Secrets of Your Cells: Discovering Your Body's Inner Intelligence (41 page)

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Eisenberg, “An Evolutionary Review of Human Telomere Biology.”
Vogelstein and Kinzler, “The Multistep Nature of Cancer.”
Kadouri et al., “Cancer Risks in Carriers.”
Bennett, “Molecular Epidemiology of Human Cancer Risk.”
Selivanova, “p53: Fighting Cancer.”
Pfeifer et al., “Tobacco Smoke Carcinogens.”
Ming et al., “Stress-Reducing Practice of Qigong.”
Oh et al., “A Critical Review of the Effects.”
Syrjala et al., “Relaxation and Imagery and Cognitive-Behavioral Training.”

Chapter 7 Memory–Learn

Molecular Messengers of the Heart.
Bartolomeo, “The Relationship between Visual Perception and Visual Mental Imagery.”
Childre and Martin,
The Heartmath Solution.
Languages of the Brain.
The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing.
You can condition Pavlov’s dog online; see “Pavlov’s Dog,”
, August 14, 2011,
Ader and Cohen, “Behaviorally Conditioned Immunosuppression.”
Ader, “Conditioned Immunopharmocological Effects in Animals.”
Barrett, “Psychoneuroimmunology: Bridge between Science and Spirit.”
Slagter, “Mental Training as a Tool.”
My Voice Will Go with You.
Imagination and Healing.

Chapter 8 Wisdom Keepers–Reflect

Art and Physics.
The Cosmic Serpent.
Campbell and Moyers,
The Power of Myth.
Fell, Axmacher, and Haupt, “From Alpha to Gamma.”
The Way of the Shaman.
Man and His Symbols.
Art and Physics,
The Mystic Spiral.
MacLean, “The Triune Brain in Conflict.”
, “The Three Jewels of Buddhism.”

Chapter 9 Connection–Cell-ebrate

de Duve,
Vital Dust.
The Hidden Connections.


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