Or he could do it himself.


As Rick lined up the next one, he moved up close again. "You're got such good form. You'll have to teach me how you do it."


"Years and years of practice." Rick winked, shot again.
"Don't you want to correct my form?" he asked.


Rick chuckled low, hip bumping his. "I'm not sure you could handle a hard schooling, Ken."


"I could handle a hard fucking though, Rick. Something nice and long and hard."


"You don't practice much subtlety, do you?"


"Subtlety rarely gets you what you want." Subtlety was for losers who didn't have the balls to come out and say what they wanted.


"Oh, I don't know." Rick made another shot. "It has its place."


"Not at pool," he noted. Damn, he wasn't even going to get a chance to play again. Well he could make the most of giving Rick a backrub, yes, he could.


He shot a glance at Bay, his twin sitting near Red, watching him. Red's eyes were fastened on Rick, watching every movement. He snorted. He thought the two of them were supposed to be watching him and Bay, not each other.


His eyes narrowed at the thought. Could they be...? Rick made another shot, reclaiming his attention. He filed the possibility away -- it could be useful.


Rick scratched, handed him the cue ball with a smile. Simon got up, fetched a bottle of water from the bar. Bay wandered back over to them. He took his shot, making it
and the next two after, but scratching the fourth. Damn, he was pretty sure that had been his only chance.


He handed the cue ball back to Rick. "Be careful with my balls."


Rick lowered his voice. "Isn't that your brother's job?"


He laughed, delighted. "He doesn't mind sharing." Long as he got to watch.


"That's friendly of him. Eight ball in the corner pocket."


"I've got a ball in my pocket that's interested in your cue." He leaned against Rick's hip, rubbing his hard-on against the man.


"You're pushing farther than flirting."


"I want more than flirting, Rick. You said yourself I wasn't subtle." He was getting tired of the chase and wanted to get down to the doing.


Rick sank the eight ball, put the cue down. "My game."


"Yep. Looks like you get the blowjob. Lucky for you, I'm good at them."


"You want to continue this discussion, we'll do it in private."


"That's fine by me, Rick." His eyes flicked to Bay, seeing the pleading there. "You gonna let Bay come along?"


"Okay." Rick nodded lips tight. "To
"Sure. Let's go."


He put down his cue and grabbed Rick's arm, linking his hand through it and heading off. Let Bay worry about keeping up and tagging along, Ken knew when to press his advantage.


And he couldn't wait to get a piece of that beautiful ass.




This was a huge mistake. Huge.


He was considering having sex with a client's son. With a kid who had the impulse control of a gnat.




Because Simon had pissed him off. Touched him this evening, called him babe. Left him hard and heart-sick and needing. And damn it, he wanted Simon to see he was over this. See that he had moved on, that it was over. That even though he hadn't been enough to put Simon's ghosts to rest, he was man enough to have gotten over that short, haunted ass.


He was about to follow the twins into their bedroom when a hard hand grabbed his upper arm, spun him around. "What the
are you doing?"
"You're on duty, why do you care?" "They're clients."
"They're adults." "They're Jonas'
"I don't answer to you, O'Neal." God, those eyes were something else, shining, furious.


"You ought to answer to somebody."


Ken's voice sounded before he could respond, the boy standing in the doorway with his twin behind him, head leaning on Ken's shoulder. "There's no need to fight over us. You're both sexy fuckers. There's two of you, two of us. Bring it on."


Simon looked over at Ken, pain written all over the stocky body. "No. There aren't two of us."


Ken looked annoyed and confused, the look on Bay's face gentle, almost compassionate as Ken kept talking. "Okay, so one of you is one duty. So call your damned back up. Or you can wait and I'll do you in the morning after shift change. Come on, guys, you're killing the mood."


Simon backed off, let his arm go, and then stepped away, moving to stand behind the monitors, the light shadowing the drawn face.


Ken's warmth came up behind him, one hand going around his waist to stroke his belly, the other sliding down from his shoulder. "Come on, handsome. You wanted privacy, it's a step away."


When he stood there, frozen, Ken's hand wandered further south, rubbing at his cock. "Want you. I want to fuck you while my brother watches and then you can do him. We've talked about it ever since we first saw you. Talked about how hot you were."


Rick’s cock jerked and he turned to look at Bay, at Ken. "Why? You have each other."


Ken shrugged against him. "Because I want to. Because I can."


Bay shook his head, the bright eyes looking at Ken. "Because we're from the same egg. We're still half a soul together."


Simon made a single sound, and it hit Rick like a bucket of ice water. Simon had said something like that to him, the night Samuel had died, leaving his then-lover sobbing and lost, broken. He was an asshole, but he wasn't vicious. "I'm sorry, I can't."


"What?" Ken's hands were still roaming, his body, sliding along his hardening cock. "Bullshit. This says you can. You want to, even!"


He stepped away, "Thanks for the offer."
"Fuck you!" Ken shouted at him, hand winding up to clock him one.


Bay's hand wrapped around Ken's wrist. "He said no, Ken. Leave him alone."


"No! No fucking way. These guys come in here to
home and act like they fucking own the place. They don't let us go where we want; they steal our property and treat us like fucking babies. And finally when it looks like I'm going to get some -- after having been denied twice yesterday thanks to these assholes -- he changes his fucking mind? No fucking way."


Rick saw red, stepping right into the kid's space, growling. "If I remember, we were
a backrub."


"Bullshit, we were talking about you coming and us fucking, you know that as well as I do."


Bay tugged on Ken's arm. "Come on, Kenny. Come with me."


Rick opened his mouth to respond when the alarms went off and Simon roared. "Rick! Move them now!"


He grabbed both boys as the explosion hit, the entire house trembling.


They landed in a heap against the far wall, glass and mortar, wood and plastic flying. Bay was screaming for Ken, the two boys wrapping around each other.


Simon grabbed one of the huge bug-out bags, tossed him
one without a word and reached down, grabbed a twin and pulled. "Move."


The twins clung to each other, stumbling along at Simon's insistence.


Rick grabbed the other twin and started pulling. He met Simon's eyes and nodded. He'd go to the southeast, Simon midwest. Simon headed toward the garage; he needed to run for the motorcycle stashed behind the greenhouse.


His primary was fighting him, trying to stop him, to pull away, hitting at him and yelling that they needed to go back for Kenny.


"Kid, don't make me knock you out. Move. Now." He'd explain later.


"But Kenny!" Bay stumbled along with him, still dragging some, trying to find his brother through the chaos.


"Simon's got him."


That seemed to calm Bay some; the kid stopped fighting him at least, though the tears starting to fall told him the kid was falling apart fast.


"Come on, Bay. Hold it together." He strapped the bugout bag in the trailer and grabbed two helmets. "You ever ridden a motorcycle?"


Bay nodded, taking one of the helmets from him and putting it on with trembling hands. "K...Kenny had one. He, he, he crashed it."
"I won't crash. I promise."


"Okay." Bay looked small and vulnerable without his brother next to him. His eyes were large, pupils dilated with shock. Dirt, streaked by tears, covered the pretty face.


"Come on, Bay. Simon's got Kenny. I've got you. Sullivan's got your dad. Let's go." He got Bay settled and rolled down the pasture, not looking back, not noting the damage. He had one goal. Get the Primary away.


Bay's arms wrapped around his waist, holding on tight.


He headed east, hitting the highways as soon as he could. He'd be in Phoenix by two and they could stop there.
Chapter Four


Bay was exhausted and scared and alone.


He was clinging to Rick's body as they sped along on a motorcycle. They'd been riding forever it felt like and with every second it felt like he was further away from Ken.


He'd believed Rick that the threats against them were real. Sort of. Theoretically.


Reality was way too real.


He could still hear the explosion, could feel being squished between the wall and Rick, Ken's hands hard on his arms.


Ken. God, he wanted Kenny so badly.


He wanted to sleep, too, he was so tired and he kept thinking if he went to sleep maybe Kenny would be there when he woke up.


Of course he was also terrified to sleep -- what if he let go of Rick and fell off the motorcycle.


His thoughts raced from one thing to another.

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