Secrets & Seductions (14 page)

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Authors: Pamela Toth

BOOK: Secrets & Seductions
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Both Emma and Morgan declined. After Cora left, closing the door behind her, he waved Emma to a chair.

This time he stayed behind his desk, hoping the distance would help to keep him focused. As much as he ached to touch the warmth of her skin, he didn't offer his hand. A man had his limits and he was still reeling from the slap of knowing how much he had missed seeing her since they had left Camp Baxter.

God, but he wanted desperately to know whether she had thought about him at all.

“How have you been?” he asked instead, allowing his gaze to skim her face. He couldn't figure out why the particular arrangement of her features, each pretty in itself, was so overpoweringly appealing to him.

Obviously unaware of his scrutiny, she sat down and crossed her legs. Her long, satiny legs.

“I'm fine, thank you.” She gave her skirt a slight tug, folded her hands on top of her charcoal leather purse and lifted her delicate brows expectantly.

Her application and a copy of her résumé were on the desk in front of him, the details already ingrained into his memory bank. Just as Heidi had mentioned, Emma possessed the basic qualifications for the position that Sasha was vacating. What Emma lacked in experience dealing with adoption and fertility issues, she could learn.

Morgan sat back in his chair, trying to see past her polite mask in order to gauge her emotions. Dealing
with his own personal feelings during an employment interview was entirely a new experience for him, but one he would have assumed himself to be totally capable of controlling. Yet he couldn't seem to distance himself from the woman seated in front of him.

“How's the job search been going since we talked last?” he asked curiously.

Her slight smile wavered before she pinned it back into place. “It's been a little slow.”

“I want you to know that I sent you the application because I believe you'd be a good fit for the position,” he stated. “Actually, it was Heidi who originally suggested you, but I have to agree with her recommendation.”

Emma's gaze seemed to flicker for a moment. “That's very generous of you under the circumstances,” she said softly.

He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the desktop.

“Emma, the letters of recommendation you included with your résumé praise your character.” Ignoring the chance for a cheap shot, he weighed his words carefully. If he wasn't careful, he could very well end up looking down the barrel of a harassment suit.

“You and I are in a situation that could be perceived as awkward because of what happened between us, but this is business,” he said firmly. “Children's Connection has an opening and you are
eminently qualified. As far as I'm concerned, those are the only facts that are relevant here.”

He realized that his hands were shaking slightly, so he gripped the stapler sitting next to the desk pad as though it were a barbell.

“I'm willing to put the past behind us if you are,” he added.

“I appreciate what you said.” Despite her words, she didn't appear entirely convinced. “Believe it or not, I am an ethical person. If you hire me, your trust won't be misplaced, I promise.”

“Thank you.” He pushed on, going over the rest of the job duties, employee benefit package and starting salary.

Emma's eyes widened at the figure he mentioned, which was apparently higher than what the school district had paid.

“Aren't you concerned that my background of being adopted might color my attitude when I deal with clients?” she asked in a small voice.

“I'm counting on it,” he replied briskly. “Since you don't have previous experience in this field, you'll also be attending some workshops and seminars as they come up. You may also be called on to sit in with the support group for adoptive parents that we sponsor. I'll expect you to attend a few of their meetings.”

Emma listened carefully to everything he said about the position for which she was applying. Last night she had looked at the agency's Web site, and she was surprised by the extent of the services they offered.

It wasn't easy to hear his voice and watch his face without the memories surfacing, without fantasizing about him, but she considered it a test to discover whether she could remain professional if she accepted the position.

Being away from him hadn't diminished her feelings. The powerful way they had connected with each other, both physically and emotionally, still made her wonder where their relationship might have led if not for her stupidity. If the only possible future connection between them was a working relationship, she had no one to blame but herself.

“Any questions?” he asked when he had finished describing the medical insurance coverage. “If you do come to work here, you'll get an employee handbook, too.”

“Are you truly willing to offer me the job?” she asked hesitantly.

A smile crossed his face, increasing his movie-star attraction.

“I am,” he said, sticking out his hand. “Are you brave enough to accept?”

She only hesitated for an instant. In truth, her decision had already been made before this appointment. She placed her hand in his, bracing herself for her gut-level response to the sensation of his skin sliding against hers.

“I am.”


“First-day nerves?” Morgan asked.

The navy-blue suit he wore with a striped tie and white shirt made him appear to Emma like a sharply dressed banker. No doubt he possessed a walk-in closet full of hand-tailored suits, but to her he would always be the most attractive in a T-shirt and shorts.

She hoped that her own taupe skirt and striped blouse wasn't too casual for her first day of work. When she was here the last time, she'd observed other female employees dressed in a similar manner.

“I'm more excited than nervous,” she admitted. “I appreciate your taking the time from your busy schedule to introduce me around.” She wanted to show him that she meant to act toward him in a professional manner.

He'd shown up at the payroll department just as she was completing her tax forms.

“It's not a problem,” he replied as they walked down the hall together. “Most of my staff seem to be busy getting ready for Heidi's going-away party, but you'll meet them eventually.”

“I'm glad to have the chance to say goodbye,” Emma replied. “Wasn't her leaving awfully sudden? I hope nothing's wrong.”

Morgan paused as they reached the main lobby.

“Derrick was offered the opportunity to go to Africa with a team of doctors. He's a last-minute re
placement for someone who got sick. There's a spot for Heidi, too, but the deal hinged on them being ready to leave next week.”

An older woman with reddish-gold hair in a chin-length bob came through the double front doors, her face lighting up when she saw Morgan. Emma felt a spurt of curiosity, but she had already warned herself to be on guard against inappropriate possessiveness where her boss was concerned.

“Good morning, Leslie,” Morgan said, touching his hand briefly to Emma's back in order to urge her forward. “Here's a brand-new staff member I'd like you to meet.”

The other woman gave him a quick hug, kissing the air near his cheek. She was exquisitely groomed, oozing money and breeding from every pampered pore. Yet her smile, when she turned to look at Emma, was very warm.

“Emma Wright, our newest counselor, meet Leslie Logan, our most hardworking supporter and my personal favorite of all our volunteers.” So this was a member of the family involved in a long term feud with the Crosbys—Ivy's family.

The two women shook hands. Leslie even smelled expensive, although her perfume was discreet.

“Welcome to the family,” she said. She was older than Emma had first thought, but it was obvious from her complexion that she had taken good care of herself. “Morgan is a tyrant to work for, of
course,” she added with a wink, “but he does a wonderful job running Children's Connection.”

“Always happy to crack the whip,” he replied with a jaunty bow.

It was plain to see that the two of them knew each other well, which raised Emma's curiosity even more, since the ring Leslie wore sparkled like a Victorian chandelier.

“I won't keep you now.” She included Emma in her comment. “I'm meeting a representative from one of the local cell phone companies.” Her brown eyes danced as she rubbed her thumb against her fingertips. “They're considering a corporate donation.”

“If anyone can reel them in, it's you,” Morgan replied. “Are you coming by Heidi's party later? We're having cake.”

Emma would have bet she didn't maintain her trim figure with sweets.

“Wouldn't miss it.” She switched her attention back to Emma. “I'll talk to you then and you can give me your first impressions of our complex.”

“She seems very nice,” Emma murmured after Leslie walked away, her heels clicking on the blue and white tiled floor. She certainly displayed the polish and self-assurance of someone used to hobnobbing with the rich and famous. “Does she raise a lot of money for the clinic?”

“It's largely because of her hard work and her
generosity that we were able to expand our fertility clinic into one of the best in the country,” Morgan explained. “In addition to the financial support of the Logans, there isn't anyone Leslie doesn't know. She's a tiger when it comes to separating the rich and famous from their money.”

“So she enjoys volunteering her time over tennis and golf?” Emma asked. “Aren't we lucky to be one of her causes?”

“Her interest is also very personal.” Morgan led Emma away from the lobby. “Some people think she's led a very privileged life, but they don't remember what happened to her and Terrence years ago.”

“Oh?” Despite what Ivy had mentioned, Emma knew it was never a good idea to make assumptions, because outward appearances could be deceiving. She'd learned that lesson firsthand when she and Don had split up and her friends had been so shocked.

Morgan hesitated at the base of the stairway. “Leslie appears to have it all—money, position, a good husband and a wonderful family. Of course that's all true.”

Emma waited silently for him to continue.

“The Logans' first child, Robbie, was kidnapped right out of a neighbor's front yard when he was six years old.”

Emma's eyes widened. “That's awful. Was he ever found?”

“The other boy's mother was inside the house and the kid was too traumatized to give the police any help. No ransom note was ever received. I think it was about a year later that the police found some remains matching Robbie's description, but they never caught whoever was responsible.”

“My God!” Emma exclaimed, pressing one hand to her heart. “How horrible. I can't imagine surviving something like that in one piece.”

“From what I understand, it took years for her to get over it,” Morgan replied. “For a long time she and Terrence were unsuccessful in having more children, which made it even more difficult to move on.”

“He stood by her?” Emma asked. It was crazy to feel a whisper of envy after what they must have suffered.

Morgan nodded. “They came here and adopted a child. As luck would have it, Leslie became pregnant. They ended up with quite a big family, so their story had a happy ending. In a tragic way, it was their losing Robbie that hooked us up with our biggest benefactor.”

“It sounds as though she's made her loss into something meaningful,” Emma murmured. In her mind, the only thing worse than losing a child was going through it alone.

Morgan nodded. “She's a very strong woman and she always insists that she gets as much out of her work here as she gives.”


Everett Baker lurked in an alcove by the stairs. He had heard every word of the director's conversation about Leslie Logan.

Everett leaned against the wall, clenching and unclenching his fists. Robbie had been a stupid little boy for trusting a stranger in the first place and for not figuring out some way to get away. It was his fault that Leslie's heart had been broken.

Everett was glad the police had found that body so she was able to forget about Robbie and all the trouble he caused. Knowing he was dead had helped her to move on and be happy with her new family.

Whenever Everett saw her, she was usually smiling. Nothing should ever be allowed to spoil that.


“Your office is right down here,” Morgan said. As they approached the open door, he poked his head inside. “Sasha must be on a break, but I'm sure she won't mind if we go on in.”

He'd told Emma that her predecessor would be here for several days to train her before leaving.

The office was small and it didn't have a window, but that didn't matter. There was all the usual equipment including a large desk with a computer and a phone on its black surface, two chairs, a file cabinet with an ivy plant on top and a side table with a combo FAX and copy machine. The walls were light blue,
which harmonized with the tweed Berber carpet underfoot.

“Sorry,” Morgan said suddenly as he took his ringing cell phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen. “Excuse me. I need to take this.”

“No problem.”

As he turned away with the phone to his ear, Emma looked at the blank walls and wondered if it was okay to hang pictures. She picked up a framed photo from the desk, wondering if the child was Sasha's. Morgan had said she was due to have another and planned to stay home with them. The little girl in the picture was missing a front tooth. She was holding a sunflower blossom as big as a dinner plate.

Emma ignored the pang of envy. She would be dealing with many children and parents here, some of their situations happy and others heartbreaking, so she'd better get used to it.

“I've got to meet with someone,” Morgan said as he put away his phone. “Walk back with me. Cora can take you around to meet the rest of the staff.”

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